thtories to the practict of ministry anos.s the lifetycle. CE 752 Motivation !or Learning and Christian Living (2) Astudy of motivJtion a.s it relates to cla1s rm111 l..arui11g a.swell as broader impli l.itions li1r OtrLstia11 livinfi and growtli. Co11tt'111por.uy understandings of moti vation and related motivational tl1e<iries will ht txamined both from social sci t'nrt' and th111logiral pe1spectives. CE 791-792 Educational Practicum (2, 2) Dirt'rlt'd t'Xperienrts in t'dncational ministrit's rnndnrted through a local rhmcl1. Praxis in leadership for major t'dnrational f1111ctio11s for vari- 1n1s a)\t' lt'vtls. A 111inim11111 of JOO hours tit'ld i11volvtmtlll per semester. Prt'rt'Cjltisite: 48 units of class work. R,·1p1ir<'d of, and limitt'd 10, M.Div. s111dt'nts majoring i11 C.E.
CE 683 Camp Leadership (2) Tht' pl1ilosophy, ohjfl"tives, adminLsll, >- 1io11, program aud lt'adt'rship of a d1111Th-rt'lalt'd ramp. Tht' ILlt' of wor sl1ip, study, 1T,1J1s, rt'lTt-:llio11 a11d rnu11- sdi11g in rlmrrh l.tmpi11)\. l11vesti)\,1tio11 into llt·mls of t-ampin)\, l"t'llll, tlized a11d dt'rt'ntraliZt'd G1111pi11g . Tt'l-lu1iq11t's i11 planni11p; and dirt'rti111; a ramp pro gram, inrluding rn1111selor training. Elt'ctiw. Oflt>rt'd spring, t'Vt'll y<'ars. CE 691 Practicum In Ministry I (1) S1rnr111rt'd lit'ld t'Xpni<'lll"t' in a C.E. ministry lidd silt' with an approwd snpt'rvisor fornsilll( on tht' dt'wlop lllt'lll of s111dt'nts' spiritual gifts a11d pt'rso11;1l skills applied lo lt'arl1i11g tilt' Bihlt'. Rt'ljltirt'd of 1l1t· M.A.C.E. and M.A. Min . Ft' t': $~0. CE 692 Practicum In Ministry II (1) Stntrtllrt'd <'Xpt'ri,·nn·s i11 a C.E. 111in is11y lidd silt' with ,Ill approwd snpt'rvi sor fornsing on lt•,Hlt'rsl1ip dt'Vt'lop mt'nl i11rlu<ling as.,essiug n,·,.ds, St'llill)\ goals, pla1111i11g sit.tit')\)' , i111plt·111t'nling programs a11d t'Valnaring prn!(rams. CourSt' may ht' rt'pt'alt'd. Rt·lptirt'd of
lt'anting. Emphasis )\iVt'n to ht'rn111ing a 111ort' t'lfrrtiw lt'arht'r. Variahlt's in 11101iva1io11, rt'le111io11, 1ra11srt'r and l1i!(l1 lt'wl rl1inki11g will ht' dism1St>d. A supervised rlas.sr<K>m lt',H-liill!( t'Xpni t·11n· is n·q11i rt'll. l' rn<'ll1tLsi1t: CE 4(il or its t'ljllivalt'lll , or hy pt'l"lllis.sion of tilt' prolt'S.,or. Rt'lptitd of 111.M. sr11- dt'11ls. Ollt>ml spring St'lllt'Slt'r. CE 725 Fonnation of Moral Character (2) AllalysLs of uitical i~~ltt's rdatt'!l to rhar arter a11d habit li,rmation a11d tht' p1.tr tirt' of moral t'd11ralio11 li1r Christian t'd11ratio11. Oppot11111i1y for sllldt'nts to <lt'Vt'lop rhararter forurarion pla11s as pan 0L1 largn dLsiripkship 111inis11y. CE 727 Faith Development (2) A11alysis of rtllTt'lll rl1t'orit·s a11d mod t' ls of faith devt'lop111t'lll a11d how it is t'lllia11red i11 family a11d rt111)\rt'ga - 1io11al 111i11is1ry St'lli11gs. Fornst's 011 tilt' applic11io11 of faitl1 dt'wlop111t'lll
lie, parochial and Christian camp1Lses into your youth group. Elective. CE 649 Instructional Technology (2) Development and administration of media for min~try. Uses of tl1e computer, print, audio, \ideo, mixed media and mul timedia teclmology for promotion, edurn tion and motivation . Elective Oflered
full , even years and ead1 lntertenn. CE 661 Adolescent Culture and Development (2)
Finding and met'ting adolesct'nt nt't'ds, writing objectives for youth ministry, leadership of learning experiences and outreach experienres, discipli;.bnilding and review of available resomct's. Development of personal plans for ministry. Re<ptired of M.A. Youth Min isuy. OITert'd spring, odd years. CE 662 Youth Education and Leadership (2) Emphasis on the leadership rolt' in tht' local church, college camptL-;t'S and mis sion field. Development of a youth leadership program within the !oral cl111rch. Smdy of extr.H:lmrd1 org;miza tions and parent-teen relationships and ministry emphasized. Re<ptired of M.A. Youth Minisuy. Offered full, odd years. CE 673 Biblical Foundations ol Family Ministry (3) Building a theology of family 111it1L111y Relating biblical prim:iples to family am! relatimL1hip ~ues. Re11uired ofM.AC.E., and MA Min. student1. CE 675 Family Lile Education In the Local Chun:h (3) Objectives, organization and adminis tration of a program of family lift' edu cation in tht' local church. lnclndes an analysis of current trends in family life education. Re<ptiml of M.A. Min. (M.F.M.) students. CE 678 Adult Development and Education (2) A study of issues and devt'lopmen ta! tasks of adults. Attention to tht' min istry of meeting the needs and utiliz ing the potential of adults. ElertiV<' . Offered spring, odd years. CE 681 Development ol Youth Speaker Skllls (2) Emphasis on the package of skilb nt'rt'S sary to become an effective youth speaker. lnclndes the variom typt's of speaking such a,;; evangdLslic, &-,ripling, teaching, preaching, testimony, story telling and mort'. Class will t'mblt' 11,,. student to evaluate hLs/her potential for tltLI area of minLsUy and to shaqien thoSt' skills during the semestt'r. Elfl"tiw.
th" M.A.C.E. and M.A. Miu. CE 710 Traditions ol Christian Spirituality (2)
A study ofvario11s ways 1ha1 Ch ris1ia11s haw s011gl11 10 dt'ept'd tlll'i r rda1ion sl1ip wirh Cod . S11Hi t' 111s will read rbs sir dt'vo1io11al lirnatme reprt'St'lllariw or diflt'rt'lll ll ,Hli1io11s lo !(l(·a11 i11sigl11., lo )\llidt' lht' p1.1rtirt' or rnlllt'illpot,11)' disriplt'ship minis11y. CE 716 Ministry to Single Adults (2) l11vt's1iga1ion or sin!(lt' adult 111i11is1rit's in tht' rnnlt'Xt of tht' loral rl111rrl1. Ern phasis in tht' dt'wlop111t'nl of an dlt>rtivt' siuglt' adult mi11Ls1ty. V,11i01ts prnwn a11d t'Xperi111<'1tlal llllMlt·ls or sin gl<' adult minisrrit's will ht· exami11ed. Elt'!·tiw. Ollt>rt'll spting, t'l't'll yt',11~. CE 723 Friendship and Community: Contexts !or Growlh (2) A s111dy of Cl1ris1ia11 rn1111111111i1y a11d dost' frit'11dship rt'l.itio11sl1ips rro111 both tht'olo!(iral a11d sorial srit·nre !lt'l"sjlt'rliws. Coun·prs 10 ht' s111dit'd i11rl11dt': frit'ndship , jnstirt' ,111d Vt'll!);t'.tllrt', forp;iVt'llt'S.S , rl111rrl1 disri plint', arro11n1ahili1y. S111dt'11ts will dt'wlop a proartiw 111odt·I for 11unur in!l ro1111111111i1y as a part of a 1.irgt'r disriplt'ship 111i11is11y.
CE 724 Advanced Methods ol Educational Instruction (2)
Co11sidt'ra1io11 )\il't'll lo tht· various philosophies or edur;11io11, tht·ori,·s ol lt'antill!(, a11d tht' 1;,.-rors rl,ar i1dl1w11re
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