Chair: Mirl1at'I J. Wilkins, 1'11.D. FACULTY l'rokssors: Arnold, Wilkins Ass<K·iatt' l'roft·sS<>r: R11ssdl A,sis1a111 l'roft's.,or: Rl1t'e OBJECTIVES
mining the life-setting and to intt'r prt'ting the primary themes. Prerecp1i si te: NT !i03. Elective.* NT 646 Exegesis of Hebrews (2) A s111dy of the entire epistle with dt'lailed exegesis of select passages. Spt'rial auention given 10 the struc tme, arg11me11t, and interpretative prohlt'ms of the epistle. Prerequisite: NT :,03. Eltuive.* NT 701 The World of the New Testament (2) Nt'W Tt'sta111ent historical bad gro1111ds and archat'ology, i11cl11ding a s111dy of lht' religio11s developments, lite1.1111re, geowaphy and rnl111ral set ting of Judaism and 1he Ht'll<'nistic world at lht' time of Christ and the t'arly ch11rrh. Rt'Cjllired of M.A. (ll/TS, NT) s111dents. NT 705 Hellenistic Religions and the New Testament (2) An analysis of tilt' Grt'cc~Roman reli gions, the "111yste1y religions," magic, astrology, and tht' l>t1\inning forms of Cnosticism for tl1eir relt'vanct' in bet ter 1111derstandi11g tht' New Tes1a- 111ent. Elt'Uive.* NT 711 Rapid Reading In the Greek New Testament (2) Dirt'rted rradin!( designed 10 supplement 1(ir student 's knowledge of tl1e Greek Nt'w Testa111e11t, to increa1e voc:abulary, and to provide with further application a111l u11ders1andi11g of Greek grammar. Prt'r<'CJUL~ite: NT !',m. Eleuive.* NT 713 English Translations of the New Testament (2) Ast11dy of tht' history, philosophy, tex- 111al hasis, theolo1;ical [lt'rspt'ctive and stylt' of vario11s English trJnsla1ions of 1he Nt'w Tt'stament. Prereq11isite: NT :,0:\. Elective.* NT 721 Exegesis of the Synoptic Discourses of Christ (2) Chrisr's major discourses in the Syn opti1 gospt'ls, wi1J1 principal empha,is upon tht' Sermon on the Mount, the l'ar;1blt's of the Mysteries of the King dom and tht' Olivet Discourse. Tht' rn111ent of tl1e disco11rses will be analyzed wi1hi11 the ministry of Christ. Prt'rt'<jllisite: NT :,03. Elec1ive.* NT 722 Exegesis of the Gospel of Luke (2) Extt'nsivt' translation in the gospel. Ext'gesis of 't'lerid portions. Consid t'ratiou of the contrib111ion of 1his lxxik Jo 011e's knowledgt' of the life of Christ Exa111ina1ion of style and vocal.111la1y of Luk Prert'<p1isilt': NT :.03. Elt'ctive.*
!(rtllllHls, ro11qrnsitio11, a11thorship, and disti11rtiVt's of t'ad1 book. Spt'ri;1l atlt'lllion !(iVt'n to aSSt',-slllt'\11 of t111><l t'rll critical lllt'thods for the intt'[jJrl'· ta1io11 of tilt' llihliral lt'Xt. Prt'l"t'<jlli si1t': NT :,O:t Rt'<jllired of M.Div .. M.A. (llE, NT) Sil 1de11 ts. NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts (3) Ext'µ;etiral st11dy of st'ln t passagt's fro111 tl1t' Crt't'k lt'Xt of tht' Episllt's in tht' liµ;l11 of tl1t' historical fralllt'WOI-k of the hook of Arts. Applira1ion of t'Xt'!(etiral lllt'thodolo~y and disrns siou of hark!(rtllllld issllt'S, i11d11di11!( historical harkwo1111ds. rn11qiositio11 , a11thorsl1ip. a11d distiu ctives of t'arl1 lx>ok. Spt'rial ;\I It'll lion !(iVt'n to as.'it's.,- 111t·111 of 111odt'rn ni1iral 111ethods !i,r lilt' i111.. rprt'l,11io11 of lilt' llihliral 1,·xt. l'rl'l"t'<1'lisi1e: NT r,o:t Rt'<jllirt'd of M.Div.. MA (llE. NT) s11ull'11ts. NT 606 New Testament Introduction (2) N,·w T,.,;1a11w11t histo1ic1l ha1k).\ro11111Ls; E11µ;lish 11~111sla1ions of tilt' Nt·W Tt'sla- 111e11t; form;1tio11 , his101y, t'Xlt'llt aud 11:IIL'illli",iou of ihe canon; srt't-i.11 i111n~ d11rtio11 or t'.ldi N,.,., Tt'S\,Jll\enl IM>ok. NT 616 Readings in Hellenistic Greek (2) Rt',11li11µ;s fro111 a varit'ly of litt'1,11y a11d 11011-litt'ra1y Koint' lt'Xts ,Ls a lllt'.JIIS of dl'Wlopi11µ; :i !(rt·att'r awart'nt·ss of tl1t' li11).\11istir, litt'ra,y, and rnltmal rnu lt'X I of i11t' Nt'w Tt'sl,lllll'III. l'rt're<p1i A s111dy of tilt' l1istoriral and rnl111ral hark).\roi111d lo tilt' !(ospl'is; eXlt'llsive st11dy of 1l1t· 11,i,,.,io11. lik a111l lt'ad1ill!(S of Christ. A ha1111011y / sy11opsis of tilt' !(<>S1x·ls will Ill' e111ploytil in ordt'r 10 !(iW atlt't1 lio11 lo tl1e si111ilaritit's a11d dillt>I" t'IICt'S i111!1t· !(<>Spt'i arrn11111s. Elt'l·liw.* NT 623 Exegesis of the Gospel of Mallhew (2) si1,·: NT :,m. Eleniw.* NT 621 Lile of Christ (2) A st11dy of the t'lllirt' gospel with dt'l.1ikd <"Xt'f(t'sis of st'lt'rt passa!(t'S. s,lt'rial alll'lllio11 !(iVell to tilt' Slnll· flirt'. ar)\lllllt'llt, a11d itllel"jlf"t'latil'e prohlt'111s of 1l1l' gospt'l. l'rt'f"t'<jllisite: NT :,01 Elt'rtiVt'.* NT 641 Exegesis of Romans (2) A s1111ly of tht' e111irt' t'pistlt' wilh dt· tailt'd t·Xt"!(t'Sis of st'lt'rl passa!(t'S. Spt'rial allt'11tio11 !(iVt'n to tilt' strnr- 1\Jrt', ;1rµ;11111t'III, and i111erpreta1ivt' prohll'IIIS of tht' t'pistlt'. l'rt'f"t''lllisitt': NT :,01 Ekniw.* NT 644 Exegesis of Ephesians (2) Tra11sla1io11 a11d t'X<"!(<'Sis of 1h,· t'pistlt' wi1h s1lt'1ial ,lllt'11lio11 !(iv,·11 10 dt'it'r-
PH 685 Seminar In Phllosophlcal Theology (3)
A philosophical analysis of i111port:m1 doctrines of the Christian fai1l1, t'-!\·, freedom and determinis111, tht' inca r nation and the coherenu:> of tht'is111. Special empha~is will be placed on tlw concept of the attributes of Cod, on philosophical prok!(Olllt'lla 10 the practice of theolo!(y , aud 011 religious pluralism. PH 722 Cults of America (2) ll1e distinctive features of the rnlis of America with their sig11ifira11rt' iu lht' development of religi01L, thot1!(ht and with partirnlar refrret1rt' to 1l1 t'ir treatment of the central feat mes of orthodox Qiristian doctrine. Elt'rliw. PH 730 Directed Study (1-4) Reading and rest'arrh in st'lnlt·d areas of philosophy of rt'li!(iou and etJ1ic~. Elective. PH 735 Seminar (1-3) Selectt·d topics in the fields of pl1iloso phy, apologetics and t'thirs. May be rept'ated with different rontt'nt. Elt'ctive. PH 835 Advanced Seminar (1-3) Supervised research of sdt'clt'd topics within the fields of philosophy, apol<> getirs, and ethirs. May bt' rt'pt'alt·d
1l1t' p11rpoS<· of 1his dt'pan111t'lll is lo i111part to i11t' Sllldt'iil a k11owlt·d).\t' of tht' Cn·,·k Nt'w Tt'sl,llllt'lil whirl, i11rl11dt's 1hrt't' principal art',Ls: his1ori cal l~irk!(n>lllldS, Crt't'k wa111111ar a11d t'Xt'!(t'sis of tht' lt' XI. Tilt' plan is to providt' s111dt·111s wi1h tools whirl, will t'nabk tl1t'111 10 11tilizt' tht' Crt't'k lt'Xt iu fitlllrt' s111dy, i111t'rprt·ta1io11. and in t'Xposi1io11 of tilt' Word of C<KI. St11dt·nts art' slr<>ll).\I)' ;ulviS<--<l to takt' lry;i1111inf( c:n•t'k prior to st:111i11f( ro111'<' work ,11TallK>t (t'il ht'r in s11111111t·r sd11N>I :11 TallK>I or in 1111d,·r).\1:uht1lt' work). so thal tltt' s111dt·111 1~111 i1111m·dia1dy ht'f(ill work with tlw C1wk tt'Xt of 1lw New T,·s t;i111t't1t. A '111,ililyin).\ ,·x,1111i11atio11 in Crt't'k is avail.1hk to ,ill s11ult'11ts wi1h previo1L, Crttk trai11i11f(. ll10St· with a )\!"adt' of "C" or hi!(lit'r 011 1lw t'X,1111ina tion will ht· t'IIIOlit'd ill NT :,m a11d lilt' rt'St iu NT :,01. Tl11>'it' who takt' i><·f(in- 11i11!( c:rt't·k at T,ill•>1 fi,r rmli1 will haw 4 1111i1s lt~1•,·r t·h1iv<' 1111i1s. COURSES NT 501-502 Beginning Greek (2, 2) Ai1 i111rod11noq•study of tilt' hasir t'it' lllt'n ts of New T,·s1a111t'llt (;r,·,·k . Tra11sla1i,111 of por1io11s of il1t· Nt'W Teslalllt'lil in tilt' s,·ro11d St'lllt'Sft•r. Ot'si!(llt'd l••r s111tlt'1Jls who havt" 1101 rn111plt'tt•d a f11II St'<ill<'IICt' of l1t').\i11- 11i11!( c:re,-k rn11rS<·s. Not for nt·dit i11 tilt' M.Div. pn,µ;r ,1111 1111!t's., 1ht' st11d,·111 t;ikl's in plait' of t'kr1ivl' 1111i1s. NT 503 Introduction lo Exegesis (3) A rn111prt'llt'11siw SIIIV<j' of 111orphol,'½Y a11d ,y111ax. tilt' ln1ildi11!( of a Cn·t·k vorah11la1y. au i1111 rnl11nio11 to tt'Xli1al nitiris111. a11d 111<· dt'vt•lop111t·11t of a11 eXt').\t'fi,;d 111t'ih<Mlol,')\)' wi1h m«li11µ; i11 St'l,~·t,--<I p,L"-~'!!;'"' of tilt' C:r,'t'k N,w Tt's- 1,llllt'III. Ilt'si).\llt'd Jo ,·111phasiZt' 1!1t· v.1h1e or C:rel'k st11dy ,LS a 1ml li,r 1111d,·r s1:t11di11).!; 1lw hilili1al t,·xt. l11tfod,·s a rt'<jllirt'd 011,· ho11r 11011-<Tt·dit !ah. l'rt l"t'<l11isitt': NT :,01-:,m. Rt'<p1in·d of M.Div., MA (llE, NT, OT, TH) st11dt'11ts. NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels (3) EXt'!(t·I iral s111d y of Sl'krl pas.,aµ;l's fro111 i11t' (;rt't'k 1,·xt of lilt' !(ospds. Applira1io11 of t'Xt·µ;t·tiral 111ethodol oµ; y a11d disr11ssio11 of ha1k!(ro1111d issll t's, i11rl11d i1 1µ; l1is1ori1al lia1k-
with different content. Elt'rtivt'. PH 880 Directed Research (1-3)
Supervised research in selt'ctt'd am,s of philosophy of religion. Elt't-tiVt' ti,r 111.M. sltldent~.
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