

NT 723 Exegesis or Acts (2) Exte11~e translation in the bmk. Ext'­ gest~ of selected poniom. Considt'ratiou of the contribution of this book to knowledge of the expansion and life of tl1e ear~ church. Introduction to criti­ cal issues in the book, with emphasis upon its importance and its historicity. Compari~m of style with tl1al of Luke's gospel. Prem:1uisite: NT f.03. Elective.* NT 729 Theology or the Gospels (2) An examination of tht' theologiral teaching ofJesus as recorded in the four g<ie;pel narratives. Special attention is paid to tl1e d1ronological dewlopmt'nt of tht'mt'S taught by 01rist in Ult' li!(hl of His presentation and rt'jectiou. (Cro!&listt'd witl1 TH 7'2!l). Elt'rtivt'.* NT 741 Exegesis of Second Corinthians (2) A detailed study of the Grt't'k lt'XI of the eptstle with spt>cial a1ten1io11 giwu to problems of grammar and interprt­ tation. Prerecp1Lsitt': NT :,01 Elt'ctiw.* NT 742 Exegesis or Galatians (2) Adetai led ext'gt'sLs of the original lt'XI together with a consideration of tht' historical situations. Prert'<p1isite: NT :.03. Elective.• NT 743 Exegesis or Philippians (2) Adetailed study of the Greek tt'Xt of the epistle with spt>cial attention given 10 tl1e problt'ms of grammar and intnprt'­ tation. Prerecpisite: NT :,01 Elt't:tive.* NT 744 Exegesis or Colosslans (2) A detailed study of tht' Grt'ek text of lht' epistle with emphasis upon the problems present in tht' Colossiau churd1. Exegesis of the epistlt'. Prt'­ An examination of! Timothy, II Timothy and Titus in the Grttk text with a Spt'(ial foc11, on church struc111re and leader­ ship. Prerec1ut'ii te: NT :,03. EIKtive.* NT 751 Exegesis or the Apocalypse (2) A study based on the original text, with a focus 011 the seven rhmches and the lit erary genre of tht' book. Prerecp1isi1e: NT :,01 Elertive. * NT 759 Pauline Theology (2) The main themes of Paul's dortriut' from the biblical theolo!\ical perspec­ tive. (Cross-listt'd with TH 7:l0). Prt'­ requisite: NT :,0!-f.02. Elt'rtivt'.* NT 791 New Testament Seminar (1-4) Supe1vised rt'St'arrh of dt-si!i11att'd ;u.,;1, of ronrentratiou in Nt'W Testamt'nl lit t'r­ ature, history, i11tt'fprt'tatio11 or theol­ ogy. May be rept>ated for rmlit with dillt'renl contt'IIL Elective.* mp1isite: NT f.03. Elective.* NT 747 Exegesis or the Pastoral Epistles (2)

NT 801 Textual Criticism or the New Testamenl (2)

NT 832 Seminar in the EpisUes (1-3) A<lvanct'd study of one or more of the t'pistles. Special attention given to rritical and exegetical issues associ­ ated wi1h a particular epistle(s). May be repeated 1<,r credit with the study of <liflt'rent epistle. Prere<p1isite: NT :,O:{, (i()f,. Elective for 171.M. students; others by departmental permis.sion.* NT 880 Directed Research (1-3) Detailed research on some aspect of 1l1e New Testament. May include a I T·2g

111e11ts, literature, µ;eo!\raphy aml rnl­ t11ral settin!( ofJ11dais111 and the Hd­ lt'nistic world at the time of Christ aud tl1e early d111rrh. Recp1ired of Tl1.M. (NT) students. NT 816 Hellenistic Greek Seminar (2) R1·; 1di11gs fn1111 a v;1ri1·1y of li1era1y aud 11011-li11•r;11y Koine tt·xts as a means of d1·l't'lopi11µ; a grl'ater awart'Ut·s.s of tilt' li11 )luis1 ir , lit,•r;1 1y, and rnl111ral mu­ text of 1l1e N1·w Testalllt'III. ~fay lie repe;11ed for n edit with a <lilfrreut e111pl1;1s is l'rer<'ljllisite: NT :,0:l. Elt'!'­ tiw for Th.M. sl11!le11ts; others hy d1•part111e111al pen11is.sio11.* NT 822 Seminar in the Gospels (1 -3 ) Advaun·d study of <>lit' or 1111,re of tl1e µ;ospels. Sp,·rial all<'lllio11 µ;iwn 10 rri1i­ rnl and 1·xege1itoil is.,ut's prohlerns ;Ls."~ ciatt'd with a partirnbr gospd(s) May 11<· repm111l li,r rredi1 wi1l1 1l1e study of a dilkn·nt rn111e111. l'ren·quisilt': NT r,m, li01 . Eleniw li,r Th.M. st11d1·111s; others hy dt'part111,·111 al p<'l'lllis.sion. NT 823 Johannine Theology (2) The tlwol,').\y of tilt' .Joha1111i11e w1i ti11)\S, with 1·111ph;t<is IIJ~>II tilt' rn11n·p1s ~1a1 the writl'r hi111self emph;t,izes. Prereq11isitt': l'ff Wl-'m. Ewnive ii,r 171.M. SIIHl!'IIIS; otlw1s I~•dt'part11w11til l>t'llllissio11. • NT 824 The Acts or the Apostles (2) l11 trodurtio11 to the hook, the empha­ sis upon its i111porta11re aud ifs his­ toririty. Tra11sl;11io11 of tht' lt'XI with ex1· )l1·sis of rn1;1i11 senions. Co111par­ iso11 of style witl1 th;II of Luke's gospel ;111tl rn11qiariso11 of l'e1er 's aud 1';1ul's spt'1· rl1t's wi1l1 lht'ir ,· pistles. Ekr1iv1· rm Tl1.M. SllUle111s; olllt'IS hy dq1;1rt1111·11tal p1·n11is.sio11.•

The origin and histo1y of textual rriti­ cism. Study of the relative valt1e of t11a11uscripts and th1· exa111i11atio11 of tex111;1l tl1eories. Prerequisite: NT !iO:l. Elective for Th.M. students; others hy

dt'JJal'tlllt'lltal pt'nllissio11 .* NT 803-804 Advanced Gteek Grammar (2, 2)

An in tt'nsive sl udy of standard works 011 ;1dva11ced Creek !\l~1111111ar. ~fay he 1·011ti1111ed for a second se1111·s1er as w;l!'rn11te<l. l'rerec1uisi1e: NT :,m, li04, (ii)[,, 4 uuits NT exeµ;esis electives. Elective for Th.M. s1ud!'11ts; others hy dt'part111eutal permis.sion.* NT 808 Comparative Style ol New Testament Writers (2) Crn11pariso11 of slyle, vorah11l;1ry aud tht'olo)\iral rnnrepls of tl1e 1';1rio11s New Tes1a11w111 wri1ns 011 ill!' l,;1sis of st'lt'rled portious of the wri1i11µ;s of the Creek N,·w Tes1;1111e111. Elt'r­ tive for Th.M . sl1llli-111s ; otl11·rs by depart111e111al permission . NT 811 lntertestamental Background Seminar (2) Study of the rdiµ;ious dt·vl'iop1111·11ts, li1- t'l:lll1re, )(t'<>µ;1.iphy ;llld rnlt111:il s1:11i11µ; ofJ11dais111 l<·ading up to tl,e ti111e of tilt'. gospels. May l>t' repeated li,r rmli1 wi1h a dillt're111 emph;Lsis. l'rer<'<jllisill': NT !i0:l. Elntiw for Tl1.M . stude111s; 01!1ers hy dep;1rt11w11tal p<'n11is.sio11 .• NT 812 The World ol the New Testament (3) New Tt'sla1111·111 his1orir;il h;1rk­ µ;ro1111ds and arrlm·ology, i11rlu di11)\ a study of th1· rt·ligio11s dt'l't·l op-

sperial li,nt, 011 or combined study of exegt'sis, N..wTesta111e11t histmy, intro- durtory matters, or New Testament theolo~iy. Elert.iw forTl1.M. stu<lt'nls. NT 890 Advanced New Testament Seminar (1-4) Supervised re seard1 of designated are;1s of ronre11tratio11 in New Testa- 111e111 litt'ralure, history, interpreta­ tion or theology. May be repeated for nedit with diffe rent rontent. Elertive for Tl1.M . students; others by depart111t'11tal permission. NT 891-892 Research Seminar(3, 2) Dtsn1s.,io11 and appliratio11 of the ce11- tral are;Ls of New Testament research and reh1ted lields of sttKly. !11strnctio11 in rt'St'ard1 methodology, including the ide11tiliratio11 of a problt'm, the steps taken to resolve it, and writing the results. Recp1irt'd ti,r the first semester of the Tl1.M. (N.T) program. Aserond St'lllt'Ster 111ay he taken lo continue

rese;1rrl1 i11 tl1e are;i of intert-sl. • £/,,r.tivc.1 m~ offered l,y rotmi011 11111/ 01' Tlr/1Lelt.

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