PT 774 The Family of the Christian Leader (2) A rnnsideratiou of 1!1t' sperial and 1111ici11e problems fart'cl liy vora1io11al Christi;111 workers and lht'ir fa111ilit's. l11d11dt's all phases of orrnpa1i1111al C11ris1ia11 111i11is11y. Elenive. PT 775 Parent Education in Ministry (2) Rtvirw of tl1e hi,101y of p:11e111i11g, bibLir:d i11ju11nio1L1 aucl 111<Hl<"ls of p:irt11ti11g, aucl c:mrent researrh 011 1rne11ti11)\, Thtn the clrvelopmr111 of parent ecl1u:11io11 l11<Ml11i<·s for rnnlt-renc:ts, stmi11ars, workshops, !t:m1i11g groups or pre:irhiug series. PT 791-792 Field Internship (2, 2) I111egr:11io11 or all lht' disriplillt'S of mill· is1ry and St'111i1wy td11ra1i1111. It pm vides s11pt'1vised t'Xperit'nre i11 v,1ri111Ls ph;Lses of Chri,1i;111 mi 11is11 y. 011,· 111111- dred hours of !it'ld expt'rit'lll't' t';1d1 St'111,·s1er art' t'Va i11a1,·d iu rl ;1ssnH,111 it1lt't,1r1io11. Req11irtcl ol ~Uliv. (bs toral a11<I C:t'11e1,,I Mi11is1rits. Cl1ris1ia11 Ed11r;11io11) st11de111s. l'rt'rl'<Jllisi1,·s: l'T !iO~; Co111plt'lio11 ol Ii-I 1111111s of lilt' M.Div. pro!(I.1111 for PT 7 1 11, l'f7'f2. PT 802 Spiritual Conflicts and Counseling (2) A study of tilt' rnnllirt ht'IWt't'll tl1e ki11)idom of d;1rk11t'ss and lilt' ki11g <lom of !i)(ht with au t'lllphasis 011 lilt' a111h11ri1y, powt'r, pro1,·rtio11 ;1s Wt'II as lilt' v11!111· rabili1y ol tilt hl"iil'Vt'r. Tilt' lt'rillli'llll·s ol rn1111st'li11g lilt' spiri111ally afllirtt'cl ;1rt' also rn11sid t'rt'cl . Elt'rlivt· for Tl1.~I. s111d,·111s; 011iers by depart111t·111;,! pt'n11is.sio11 . PT 807 Integration of Psychology and Theology (3) A s1mey of 1lw diflne111 ;1ppro,11-!it·s, 1111H!els aucl a11i1uclts li,r 1111· i111ew,1· tion of psyd1oi<')\y ;111d llitology. El<·r· tivt for Tld,( s1udrn1s; 01!11·rs hy dep;1rt111t111al prrmissio11 . (Cross lisltd with RSTI' nt) PT 880 Dil8cted Research (1-3) In-depth i11vesti!f,1lio11 of a 1opir nud,· r the g11ida11re of 1h,· Chrisii,111 Mi11is1 ry a11d L,·,ulership dt'part111t'11l 1Lsi11g s1,111- dard rest'arrh prort'd11recs. Topir selt'rtion a11d rnmst· 1·mol1111t·111 is hy depal'llllt'lll ;1ppro1'.d. Elt-r1i1·t. PT 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Ihsrnssiou a11d applira1io11 ol llw n·1111:,I areas of Cl11is1ia11 Mi11is1ry a11d Ltaclrr ship rrsearrh ;11111relaiecl li,·l,Ls of study. l11s1runio11 in rtseard1 11w1!10clolo!(y, i11rlucli11!( 1hr icle11tilir,11io11 ol a prols le111, tht steps tak,·11 lo rtsolvt it, a11cl wri1i11!( tlw wstths.
PT 725 Counseling Troubled Families (3) A comparison of positive and neg:itivr family sy.,tems in Scripture, in theory am! in d1un:h life. The development ofa team approach to intervention, enrid1men1 a11cl ec1uipping for nrinistry to families. Prrrec~ uisite: PT 628, 706, 707 and CE 67!i or their ec1uivalents. Rec1uired of M.Div., (P.C.C.), (M.F.M.), MA (P.C.G.) and MA. Min. (M.F.M.) sntdent1. Elective. PT 726 C18alive Pl8aching (2) An exploration of several ways to pro• claim God's Word such a-; topical, textual, inductive, 1lialoh~<:al, dramatic muTJtive, evangelistic and life situation pread1i11!(. Prerec1ui1ites: PTfi09, 610. Elenive. PT 728 Mentoring In Ministry (3) Stlldy and prartice of mentoring in the context of minisuy and prepara tion for ministry. Stlldents will be exposed to mentoring in a variety of contexts and distill the most impor tant processes of mentorin!( for min istry. The major proportion of tht' co\lrse will put st\ldenL~ into tht' prac tice of mentoring where mt'ntoring processes can be experienred first hand. ElectiVt'. By Signature only. PT 730 Biblical Leadership and Management (3) TI1e biblical basis for organizational man agement and leadership. Examination of the proce.~ of planning, organizing, leading and sitppmting from a biblirnl basis and made applicable to Christian se1vice and mi11io;1ry. Reep tired of M.Div. (Pa.<;1oral and C'>t'neral Ministries). PT 734 Church Finance and Admlnlstrallon (2) An examination of thr biblical prim:iples of stewardship, fund raisi111; and linanrial acc:ountabiliry. Otlic:e am! phy.,iral pla111 admi ni11ra1ion a1 well a1 the use of 1l1e computer will ue aclclressecl. Prerequi site: PT no. Elective. PT 740 Issues & Ethics In Ministry (2) A study of the ethical issues unic1ur to tl1e pastor, his family and the congrega tion. An examination of thrologic:al and psychological aspects of pas1or:d care, including ethical issues, 11e1work ing witl1 otl1er health <:1rr prolrssionab, management of thr pra<:tic:e of churrh discipline, and ec1uipping of the laity for pastora l care ministries. Required of M.Div., and MA. (P.CC.). PT 750 Directed Study (1-4) Readin1; and research in srlenecl areas of study. PT 760 Seminar (1·3) Sde<:ted topin; in the fide! of mi11is11y. May be rept-.tted with dillerent w111e111.
Chair: Robert L. Santy, Th.D. FACULTY Prol.-s.,ors: Holloman, S,11wy OBJECTIVES
1.io11 inclttding the person and work of tht Spirit. Special emphasis on the p1,Ktire of sanctification in personal Christian liviu!(. Required of M.Div. aucl M.A. s111dents. TH 614 Theology IV-The Church and Last Things (3)
11 is tht' purpose of 1he e111pl1,Lsis of rheology to give lht' s111de111 a 1!1or- 011!\h !(1:1sp of Ille µ;rtal donrillt'S ol tht' C11ris1ia11 fai1!1. li;1s;•d ttpou tl1t' Sniptme as 1he 11!1ima1e so\llTt' ol a111hori1y the donrines are clevelo1Jt"d 11iro11gh the ~')'Stematir examina tion a11d i11te!(l'atio11 of re!t'V'1ll1 SniplllJ"t'S wi1!1 w11sider;11io11 given to d1K·1ri11al intt'rprt'tations 11iro11gho111 rhurd1 l1is11>1y. Alon!( wi1h tilt' arcp1i, i1io11 of ;1 k11owleclgt' of ill<· tht'ologiral clor• 1ri11ts of 1!1e Sniplllrt's, it is the !(oal of 1he depart111e111 to develop in lilt' s111d,·111s a farili1 y whirh will allow 11i,·111 lo w111i1111t' 1l1eir own 1h,·ol11gi ra Idt'Vt' lo1l111 e111. COURSES TH 511 Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God (3) Tl1e 11a111rt·, 1111·1l1od a11d ra1io11alt' ol C:liris1ia11 lht'ology. Revela1io11, l,0111 )\<' ll t'i,d a11d spec·ial, inspiration, r;111011- iriiy a11d illt1111i11a1io11 of Snip1111·t'. Tilt' d11t1ri11t of Cod, i11rl11di11g His t'Xis- 1,·11re, a11ril1111,-s ;111d Trinitarian 11,1111rt'. R<"<jllirt'(I ofM.Div. a11d MA st11dt11ts. TH 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin (3) (;,Ki's ,·1ern;,! pl,111 iwhuli11g Ilis ki11µ; do111 p111post· ;111cl rt·dt'111p1 ivt li,nL\ His w,11!- 111 rw,11io11 a11d ro111i11111-<I ar1ivi1y wi1l1i11 rre.11io11. Tilt ;111gt'ls. IM>tli )\<MM! aud t'Vil; i11rltuli11g 1l1eir origin, prt'St'lll slalt. work and des1i11y. C:rt'alio11 of 1111111ki11d iu Cod's i11111gt', h1111i;111 11,1111re, lilt' fall a11d 1!1e t'ifrrl ol sin 111~•11 h11111a11iiy. l-111111a11 Iii.- i11 rl'iation 10 the cliviut' i11s1i1111io11s of tl1t' family and rivil !(t1Vern111e111. R.-cp1irtd of ~l.ll~·- aud MA st1Klt·111s. TH 610 Advanced Theology (3) Au i11-d,·p1l1 s111dy of 1!1t' 111,ijor 1!11·<> loµ;ir;,I issues in lht ;lf'e;1s of bibliol ogy, 1!1t·11logy proper, ;1111hropol11gy, l1 ;1111 ;1niology, solt'riology. This rn111s1· is sperifirally dt'sig11ed fo r 1l111st· s111d1·111s wl10 r,·rt'iw n·d11rtio11 i11 llit'oloµ;y cl11.- 10 prior s111dit's. Rt''lllirt'd of ~I.Div. and 11.A. s11ule111s wl10 art 1101 re1p1irt'd 10 1,1kt' TH :,!~ and TH lil:t TH 613 Theology Ill - Christ, Salvation and the Spirit (3) Tl1t' 1wrso11 and s.1vi11g work of Cl1ris1. Till· 11a1 11n· aud ;1ppl ira1io11 of s.ill'< t·
A study of the broad kingdom pur pose of God and the future events rel ,11ed lo 1he des1i11y of history and i11c!ivid11als including Christ's second rnmin!( i11 its phases, the millennial I T·25
rtign of Christ, the resurrections, the judgments and eternal state. The iuception and nature of the church, ho1h as a living organism and an orga- nization, its hmrtion, ordinances and plare and mission in God 's purpose. Re'111ired of M.Div. and MA. students. TH 700 The Doctrine of God (2) Adv,111red study of the reality, aurib- 11 It'S and Triune nature of God. l11rl11clt's discussion of the human k11owlt'd)(t' and the nature of t'Urn11111er with God . Prerequisite: TH:, I1 Elt'nive. TH 702 Advanced Bibliology (2) l11tt't1sive s111dy of revelation, inspira- 1io11, i11t'rra11ry and authority in the ligh1 of rnnltmp<>rJry is.,ut's. Prereq- 11isitt': TH:,] I. Elerlive. TH 707 Roman Catholic Theology (2) A detailed study of the tenets of Ro111;111 Catl10lil'ism; reading from reprt'st·111a1ive Roman Catholi<: litera- 111rt'; p,1nirnlar a11e11tio11 given to the dis1i11r1io11s he1wee11 Roman C'.atholic and Prntes1a111 doct.rines. Especially l1elpf11I for 1!1ose rnntemplating mis sio11a1y se1vire in rnmllries dominated by Ro111a11 Ca1holirism. Elertive. TH 709 Contemporary Theology (2) Tl1e study of rnntemporary theologi ral positions, induding a su1vey of the philosophiral and theological thought lt'adin~ 11p to the present scene. Recp1ired of M.A. (Th.) and Th.M. (Sys tt'ma1ir Theology) smdents. TH 710 Pneumatology (2) T!tt' person and work of the Holy Spirit IM>th in the Old and New Testa- 111t'11ts wi1h partirnlar a11e111 ion to His 111i11is1ries in this age to the individual believer and the church. Elective. TH 712 Current Theological Issues (2) Au i111e11sivt' s111dy of the thought ol partirnlar rn111empora1y theologians, promint'lll theological or theologi cally sig11ilira111 elhiral is.sues in the liµ;h1 of hihliral revt'la1io11. Elerlive.
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