•=•Eil•>iU-tit THEOLOGY
■ ):O!•il•>lU•'.I OF RELIGION
FACULTY l'rofes.sor: Moreland As.soriale l'roks.sors: Cox, Ceivell, Rat' ReSt',1rrlt Professor: Craig OBJECTIVES The Cltrisiian lt'adn often <leals wi1lt prnhle111s that ,il't' related to rn11- ll'll1l >o1, 11y 1n·11ds in pl1ilosopltiral ancl S<"il'lllilir 1l 1otl)\l11. For this reason, a k1111wlecly;,· of lhl' i11tt'l11·r111al heri1,1ge of 1l1e wesll'rn world and lite apol,~ g,·1ir 1erl111iq11es allcl pos111res 1lt;1t are of 111os1 value is need,·d. COURSES PH 523 Metaphysics I (3) A 1opiral s111dy of the nature an<l 111el l1odolo)\y of metapltysirs with e111ph ,Lsis 011 lilt' 11;11ure and 11lti111a1e ral<·)\ori,·s of heinf( as well as s1wrilir an·;cs (e.y;. 1<lll,ll i1111 , sp,1n· ;111d 1i111e, the soul , freed11111 ;111d cle1ern1i11is111, p,· r ,c,111,d idl'llti1y, ;111d t-s.s1:111ialis111) . Sj>t'!'i ,d 1·11qilusis will lw piared 011 i111e!\ralillg 111e1apl1ysirs wi1l1 111,· rn11s1rnr1io11 and dd,·11S<· of.1 Cl11is1ia11 worldvi,·w. PH 524 Metaphysics II (3) A lopiral s111cly of i111pona 111 seler1,·d 1l1e ll1,· s ancl p,·rsons in llll' field of IJl('t ,1physirs. E111pltasis will llt' pl.ired 11 11 rnrrent tensions ht'IWeen Christian 1l1eisll1 ancl v,1rio11s lllt'lapltysiral posi tions ancl 011 kl'y past and prest'nt lig llJl'S in 111,·taphysirs. PH 544 Epislemology I (3) A topir;d s111dy ill 1l1e definition of knowled)\e and j11s1iliecl helief, proh l,·111s in sk,·p1iris111, 111,· 11,111m· of epLs- 1,·111ir j11s1ilira 1io11 ;111d lite 11at11re of IJ'llll1. Applir,11io11 will he 111acle lo spe rial episll'l1111log iral is.sill's in rl'li)\ion, '' ·!\· n· ligi1111s t'XJH·rie nre, mirarles, inen, 1111y, h111cl,·11 of pn ..f is.Slll'S. PH 545 Epistemology II (3) Arnnrt'ptual analysis and pltilo,c,1plti1,1I ,·v;d11atio11 of i111pona111 rn11lt'Illpora1y LS.SIies in episte111ology. Sperial empha sis will l1t· plan·cl 011 the role tltal key rllll'l'lll and p,LSI r1g11n,,; 11;1\'t' playt'cl in fonnill)\ illl'S<' is.silt's. Ali ;1pplir.1tion of epis1e111ol1>g"iral the1111's will ilt' 111,Hie lo lhl' l'tlllrt' lllS of rl'li)\iOIIS episll' ll!Oi ogy. PH 547 The Theology and Philosophy of Science (2) .-\ s111dy of l'arious isstlt'S 1l1a1 ariSt' in 1111· integra1io11 of S<·i,·11r t' and ortlllr dox Cl1risiian 1l1eology (e.g. modds of i111,w:1tio11, 1lw S("i,·111ilir SlalllS of n,~ ;1tio11ism, lite rreatio11 / t'volu1io11 clehate) as w.-11 as an inn·sli!(alio11 of
FACULTY Associate Professor: Gomes OBJECTIVES
HT 705 Hislory of Revivals (2) The barkground, d,·velop111elll an<l results of the ),'Tt'.11 revivals ill Amni«1. Elt'l'liVt'. HT 706 Protestant Theology Seminar (2) Ali e:cm1ina1ion of signiti«n11 devdojr 111t'nls in Rt'fonnation/ post-R,·li1rn1a1i1111 Prott'stant thOli)(lil. ~fay I,,. rqi,·;11,·cl with <lilli-renl ell1plt,Lsis. Elertivt'. HT 707 The Radical Reformation (2) Ali examinati,111 of 1l1e Al1ab,1p1ist and S!K·inian n111vemenls. Co11sicle1;11io11 of the <lLstin!'live !t".11l1Jt'S of 111,·ir theology and prnrlire and 1l1e Reforme<l an<l L11tht'1an polemir agai1Lst them. Elt'!'tive. HT 709 Arminius and Arminianism (2) A study of tltt' writillf(S of James Arn1inius and l1is followers, i11rl11cli11g Liml1orrl1, Episrnpi1Ls and C11rrella,•1Ls. C11111parison of rl,1s.sir,d Anninianism wi1l1 R,·forn1,·d ;incl Lutheran ortho doxy . Speri,il a11en1io11 )(iv,·11 lo Ar111i11ia11 vi,·ws of predes1i11,11io11, si11, f(rare, and ,11rn1e111e111 1lwo1y. El,·l'lil'l' . HT 710 Denominalional Dislinctives (2) Tl1,, ltis101y, clis1inr1iws ,llld polil)' ol 1l1e s111dl'11l ' s cl,· 1111111ill ,lli1111 or rl1111rl1. Rl'q11in·d f111 ~l.Div. s111d1·111s 11 01 1aki11)( I-IT :,(Ki in 1l1is s,·111i1l ;11y. HT 718 Resean:h Seminar (2-4) S11pervise<l rtst',1JTl1, witl1 periodir reports to se111i11,1r 111<'11il1<·rs. in ;111 approve<l ;1rea of s1wri;,I i111en·st Jo 1l1t' s111dt'J1I. ElertiVt' . HT 721 The Theology of John Calvin (2) Tre-,1IJ11l'lll of the 111a i11 is.stll'S in ("dvin's 1l1mlogy, ,ls cle1;1il1~l in l1is l11s1i1111es of 1l1e U1ris1i,m Relif(i1111 ancl oilier 111ajo1 w1i1ings. Cdl'in 's 1l1eology is rnnq>an·cl wi1l 1other sif(11iliran1 tl1i11ke1s in tl1e
selertt'd topics in plti!osophy of sci enre rt'leva111 lo a Cltristian worl<lview {e.f!,. the realist/autirealisl ddiale, the 11a111rt', for111a1ion, tlst, and co11finna- 1ion of S<·ientific laws an<l theories, sci e111ism an<l 1l1e limits ofscienre). PH 566 The History of Ethics (3) A s11rv<'y an<l evaluation of various t'Il 1iris1S and their ,-ystems from within a Christian frnmework. Emplta.sis will ilt' plart<l 1111 Aris101le, Augustine, Aquinas, the utilitarians, and Kant. PH 587 Seminar In Ethical Systems and Ethical Reasoning (3) A s111<ly of varirnLs issues in metaethics and nor111 a1 ive e1l1ics, as Wt'll as an investigation of ell1ical decision-mak ing and raSt' studies. PH 602 Apologetics (3) An t'Xa111ination of the Chris ti an world view and tl1e various 01ris1ia11 apologetir rt'sponses in rdation to tl1e areas of l1is101y, S<·ienre, and pltiloS<~ pl1y R,·<111irt'd for M.Div. an<l M.A. (T.H.) s111de111s. PH 624 Seminar in Ethical Issues I (3) A s111dy of various topics rnrrently lwin)\ dt'hatt'<I in elhics, e.i;. abortion, e111hanasia, genetic engineering, infan tiride, stllT<>g"alt' motlterho<Ml, b1Lsine.ss t'lltirs, t'11viro11111en1al is.sues, etc. PH 625 Seminar in Ethical Issues II (3) An in-<lepilt study of one specific issue rnnen1ly being <lebate<l in business, mecliral ancl / or social et hi cs.
The aims of this emphasis art' to: acquaint tl1e student witl1 tl1e dor11i11al views of significant movements, schmls and individuals in church hLslOJy: show tl1e trajecuiry of thought in the dt'Vl·lotr menl of ducuint'S as tl1ey are workt'd otll !1Lstorically; and give an apprtciation fi1r the strugglt's and labors of the g1NI lilinLs of God who have gone bt'fore tLs in e;tabfoihing and ddending ortl1odo:-.y COURSES HT 505 Palrislic and Medieval Theology (3) History of the church from tltt' Apos tolic Fathers to the eve of tltt' Rt'for mation with an emphasis 011 tltt' dt'Vt'l opment of dortrine. DisrtLssion of kry thinken<, such a.s Origt'n, Tt'rllillian, Augustine, Anselm, Acp1i11as and Sm ms. Required ofM.Div. studt'nls. HT 506 Reformation and Modern Theology (3) HL1tory of tl1e clmrcl1 from the Refi11111a tion 10 the present with an emplta,L, on tl1e key Continental ancl EnglL1h Rrli11111- ers, inclucling Zwingli, Luther and C1k•i11. Discussion of the coun1er-Reforma1io11, Protestant scl1olasticism, tl1e E11ligh1e11- men1, ancl imporCml tl1eological clevelop- 111ent1 in tl1e 111<~lem era. Opportunity Ls given for s1udent1 10 study tl1e 1x1lity ancl history of their own denomination. Rec1uired ofM.Div. students. HT 514 Hlstorlcal Theology Survey (3) His101y of the church from tltt' apos tolic Fatht'n< to the modern t'ra wi th an empha.sis on the developmt'n I of doctrine. Highlights key thinkers in the patristic, medieval, Reformation and modt'rn eras. Recp1ired for M.A. (BE, OT, NT, TH, B/TS), others by departmental penni~ion. HT 558 Puritanism (2) A survt'y of the Puritan movt'111e111 with emphasis 011 its es1ablislt111e111 and practice in New Enghmd. Tltt'<r logical, social, politiral, economir and cultural aspt>cts rnnsidered, inclucling analysis of the Puritan inlluenct' on American Evan!(t'licalism. Elt'rliVt' . HT 702 The Chun:h Fathel'i (2) An introduction to tht' Antt--Nirt'llt', Nicene and Post-Nicent' Fatltt'l's witl1 special emphasis upon tltt' dt'Vt'lop menl of d{){trine and cl111rcl1. ElertiVt'. HT 704 Medieval Theology Seminar (2) Astudy in the dewlopmt'III of sd1ol,Lslir theology from Anselm to Bid with emphasis on tltt' ron1ril.111tio11 of tltt' IJ!t'ditv.tl d,~·1011; to the dt'l'dopmt'III of d<l!(11tatir UJt'oli'h'Y in the Wt'St. Elt'!'liVt'.
PH 667 Seminar in Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of the Mind (2)
A s11uly and defense of the existence ancl 11a111rt' of the soul, the reality of diSt'11ii1odied existence, tl1e naturt' of h11111an auion, and is.sues in pen<onal icl e111 i1y. Various 11111<lels of human nature will he investigated (dualism, helt,1viorism, functionalism, tlte iden tity thesis, eliminativt' materialism), a., wdl as their i111plira1ions for ethics. PH 669 Seminar in Historical Apologetics (3) A study of the ltis1oriri1y of tht scriJ>- 111res with sperial empltasis on mira rles, the New Testament, and tlte res- 111Tenion ol'Jt'SILs. Elective. PH 684 Seminar in Philosophy of Religion (3) An i11ves1ig, 11 ion of lite arguments for ancl "Rainst the existence of God, faith ;ind reaso11 , tlte use of religious lan- 1;11age, a11d the philosophical clarifica tion a11d <lt'lense of tltt' attrilmte.s of 1l1e C,Ml of Snip111re.
Reli1rt11t'd 11;1di tion. El1~·1ive. HT 722 Cults of America (2)
Tiu· clis1i11r1ive fe,1111res of 1lw rnlls ol A111erira with tll('ir sif(11ilir.111n· in the clevelop111enl of n·ligious 1l1011glt1 allcl with pan irnlar rden·11re to tlwi r ln·a1- 11w111 of Ifie rellll, il fr.1111n·s of onl11Klox Cllli,1iall clort1i11e. R,·quiml of MA (Il1.) s111cle111s. El,·rtiw. (Sa111,· a, l'I ! 'i'L~) · HT 725 Chun:h Hislory and Trends of Asian Immigrants (2) Exa1·11ina1ion of the Asian rl111rrl1 in Iltt' United States in li i-( 111 of his1oriral ,lltleredenis. E111ph;1sis 1111 J,1p;11 1,·S<·, Kore.in. ,111d Clti11,·St' Cl1ris1ia11il )' in Amerir,1. Explorl's 111,xliiir,1tio11s 111,11 haw 111T11n,·cl ltis1orir,dlyll'ii,·11 i11dige11111Ls Asian Cl1risii,111i1y h,1s lw,·11 i111po1wd inlo an A1 11,·rira11 rn111ex1. Co1isiclt'rs also f11111rt' trends. Elt-l'lil'l' . HT 880 Directed Research (1-3) S11pt'1Vis1:d rt'searrh in St'leri«l ;ire.Ls of theology. El<·r1iw li1rTl1.M. st11cle111s.
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