


WORLD ■ :i[lit•U[t

A DIVISION OF THE SCHOOL OF INl'ERCULTURAL STUDIES Chair: Harold Dollar, D.Miss., Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Dollar, D1111g.las, Kraft, S. Ling.enft'lter As.soci,llt' Professors: Hayward, J. Ling.enfelter, Stellen As.sis1an1 Profes.,;,,r: Alexander OBJECTIVES 1l1e rnini,tt'r is fared with cross-<:11l- 1111;d in the romm11niry and rnnf(reg.a1i11n, is expected 10 provide a dewee of mi~,i1111 vision IO lhe rnngr<'­ ga1ion, amt will likely rt'tTIUI people for mis.si11ns. The mis.siona1y needs cros.s­ rnl1111;1I 1rainin!( along. with tl1eol11giral naining. 1l1e d111rch needs a tnlt' vi.si11n t,,r el\lll!(elism and worldwide mis.sion. Tl1e pr11p;ram of this department is desiµ;ned 10 provide ,11d1 training ba.St'<.I 1111 llibliral principles that havt been proven v.1lt1ahlt in rrosst·111iural min­ isuy, mis.sions, and l111man se1vires. Any Tall,111 s111de111 may take eler- 1ivt' q111rses 1hr1111!(h th e Srhool of ln1errnl1urnl Studies. S111de111s in lite Master of Divinity or Master of TI1t11l- 11gy pr<lj.\t.1111s with a major in mi~,ions are rt1p1ired to lake CL :120 or G22, !iO'\ or W2, !i40, :,fiO or f,GJ , MO, and 7!il. S111de111s in the Ma,1tr of Divinity pro­ grnn1 in Urhan/ M11hi-E1hnic Ministries are rt1111ired 111 lake CL !iO:{ or 702, :,20 or li22, :,'\I, and !iGO. S111de111s in tlte Master of Minisll)' program with an emphasis in mis.si1111s, art reCjllired lo 1akt' CL !i40, !i41i, :,GO, f,40, and 7:, I . S11ule111s s!111uld plan 111 rake CJ, f,40 as early in their smdy program as possible. Missions majors slt1111ld plan 111 lakt' as many eleclivts a.s p11s.,ible from the rn11rses lislt'd below. For a romp!tle list of ro11rse descrip­ tions see the Srltix,I of l111ercuhural S11Klit-s setti11n in Ute 11niversiry ratalog. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS CL 501 Dynamics or the Religious Experience (3) A 1m11111e111 of rnnreptio1ts of Ute ,111lt'r- 11 .J1111;1I , 1l1e h111rti1111 of religion in soci­ ety. re!i!(ion and S<w·ial c:onlr<H, lht nalurt' of rt' li !(io11s ri111al and paraphernalia, sarred plart-s and rdig.iotls p1actitioners. CL 503 Economy, Society and Values (3) The s111dy of t'conomic and social rela- 1i1111s as they impart h11rna11 va l11es, with emphasis on analy1ir tools for n111q1ara1ive researrlt and rr11ss-rul- 111ral minis11y. Prert''lllisile: :',()()_

OT 708 Advanced Hebrew Reading (2) Selected;t's of Hebrew text with t'mph,Lsis 1111 n·ading and 1ransla1io11. May !It' repealed with different n111- 1enl. l'n· re<juisitt·: OT 70:1. Eil'rtive.* OT 709-710 Reading or Selected Psalms rrom the Hebrew Text (2, 2) l'artirnlar en1pl1,1sis npon the dt·v11- 1ional and praniral 1·,dnes. l 1 n·1ecp1i­ si1e: OTli0-1. Elt·rtil't'.* OT 715 Studies in the History and Culture or Israel (2) His111riral and rnl1111;1I exa111inati<>11 of a pniod in lsrat'! 's his1111y (Ex11d1Ls and Co11cp1est, Jll(Jµ;es, Uni1,·d Mo11,1rrl1y, Divided Mo11ard1y,J111l ,d1 10 the Fall of .Jt·rns.1le111, l'os1-Exilir), tLsi11g av,1iblile hihliral and ex1ra-i>ii>liral 11i.11 erials. May i>e repealt'd with diffn,·111 rn11- 1rn1. l'rere'111isi1t·: llE r,1 11. Eie<1iw.• OT 717 The Old Testament in its Near Eastern Context (2) Ex,1111ina1io11 of 1l1e arrill'11l11gy. l1is1111y and li1e1;1111re or th<' A111·i,·111 N,·ar L1s1 ,LS 111,·st· s1il1jl't'IS rl'!alt' Ill illll'rp1e1iv,· is.sues in 1h,:Old T,·s1a111t·111 . Rl'<j1Ii1nl 11nl.A. (O.T. t·111pl1,Lsis). El,·nil't'.* OT 718 An:haeology or Palestine (2) TI1t· his1111y of exrav,11ion, 1l1e l1is1111y ,111d !(t•lj.\1;1phy of lilt' land and lilt' bt·ar­ i11g 11p11111l1t• ( lid T,·s1,1111t·111. EJ,... ·til't'.* OT 720 Studies in Old Testament Introduction (2) Text, ran1111 ;111d exa111i11a1i 1111 of 1l1t· li11111da1i1111s ;111d n,11r!11si1111s or 111od ­ ern l1i s111rirakri1ir;d llll'ihods. Spt·­ ri;d i111r11d11r1io11 ;,f st·l,·1wd Old Tes-- 1a111t·111 books 111 ilh1s1ra1e 1l1t·st· 1opirs of gt·11e1.1I i111rod11r1i o11. Elerlil't·.• OT 725 Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha (2) Co11sider;11i1111 of 1l1t· 111111-ci11011iral li1era1nre fr11111 1l1t· 1wriod be111·,·,·11 lite Tes1a111e111s. E111phasis 1111 tlie tlev,-!op111en1 of Jewisl1 1hou!-(l11 d11r­ i11!( the re11111rit·s i>eli,re the adve111 of Chris1iani1y. Ekriiw.• OT 730 The Dead Sea Scrolls (2) A su1v..y of 1lw disrnveri,·s, the origin of the (l111111;u11 Co1111111111i1y, its i>,· lief and prarlin·s and Ihe rel,11i1111sl1ip 111 the finds lo Old ;u1d N,·w lt'sl,1111t· 11 1 s1111li,·s. El<'rtiw.• OT 731 Biblical·Aramaic (3) As1111ly of lilt' p;r,1111 111a r witl1 empl1,1sis 011 rn111p,1riso11s wi1l1 lfrbrt·w; 11;11isL11- i11 µ; the Ar,1111,1ir of lla11i,·l and Ezr,1. l'rere<jllisite: OT 70', Elerliw.• OT 732 Seninar in Hebrew Exegesis (2-4) A rn11sidt"1;11i1111 of st·lertt"d Old Tt·s1a- 111e111 p,L,,1gt-s wi1l1 t·111pl1,Lsis 011 hislori­ ral l,;11-kµ;r1111111l and dt'lailed t·Xe!-(t·sis

01air: Thoma,]. Finlt'y, Ph.D. FACULTY Profcs.,;,1rs: Cunis, Finlt'y, Rigsby OBJECTIVES

fr11111 the 1-Jt,J,rew lt·XI. M")' be repealed fi,r nedi1 wi1l1 the sttKly of dillt-re111 rn11- 1e11t. Prert'ljltisite:OT 70!'>. ElerliVt'.* OT 807 Old Testament Textual Crilicism (2) Astudy of the M,L,'«>relir notes, the par­ all<'I pa,,.ig,-s ,111d 1heversionswi1h expla- 1i;11i1111 of lilt' variations. l'rert'<jUisile: OT 70',. El,... rive ti,r Tl1.M. s111de111s; 01h­ t·1~ 1,y depar1111e111;1I pe1111is.,i11n.* OT 809 Advanced Exegetical Studies (2-4) Applir.11io11 of t' X!').!;eliral lllt'lhodology lo sele,wd pas.s.1µ;,·s fro111 lht· l-It-lm·w text of tht· Old Tt·s1a111e111. Sperial attt•111io11 ~iVt'II lo !lit' a11rie11t Vt'l'sio11s and lo n11n·111 srl1olarship as ii relates 111 1ex1, I.i11!-(11aµ;e, l1is111q• and i111erpre- 1ive is.sues. May lie repeated for ,wdi1 wi1l1 1l1e study of different ron1e111. Elt·rlil't' ti,r Tl1.M. s111de111s; 111l1ers liy

TI1e depanment aim1 to ar'luaiul s1u­ dent1 with the life, cus1om1 a11<! 1houp;l11 oftlie Hebrews and their ueip;l1lx11~ iu the bili!ic:al aud related periods; aud lo p;ive studeu1s an accurate fouuda1ion iu Helirew grammar, syntax and exep;i·sis, so that their exposi1i01L1 of the English Bihie will rellect this sound lu1i, of iu1eq,re1a­ tio11 . Tiie deparunent puqx,ses 1101 lo he exhaU5tive, but rather dirertive iu the u1 ,11 - 1er of funher iudefl<'udeul study fro111 1l w origiual langua!];es. COURSES OT 603 Elements or Hebrew I (3) Basic grammar with 1rausla1i1111 aud wri11e11 t'Xercises. A no11-nedi1 !ah will lie required for all s111de111s. Reep tired of M.Div. and M.A. (B.E., N.T aud O.T. emphasis) students. OT 604 Elements or Hebrew II (3) Additional grammar and syntax with empha1is ou reading aud 1r.111sla1i11n iu selected liib!ical texts. A no1HTedi1 I,1b will lie required for all s1udeu1s. ReCjuin·d ofMDiv. am! MA. (B.E., NT. and OT. empha1i1) students. Prerec1ui,i1e: OT W1 OT 704 Old Testament Prophecy (2) The character, eXlt'lll and person,di- 1ies of Old Tes1ame111 pr11pl1 e1)', with a treatment of priuciples of pn1phe1ir i111erpre1a1io11. Elective.* OT 705 Exegesis In Genesis and Selected Passages (3) Readings and exegesis from thl' Hebrew lexl of Genesis and sel!'rled passages with disrnssi1111 of lt'XI nili­ cism, uarkgnnmd issues (his111riral and compositional) and exege1iral method­ ology. Special atlention given to the strengths and weaknes.~s of rnnlempo­ ra1y methodologies for lht· interpreta­ tion of lhe bibliral text. l'rerecp1isi1e: OT G04. ReCjuired of M.Div., M.A. (OT. emphasis) s111de111s. OT 706 Advanced Hebrew Grammar (2) Astudy of the detai ls of Hebrew gt.1111- mar and •)'ntax along with readings in the Ht'iirew text. Prneciuisite: OT 70:i. Elt'ctive. * OT 707 Old Testament Poetry (2) Tht' nature, srnpt' and principles of Hebrew pot'II)' in the Old Tes1,1111en1. Comparisons with the p11e11y of the ancient Near East. Elenive.*

dt·par1111<'11l;d pt·rmis.sion .• OT 811 Seminar in Semitic Languages (2-4)

l111rod11rtory !-(ram111,11iral s111dirs i11 Uµ;, uitir, Ara liir, Akk.idi ,111 . Sy1i;1r or Mod­ t·rn 1-1,·i>n·II'; n·ad i11µ;s iii a11rie111 H,·l>rew ;111d Ar,1111air i11snip1io11s; or 01lwr ad- 1:111n·d S1·111 i1 ir s1udi,·s. l'r,·n·11uisi1t': OT 70:, and d1·par111w111al pe11111s.1ion . Elrr­ tin· for Tl1.M. students; 01lwrs i>y dqian- 1111·111al 1x·n11is.,io11. ~by Ix· re1x·a1,·d for nedi1 \\ilh dillire111 .,,11pha1is.* OT 812 Readings in the Septuagint (2) A ,1uvt·)• of 1l1e origin, na111re and mlue of the Cre,·k (lid T,-s1a111e111 with a read­ i11!-( of sel,nt,I p11nio11s and rn1111t1riso11 wi 1l1 lht· Hl'brt·\\' lt'XI. li1v,·s1ip;a1i11n or 1l1t· 111t ·1 l1«ls of 1I It' 1r,111sl,11111,. l'r,· recp 1i­ si1e: OT 70',. NT r,o~ and depar1111e111.d 1x·1rnis.si1111. Eh1ive ti,r Tl1.M. s1111le111s; ol!lt'rs i>ydqiar1111t·111;d pe1111i~,i1111.* OT 880 Old Testament Seminar (2-4) llt-1 ailed n·st·,1rrl1 in so11 1t· phase of iht· Old T,·s1a111e111 field. s11rl1 ,is spe­ rifir 1opirs in l1is101y and i111r11d11nio11 or arrl1aeol11gy of selerted µ;t..,>!(raphi­ ral areas. l'rerecp1isi1e: OT 70:. and dqianmen1al pt· rmis.si11n . Elerlil't' for Tl1.M. s111dt·n1s; others by departmen­ tal pern1issi11n. May he rept·aled li,r rredi1 wi1l1 different e111plusis. * OT 891-892 Resean:h Seminar (3,2) Ilisrn~,ion ,111d applira1i1111 of 1l1e ren- 1r,d ,1n·as 111' Old Tes1an1e111 researd1 a111I rel,11,·d lields of s111dy. lns1rnr1ion i11 res,·arrl1, inrl 11di11g 1he ide111ilirn- 1io11 of a probl e1 n, tl1e steps 11nder- 1ake11111 t!'solve a prohle1n, and writing 1he res11l1s. Re1p1iml of 11t,, li rst se1nes-­ lt·r of !ht· Tl1.~l. (O.T.) prop;ra111. A sern11d se111t·ster may be taken lo rn11- 1i1111e researd1 in 1l1e area of in1erest. * • £Irr.ti, ,-, 111'1' cifji,·rrl Ir,· rnt11tio11 mu/ vu nrpu,./ .

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