NT 723 Exegesis or Acts (2) Exte11~e translation in the bmk. Ext' gest~ of selected poniom. Considt'ratiou of the contribution of this book to knowledge of the expansion and life of tl1e ear~ church. Introduction to criti cal issues in the book, with emphasis upon its importance and its historicity. Compari~m of style with tl1al of Luke's gospel. Prem:1uisite: NT f.03. Elective.* NT 729 Theology or the Gospels (2) An examination of tht' theologiral teaching ofJesus as recorded in the four g<ie;pel narratives. Special attention is paid to tl1e d1ronological dewlopmt'nt of tht'mt'S taught by 01rist in Ult' li!(hl of His presentation and rt'jectiou. (Cro!&listt'd witl1 TH 7'2!l). Elt'rtivt'.* NT 741 Exegesis of Second Corinthians (2) A detailed study of the Grt't'k lt'XI of the eptstle with spt>cial a1ten1io11 giwu to problems of grammar and interprt tation. Prerecp1Lsitt': NT :,01 Elt'ctiw.* NT 742 Exegesis or Galatians (2) Adetai led ext'gt'sLs of the original lt'XI together with a consideration of tht' historical situations. Prert'<p1isite: NT :.03. Elective.• NT 743 Exegesis or Philippians (2) Adetailed study of the Greek tt'Xt of the epistle with spt>cial attention given 10 tl1e problt'ms of grammar and intnprt' tation. Prerecpisite: NT :,01 Elt't:tive.* NT 744 Exegesis or Colosslans (2) A detailed study of tht' Grt'ek text of lht' epistle with emphasis upon the problems present in tht' Colossiau churd1. Exegesis of the epistlt'. Prt' An examination of! Timothy, II Timothy and Titus in the Grttk text with a Spt'(ial foc11, on church struc111re and leader ship. Prerec1ut'ii te: NT :,03. EIKtive.* NT 751 Exegesis or the Apocalypse (2) A study based on the original text, with a focus 011 the seven rhmches and the lit erary genre of tht' book. Prerecp1isi1e: NT :,01 Elertive. * NT 759 Pauline Theology (2) The main themes of Paul's dortriut' from the biblical theolo!\ical perspec tive. (Cross-listt'd with TH 7:l0). Prt' requisite: NT :,0!-f.02. Elt'rtivt'.* NT 791 New Testament Seminar (1-4) Supe1vised rt'St'arrh of dt-si!i11att'd ;u.,;1, of ronrentratiou in Nt'W Testamt'nl lit t'r ature, history, i11tt'fprt'tatio11 or theol ogy. May be rept>ated for rmlit with dillt'renl contt'IIL Elective.* mp1isite: NT f.03. Elective.* NT 747 Exegesis or the Pastoral Epistles (2)
NT 801 Textual Criticism or the New Testamenl (2)
NT 832 Seminar in the EpisUes (1-3) A<lvanct'd study of one or more of the t'pistles. Special attention given to rritical and exegetical issues associ ated wi1h a particular epistle(s). May be repeated 1<,r credit with the study of <liflt'rent epistle. Prere<p1isite: NT :,O:{, (i()f,. Elective for 171.M. students; others by departmental permis.sion.* NT 880 Directed Research (1-3) Detailed research on some aspect of 1l1e New Testament. May include a I T·2g
111e11ts, literature, µ;eo!\raphy aml rnl t11ral settin!( ofJ11dais111 and the Hd lt'nistic world at the time of Christ aud tl1e early d111rrh. Recp1ired of Tl1.M. (NT) students. NT 816 Hellenistic Greek Seminar (2) R1·; 1di11gs fn1111 a v;1ri1·1y of li1era1y aud 11011-li11•r;11y Koine tt·xts as a means of d1·l't'lopi11µ; a grl'ater awart'Ut·s.s of tilt' li11 )luis1 ir , lit,•r;1 1y, and rnl111ral mu text of 1l1e N1·w Testalllt'III. ~fay lie repe;11ed for n edit with a <lilfrreut e111pl1;1s is l'rer<'ljllisite: NT :,0:l. Elt'!' tiw for Th.M. sl11!le11ts; others hy d1•part111e111al pen11is.sio11.* NT 822 Seminar in the Gospels (1 -3 ) Advaun·d study of <>lit' or 1111,re of tl1e µ;ospels. Sp,·rial all<'lllio11 µ;iwn 10 rri1i rnl and 1·xege1itoil is.,ut's prohlerns ;Ls."~ ciatt'd with a partirnbr gospd(s) May 11<· repm111l li,r rredi1 wi1l1 1l1e study of a dilkn·nt rn111e111. l'ren·quisilt': NT r,m, li01 . Eleniw li,r Th.M. st11d1·111s; others hy dt'part111,·111 al p<'l'lllis.sion. NT 823 Johannine Theology (2) The tlwol,').\y of tilt' .Joha1111i11e w1i ti11)\S, with 1·111ph;t<is IIJ~>II tilt' rn11n·p1s ~1a1 the writl'r hi111self emph;t,izes. Prereq11isitt': l'ff Wl-'m. Ewnive ii,r 171.M. SIIHl!'IIIS; otlw1s I~•dt'part11w11til l>t'llllissio11. • NT 824 The Acts or the Apostles (2) l11 trodurtio11 to the hook, the empha sis upon its i111porta11re aud ifs his toririty. Tra11sl;11io11 of tht' lt'XI with ex1· )l1·sis of rn1;1i11 senions. Co111par iso11 of style witl1 th;II of Luke's gospel ;111tl rn11qiariso11 of l'e1er 's aud 1';1ul's spt'1· rl1t's wi1l1 lht'ir ,· pistles. Ekr1iv1· rm Tl1.M. SllUle111s; olllt'IS hy dq1;1rt1111·11tal p1·n11is.sio11.•
The origin and histo1y of textual rriti cism. Study of the relative valt1e of t11a11uscripts and th1· exa111i11atio11 of tex111;1l tl1eories. Prerequisite: NT !iO:l. Elective for Th.M. students; others hy
dt'JJal'tlllt'lltal pt'nllissio11 .* NT 803-804 Advanced Gteek Grammar (2, 2)
An in tt'nsive sl udy of standard works 011 ;1dva11ced Creek !\l~1111111ar. ~fay he 1·011ti1111ed for a second se1111·s1er as w;l!'rn11te<l. l'rerec1uisi1e: NT :,m, li04, (ii)[,, 4 uuits NT exeµ;esis electives. Elective for Th.M. s1ud!'11ts; others hy dt'part111eutal permis.sion.* NT 808 Comparative Style ol New Testament Writers (2) Crn11pariso11 of slyle, vorah11l;1ry aud tht'olo)\iral rnnrepls of tl1e 1';1rio11s New Tes1a11w111 wri1ns 011 ill!' l,;1sis of st'lt'rled portious of the wri1i11µ;s of the Creek N,·w Tes1;1111e111. Elt'r tive for Th.M . sl1llli-111s ; otl11·rs by depart111e111al permission . NT 811 lntertestamental Background Seminar (2) Study of the rdiµ;ious dt·vl'iop1111·11ts, li1- t'l:lll1re, )(t'<>µ;1.iphy ;llld rnlt111:il s1:11i11µ; ofJ11dais111 l<·ading up to tl,e ti111e of tilt'. gospels. May l>t' repeated li,r rmli1 wi1h a dillt're111 emph;Lsis. l'rer<'<jllisill': NT !i0:l. Elntiw for Tl1.M . stude111s; 01!1ers hy dep;1rt11w11tal p<'n11is.sio11 .• NT 812 The World ol the New Testament (3) New Tt'sla1111·111 his1orir;il h;1rk µ;ro1111ds and arrlm·ology, i11rlu di11)\ a study of th1· rt·ligio11s dt'l't·l op-
sperial li,nt, 011 or combined study of exegt'sis, N..wTesta111e11t histmy, intro- durtory matters, or New Testament theolo~iy. Elert.iw forTl1.M. stu<lt'nls. NT 890 Advanced New Testament Seminar (1-4) Supervised re seard1 of designated are;1s of ronre11tratio11 in New Testa- 111e111 litt'ralure, history, interpreta tion or theology. May be repeated for nedit with diffe rent rontent. Elertive for Tl1.M . students; others by depart111t'11tal permission. NT 891-892 Research Seminar(3, 2) Dtsn1s.,io11 and appliratio11 of the ce11- tral are;Ls of New Testament research and reh1ted lields of sttKly. !11strnctio11 in rt'St'ard1 methodology, including the ide11tiliratio11 of a problt'm, the steps taken to resolve it, and writing the results. Recp1irt'd ti,r the first semester of the Tl1.M. (N.T) program. Aserond St'lllt'Ster 111ay he taken lo continue
rese;1rrl1 i11 tl1e are;i of intert-sl. • £/,,r.tivc.1 m~ offered l,y rotmi011 11111/ 01' Tlr/1Lelt.
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