TH 880 Dimcted Research (1-3) S11pt'tVLsed rt'.searrh in selec1rd are,1, of th111logy. Elective forll1.M. s1ude11t.,. TH 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Disut._,io11 a11d application of the cen tral areas nl theology research a11d rt'la1ed lit'lds of s111dy. Jns1ruction in rt'st'arch methodology, including the idt'nlilica1ion of a problem, the steps takt'll to resolve ii and writing the n,s11!1s. Recp1ired for tl1e first semes lt'r of tht' Th.M. (Systematic Theol ogy) progra111. A second semester may be take11 to continue research in the area of inlt'rest.
TH 815 Advanced Ecclesiology (2) Au i11tt'11sivt' s111dy of sig11ifira111 aspt'rts of tltt' rh11rcl1 r.-lait'd lo its 11allll't' , pmpost' a11d orga11iza1io11. Panirnlar allt'nlio11 dirt'rtt'd to rnr r.-111 prohl,·111 art',t,. l'rt'rt'<jllisi1.-: TH (il4 or tht' <'<jllival.-111 in t'Cdt'siology. Elt'niw for Th.M. s111dt'11ls; otht'rs by deparl!llt'lllal pt'n11is.,io11 . TH 827 The Doctrine or the Kingdom (2) An i11vesli)(alio11 i1110 1!1.- 111.-,mi11f!; a11d p11rp0St' of lilt' Ki11gdo111 of God a11d its Jll'of(rt's.,iv.- dt·Vt'lopmt'lll wi1hi11 his- 101y. Tilt' rnlll'St' i11d11d.-s discw,sio11 of hislmic-al aud rn111.-111po1~11')' 1!1.-olo1;i ral positions with t'mph,L,is 11po11 1h. hihli«1l lt'arhiug i11 its hisloriral li,llllt' work. Elt'rlivt' for Tl1.M. s111de111s; olht'r liydt"p,trlillt'lli;,I pn111L•.sio11 .
TH 717 Theology or Human Na tum (2) Exploration of key art'as rt'la1ing lo tJ1e nature of man from both a tht'<>· logical and p,')'chological pt'rsperl iVt'; the biblical nature of man in compari son to teaching theories of human development. The meaning and sig nificance of man created in lht' i111agt' of Go<l; natme and dyna111irs of sin which lead to sins or p,')'d1ologiral maladjustment.,; practical applirn1ion of tJ1e above concept.~ to tht' art',t, of per.mnal growth and disciplt', t'd11rn tion and child rearing and rl111rrh ministry. Team taught by farnhy wi1l1 strength in theology and p,yrl1ology. Prere<p1isi1e: TH 512, or e<ptivalt'nl. Recp1ired of reduced M.A.C.E. stu dents. Elective. TH 718 Theology or Christian Nurture (2) Designed for the st11den1 with hark ground in the biblical and lht'ologiral knowle<lgt' of sot.eriology. C~msidt'ra tion of the na111re of personal 11~111s formation in regt'neration, 1J1e mt',l!ls and dynamics of nurture inrh1ding the relation of rogni1ivt' and rt'la tional aspt'cls. Examination of tltt' natme of spiritual maturity and it, relation to p,ychologica] maturity and hindrances to growth. Team 1augh1 by farnlty with strength in lht'ology and p,ycl10logy. Prerecptisitt': TH :, 12, 613 or ecptivalent. Rt'quired of re<luct'd MA.C.E. studt'nls. Elt'rtiw. TH 720 The Theology and Praclice or Prayer (2) A study of the biblical lht'ology of prayer including its meaning, pmpoSt' and pract.ic:e. Elt'cliVt'. TH 724 Eschatologlcal Problems (2) Typical t'Xl'gt'liral and doctrinal prol~ !ems in the area of Biblt' propht'ry. Lectmes, a,sigued problt'IIIS with writ ten and cla,sroom rt'ports, disnt._,ion and libra1y research. Eh1ivt' . TH 725 The Dlspensational System (2) An intensive study of that ,ystt'm of biblical interpretation known as dis pensationalism; it., historical hark ground, modern form and ohjt'nions. Emphasizing primary tht'ologiral and exegt'tiral issues or disagrt't'lllt'nl between dispensational and non-dis
TH 729 The Theology or the Gospels (2) An t'Xamination of tht' lht'ologiral teaching ofJes1t, as rt'rnnle<l in lht' lintr gospd narratiVt'S. · Sp.-rial atlt'tllio11 is ]ltid to tht' rhro11ologi«1l dt'wlop111.-111 of th.-m.-s 1a11!\h1 hy Christ i11 lht' li!\111 or His prt'St'lllalion a11d rt'_jt'r1io11. (Cross listt"tl with NT n<1). Ek<1 iw. TH 730 Pauline Theology (2) Tht' mai11 tht'lllt'S or l'a111's dorr ri 11. fro111 lht' hihliral 1!1t'ologiral p<'rsp,·r tiVt' . (Cross list.-d wi1l1 NT 7:.CI). l'r.- rt'<ptisitt': NT :,OJ-:,lf2. Elt'niVt'. TH 740 The Doctrine or the Atonement (2) A study of 1l1t' liililiral 111t'a11i11)( a11d signilira!lrt' of lht' a1<>11i11)( work of Cltrist i11rl11di11K a SIIIVt'Y of lht' sig11ili c1111 his1oriral i111nprt'talio11s of 1l1. dor1ri11t' . Ekr1iw. TH 751 Theology of Mission (3) Au i111rod11r1io11 10 1!1t'ology or 111is sio11s 1ha1 lornSt's 011 till· 1,ii,Jiral basis Ji,r missio11. This s111dy St't·ks 10 ,•x;1111- i11t' illl· 11101iws, ai111s a11d 111.-1!1ods of 111issio11 lro111 ho1h 1h.- l!.-hn·w ll ihl,· a11d 111<' N.-w T.-s1a111.-111. TH 761 Directed Study (1-4) S11pt'1Vis.-d r.-adi11g a11d r.-s.-;1rrl1 i11 St'lt'rit'd art'as of ,yslt'111;11ir iht'ology. El.-rtil't'. TH 771 Theology Seminar (1-4) lltt' study ol s<:it'rled art'as of ,ystt'III· a1ir or l>ililiral 1h.-olo!\Y· May ht' rt'pt'at.-d li, r n,·dil with dilfrr.-111 rn11- 1,·111. Elt'r1iw. TH 802 Millennial Views (2) Arardi1l a11d i111,·11sil't' study of 1l1e 1l11·.-t' mai11 t'Sd1a1oi<')\i<,1l vi<'1'S r<"ialil't' lo 1l1,· mill,·1111i11111; 111.- hisloricil a11d l1ihlir;il slrt'11~1h of 1h,· pn·111ill<"1111ial sys1e111 ; n111side1;11io11 of 1h.- l«1di11K a111illl'll11i,il w1i1in!\S. A d.-1;1ilt·d a11alysis or tilt' loll!' positiott, rdatiw lo tht' 1i111t' of lhe 1,11> IUrt'; a hihlirnl a11d 1h,"<1l<')\i«1l dt'kllSt' of lht' prt'l!ilm~11ioual vi,"11', wi1l1 t'X<:(<'Sis of ntk·ial p,t,,,ages of Sniplllrt'. l'rt'r111ui silt': TH lil4. Ehtiw li,rTh.M. st11d,·111s; <~ilt'rs hy dt']tlrtll1e11t;1I p.-1111i~'<io11 . TH 806 Theology Seminar (1-4) Sd,·rlt'd prohle111s i11 1!1e Jit'lds of ,ys lt'lll,Jlir or hihlir;,i lh<"ology. El1·r1i1•,· for Tl1.M. s111dt'111s; 01h,·rs hy dq>an mt'111al pt'rmis.,io11 . TH 810 Johannine Theology (2) llit' lilt'oi,')\y or 1h,·.Jol1,m11i11,· w1itill!\S, with e111phasis 11po11 1111· rn11r.-pls 1!1,11 tltt' wrilt'r himsdl .-111pli;L,izes. l'r,·r<'<]· 11isilt': NT :,01-:,0t Elt'rliw li>r Tl1.~!. s111dt"11ls; otllt'rs hy tit'part111,·111al pn- 111is.sio11. (Cro~~ lis1,·d with 1\118t1).
pensationa.1 positions. Elt'l:livt' . TH 728 Theological Systems (2)
Several major lht'olo1;ica] ,ys1t'n1s ol th0111;ht empha,izing thost' within lht' Protestant perspt'ctive, 1>111 also including signilira!ll Ro111an C11 holir andjt'wish ,')'stt'ms. Elt'r1ivt'.
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