BIBLE ■ J:Gt•i-iiit•U•
BE 732 Exposition of New Testament Segments or Themes (2-3)' BE 733 Biographical Exposition of Selected Biblical Figures (2)' '1l1t'se elt'rtives will he oflt·rt'<l iu <)'de, wi th the lm·ad tl1 of tht' srnpe of ead1 11lfrri11~ de1en11i11ed by: I) 11ie expt'rti.se of av,1ilahle farnhy; ~) n11Te111 i.>tstles of sd111l;irly aud pi.1ni«1i i111por1a11rt'; aud :1) 1~11.inre in reg.ml 1<1 l"t'rt'III ollerin)(s, BE 740 Advanced Hermeneutics (2) A semiu.ir li1rnsi11g 1111 ;ulv.111red prin riples, pral'lire and rlllTt•nl is.sues 11r hil,licil i111erpre1a1i1111 .i11d applira- 1i11 11 . Prm·q11isi1e: llE :>17. BE 741 Issues in Biblical Exposition (2) Aseminar tiK·usiug 1111 St'hlt1i 1t1·h11iral ;iud p1;1r1i«1i i.>t,1ws i11 the field 11f bihli- 1,1! t'Xp11si1i1111. l'rert1p1i.si1e: BE 7'2Ci. BE 743 Biblical Backgrounds (2) A prese111;11i1111 11f 1he rnl1111, il develop- 11w111 of 1!1e H11ly Land and 11a1i1111s 11f the Fertile Cresrenl in rela1i1111 111 ls1:1d. 1lw s11:1le)(ir l<K·;11i111111r 11ie H11iy Lmd, 1ht· rli111a1e ;l!ld 111p11p;1,111I1y. and 1he !<K·; 11i1111 or imp11n;1111 plare 11;1111es. Eleriiw Ii,r Th.M. s111dt·111s; 111hns by dep.ir1111e111al pen11is.sirn1. BE 750 Old Testament Wisdom and Poetiy (2) A11 exp11si1io11;il s111dy 11f key pa.ssa~t•s and 1l1e111t·s iu Ps.d111s, l'r11verhs, J11h .i11d Errlt'si,tslt's. Speri.il empli;1sis is )(il't'n 111 the rhar;uwris1irs 11f Old Tes- 1.i111e111 poe11y, lilt' u11i1p1e p11rp11ses 11r Old Testa111e111 wisd11111 and hy11111ir Iii-
h,tsed on the orip;inal bnp;11,1p;t·s. 1l1e rnurse will aid 1h.- s111den1 in 11nder s1andinp; issues 1l1a1 arise in in1erpre1a- 1io11 l>.-cause of the orip;iual langmp;es. Re1p1ire<l of M.A. (B/fS) s1udeuls. BE 602 Genesis (2) Au exposition, with an empl1asis on important rritirnl aml rnnlemporary is.,11es, aud bibliral 1he11!11gy, esperially the Abrahamir Cow11an1. El,.nive. BE 608 Matthew (2) An exp11si1i11n, emphasizin)( 1 .ul!(nlllnd i.ss11es. p111p11se, sm1rn1re, and i111erprt- 1a1i111111r 11;m,11iw li1e1;i11 ire. Elt1·1iw. BE 610 Romans (2) A11 t·xp11si1io11, t'111ph.isizi11g l>.irk g-rnuud issues, p11rp11st·, slrn<"lltre, develop111e111 of the ,ll")(lll11e111, a11d theolop;i<"al rnn1ril,111i1111s. Eleriiw. BE 722 Directed Research (1-2) Guided researrl1 i11 s11111t" hihliral area relating 111 exposi1io11 , a<"rordi11g lo 1l1e s111dt'11l's ueed aud n·kvanry 111 111i11is1ry. Eleriiw. BE 726 Exposilional Methodology in Daniel and Revelation (3) Appli «11i1111 of t'Xp<>si1i1111;d 111eth11d 111 selened p.is.s;1ges fr11111 [b11iel ;111d Rt·v el.i1io11. llisrnssi1111 or rrnri;d l>ark ~round and nili<".il is.sut·s. l1ook s1nir- 111res, i111nprt'1ive dillirnhit's, p1,1l'liral implira1io11s and various approarhes Ill t'Xpo111111i11g- the leXI 11r e.1 rl1 ho11k . Rt'cp1irt'd of M.Div. pr11)(ra111. S111; ~es1ed eie<"live li,r M.A. pni)(i,1111. BE 731 Exposition of Old Testament Segments or Themes (2-3)'
Chair: John C. Hutchison, Ph.D. FACULTY Profe,."'il>r: Curtis A<;s(>eiate Professors: Flory, Hutrhison, Rae,RtL~ll OBJECTIVES While the entire seminary curricu lum conlrib111es lo the goal of accurate exposition of Scripture, it is tl1e purp<)l;e of tl1is department~> focus on the fi,l!ow ing: (I) so,md limneTILUlics, which leads lo acrnrate interpretation and application ofScripture; (2) inlmJuctory iM,~- f<,r earh Old and New Testament bmk whirl1 infonn accurate Bible exposition, inrhi<l ing authorship, historical and cullltrJl background, theme and purpost', or 1mique tl1edogical conlributimL,;; (3) lyn tlie:.is and nnalym, accm1pfo,ht'<l tl1ro11!(11 biblical survry and analysis of selt'cted pa'<-o;ages and IJ<x,ks, enabling one lo interpret Scriplllre in light of tl1e "big pir- 111re"; ( 4) ~ mill af1limlum. provid ing examples of welkirganize<l, rdt'vanl me..-o;ages and Bible studit'S from 1!1e Eng li-.!1 Bible bmks sni<lie<l. COURSES BE 517 Henneneutics and Bible Study Methods (3) A study of principles for sound inter pretation and application of the Biblt", including analysis of presuppositions, general rules and specialized priuri ples for the vari01L, l>iblical genre and phenomena. A presentation of var~ ml~ approaches to studying the Biblt'. Required ofM.Div. and M.A. students. BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi (3) A broad survry of the Old Teslamt'nl IJ<K1k.,, including selected i111rodur101y and critical issut's, relevant bark ground, major tl1emes and divisions, and crucial problems. Recp1ired of M.Div. and M.A. students. BE 520 survey ol Matthew-Revelation (3) A general overview of the New Testa menl IJ<,oks, including selected intro ductory and aitical i.,~1es, relevant ba,:k ground, major themes and divisions, and crucial problems. Requird of M.Div. and M.A. studenL>t BE 530 Elementary Principles of the Biblical Languages (3) Ba,ic principles of languagt' that are foundational 10 i111erpre1inp; the bibli cal text. Overview of the s1rur1urt' of tht' biblical languages, evahm1io11 of theories of Bible transl ation, and ins1mctio11 in the use of various trn,ls
era111re and the 1heological relevance of earh IJ<,ok in minLslly today. BE 770 The Life of Christ (2)
A rl1ro11ologiral and expositional study olJes11, Christ's lile 011 earth, empha,iz i11g the hi.s111rical , rnhural and tl1eologi ral i111erpre1a1io11 of key events and 1earl1 ings in Chri.st's life, a., well a., the similari1ies/ differe11ces of the four g11spd affrn1111s. BE 806 Bible Exposition Seminar (2-3) Special rnurse work for BE majors who I T-21 wi.sl1 111 study a parti rnlar area of Bible exp<>si1io11. Elective for 111.M. studenL,. BE 807 Exposition ol Central Prophetic Passages (2)
A special wnrenu.Hion on exposition 11f selected propherit's with rei{ard to rnl111re, views and the integration of the passages with an overall biblical pirllire. Elective fi,r Th.M. students; 111hers by depar1111e111al permis.,ion. BE 880 Directed Research (1-4) Supe1vised researrh in selected area, of Biblical studies . Elective for Th .M. s111den1s. BE 891-892 Research Seminar (3 ,2) DisnL>tsi1111 and applica1i1111 of the cen- 1rnl are;1s of Bible Exposition research a11d rel;i1ed lields 11r sui<ly. hLstrnr1ion in researrh. incl udin~ the iden1i fi ra1ion 11r a problem, the steps undertaken lo resolve a probl em, and writing the re,111is. Re1p1irt'<l !i,r the first semester of the 111.M. (B.E.) program. Asecond se111es1er may be taken to continue research in the are-J ofintere.L.
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