

Educational Process and Design DE 851 Curricular Materials Design and Development (3) An advauct'd study of the rationale for ancl g11idi11g principlt'-' of cunicultnn dt'.sigu aud dt'.ve lopment. S111dt'.11ts may direr! their a,signme111s lo local d111rrh, parn~lrnrrh or higher Chris1- ia11 t'd11catio11 St'lli11gs. DE 853 Curriculum Innovation and the Change Process (3) An e.xami11a1io11 of tl1e prinLiplt'S under­ lying dfecliVt' change strategies as theSt' relate 111 the improvement of curricular t'lt'lllt'IIIS oft'd11ca1io11al minL,uy. DE 854 Effective Teaching Research (3) A11 i111rod11rtio11 10 and exa111ina1i o11 of rnrrt'11t resean:h 011 diective lt'arl1- i11).\ ,L, it rt'latt's lo Lht' objectives and 111i11is11-y 11111dels of Christian t>d11 ra- 1io11. TI1e t'mphasis will bt> on evaluar­ in).\ , ,-y111itesizi11g, aud applying major rt'searrl1 lincliugs 10 the 1111iq11t' pur­ post's and rn111ex1s of the Church's t'd1tratio11al dfons, i11d1tdi11g local rl111rch and parad111rch 111inis1rit'.s, Christian schools, cross-<:1il111ral mi11- istrit's, and higher education. DE 855 Selected Topics In Curriculum Theory and Teaching (1-3) Expl11ra1io11 of st'lt'ried issues led by rt'siclt'lll family or visiting prolt>s,ors. DE 861 Educational Psychology In Christian Education (3) An adva11rt'd e.xplora1io11 oflt':Jmiug Ilte­ orit'S, lt"amit1)( stylt's, and st11de111 motiva- 1io11 with impliratious ti,r the prnclice of lt'ad1i11g in local church, para-d111rch

DE 816 Theological Reflections for Educational Ministry (3) A study of tllt'ologirnl ro11qio11e111s whirh an· t'SSt'ntial lo lilt' dt'vdop­ lllt'nl of a 1l1t'ology of lilt' lt'ad1i11g ministry (rontpt'lt'nrt· i11 tltt'ologi ral mt'thod is l1elpfill). DE 820 Selected Topics in Educational Foundations (1-3) Explora1io11 of st'lt'ri(•cl iss\l(•s i(·cl hy rt'sidt'nl farnlty or visi1i11g proft's.,ors. DE 822 Jesus, the Master Teacher (3) Detail(·d a11alysis of what Jt'stL, 1,111glt1 a11d how ht' 1a11gltt bas t'd 011 ;i11 t'Xt')\t'liral study of various lt'arl1i11g t'pisodt's in litt' g11spt'ls (rn111pt'it'1trt' in t'Xt'gt'liral skills a11cl k11owkdgt' 11f NT Crt't'k is ht'lpf11l). DE 823 Habits of the Excellent Teacher (3) 1'11rs11t'S lilt' 'lll('S lio11, "\Vital rn11s1i­ ll llt'S t'Xrellt·llrt' ill lilt' lt•;trllt'r a11d i11 1earlti11g'" Tit(· ro111w i11volvt's a1i;1- lyzi11g rast' s111dit's 11r 011ts1a11di11g It';irl1ns. DE 826 Studies in the History of Education (3) l11vt'sliga1i1111 ol gn·al 1,·arlt(· rs, grea t t'd11r,11io11al icl(·as or grt'al t'ci11r;t1io1i;tl ,-yslt'IIIS ill lilt' his101y of t'd11ra1io11 and tilt' lt'ad1i11g 111i11is1ry of 1l1e Cl111rrl1. A pan irnlar l1 is111riral llt'riod may ht' trt'al(·cl or tlt(· llt t'S ;inoss ltis­ toriral pt'r iods (1uay h(· rt'pt•;tlt'ci). Educational Leadership and Administration DE 831 Administration of Christian Higher Education (3) Explora1io11 or 11 i;1_j or rt'spo11sihili1i(•s i11 tilt' acl111i11is11, 11io11 of lti).\llt'r (•d11r;i- 1io11 wi1l1 a vi(·W lo hroad,·11 litt' s111- dt'11t's awart'1tt·s., of lit(• rn111plexiti(·s iuvolvt'd i11 t'd11r;11io11al k;1dt'rsltip . E111pl1asis is giwu lo a disrnssio11 of tht' dt'part111(·111s of farnlry, s11tcit'lll affairs, adva11rt't11<· 111 , lt· ).\,il afL1irs , library, a11cl support S(•rvirt's. DE 836 Current Trends in American Higher Education (3) Au t'Xa111i11a1ion of nitiral issllt'S f;ir­ i11g Nonl1 A111 .. rir;i11 1111il't'rsi1i(·s a11d clisrns.,ion of tltt• anp1isi1io11 or vial1i(• llrt't11isi11g ,Lt1;1, r(·i(·va111 s1r,11tgir plauui11g is.stl('S, a11cl t11111rt' progra111- 111a1ir cit'sig11s. DE 841 Leadership Team Development (3) Explor;t1io11 of lilt' cly11;i111irs or t'rkr­ liVt' work lt';i111s. lit(' dt·Vt'lop11tt'tll, 111;ii11l('1t;i11rt' , ;i11d h(·1tdi1s of lt'acit'r­ ship lt',IIIIS in t't h1ra1io11;il 111i11is11y St't­ lings. l11rl11cl(·S a for11s 011 l(·a111 ;L,,iglll1tt'lll , s1r;i1!'gi(·s for l(', 1111 dewl­ op111rn1, hl'tlt'lirial lt';idl'rsltip prar-

rirl's, aud lht' applira1io11 of lt',1111 s1t,1lt')(it's lo vario1L, loral a11d nos.,n1l- 1111,il 111i11is11y seuings. DE 842 Voluntarism: Issues in Development and Supervision (3) An aclv;lllred s111cly or voh111it't'r 111a11- agt'1tl t't1 l prinriplt's a11d prarli rt's wi1iti11 v;1rio1L, loral aucl rros.-.-n1i1111,tl t'tit1ra1io11,tl 111i11 is1ry St'llings. Exa111- i11t' s a tltt'olo)liral ra1io11al,· for rlw 111i11is11y of lltt' l;iit y, kt')' is.SIit's i11tl11- t't1ri11g voltmlt't'r 11101iva1io11, rt'n11i1- 1111·111, t'<p1ippi11g. s11ppon, aucl s11pn­ visio11 lo t'1lit.111rt' litt' t'Xpt'rit'IH°t' a11d t'tlt·rriwrlt'ss ofvoh111tt't'rs in 111inis11y. DE 843 Advanced Organization and Administration (3) A dt·tailt'll Slllll)' of 1l1t' pri111a1y 111a11- agt' t-ictl f1111rtio11s or pl.u111i11g. org. 111i z­ i11g. s1aff111g, cl irt·rti 11g , a11d l'V;il11ati11g in rite rnttl(' XI or rl111rrlt a11cl p;ira­ rl111rrl1 111i 11ist rit's. E111pl1asis 011 111a11- agt'tt1(·1t1 ily ohjl'rtives, <jllaliry 111'111,11-(t'lllt'lll, il11cli4t•li t1!4, ro11flirt 111a11;ig(' lll('III, rn111ptllt'r aSS(' SSltte111 pro).\ra111s, a11cl t'val11a1ivt' lt'rlt11i<jllt'S ;ipproprialt' for 111i11is11y applira1io11 . DE 844 Contemporary Issues in Ministry Leadership (3) Au t'Xa111i11a1io11 or issllt'S sig11itir;1111iy i111par1i11g rltmd1 aud para-rlturrl1 111i11is1rit's today. S1lt'rial li,rns givt'II lo tltt· dy11a111ir 11,11111·t' or kadnslti11 and its rt'la1io11sltip lo sori;il i11 s1i1111io11;il n,111,·x111;iliz;11i,111. DE 845 Selected Topics in Educational Leadership and Administration (1 ·3) Explor,11io11 of s(•it-rr,·d issllt'S It-cl hy rt'sicl,· 111 Etrnhy or visi1i11g proft's.,ors. DE 848 Multiple Stall Management in the Local Church (3) ls.'1lt'S rt'latt'd to lht' ro111plt'X 11a111rt' of 11111ltiplt' staff ma11a).\t'lllt'lll in lh t' loral rl111rrl1. Topirs inrhllit' mt'lhocls of s1rur111ri11).\ ;ul111i11is1ra1ivt' ancl pro­ gr;i111 s1;1ff, lisral 111a11a!-(t'lllt'1tl, lt'rit ­ uologir,tl i1111ov;11io11s wltid1 St'IVt' as vi;ihl(· 111i11islt)' rt'so111n·s, tltt' rok of tit(' Ex ..rnriv(· Pastor, a11cl 1lt'rso1111t'I reso tt1Tt' clevt'lop11tt'lll ISCL 765 Crosscultural Leadership (3) Crossnli111ral s111cly or tltt' hasir 1111111,111 groups or fa111ily. kin aud rn111- 1111111i1y, t'1tga!-(it1!4 lit!' s111d1·111 i11 lit'lcl mt'tl1oclology ancl n·s(·,11-rlt, ;111cl ap1ili­ c11io11 of pri11riplt's a11cl data or sorial or1-:,111iza1io11 lo 111is.,i1111 sll , llt'gy.

DE 804 Organizational Administration In Educational Leader,hip (3) Advanced study of sig11iiica111 lht'orit's and principles of dltctiVt' administra­ tion. Emphasis is upon the i111t'gr.11io11 of management theory and wucepL, co11remi11g relatio11sl1ips for appropriate l<Kal clntrcl1 and organi­ zational minislly lt'.adt'.rship in vari01L, rnllural St'ttings. DE 805 Teaching and Curriculum Theory (3) Advanced study of teaching within var­ ious educational sellings. S111dt'11ls are challenged to euhanrt' lht'ir pn­ soual repenoirt' of 1earhi11g skills and educational s1rn1egit's through ohst'r­ va1io11, disn1ssio11 and prnrlirt'. Com­ petenrit's in designing va rit'd rnnirn­ lar materials are developt'd. DE 807 Educational Research Methods (3) Advanced study of a variety of 111t'll1- ,,<ls for scholarly edura1io11al rt'searrl1. The course focuses 011 1l1e li1na11 1rt' review analyzing rest'arrl1 dt'sigu, melhodology and results. DE 808 Statistical Methods In Educational Research (3) A study of tht' conrt'pls and lt'rlt- 11i<!Ut'S iuvolvecl in lht' analysis ancl i111erpre1a1io11 of <p1a111i1atiVt' rt'searrl1 data IJ.L't'.d 011 dt'scriptive and inft'rt'll· tial s1a1is1irs. Topics inrludt' rorrt'la­ tion and regression, lt'sls of siguili­ cance ;md in1roduc1io11 to analysis of variance. (Re<ptired)

Christian Spirituality and Educational Foundations DE 811 Traditions of Christian Spirituality (3)

and lti).\ht'r t1.l11ca1io11 se11ings DE 862 Faith Development (3)

Analysis of vari01., a,pects of faith dt'Vel ­ opt11t'lll. Panirnlar i11ves1iga1io11 of tlit' rt'la1io11ship of this liternlllre 10 h11ma11 ,kvt'lop111e111 d1eo1y and re;earch. DE 863 Motivation for Leaming and Christian living (3) As111dy of mo1iva1io11 as ii relates 10 da,-.. rm111 lt',1111i11g a, well a, broader impli­ ra1io1L, for 01ristia11 livin)\ and grnwtl1. Co1tlt'mpora1y 11mlt'rsta11di11g of motiva- 1io11 ancl rt'lalt'd mo1iva1ional lheorit's will he t'Xamined both from social sci­ t'llrt' a11cl tht'ological perspectives DE 865 Selected Topics in Human Development and Leaming (1-3) Exploration of selected issues led by rt'sidt'1tl farnlry or visiting proft's,ors. ISCL 721 Crosscultural Education (3) Expl01;i1io11 ofsocio-rnhural factors 1Jia1 af!t>n lt'.1chi11g and lt'arning strJtt')\it's in t'<h1ra1ion lx1tl1 here and abroad .

A study of lhe Saiplures and various Omrch 1radi1ions regardin)\ how <Hit' deepens one's rdationship with God. DE 812 Fonnation of Moral Character (3) Analysis of rriliral issues rela1t'<l 10 t'liti­ cal illt'ories, p,ycholoj;iral dt'veiop111t'lll, and tl1e prac1ire of moral edura1io11. Opponu11i1y for s1ude111s lo t'Xplort' nurture of individual and rnrpora lt' moral maturity in minL,uy mlllt'Xls (ti,r companion c0111~, set' DE 811). DE 813 Friendship and Christian Community: Contexts for Growth (3) An inquiry rt'gardiug Cl11i,1ia11 ro11111111- nity and mature relatiorL,hips from iltt'­ ologiral and social scit'rire pt'rsvt'rlives. Cmtct'pis 10 be studit'll iurh1de: frit'nd­ ship and in timacy, intt'rpt'rsonal co11- tlir1 and mediation, jtL,tirt' ancl forgiw­ ne,.,, arrnu111ability ancl suh111i,.,io11 .

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