

DM 801 Pastor's Symposium (6) An in-<.lepth study of the varit'<l tasks of the contemporary pastor, with par­ ticular considt'rarion of his roks as expositor, discipler, evangelist, coun­ selor and leader of worsl1ip. Pastors who have distinguished themselves as thoughtful practitioners of tht' an serve as resource leaders. DM 810 Contemporary Biblical Preaching (6) Examination of contempora1y pread1- ing. Attention given lo a variety of preaching fonns, such as evJugelisrir, expository, life-situation, sorio­ prophetic, biographiral, dialogue, as wdl as radio and relt'visiou tnh­ niques. Class memliers involved in lioth ana lysis and ac tual prt'ad1iug. DM 812 Advanced Communication Skills (6) This course highlights lht' hisroriral development of communica1io11 lht'­ ory and pracrire. New models of rn111- m1mira1io11 will lit exploml, i11rlt1di11g the use of vidt'o, dra111a, and 01l1t'r fonns of communication ht'illg USt'<l in Christi,m cl1urd1es aud orga11iza1io11s. DM 814 Contemporary Issues in Marriage and Family Ministries (6) A course designed to hroadt'11 and deepen the pastoral 1mders1a11di11g of Q1ristian marriage in tht' rnnlt'lllpo­ rary world. Empha.sis 011 Iht' soriolo).\y of marriage as an i11s1i1111iou, the p~y­ chology of intimate relationships, and the naturt' of love and St'xualiry. l-111s­ oond-wife roles studied in tht' light of Script11re and the movemt'lll toward ega litarian marriage. Atlt'lltiou givt'n 10 the problems of divorrt' and re111ar­ riage, single parent , blended family and other wrrenl issues. DM 817 Biblical Principles of Church Renewal (6) An examination of biblical prinriples for church life with U1t' aim of spiritual and mission renewal. C'Jiurse emphases will center on the pastor's style of le;ul­ ership, involvement and traininf( of lay leaders, congregational rreativity, impacting U1e rnmmtmity, and pread1- ing style and conlenl, phs the p;tsror's and congregation 's spiritual life. DM 818 Creative Models of Minislry (6) 1l1is course assists tht' Christian lt·a<lt'r in understanding and using 11t'll't'r models of ministry. Dt'fi11i1io11s , strengths, and weakuesst's of nt'W models will be analyzed 10 assist par­ ticipau ts in determining which new models may bt' apprnpriatt' 10 their

DM 841 Theological Foundations of Urban Ministry (6) A st11dy of the biblical, historical, and Iheologiral foundations for urban miuistty. 1l1e nlllrse integrates rheo­ logirnl rdlerriou along with the c111- rt'11t insights of soriology, i11terwl- 1t1ral studies, rhurch growth, and relatt'd dis..·iplines 10 supporr effective urban ministry. DM 842 Urban Models of Ministry (6) A rnmSt' designed to lead the student lo develop a hiblical model of urban ministry whirh is implemented and eval uat ed. Effective case studies of mhau models of ministry throughout 1l1e Un ired Stares wi ll be presented . DM 850 Independent Study (1-6) A direrred individual study whereby thl' st11de111 111ay <lo a<lv-Juced reading or researd1 into au area of specia l i11teres1. Aproposal 1111L,t be prepared arrnrdiug to guideli11t's available in the D.Mi11. Office and approved by the D.Mi11 . director. OM 890 Dissertation Seminar (6) The st11dy of research methods appro­ priate 10 the Doctor of Mi11is11y pro­ !(ra111. A11eutiou is given to principles and procedures of research design and s111de11ts produce their disserta­ tio11 proposal a.s the final rnurSt' pro­ j~rl. Prerequisite : Must be taken he1wee11 the third and liflh courses. DM 899 Dissertation (6) Presnihed !i,r D.Min. srudt'nts.

own rou1ex1. Cl1an).\e m,111a~eu1e111 skills for imple111euta1iou of new mi11- i.s1ries will be explon·d. DM 823 Family Living for All Seasons (6) A rn11rse desi)\ned to provide th e pas­ tor or Christian workt·r with a <lewl­ opme11 tal approad1 lo family living. Exposure 10 developme111;,I life changes in persons a11d how d1;111).\ t' even Is in life - s11rl1 as hi rl 11 of a d1il<l, joh rh;111ge, dea1l1 of p;1n·111 - Glll affnt 111.nria).\t' a11d la111ily . (Required for all pt·rsous i11 Marria)(e and Fa111ily ~liuisrries. ) DM 826 Dynamics of Church Growth (6) A romse dl·Si)(11ed lo 1111ders1a11d sri­ enrilir principles developed lo dall' i11 tl1e lield of rl111rrl1 )(r<>Wlh, to rnl't·r relevant rn111e11ljH1r,11y litt'rat11n· 011 the s11hjer1 a11d 10 arq11irt' 1l1e hasir skills lll'ressary for diaKuosi11g the health of 1!1e loral rl111rrh and dt•si)(ll­ iuK progra 111s for Ili t• future )(row111. Co11rse is desigw·d lo prol'ide l;il,01:1- tory field experie11rl' i11 s111d yi11)( rl111rrl1 grow1l1 . l11 vo lvl' S dir,·rl research i1110 )(rowi11)( rl111rrl1l' S ill So11tl1ern C;,Iiforni;1. (i\ddi1io1i;d work will he t·Xp<'l'll'd 0111sidl' ol rLL,s homs dmi11g the rntllse.) DM 829 The Pastor as a Crisis Counselor (6) S111deu1 will dt·l'elop skills 10 hdp individuals rnufro11ti11)( rypir,d rris..·s surh .Ls thl' hinl1 of;: rhild, ill11es.,, the loss of a joh, 111ari1,d rnullirl, rare ... r adjus1111e11t, 1,...n·a1·t·111e111 , pre-1llari1al preK11a11ry, re1irt·111e111 a11d 1,·rn1i11;d dis..•as..·. Allt'lllio11 )(il'l'II lo prl'l'l'lllio11 of stress i11 1m·din;1hll' dl'Vl'lop111e111,d t'l"iSt.... s a~ Wt-' 11 as rt·rovl~1y 111;111;1gt·111t·111 following a rrisis. A rn11lhi11;11i1111 of rli11iral t' XjH1s11n·. raSl' s111dy a11d s111- de111 eXpt'ril' llrl' 11snl i11 this st·111i11a1. DM 830 Adminislralive Leadership in the Local Church (6) A rnllrsl' desigtu·d to ll'ad s111d,·111 thro11Kh a hihliral, orgauiz;11io11al ;111d p,yrholo)(iral 11uders1;111diug of lead­ ershi p, 11101iva1ioll, planning, 111a11a)(­ i11g rnu!lirts, workt·r 11~1iui11K, t'\',d11a- 1io11, d1auge pri11riplt's and 01w111iz;1- 1io11al devt'!11p111e111. l'artiriJ"!llls li;1w rlw opporn111il)' 111 eX,llllilll' lill'ir lead­ t· rsl1ip sr yl<· a11d 10 dl·l'el11p sryles 1hro11)(h group t·xpni<'nn·s ;11ld ras,· st11dies 111,11 will 11l ;1kl' 1l1e111 11l11r ... t'ffl'rliw k,11k1s. DM 831 Conllicl Management (6) Tl1t· rn11rse will thl' s111dl'11t 111011)(11 lhl' l, ihliral pri11riplt's of l1a11- dli11g ronllirl lll't\l't't'n pers1111s ,111d

within Christian organizations and 111i11 is1ries. M11dels of rn111lirt 111au.1ge- 111en1 will be aualyzt'd a11<l prarriral rnu!lirt t11auage111eu1 skills developed. DM 833 Discipleship in the Local Church (6) An iu-<.lep1l1 exa111iua1iou of the bihli­ ral pri11riples, history and merlwdol­ ogy 11f discipleship . Tl1e rnurse will e111pl1;1size the prartiral rn11rern 11f l1ow lo devt'l11p au 011goi11g disciple­ sl1ip prog1:1111 ill the !oral 111 ill is1ry. DM 834 Advanced Church Growth (6) Au i11-<l<-p1l1 look al rross-rnltural issues faring rhmrhes in the U.S.A. Empl1asis will hl' plared 011 1111der­ s1a11di11g 1he 111osair or rnl111re ho1l1 wi 1l1 i11 Ilie rypiral A11)(lo rl1111rl1es and e1l1nir )(t'lllips, ,is well ,Is i111 rod11r i11g the po1eu1ial for rl1urrl1 plan1i11)(. Prnecp1isilt': DM H~!i. DM 835 Christian Spirituality (6) Tl1is rn111-st· l'Xpl11rl's 1l1e dy11am irs of spiri111,di1y as rel ait'd 10 Chrisriau life and 111i11is11y. H1111lall dewlop111t·111 , rhar.HWr dl'wlop111l' llt, spiri111.d war­ fare, disripleship, spirit11al disripliues, ;111d lt•;1dership dt·Vl·lop111e 11 t are i111por1a111 .ISjH'CI., of lilt' COIIISt' . DM 836 Leadership Development (6) A rn111s..·d desiglll'd to shaqw11 1111der­ sla11di11)( of 1l1 e leadership role in Cl1ristiau rh111rl1t·s or oiw111iza1ions. l'anirip,1111s will examine the hihlir.11, 1l1t·ologiral, and hisroriral dt·Vt' lop- 111 e111 of lt·adl'rsl1ip 1I1eo1y. Vario11s slr.ll<'Kies a11d 111odels !i,r devel11ping le;11!t·rs i11 tilt' rnn1ex1 of Christian ol).\alliza1io11swill he reviewed. DM 837 Multiple Stall Ministry (6) A study of 1111d1iplt·-sr.11l dy11a111irs for dfrrriw l<·a111 111i11is11y. Expl11res the roll·s of h111l1 1l1e st·nior p;1s1or a11d ,ts.,oriale sr,ilI i11 developin)( pr<X't' S.St'S that f;1rili1a1e rnopt·rarive 111inistry, i11rli1ding: lmildi11g rn111111011 vision, kl')' elt·111<·n1s of teamwork, rnt1111111ui­ r;11io11 pattl'rns, roullirl resoli11iou skills, 11111111al support, s11pervisory style, t'Va!11,11io ll prored 11res, spiri n~tl vi1ali1y, and issut's regarding male­ !<·111,ii<' staff rela1i1111s a11d the role of of!irt' st,df. Ct'arl·d for se11i11r and ,Ls.,orialt' s1all 111e1llhns. DM 840 lnlroduction lo Urban Ministry (6) Till' rn11rst' prepan·s 1l1e s111de111 111 a11 ;dyzt' a s1wrilir rn111,,x1 of 111i11is11y. E1llph,1sis wil l he plared 011 1111der­ s1 ;111di11)( a11d e111 plori11 g rt· searrl1 111ols for a11alyzi11g a !oral rl111rrh , rn1111111111i1y, a11d Ollt''s ow11 slrt'll)(lh 's, Wt'.iknt·sst's, a11d i111t•rt·sl.'-i.

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