

CHRISTIAN (l•X•l-t·iit•U• 01air: KennetJ1 R Garland, Ed.D. FACULTY Professors: Anthony, Dirks, Issler

CE 633 Principles of Research (2) llasir methods ol educational research with a,-st'SS!llt'tll of earh method for a,;e in religiotLs t'duration. Introduction U> s1,11is1ical mea.,ure111e11ts. Fonnulat.ion and implementation of r=rcl1 pn1t'Cts in 111inis1ty si111ations. One hour lect11re and one hour laboratory re<1uired per Wt't'k. Rt-quirt'd of all MAC.E. s111dent& CE 635 Models or Children's Ministry (2) An t'XplorJtiott and as.,;essment of vari­ ous rnntt'111po1,1ry approaches to chil­ dren 's minisn-y, from !Jirth to age 12. l11rl11des practice in the development of ministry strategit's involving family, ro111m1111ity, and c!rnrrlt resources . ReCjllired 11f Children's Ministry Spe­ rializa1io11 students. CE 636-637 Independent Study (1-2, 1-2) ln-dt'pth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian · ed11ra tio11 dt'partment tLsinp; standard researrh proct'dures. Topic selection and rnurst' t'ttrollment is by advisor 's approval. Elective. CE 638 Current Trends in Christian Education (2) ldeu11fyi11p; and 1111ders1anding those issues which are of primaty concern to the field 11f Christian t'ducation today. Oppo111111i1y will be provided for indi­ vidml and )(r<>11p research in area, or pt'rsonal rnttct'rn. Tht' course will invesrigate rnrrent educational trends, alternative d1urch ed11cati1111 patterns and ttt'W forms of ministry. Electivt'.. on.. red spring, odd years. CE 644 Music In the Church (2) ll1e plare of nmsic in tl1e cl111rd1's prc>­ gram. Criteria for the sdertion or appropriate 11\tLsic. Teclmiqtlt'S for lead­ illf( l111L,ir and teaching various groups. The relationship or music 111 worship, instn1ctio11 and fellowship. Elective. CE 646 Current Trends In Children's Ministry (2) Examines contemporary m11veme111.s and trends in children's ministry. Addrt'sses lt'p;al , social, and adminis­ trative issues surrounding the practirt'

ment, and pnsonali1y clevelop111e111. DisnLs.,ion of 111ajor theories and the<>­ rists of psyrhology. lu1egn1io11 of the­ ology and psyrl\Ology au e111pl1asis. Recp1ired of M.A.C.E. s1udeuts. CE 543 Counseling Adolescents and Their Parents (3) An uve1view of 1!1e iss1ws re~1lt·d 10 pn>­ viding pastoral rn1111seli11g to adoles­ rents ,md lheir pare111s i11rl11diug addir­ tive behavioral prolilt'ms , almor111al develop111e11tal rnttrt'rns, i111e1vt·lltio11 and t'.Hrirl1111e111 rn1111seli11g aud ;111\lf't'· nt'~~ ofwheu aud 10 wl1<>111 10 reJ;. r ad,,­ lt'srt'nts for prokssiou,d tllt'rapy. Rt'tjllir,·d ol~I.A. iu Yo111!1 Mi11is11y. CE 555 Para-church Youth Minislry (2) Forns 011 tl1t· various 1ypes of para­ rh11rrl1 111iuis1ry 10 junior l1igh and high srhool age studt'llls ,1vailai>lt'. lnrh1des pri uripks wl1irl1 111akt· para­ rl1urrh youth 111i11is1Jy differt· lll fro111 !oral rhurrl1 y11111!1 111i11is1Jy and priu­ ri ples for hegi1111i11g a new para­ rl1mrl1 ra111pus rluh. Elertive CE 562 Personal and Interpersonal Development (3) E111phasis 011 person,d all(! i11lt·qa·r­ so11al growth tl1ro11)\l1 i11divid11,il ;Lssil-(11111t•111s ;111d s111all )\1'<>11p i111,·rar­ tio11s . Opport1111i1y giw11 !or spiri11i;d, physira l. e11101io11,d, 111t'111;d ;111<1 rl'!a­ tioual develop111t'III. R<'<jllir,·d ol two ye,ir M.A.C.E. studt'ttls. CE 566 Youth Group Development and Programming (2) Astep hy Stt'p approarl1 to tilt' IH1ildi11g of a youth group and developing a yearly youth gn111p 111i11is1Jy prog1,1 111. E111pl1,Lsis 111ay he ou eilht'l'j1mior l1igh or high srl1ool a)\t' group and ro11rse will rn111ai11 ;111 e111phasis Oll devt'lop- 11tt·111 of rn11111111ui1y withiu tl1e group . Recp1ired o!M.A. in Y11111!1 Mi11is11y. CE 570 Special Studies in Christian Education (2) D,.osigtwd !i1r s11ult·111s who ,It-sire a sp,·­ rilir WIU'SI." rn11lt·11t 1101 rnl'l'I t-11 in ;111)' of the regularly offt·red dasst•s. May la· taken twin· wi1!1 diffnt'lll t·111phasis. G>11tt·111 will difkr ln,,:d 011 llt1·d/ i111t·r­ es1. l'ossihle n-11uiml fi·e. Ad111i~-.io11 to rn111~ hy advL,or appn~,11. CE 600 Educational Ministry in the Church (3) Analysis of ministries of edifira1io11 as they relatt· lo the !lt'rsoual , tht· rnngreg-,1tio11al and lht· ,11h11i11is11; 11 il't' ,L,perls of 111i11isll)' wi1h 1woplt· or ,di ages. Forns is 011 1!1e t·xp L11i;11io11 ol va ri o11s \lll'I l1ods and rt' so11rres avail;1i>l,· for 111iuis1ry aud 011 1l1t'

devt'lop111t· 111 of individual skills in rn1111111111irati11g aud leading in these 111i11is1rit's. ReCJuired ol M.A. (Mi n. ) . HA. (ll ./TS.) , and ~I.Div. studt'llls . CE 612 Missionary Educalion (2) Oi>jt'riivt·s, proµ;ra111111ing, auivities aud ad111iuistra1ive 111etl1C>ds of i111ple- 111euting a prof(t,1111 of 111i&sio11a1-y edu­ raliou. luves1iga1io11 into tilt' a1Lxilia1-y orgauization of the dtmrh 's t'd11ra­ tio11al 1nof{rau1 through whirh 111is­ sio11s art' taught. Elertive . CE 616 Principles of Curriculum Development (2) Consideration of essential eletttt'nts in rnrrirnh1111 ron11atio11. I111e11sive study ol varied existing rnrrirnl,1. Au,dysis or rn111e111p1>1·,11y trends in rnrrirnh1111 prod11l'lio11. ElerliVt'. Offen·d spriug, eveu years. CE 622 Philosophy of Ministry (3) l11vl'stiga1io11 i1110 tht' tht'ologicd, his­ toriral, and philosophirnl fi11111datio11s whirh uud,·rlie U1ris1i,111 111i11isuy. Also i11ri11des an i11vt·stiga1iou of rnrrent prarlires of 111i11is11y throuµ;h an analyti­ rnl pt• rspel'live. Designed to hdp 1!1t' 111i11istt·r wah1a1e 111i11is11y prog1.1111s aml tt'spo11<l wi1!1 re111t·tfol or e11rirl1111e111 s1J;11t'git's. R..cp1in·d cil'M.A.C.E.,M.Div. (C.E. 11011-thes is) s111dt·111s. CE 623 Theological Foundalions and Issues in Christian Education (2) Exa111ittt'S tl1t· i>ilil ir al / tl1t'olo!lirnl fou11da1io11s for ed11r;1tio11,d 111i11ist1-y fn1111 au t'Vattgeliral perspertive, and a v.iril'ty of tht·ologiral iss11t·s i111parti11g its prartire in the past, present, and f11111re. Rt·Cjuired in Arrelerated M.A.C.E. progr,1111. CE 624 Child Development and Teaching I (Birth-Age 5) (2) A study of the devt· lop111e111 of the rhild rro111 hir1!1 to age :, with an e111ph,Lsis 011 the d,,velop111e11t ol dfrr­ tiw t·d11ratio11al apprmrl1t's and 1e,1rh­ i11g ptort'sses thal t'ttrnmage moral. rngtti live , and sori,d d1·velop111en I, aud growtl1 in knowledge 0L111d faith in Cod. Rl'cp1i1't'li of Childrt•tt's Miu­ ist1y Spt'rializa1io11 studenls. CE 626 Child Development and Teach­ ing II (Ages 6-12) (2) A study of tht' developmt'ttl or the rl1ild from ages (>-12 with an e111ph;Lsis ou rh,· dt'veloprttt'ttl of elfrrtive t'du­ ratiottal approarl1es ;ind lt'arl1i11g pron·sses that e11rn11ra!{e 111oral. rog- 11i1iw, ;u1d srnid d,·wlop111e11t, and grow1h iu knowl ..dgt' ol ;ind r.1i1!1 in Cod. R,·1111irt·d of C11ildrt·11·s Mi11is1ry Spl'ri,dizatiou s111tlt•t11S.

A,;.-.,ciate Professors: Garland, Lawsou As.,istant Profe&<;<,rs: Cunnini;ham, Leyda, Ten Elshof OBJECTIVES The aim of the departmeut of Oiristian education is that of dewlop­ ing Christian educators who uuder­ stand the signifirance of an educational ministry and who JX>S.'ie>-~ the skills nt'l'­ e&o;ary to function a, Christian ed11ra­ tors. To this end, course ofltrings have been designed to !Jlend theory and practice. Most elertive courses are designed for tracking to arco111m,~l,11t· the student's vorational specializatiou. COURSES CE 511 Foundations of Leadership (3) Investigation into leadership theo1y and practice leading to the dewlopment of a !Jihli,,centric philosophy of!eadership; practice in !Ja.,ic leade1~hip skills; study of appliration of concepts in the rhurrh and par<Khurrl1 agencies Eiff1iw. CE 512 Education Administration (3) An analysis of ad111inistra1ive priuci­ ples and proce&,es as lhey apply lo 1he church and para-cilllrch agenries. Special attention to the relatiou of administrative functions aud miu­ isuy. Required of M.Div. (C.E.), M.A. Min. (C.E.), and M.A.C'.E. studeuts. CE 514 Women and Men In Christian Ministry (2) An investigation of the role of women and men in miuistry aud leadership in the light of Srriptme. Also includes a disrnssion of issues men and women in the minis11y fare when working together. Elenive. Offered fall, odd years. CE 518 StaH Development (2) An in-<lepth ],x,k at i&sues s111To11111i­ ing the dwelopment, supe1visio11, aud support of volunteer slaff as wt'!! as the dynamirs of multiple-1.ciff miuistry and ways to enhanre the work of min­ istry teams. Recptirt'ti in Arrelerated MA.GE. progr,uu. CE 521 Psychological Foundations of Christian Ministry and Lifestyle (3) Investigation into tJ1e major i&sues of educational p,-yc]1olohry and !111111a11 deveiopmeut, inrludiug develop111t·ll­ tal tJ1eories, learning theories, 111<>1iva­ tion, individual dif'ft·renres, self-rnu­ cept, human nature , sorial clevelop-

11f rl1ildren's minislly today. CE 648 Current Trends In Youth Ministry (2)

Empha.,is 011 trends and i..~ues related to !if,. on a rnlllemporary junior high or high schml public schCK>I camp1L,. itH llules principles for development of reh11i1111ships between tht' youth 111i11is1er ,ind local sd111ol ad111i11istra- 1ors wl1ich will t'm1blt' both to fu11r­ ti11u effectively. Also rontains princi­ ples 1<,r lilt'IHfi11g students from puh-

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