TI1e combination of n1ition, Im and a..,.;ociattd t'.Xpt:It'it'.S al Biola Univt:r.iity is sutlicitntly high that it is nec(:'l,.-,;aiy for sn1dmts lo carefully calculatt: thdr financial re.-om-r.~ an<l C(]!;ls. TI1e fo~ lcming estimated studtnl budget retlects the avm1gt C(]!;I lo foll time students for tht 19!Jf►97 academic }':3f (nine month): Undergraduate With On Off Parents Campus Campll~ Tuition &Ftts $14,28(i $14,28(i $14,28(i Room &Board 2,394 5,324 5,904 Books & Supplies 630 (i30 f,30 Ptrsonal/ Mi.~. l,47(i l,20<i 1,(i02 Transporlation 702 558 810 TOTAL $19,488 $22,!XJ4 $23,2:12 Graduate - Master's Programs and Specials (except Rosemead) (Based on 9 units With On Off per semester) Parents Campus Campus Tuition & Fees $5,52(i $5,52(i $5,52(i Room &Board 2,3!14 5,324 5,904 Books &Supplies (i30 !i30 (i3() Personal/Misc. l,47fi 1,20fi 1,fi02 Transportation 702 558 810 TOTAL $10,728 $13,244 $14,472 Doctoral- Ed.D. and D.Miss. (Based on 12 units With On Off per semester) Parents Campus CamptL\
Astudent 's account mml be current (no out~tanding bal am:es) ptior lo rt~nrollmenl in subsequtnt stssions. llil of tuition, room and board and sptcial let"-~may be paid in one of the following ways: Plan 1 - Paymtnl of each s=ion in full on or befort the clay of registration. Plan 2 - A down payment al the tilllt'. of regi.~lration with paymtn I of any rtmaining balanct by tl1t firs I payment clue datt (October 15 - fall semestt:1; March 15 - sp1ing semes ter) . Down payments includt (i0% of tl1t balanct of tuition, mom and board, class let'-~ and vehiclt regi.~tralion less con firmed financial aid plus 100% of insuranct charge~. No financt charges are assessed. Plan 3 - A ck1tl'n payment a~ cbc,ibed in PIAN 2 with tl1e n,maining balance in three payment~ (October-December or March-May) . A finance charge of 1.5% per month of tl1e first $1,(XX) of unpaid balance and 1%per montl1 of unpaid balance CNer $1 ,(XXJ i.~ aclclecl at each billing to , die account All pay naents are clue in the Student Accounting Ollice on or before the 15th oftl1e nKmll1 a., indicated in tl1e billing summary. DOWN PAYMENT Minimum clown payments 1 are calc:ulatecl according to the followini; sdteclule: Master's &Special llmlergra<luatel Prograrns 3 011 Campus $5,883 $3,255 Off Campus $4,28(i $1,fi58 1-3 unit, 100% 100% 4-(i units 75% 75% 7unit, a11Cl above (i0% fi0% Graduate Psychologr 011 C1mpus $4,810 $7,597 Off Campus $3,213 $5,fiOO 1-3 unit, 100% 100% 4-(i unit, 75% 7 units and above !i0% 4 unit, and alxive 75% Noles l>m,m pay,rum/J i11d1uk /}u, ammmls sho,1111 011 tliis sd.,/u/e plus tlu: appiimbk p,.ra11kzgt1 fur class f1%S a,,d vdiick n:gutmtio11. Charge, for i11,11mmn mmt bt paid i11full at /}u, tim, ofr,gistmtio11. 2 l!n11m /my11umt; i11 tiu; Gradual,; Psydwlogy program include tJu, a11wu11t; slun,m n,1 t/iis sdu-d11k plus the applicable pt:ramtagos for class fi"-' a11d vr.hid, r~(!i;tratimi. Ulllri:rs for imurm".e must bt paid in f11ll al th, ti,ne of n·):istratinn. At t/u; time of rt):istmtion, 75 % of the applimbt. Pmfcssumal (;rowth F« must also bt paid.
Tuition &Fees Room &Board Books &Supplies
$14,28(i 2,3!14 (i30 1,47(i 702 $1 !),488
$14,28(i 5,!104 (i30 l,fi02 810 $23,232
$14,28fi 5,324 fi30 1,20(i 558 $22,004
Personal/Misc. Transportation TOTAL Graduate Psychology
With Parents
On Campus
Off Campll~ $14,!134
Tuition & Fees
lnterterm (1st year) Prof. Growth Fee
1,000 2,394
1,000 5,904
1,000 5,324
Room &Board
Books &Supplies* Personal/Misc. Transportation**
$21 ,758
*$750 for first ytar students **May be adjmttd for practicum lravd expense.
3 As,u1ne.i 9 unit; p,:r sc,ne.,/t:r.
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