PT 707 Foundallons of Pastoral Care and Counseling (2) The developme111 of rt'lationship skills as a li11111da1ion for ht'lping ministries, and tl1t' selling of lilllits of ability as a 1"01111dation for referrals. Sernndly, t'Xploratio11 of a short-term structure IIHKld or pastoral cou11seli11g. Finally, a11 ove1vit'W or L,s11es presented 10 pas tors a11d perspect.ives 011 ministry to pt,ople strug1;li111; with these iss11es . Re1p1ired of M.Div., and M.A. sllldents. PT 708 Advanced Pasloral Counseling (3) FcKttsed 011 dt'Vdoping rn1mselin!( skills net'dt'd !Jeyo11d relationships to as.,isl hdpt't's to deal with physical, rela tional, spiri111al, t'motional and moral reality. Sern11dly. fomsed 011 developi11g skills 11et·ded to :t,-;is1 helpt't's to take rt',lJOII· sihili1y li1r their own lives a11d grow 011 10 111i11isny. Fi11ally, OVt'tVit"W of tht'ort'l ic1I apprcrJd1es to COIIILseling. Prere<J· · uisi1e: PT 707. Rt'!1uired of M.Div. and MA. (P.GG) st11de11ts. PT 711 Advanced Sannon Preparation (2) A skill-rrlinrmc111 practirnm i11 1hr esse11tials of t'Xpository preaching, i11rludin1; eval11atio11 of olkampus pul pit mi11is1ry. Prrre<Jtlisites: PT !i09, {i IO. Elerl ive. PT 715 Principles and Ethics of Communication (2) J\11 t'Xpla11a1io11 of the prinriples of rn1111111111icatio11 and how they effort learni111i a11d cha11ge. A11 exa111i11a tio11 of the ethical is.,11t'S of perslL"lsion sud1 as emotional appeals, use of g11ill , 1.-ar a11d personalities. Elect.ivt' . PT717-718 Research Seminar(1-2) 111-depth i11vt'stigatio11 of a topir under tht' ).,~lidanre of the Chris1ia11 Ministry and Lradrrsl1ip department tt,ing sta11- dard rt'search procedures . Topir st'ie<"tio11 and course enrollme11t is by dt'partme11t approval. Elective. PT 721 Pastoral Skill Development (2) Combining of classroom experience with tield trips to jails, prisons, hospi tals , s.mi1ari11111s and various sell'.ht'lp groups. Exposure to tht' problems of hu111a11ity and specialists who work with those problems. Prere<Juisite: PT !i02 Elt'rtivt' . PT 722 Small Group Di5cipleship (3) An ex,1111i11a1io11<1f the role of small groups i11 the local clnm:h ti,r dt'Velop i11g hihliral rnmmunity. Emphasis is plart'd on u11ders1amli11p; i11terper~111al relatio11ships. character devt'lopmenl and skills for organizin!f<)nd leading a s111all gro11p minL,uy. EJertive.
· A rt'St'arrl1 and di,. ·1L,~io11 lu,,:d ,yuqJ<> si11111 addres.,i111; vario1t, i:,.~11es rd;1t( d 10 1n,1rn;il 111i11L,11y wi1hi11 1l1t" Asiau Amn ira11 rnnlt'XI. A111on1; lilt' 1lla11y L"llt'S addrt"s.'<t'll are intt'ri(t'llet.llional, tlw<> lof(iral, and mi11is1ry phi losopl1y rnu Ct'l"lls. Rt'l ·o111111e1ult'd li,r all st11dt'llls in1erestt'll i11 or l"IIITt'lltly i11volved wi1l1 Asia11 A111nira11 Mint,11ies. Ehtivt". PT 626 Group Counseling Leadership (3) Training in tht' pri11ripks of rn1111s,,J. i11 1; aud 1l1t"rapy iu a µ;ro11p St'1tin1; Tht' rlass ilst"lf used as a lahor;11c11y t'Xpt'rienre with s111dt'11ls par1iripa1i11!( hoth i11 !ht' rolt· of 1l1t'r;1pis1 ;111d die11t. Rt'<[llirt'd of M.A. Miu . (M.F.M.) Sllldt'IIIS. PT 627 Premarital Preparation and Counseling (2) Exploi.1tion of hil,!iral. psyrholo1;iral, p1.ir1iral, historir,1I and n111te11q,01~1ry di111l'11Sio11s of Cl11"is1i ,111 worship . Eler1ive. PT 625 Issues in Asian Ministry (2) GIO. Rt'<jllil"t'll of M.Div. studt'nts; l'T Gm mp1iml for MA. (Mi11.) s1ude111., . PT 611 Practical Theology Semi nar (1-2) Disrns.,ion of Olll' or lll<ll"l' forels of the mi11is11y with a11 e111phasis 011 s,•n• i111; i11 the !oral rl111rrh . Ek-<·1iw. PT 614 Church Growth and Church Plan ing in the USA (3) A study of tht· !Jihliral priuripll-s ,111d p1;ir1ires for rlmrrl1 !(rowth a11d rl1111d1 pla11ti111i i11 the Nonh Amerira11 ro11- 1cx1. Sperial emph,L,is plared 011 deft11- i111; rnrrt'lll trt'11<ls aud rn11tt'111poi.11y modds of mi11is11y. Elt'rtiw. PT 617 The Pastor and Music (2) A s111dy i11 the lhl'oty a11d prartirt" of rl1urrl1 lllUsir, a11 a11alysis of rn11lt'111- por,11y lllllsir and lhl· dt'vd11p111l·111 of h;L,ir skills in leadi111; rn111;reµ;;11 io11;1I sin1;i11g a11d worsl1ip . Elertil'l". PT 618 Psychopathology and Assessment (3) A11 ove1vil'II' ol" various 1111Hlt'ls ol l"Y· rl101~11l111logy and i11tnKh1r1io11 lo "llllt' or the tools of pt'rsouality as."·s.,111(•111 with lht' goal of IK·i11!( al,le to dt·lt·r111i11l· whirl1 pt"oplt· 1owork with aml wl1irl1 lo n·kr to olht'r lwljlt'ts with 1111,re sp,·rial izt'!I trai11i11f!;. R(•q11in·d of M.A. Miu . (M.F.M.),stlldt'lll., PT 620 Principles and Practice of Worship (2) C:ot111seli111; tt'rh11icp1es applied 10 da1 - inf); a11d rn11rtsl1ip, t'11g;11;e111t"111 and premarital adjrn,t111e11ts. l'ri11riplt's a11d strnrtnres of pn·marital ro1ms,•li 11 f( an· stn--s.,,:d a11d dt•111011st1~llt'll. E111ph;L,is 011 tht' tL"-' oflJfA. l'rt'p,11·t' a11d F.1111ily His101y ;111;1lysis. l'rert'<jllisitt": l'T 70ti or jit'l"lllis.,io11 of prol.-s.,or. Rl·<p1i red
Chair: Mick Boersma, E<l .D. FACULTY Professor: S111111kjian Ao;sc,ciate Profes.,ors: Boersllla, Johnson, Mdntc,:;h OBJECTIVES
of M.A.C.E. Rt'dUrt'd l'rogra111 st11- de11ts. Ollered fall, t'Vt'll yt'ars. PT 628 Marital Counseling (3) Explores thl' frnllldatio11s of 111arria1;e and t11ari1al rn111lir1 fro111 Srrip1111~1l a11<l psyrl1ologic1I pt'rspt'rtiVt's. Rt'views approarhl·s 10 rn1111sdi11!( and t"Xplort's cfolll!(l' a11d grow1l1 prort'd11res a11d skills. Requin·d of M.Div. (l'.C.C.). (M.FM.) all(I M.A. Min. (M.F.M.). PT 691 Field Education (0) Weekly iuvolwml·nt i11 111i11is11y with satisfactory rn111pktion of s111dt'11l's s,•lr-,•val11a1io11 li1n11, supe1vis,1r 's t'Val ttllion li1n11 aud lay lt'ader's i111e1Vit'W 1<11111. Rl·<111ired of M.Div. s111dt'11ls. PT 692 Field Education (0) Wt't'kly i11volw111e111 in 111i11is1ry with sa1isfor1ory ro111ple1io11 of stude111 's s,•l1:...v.1!11a1io11 fonu. supe1visor's ev,d- 11;1tio11 fonu a11d Sl'l'IIIOII evaluation fonu . Rec111in·d of M.Div. s111<lt'11ls. PT 696 lnlernship (1-2) Di rt·rted experil·tm· iII prt'para1 io11. e11rirl1111t'11I, ecp1ipp i11g a11d rt'111edial 111i11is1ries i11 s,•ll·rl(·d rhmrl1l·s. May I•: 1;1ke11 li,r a 111axi11111111 of fo11r 1111i1s. R,·quirt"d of M.A. l'.C.C. 111a_jors i11 thl·ir ~ud, :,rd or 4111 se111t'stns. PT 703 The Church and Society (3) A st11dy of hihliral t'lliirs all(I tht' role 1l1e !oral rl111 rrl1 plays i11 tht· ro111111u- 11i1y. Spl, ·ial a11e111io11 will llt' 1;iwn 111 ma jor ,.,rial prol1ll·111s surh ,L, s.111rtity of lift', rl1e111ic1l ahU"-', d11111es1ir violenre, sorial ills. and 1l1e politiral proress. Rt'cp1ir(·d of M.A. l' .C.C., all M.Div. nn·p1111i,sio11 a11d urh;111 minis11ies. PT 706 Personal Foundations ol Ministry (2) Fornsed 011 till· i111port ,111rt' of St'II'. 1111<lt"rsta11di111; li1r spiri111al a11d t'IIIO· 1io11al ll't"i1-l,ei111; as Wt'!I as t'ffertive 111i11is11y lo l111ni11)l pt'oplt', a11 i11ws1i ga1ion of tht" i111par1 of pnso11al ,111d fa111ily his101y 011 tl1eolo!(iral outlook, t·t11otio11al ro11grtte11rt' , rt'i.llio11al a11r,1r1io11s aml 11101;,I dt"risious. St'V· t"ral pl·rson,d asst"SSlllt' IIIS as Wt"II as one or 111ore tht'rapy ses.,io11s art' au i111egt~d pan of this rnurse. Rt'<Jllirt'd of ~I.Div.. and M.A. s11ule111s. PT 706L Personal Foundations Lab (0) Co111i1111(·d Wel ·kl y 111et"lin1; ill tht' s111all w1111p yo11 d,·wlopt'd i11 l'T 70(i lo work 1111 issllt'S and 111 i11is1n to t'arl1 other as you work to apply the ro11- rep1s you Wt'l"t' l'Xposed to 1l1t' previ otts St'lllt'Slt'f aud art' <Ht' la·ing t'Xposed to i11 rnrreut rnmst"s. Lah s,•c·tion to ht' takt'll i11 tht" im111t"dia1e semeslt·r followi111; PT 70(i aud is ,IIT,111!(l"d witl1 the prokssor. c:radill!( 011 a Cn·dit / No Credit basis.
l11e purpose of tht' Cl11i,tia11 Min istry and Leadership dt'partmt'nl is to prepare the student for Ull"et' art'a., of service: to lead tl1e !Jody of Christ in worship; to lead and equip ChrL,tiaJL, to build up one another; and to trJiu tl1t'm to reach tl1eir comm1mity!i,r Cl11i,1. COURSES PT 51 0 Evangelism and Follow-Up (3) l11e hihliral principles and pt.irtirt' of t!Vangelism and disciplt'ship. l11t' lfa,s will seek lo dwelop tht' skills of pt'r ~mal t!Vangelism, dt'tt'rlllillt' s11~1lt'f(it's for a dL,cipleship 111inis11y, and t·xplort' the theoty and prJrtirt' of small gn111p ministries. Recp1ired of M.Div., a11d MA. (B/f.S. empha,is) studt'nts. PT 591 Introduction lo Field Educalion (1) lntrodurtio11 into the pr.1rtirnl dt'mt'nr., of mi11L,1ty. Empha,L, will be plared 011 career pla1111i11g, tield ex1)t'rit'11re and preparatio11 for Field E<lurntio11 lutt'rn sliip in tht' M.Div. prngrnm. Re<Jllirt'll ofM.Div. stude111s. Lab l.-t' : $40. PT 592 Field Education (0) Weekly i11volveme11t in ministry with satisfactory completio11 of studt'nt's self~luatio11 form, supetvisor 's eval uation form and pas toral interview form. Req11ired of M.Div. s111de11ts. PT 602 Pastoral Ministry (3) A study of a pa,tor's call, purpose . and role in ministry. Special atten1io11 will be given lo providing leadership i11 worship, music, ordina11ces, Wt'ddings. funerals, and hospital and homt' visita tion. The priority and care of mi11islt' rial staff families will J)t' addrt's.sed as well as community rt'latio11s . Recp1ire<l of M.Div. (P,t,toral a11d Gt'n eral Ministries, Christian E<lm:ation).. PT 604 Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy (3) Study of mi11is1ry to the physirally. emotionally or rt'lationally sirk , rrisis minisuy, and minbtty to the dying and bereaved. The sperial nal\lI"t' a11d demands ofhc>:<pital a11d military rhap laitll"y will also be studied. Rt'1p1irt'd of M.Div. P.C.C. and MA. P.C.C~ PT 609-610 Sermon Preparation (3, 3) Acm1,ideration of tht' hmdamt'ntals of speech a, they relatt' to Ult' pulpit min istry. A smdy of the techni<[Ut'S and fw1damentals of sennon ro11s1111ctio11 and pt'rsuasivt' ddiVt'I")' of t'Xposi101y ~nnons. PT G09 L, prt'mp1isitt' 10 l'T
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