Research ISCL 803 QualltaUve Research (2) An advanced course 011 the ethno graphic method, emphasizing rigor ous research design and quality ron trol with specific reference to educa tional re.-;earch. DE 874 WriUng for Publication (3) A study of research and writing in tht' lield of Christian education with an emphasis on preparing manuscripts for publication a,joumal articles. DE 875 Selected Topics In Educational Research (1-3) Exploration of selt'cted issues led by resident faculty or visiting proft'ssors. DE 879 Readings Seminar (3) Independent Studies Up to four units of directt'd study opportunitie., may be arrangt'd with resident faculty. DE 880 Directed Research (1-4) DE 881 Directed Readings (1-4) Internship DE 885 Professional Internship (1-3) An opportunity to implement educa tional theo1y into prartice in an applit'd setting. Student, may emphasize t'duca tional leadership or teaching, or both. A detailed growth contract mw;t be dt'vd oped and approved by the supe1visi11i; faculty member, field supe1visor and s111- dent, and be filed in the Ed.D. progrJm oflice prior to rei:eiving a rei,ristration signature for tht' course. EvJ!uation of tJ1e experienre will be baSt'd 011 a portti ► lio of dornments, etc., developed hy the student during lite intem,hip tt~nn, as well a, fonnative aml smnmative w1it1t'11 evaluatiom submitted by tJ1e fidd ,11per vi.S(>r and additional persons identified from tJ1e minLsuy context. A mi11i11111111
of thrt't' units LS rt'<ptired l<,r all stude11t,- 1l1e rom·se may ht' rept'<ilt'(i li,r up to Ii u11i1s of rrt'dit. S111<le111s prt'pari111; Ii,r rnllt')\e tearhing may ,11hstillltt' 2 of tl1t' :{ rt'cp1irt'd units of internship with au adv,mrt'd co111i;e 011 te;.-hin!(. Examination DE 888 Comprehensive Examination (0) Tl1e varicm, ro111po11e111s of the exam art' taken in the 1nm followin!( tl1t' rnmplt'tion of all ('Olll'st·work, or, upon prior approvJI, may h(· 1ake11 wi1l1i11 the final lt'rm wl1e11 rn11rse work is l1eill!( rnmpkted. (See the Docto1;1I Handhmk for a detailed explanation.) Dissertation DE 889 Literature Review and Dissertation Proposal (3) llpo11 the Sll<Tt'lisful rn111pletio11 of all rnmse work all(I tilt' ro111prehe11sive t'X;1111i11atio11, 1l1t' s11u le111 he)(ills work 011 lilt• dis.St>rt;1tio11 ro111po11e11I of 1l1e de)(ret·. DE 88 1 1is 1l1e li1 ,1 rnnrse in the St'<jllt'lln·. 111 co11sul1;1ti1111 wii11 ;1 disst· rtation advisor, 1l1e st11<le1t1 ide11- tilit's a topir of s111dy ;111d initiates work 011 the Li1,·1;1111n· R,·vit·wportion of the propos1I. Dis.serlalion students are rnnsidered hill-time students for a 111axi11111111 of 2 years (4 st·111esters). DE 891 Dissertation (3) Once ;1 stude11t l>t')\ins dis.-sertation st11<l ies with DE 8.~!I, ti It'll suhsecp1e111 re1;is tra1io11 for DE 1-\ 1 11 is rn111i11uo1L, a11d ;111tomatic 11111il the stll(l,·111 !(J;ul11; 1t t'S. A student 111us1 reµ;ister for at lt'ast two it'llllS of DE 1-\ 1 11, and 111\Lsl IK· eurollt1I i11 DE 8!11 in the s,•111,·ster ol µ;r;ulu;1tio11. DE 897 Leave of Absence (0) For s111dt'11ts wl10 l1;1w lw,·11 )(ra111ed an ollirial lt'ave of al,senn· lro111 tlw Ed.D. pro1;1;1111. A lt't' equiv;ile111 lo Ollt' unit of 111itio11 LS normal!)' rl1;1r)(ed.
Program Diret:tor C:a1y Md111osh, D.Min. OBJECTIVES "The purpose of the prof't-s.,ional donorate is to ecp1ip one for a hi!(h level of exrellenre in the pranirt' of Mi11is11y" (As.,oc i;11io11 of Theolo!(ical Sdux,ls, Standards for Arneditill!(). Tl1e Tai hot Dortor of Ministry de)(l't't' in C11risti;111 Lt'adersl1ip is 1l1e hi)(l1est professional de1;ree for ordained persons in the chmrh or rdated 111i11istri,·s. It is distinrt from the Ph.D. in 1l1a1 its pri111a1y e111pl1asis is 011 the prartire of 111i11 is11y ratl1er 1l1;111 011 n·searrl1 and lt'ad1i11g. This p1<>)(r;1111 builds 011 the hasir theolo)(iral dt')\ree, lht' M.Div., or its ,·cp1iv;ile111, and provides a11 opportu- 11it )' for the person in ministry to stre11µ;tllt'11 ahiliti,·s ;111d rnnect deli rienci,·s. 111 order to acrn111plish 1l1t"se ends, 1l1e stud,·111 will ht' ,·xp,·,wd to i111t·)(r;11,· 1l1e11ltl){ic;il educ;11io11 in 1l1e C'Olllt'XI of mi11ist 1y hy dt·1 11011s11;1ti 11µ; l1i)(II iel'l'ls of rn111pete11re. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Ad 111is.,i1111 to tht' Dortor of Mi11- is11y pro!(ra111 will he µ;ra11tt'd 011 a Vl'IY selt-rtive a11d individual hasis with 1l1e followinµ; h;Lsic rt·cp1ireme11ts ;1pplyi11)( to all ;1ppliratio11s: I. An M.Div. dewee or its t'<p1iva lt·111 fn,111 an acned ited semi 11 ;11y with ;1 C:.l'.A. of :rn (011 a 4.0 S(';ile). 2. Applira111s 111us1 l1ave a knowl ed)(e of the origin;il l;ill!(llaµ;es of snip111w Tl1is 111;1y ilt' ;11lt'sted hy evi dence of prior s11isl;1rto1y rn111pletio11 of romses in the l;111µ;11;1µ;es or 1hr011gl11•x;1111i11;11io11. 1 A 111i11i111111 11 of thn,.. y,·ars of h1ll- 1i111t· "in 111i11is11y" ,·xp,·rience al'tn 1l1e s1tui,·11t tu, n-.·eiwd the M.Iliv. deµ;rt't' or its t~p1ivalt'11I. Tilt' student 111u,1 ht' enµ;aµ;ed in professional 111i11is11y 1hr011)(h0111 the d111:11io11 oft lit' prog1;u11. 4. Completion of surh diagnostic and / or tht'oloµ;ical lt·sts that the C1;1d- 11;1t t' (,1111111illt·e dt'it'rlllines 11t•n•s.sa1y. :,. Wri11e11 rern111111e11datio11s from the followi111; : a d,·rgy rnll,·a!(Ue, a de110111i11;1tio11al ollicial or otht'r rernµ;- 11izl'd Cl1ris1ia11 leader, ;1 lay pt'l'S<>II in the rn11!(re)(atio11, ;1µ;e11ry or l,0;1rd se1v,~I hy 1l1,· applica111, ;1 li,nnt'r pre ► l't-s.,or in 1l1t· lit'ld of Cl1ris1ia11 Mi11is11y and Lt'ade1,l1ip a11<l if 111;irried a lellt'r of s1qipon fro111 the applirant 's spoiLSt'. Ii. A persi111al stat1·111e111 of ;1pprox i111a1dy JO typewrillt'II paµ;,·s (do11hle spaced) detailin!( 111i11 is1,·r i;il experi-
t'nre, stren!\ths, weaknesses, and the candida tt''s personal objectives for l11e De 1r1or of Minisuy proµ;ram. 7. A personal i11te1view with the
D.Min. direuor may bt' required. Fnl fillment of the above basic recp1ire- 111en1s does 1101 nece.ssarily guarantee admission into the program because individual cases and circumstances, s11rl1 ;Ls available openings in the pre ► µ;1 ,1111, may dirtate other fac1ors to be rnnsidert·d. In )(eneral, a hi!(h stan- I T- 19 dard of overall perforrnance, espe- rially in practirt' of mi11ist1y, will be 1he !;overning critt'rion. Graduation Requirements A. Resident Study Sewn rnmses of s111dy (six units
t'arl1) rnmprist' the basic residency recp1ire111e111. Earh co1n,e will require siµ;11ili«1111 prelimina1y rt"Jdini; in prepa- 1,11io11 and a Ji,llow-up prc~el'l al 1he w11- d11sio11 of tlit' chL,~r<K>m expt'rience. B. Academic Graduation Requirements A 111i11i11111111 grade of"B-" um,t be 111ai111;1i11ed in earh course accep1able toward rn111pletio11 of !he program. A 111i11imu111 of a "B" (3.00) avera!\e is req11irt'd for graduation. C. Time Limit For Degree Co111plett' tht' program in no less than 1hree years and no more than live yea rs. 0. ADissertation Project 1l1e stlllle111 will conduct research and develop a pn~ert in his major field of s111dy. 1l1e prc~e<:t may foc1L, 011 t.he wri1i11!( of a book rnanuscript, the researrl1 of a rritical LSSllt', the devt'lop- 111e11 t of a new pro1;rJ111 or an in-<iepth r;Lse study of a 111i11isny situation. Ord~ narily, th t' 111i11imu111 length will be 100 pages and the 111aximu111 length of 2:,0 pages. Complt'te iuli,nnation on the Dis.,ert;1tio11 Prc~ect is avdilable from the Doctor ofMinistryoflice. A srl1t'd1llt' of classes is available upon recp1t'sl. For more i11li11111atio11 , please ro111an: Dr. Gary McIntosh, Dirt'rlor of the D.Min. Program, Ta~ bot Srl100I of Theology, La Mirada, (A C)()(i:{!1-0001. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Courses in this section are con durted at 1l1t' postgraduale lt'vel, with enrolh11e111 restrirlt'd to those who have been µ;ranted admis.,ion 10 tilt' D.Min. prowam at Talbot.
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