regism11ion pn){·t'(lilrt's and <lt'adlint's. S111den1swho uuoflirially wi1!1draw from the program am! art' larer rt'-admitred may he re1p1irt'<l to pay rnntinuation f.-t's for semt'sters duri11g whirh tl1t'y wne 1101 t'nrolled and are sulij,,rt 10 Ed.D. rnrrirnh1111 rh:111ges and g1.idua- 1io11 rt'(1uireme111s i111ple111e111,,d duri11g their prog1, 1111 i11ar1ivil)'. Leave of Absence lnaniw students are those wl10 have rt'CjUested and ill'l'II granred a leave of absenre fro111 the ir program. A le.ive of ahst'lll't' may be gr:rntt·d upon petitio11 for d1a11ge of slatus if 1!1ere is dee111ed s1111irie111 reason for i111errnp1i11g the program a11d i111e11- 1io11 to return to the program. Change of slatus li1rms an· avaibhle fr11111 1!1e Registrar's Ollire. A le:1ve of ahs,·11re 11111s1 he re11ew,,d by peri1i1111 v:1rl1 s,,111,·s1n and 111,1y 11111 t'Xl'!'!'d 1w11 rn11sn111iw se111es1ers. Mis.si1111;u ies 111 :1y p,,1i1i1111 111 he exempted . A le:1w of ;1l,s,,11n' !1111µ:er 1!1a11 two st'nl<' Slt'l"s will re1p1ir,, wi1hdr:1wal fr11111 till' p1 ogr:1111 a11d a peririon for read111is.si1111 if 1!1e stud,·111 later wishes 111 reg:1i11 arrive st ;1tus. Earh leave of ahst' lll'e 11111st rneiw the approval of the student's dis.st'l'W· lion advisor, if applir:il1le, :111d the final approval of1!1e Ed.I>. rn111111i11ee. S1ude111s 1111 1t,aw :ire reljuired lo reg ister for DE 8!17 Le:1ve of Al1se11re earh ten11 (a one-1111i1 let· is :tsses.st·d) . Re-Admission A perso11 who l1as ht"t'II dis111is.S<"d frotn 1!1e Ed.D. p1ogr:1 111 111 :1y 111 ake reapplir;11i1111 111 1!1 e proµ:1 ;1111 ;1111i11i- 11111111 of one y,•;ir :1f't, r 1ermi11a1i1111 . The re:1pplira1io11 sl1ould l,e i11 1!1e for111 of a lellt•r and i11rlude a new applirn1i1111 fon11, at le:tst two mrrent referenres and any d,,sir<'d supportinµ; materials. The letter sl111uld he .iddressed to th,· Ed.D. Co111mi11ee Slatinµ; the rt'aSOIIS for rt'( jlll'S ling l'l' ad111i11:111re as w,, JI as any 11tl1er issues dee111ed rekvanr 1,y tltt' appli ,:;i111. Tl1t' letter should dirt·rtl y ;uldres.s the r;lllst'S ii ,r dis111is.,1I. Tl1e appliration will he rn11sid,,red wi1!1 tl1e regular ;uh11 is.sio11s pool. CURRICULUM Tl1,· n1rrirnlt1111 of lill' Dortor of Eduration l'rogr:1111 is orga11ized i11111 two parts: a s,,ri,· s of ro111 111011 rnre rntll"St'S taken by all s1ude111.s ,md t'ier tive rn111-st'S fro111 whirh tilt' student will selert th,.,;,• :1pprnpri:11e for ;1proµ:1 ,1111
of study. Ed.D. dortoral rnurses are 1111111hered i11 the R(K) series. Up 111 six st'lllester u11i1s of (j(J() or 700 St'ries ma."" ter's level university rnurses may be i11rh1<led i11 th!' ,+rtiws prng1~1111. Core Studies All s111<!!'111 .s rn111plere ~ I semester u11i1s of rl'<jllired rn11rse work. Primary Core (12 units) I DE 801 Fo1111<Liti1111al ls.sUt'S i11 CIJJ'isrian Edurati1111 (:!) ■ DE 80:1 l·I11111a11 Dt·wlop111e111 and Learning (:1) ■ DE 804 Orga11iz:11i1111al Ad111i11is11.i1io11 i11 Ed11ra1io11al Leadt,rship (:1) I DE 80', Tt,arl1i11)( :111d C11rrimh11n Tl1e111y (:1) Researi;h Core (6 units) ■ DE 807 Ed11ra1i1111:d Rl'St'arrlt ~!etl111ds (:1) ■ DE 808 S1:11is1ir:d ~le1!111ds in Ed11r:11i1111 ;d ReSt'arrl1 (:1) St111lr11/ .1 .1/w11/tl fmr.1111· thr c,1111/lil'lio11 uj wn: Wlll)f',\ ,miy i11 tlwir J1rognw1. Internship (3 units) ■ DE ,'W, l'r11b~i1111al l111e111sl1ip (l-:1) Electives Program Elertive rnnrst·s offered hy Ed.D. family pt'I"t:1i II to areas of expert ist' and ro111i11ui11g family study and are rlustered affordi11g to three hroad e111pl1:1ses: I Christi:111 Spirituality and Edura- 1io11al F111111d;11io11s ■ Ed11«11io11al Le:1d,·rship a11d Ad111i11is11;11io11 I Edu«11io11al Prores.s all(! [lt-sig11 111 rn11sul1:11i1111 with 1!1, prog1, 1111 ;1d\'isor, 1!1e s111de111 dt'siµ;ns a pr11g1, 1111 (~7-St' llleSlt·r u11i1 111 i11i111111 n) ill lighr or edura1io11al l1:1rkgro1111d a11d v11r;1- 1io11al and rt'se.ll'rh interests. S1ude111s 111ay selerl rnmses fr11111 a11y t't11pha.si.s :ts tlll'y desig11 a prngra111 of study relt' VJIII lo tl1eir vrn;11i1111al ol1jertiV<'S. S11J: firie111 latitude in d,,sig11i11µ; rnmse :Ls.sig11111e111s per111irs s111d,·111s 111 pursue ;1 variety of researrh interests. Elenive rn11rses ;1n· 1ts1i;11ly of1,,1ed 1111 a ro1;11- i11g l,1sis ew1y rwo or 1!1ree years. UNIVERSITY COURSES N11 r111ally Ed.D. rnnrst'S are avail able as 1, n11-J,,nµ;1l1 rnurses in 1!1e Fall a11d Spri11µ; and as tl1ree-week i111e11- siw 111<){lt1les duri11µ; the Su111111er ses sion . Addi1io11 ;1l romsework 111ay ht' olfrred during 1he.Ja11u:11y lt'rtll . Visiting farnlty who have offered Sekrted Topirs S<'t11i11:1rs inrlmle :
Donald Brown (19R!i-9]), Kenneth Cangt'l (1!188, 111%), Donald Joy (I !18:,, 1987), Ci lbt'rt Peterson (198.'i), John Reed (l!)<r2). Liwrence Richards (I !18!1), Norman Wakefield (1988-91), Ted Ward (199\ 1997) and Campbell Wyckoff (l !187). Up 10 ,ix units of graduate course
incurred in one semester must bt' made up by the end of the first nine (!J) weeks of the next semester or the grade will automatically become a "W." A "W" can be made up only by repetition of the course. No grade other than an "RD" may be altered once it ha.s been reported to the registrar's ollice 1mless an enur was made in grading or recording . These changes can only be made upon written approval of the instmctor, tht' registrar an<l the E<l.D. committee. Academic Probation A student failing to maintain tht' minimum GPA of 3.2:1 will be plart'<l 011 aca<lemir probation. The follow ing semester, should the student 1101 meet the minimum rnmulativt' CPA (3.25), they will antomarit-ally be dis missed . A stu<lenr ca111101 gradualt' while 011 probation . Academic Dismissal Students who receive ,me grade of "C" an<l / or "F" will be reviewed by the E<l.D. committee, an<l are subjt'(·r to pro bation or <lismi.""11 from the pn'f,rram; a second "C" and/or "F" brings automarir elimination from the program. Time Limit for Degrees All course and aca<lemir recp1irt' ments must be completed within six years from tl1e <late of the student's tirs1 registration for graduate study in tht' E<l.D. program, 1ml~s an extension h:Ls been granted by the E<l .D. committt't'. Any applit-ation for an extension will reciuire a $100 proc~sing f~. T,ansfer Credit Srndents may transfer up to six semester hours of applicable <l<Ktoral }t'Vel courses from an accredited grJ<l nate school or theological seminary, after seeking prior approval from the program director. Transferred rnrn·se work must be completed after begin ning tl1e E<l .D. program. It i.s the student's responsibility to provide <lornmentation a.,s111ing dor toral level statlLs of the rnurse. D,x·u mentation may indu<le catalog <lt'scrip tions, syllabi and ot!a,r supporting materials from the profes.sor of rernrd or department, a., deemed nen,ssary. Unofficial Withdrawal A student who fails to rt-gistt'r in any given semester without arrangiug fi,r a leave of absence or formal with drawal i.s eliminated from the program ~ default. It is the sni<lent's resporLs~ bility to be aware of prMt-gi.stration and
work dirt'rtly related to the program of study 111ay he taken in other depart- 111e111s at Riola University or transferred in fro111 other acrredited graduate I T-17
i11s1i1111io11s. For example, the follow- ing university rn11rses may have some rel t'l•anre ii,r a student's program. Talbot School of Theology ■ TH 717 Tl1eology of Huma11 Nurture(~) ■ TH 718 Tl1,·ol11gy of Christian Nurture (2) School of lntercultural Studies I CL n1 Cros.smlt1JJ'al Ed11ra1io11 (:1) ■ CL 7(i:, Cms.srnlmral Leadership (3) ■ CL 80'.1 Q11ali1a1ive Rt,.search (2) Rosemead School of Psychology I PYGlO Develop111ent ofRt'ligiotLs Understanding in Children and Adolest·ents (~)
PY 7:t1 The St-If: Theologiral. Philosophical, P,ychological and Cm,s-Cultnral Perspectivt's (3) Tl' 74:, M,1111ri1y: P,ychological a11d Tl1eologiral Perspt'ctiv~s (2)
Core Courses DE 801 Foundational Issues in Chrisllan Education (3) Advanrt'd s111dy of tht' history and phi lost1phy of Christian education. Sig- 11ilira111 historical trends and topics are analyzed i11 tht' development of a philosophical and theological per spective . Emphasis is placed on enha11ri11g critical thinking of educa tional therny and rnntent. DE 803 Human Development and Leaming (3) Advanrt'd study of the processes of learning. motivation, and life-span h11111a11 dt'l'elop111enl. Investigation cen ters 011 1111ders1a11din11 of social srienre data within a 01ri.stia11 world view. Stu dents art' d1allt'll!;t'd to develop impli r,11io11s fill' vari011s teacl1i11!l contexts.
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