

TH 880 Dimcted Research (1-3) S11pt'tVLsed rt'.searrh in selec1rd are,1, of th111logy. Elective forll1.M. s1ude11t.,. TH 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Disut._,io11 a11d application of the cen­ tral areas nl theology research a11d rt'la1ed lit'lds of s111dy. Jns1ruction in rt'st'arch methodology, including the idt'nlilica1ion of a problem, the steps takt'll to resolve ii and writing the n,s11!1s. Recp1ired for tl1e first semes­ lt'r of tht' Th.M. (Systematic Theol­ ogy) progra111. A second semester may be take11 to continue research in the area of inlt'rest.

TH 815 Advanced Ecclesiology (2) Au i11tt'11sivt' s111dy of sig11ifira111 aspt'rts of tltt' rh11rcl1 r.-lait'd lo its 11allll't' , pmpost' a11d orga11iza1io11. Panirnlar allt'nlio11 dirt'rtt'd to rnr­ r.-111 prohl,·111 art',t,. l'rt'rt'<jllisi1.-: TH (il4 or tht' <'<jllival.-111 in t'Cdt'siology. Elt'niw for Th.M. s111dt'11ls; otht'rs by deparl!llt'lllal pt'n11is.,io11 . TH 827 The Doctrine or the Kingdom (2) An i11vesli)(alio11 i1110 1!1.- 111.-,mi11f!; a11d p11rp0St' of lilt' Ki11gdo111 of God a11d its Jll'of(rt's.,iv.- dt·Vt'lopmt'lll wi1hi11 his- 101y. Tilt' rnlll'St' i11d11d.-s discw,sio11 of hislmic-al aud rn111.-111po1~11')' 1!1.-olo1;i­ ral positions with t'mph,L,is 11po11 1h.­ hihli«1l lt'arhiug i11 its hisloriral li,llllt'­ work. Elt'rlivt' for Tl1.M. s111de111s; olht'r liydt"p,trlillt'lli;,I pn111L•.sio11 .

TH 717 Theology or Human Na tum (2) Exploration of key art'as rt'la1ing lo tJ1e nature of man from both a tht'<>· logical and p,')'chological pt'rsperl iVt'; the biblical nature of man in compari­ son to teaching theories of human development. The meaning and sig­ nificance of man created in lht' i111agt' of Go<l; natme and dyna111irs of sin which lead to sins or p,')'d1ologiral maladjustment.,; practical applirn1ion of tJ1e above concept.~ to tht' art',t, of per.mnal growth and disciplt', t'd11rn­ tion and child rearing and rl111rrh ministry. Team taught by farnhy wi1l1 strength in theology and p,yrl1ology. Prere<p1isi1e: TH 512, or e<ptivalt'nl. Recp1ired of reduced M.A.C.E. stu­ dents. Elective. TH 718 Theology or Christian Nurture (2) Designed for the st11den1 with hark­ ground in the biblical and lht'ologiral knowle<lgt' of sot.eriology. C~msidt'ra­ tion of the na111re of personal 11~111s­ formation in regt'neration, 1J1e mt',l!ls and dynamics of nurture inrh1ding the relation of rogni1ivt' and rt'la­ tional aspt'cls. Examination of tltt' natme of spiritual maturity and it, relation to p,ychologica] maturity and hindrances to growth. Team 1augh1 by farnlty with strength in lht'ology and p,ycl10logy. Prerecptisitt': TH :, 12, 613 or ecptivalent. Rt'quired of re<luct'd MA.C.E. studt'nls. Elt'rtiw. TH 720 The Theology and Praclice or Prayer (2) A study of the biblical lht'ology of prayer including its meaning, pmpoSt' and pract.ic:e. Elt'cliVt'. TH 724 Eschatologlcal Problems (2) Typical t'Xl'gt'liral and doctrinal prol~ !ems in the area of Biblt' propht'ry. Lectmes, a,sigued problt'IIIS with writ­ ten and cla,sroom rt'ports, disnt._,ion and libra1y research. Eh1ivt' . TH 725 The Dlspensational System (2) An intensive study of that ,ystt'm of biblical interpretation known as dis­ pensationalism; it., historical hark ­ ground, modern form and ohjt'nions. Emphasizing primary tht'ologiral and exegt'tiral issues or disagrt't'lllt'nl between dispensational and non-dis­

TH 729 The Theology or the Gospels (2) An t'Xamination of tht' lht'ologiral teaching ofJes1t, as rt'rnnle<l in lht' lintr gospd narratiVt'S. · Sp.-rial atlt'tllio11 is ]ltid to tht' rhro11ologi«1l dt'wlop111.-111 of th.-m.-s 1a11!\h1 hy Christ i11 lht' li!\111 or His prt'St'lllalion a11d rt'_jt'r1io11. (Cross listt"tl with NT n<1). Ek<1 iw. TH 730 Pauline Theology (2) Tht' mai11 tht'lllt'S or l'a111's dorr ri 11.­ fro111 lht' hihliral 1!1t'ologiral p<'rsp,·r­ tiVt' . (Cross list.-d wi1l1 NT 7:.CI). l'r.-­ rt'<ptisitt': NT :,OJ-:,lf2. Elt'niVt'. TH 740 The Doctrine or the Atonement (2) A study of 1l1t' liililiral 111t'a11i11)( a11d signilira!lrt' of lht' a1<>11i11)( work of Cltrist i11rl11di11K a SIIIVt'Y of lht' sig11ili­ c1111 his1oriral i111nprt'talio11s of 1l1.­ dor1ri11t' . Ekr1iw. TH 751 Theology of Mission (3) Au i111rod11r1io11 10 1!1t'ology or 111is­ sio11s 1ha1 lornSt's 011 till· 1,ii,Jiral basis Ji,r missio11. This s111dy St't·ks 10 ,•x;1111- i11t' illl· 11101iws, ai111s a11d 111.-1!1ods of 111issio11 lro111 ho1h 1h.- l!.-hn·w ll ihl,· a11d 111<' N.-w T.-s1a111.-111. TH 761 Directed Study (1-4) S11pt'1Vis.-d r.-adi11g a11d r.-s.-;1rrl1 i11 St'lt'rit'd art'as of ,yslt'111;11ir iht'ology. El.-rtil't'. TH 771 Theology Seminar (1-4) lltt' study ol s<:it'rled art'as of ,ystt'III· a1ir or l>ililiral 1h.-olo!\Y· May ht' rt'pt'at.-d li, r n,·dil with dilfrr.-111 rn11- 1,·111. Elt'r1iw. TH 802 Millennial Views (2) Arardi1l a11d i111,·11sil't' study of 1l1e 1l11·.-t' mai11 t'Sd1a1oi<')\i<,1l vi<'1'S r<"ialil't' lo 1l1,· mill,·1111i11111; 111.- hisloricil a11d l1ihlir;il slrt'11~1h of 1h,· pn·111ill<"1111ial sys1e111 ; n111side1;11io11 of 1h.- l«1di11K a111illl'll11i,il w1i1in!\S. A d.-1;1ilt·d a11alysis or tilt' loll!' positiott, rdatiw lo tht' 1i111t' of lhe 1,11>­ IUrt'; a hihlirnl a11d 1h,"<1l<')\i«1l dt'kllSt' of lht' prt'l!ilm~11ioual vi,"11', wi1l1 t'X<:(<'Sis of ntk·ial p,t,,,ages of Sniplllrt'. l'rt'r111ui­ silt': TH lil4. Ehtiw li,rTh.M. st11d,·111s; <~ilt'rs hy dt']tlrtll1e11t;1I p.-1111i~'<io11 . TH 806 Theology Seminar (1-4) Sd,·rlt'd prohle111s i11 1!1e Jit'lds of ,ys­ lt'lll,Jlir or hihlir;,i lh<"ology. El1·r1i1•,· for Tl1.M. s111dt'111s; 01h,·rs hy dq>an­ mt'111al pt'rmis.,io11 . TH 810 Johannine Theology (2) llit' lilt'oi,')\y or 1h,·.Jol1,m11i11,· w1itill!\S, with e111phasis 11po11 1111· rn11r.-pls 1!1,11 tltt' wrilt'r himsdl .-111pli;L,izes. l'r,·r<'<]· 11isilt': NT :,01-:,0t Elt'rliw li>r Tl1.~!. s111dt"11ls; otllt'rs hy tit'part111,·111al pn- 111is.sio11. (Cro~~ lis1,·d with 1\118t1).

pensationa.1 positions. Elt'l:livt' . TH 728 Theological Systems (2)

Several major lht'olo1;ica] ,ys1t'n1s ol th0111;ht empha,izing thost' within lht' Protestant perspt'ctive, 1>111 also including signilira!ll Ro111an C11 holir andjt'wish ,')'stt'ms. Elt'r1ivt'.

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