

CL 520 Interpersonal and lnten:ultural Adjustment (3) Issue; relating to intercultural living with focus 011 personal and intt>rpt'r­ sonal adjustlllent with nationals and other missionaries; language, vahtt' conflicts, status and role, culture shock, stereotypes, culmral limi1,11io11s and related topics. CL 531 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A study of non-ca11casia11 t'thnir groups in America in the light of tht'ir historical and socio-cultural back­ ground. Practical field experienre in an ethnic community. Fee: $'.1!i . CL 532 Peoples or the World (3) Spt'Cific area studits with emphasis 011 customs , social strttclllrt's, rt'ligiou, art,, history and i111erculiural rn11m111- nication . Ont' or I11ore St'rtious offt·red every yt'ar in areas surh as: Africa, A.,ia, Nativt' Amt'rira , Middlt' Ea,t, South Pacific, Europe. May ht' repeated with dillt'rt'nl rourse rnntt'III. CL 540 Principles or Chun:h Multiplication (3) Exploration of the fou11da1io11al issuts related to crosscultural rhurch n111lti­ pliratio11 . A holistir approarh (through teams) that is designt'd to empower nationab to minister imt11t'di­ ately, responsibly and continu,11ly, along with pt'rsonal investigation of spiritual gifts, ski lb and lift' experit'lll't'. CL 546 The Historical Development of the World Christian Movement (3) The oockground, origin, dt'wlopmt'nt and spread of the 01ristia11 faith fn1111 tl1e apostolic period 1mtil tc><lay. E111ph_. si., will be givt'n to the 111<Klt'rn era, t'S)lt'­ cially contt'mp<•ra1y growth <lyn,unirs in Africa, A.,ia and L,tin Ame1ira. CL 550 Christianity and Culture (3) Anthropolohriral apprmrh to Cl11i,1ia11 tl1eologizing; interrdatirnLships hetWt't'll supracultural Christianity and h11111a11 culture;. FonL, on co11vtrsi011, rt'Vt'la­ tion , coI11m1111ica1ion , transfon11atio11, indigenity and otht'r reL,te<l topiLi;. CL 555 Introduction to World Missions (3) Tht' nature of Christian outrt'arh: a study of principlt's, history, and Illethodology of worldwide Illissions.

CL 563 Gender Roles in International Selling (3) Tltt' dyuamirs of 111alt' ,rnd ft·111alt' rolt's in Wt'slt' l'll, 11011 -Wt'slt'l'II ,111d hihliral rnliurt's. Forns 011 respons~ hilitit's, ohligatious, t'XJH'rlalious, le,Hlt'rships and i111er-rel ,11io11ships as they rt'late lo 1l1e sori,·1y as a wl1ole. CL 565 Personal Leadership Formation (3) Tl1e study of 1l1t' priuriples and pa1- 1erns used J,y Cod as He rais,,s up leadt'rs fi,r His wo1 k. This study will i11d11de a disnLssio11 of the vital plare of spiritual forn1a1io11 iu leadership tlt-Vt'lc1p111t' lll. CL 622 lntercultural Communication (3) l'rinriplt·s and·s of rn1111111111i­ ra1i11K fro111 011 e rni111re 111 a11111!1er. Forns 011 diffrre111 pt'1rep1i1111s, w;1ys of 1hi11ki11K, v.1h1t's, 111111-wrl,;1! t'XJll'l' S­ sio n, la1q(11age t' XJ>r<' ssi1111 ;111d s11l,­ Kro11ps wi1l1i11 a rnhnr,, as tlwy rt·bte lo il1e 111edia a11d 1!1t' 111 es.,ag,·. CL 640 Applied Anthropology for Chris­ tian Wori<ers (3) S111dy of 111,111, rnl111rt', a11d t' 11viro11- 111e111 with sperial t·111pl1;1sis 1111 tit,· 111a1111t'r iu wl1irl1 1J1,.ir rt'la1io11ship wi1!1 out' another is afft·rtt·d hy rhauge ;1Ke111s surh as 111issio11aries, eduralors and develop111t'III workt'l's. CL 655 Contemporary Theology of Mission (3) Au ove1view a11d rriti<Jllt' of tht' diffn­ e111 theologit's of' 111is.,io11 ;1dv1K·;11t·d hy v;1rio1L, h1;1 11rl1es of !ht' Cl111rrl1 ilt')\ill- 11ill)\ wi1!1 Edi11!111rgh 11 ll0 111 the Iii> e1;11i1111 tlteology dt'hait' ol 1111r ,Liy. CL 661 Principles of Church Growth (3) A l,asir u11dns1;i11di11g ol rl1u1rl1 f(l'IIWlh rn11rep1s as n·la1..-d IH1il1 111 1!1e !oral rn11grega1i1111s ;11ul 111 1!11· t;cs k of wo rldwidt' eva11Kt' iiza1i1111. with due t'111ph;1sis 011 the rl1mrh ~rowth sd1ool of thou~ht. CL 662 Mission in Political Context (3) Co11side1;11 io11 of 111odern politiral id,.. oloKies and lll<IVt'lllt'IIIS ;Ls tht•)' alfrrt the ,fo1rrl1 and its 111issio11 i11 seleried 11a1io11al rn111exls. CL 680 The Local Chun:h and World Missions (3) o.. siKllt' d In i111t·~ralt' pri11riples of rros.,~·111i11r,d r11111111u11ir,11i1111 a11d 1!1e­ ology and strategy of 111is.,i1111s wi1!1i11 a 101;d rnurepmd rt;1111e11·ork lo aid tlw !oral d111rrh in 111issi1111 i11v11l vt•111,·111. CL 702 Social Organization (3) Crossr11!1mal s111dy of' the hasir h11111a11 Kn>ups of' "1111ily. ki11 and rn111- 1111111ity, e11K;1gi11K till' s1ude111 i11 lield 111ell1<Klology ,111d rest·a rrl1, a11d appli -

CL 791-792 Field Internship (2, 2) l11te!(ra1io11 of all the disciplines of 111i11is1ry and seminary education. It provides s11pe1vised experience in var­ ious phases of Christian ministry. Ont· !11111drt'd hours of field experi­ enrt' t'arl1 semester are evaluated in r!assroo111 i111erartio11 . Re<jltired of M.Div. mission s111de111s. Prerecp1i­ si1es: PT (i(Jt Crn11ple1io11 of G4 hours of 1!1e M.Div. mission program fc,r PT 7'11. PT 7 1 lt CL 861 Alternative Delivery Systems In Education (3) Co111e111 p111;11y tt'd111olog-ies and travel ease offt'r new possi l,ilitit's for training 11a1io11;1Js. This rnurse will t'Xa111i11e surh ,ystt'IIIS ;Ls IheoloKical education hy ex1e11sio11. i11-se1virt' shon rnurses and dis1a11re edura1io11 to t'valuatt' 1h,·ir suitability and effrctiveness . Elt'rliw fi1r Th.M. s111de11ts; others by depan111e111al per111issio11 . CL 897-898 Research Seminar (3, 2) Dist·11s.,io11 and applira1io11 of 1J1e cen­ tral art',IS of Christian Ministry and L,.,;idership rt'searcl1 and related fields of' study. l11s1rne1io11 in rt'search 111e1h1Klology, inch1di11R the ide111ifica­ tio11 of a prohlt'III, the steps taken to resolve it. and writ iug the resul ts. Recp1ired for the first sernestt'r of tht' Tl1.M. 111issio11s program. A St'rnnd St'lllt'Slt'r rnay he takt'n to continue r=arrl1 iu 1!1e area ofintt'rest. Applied Linguistics AL 520 Introduction to Language and Linguistics (3) ln1rodurtio11 10 1l1e basic concepts in 1!1e srientifir study of lan!(nage, major areas of liu~uistir analysis and St'Vt'rJI s1ii>-areas of tl1 t' fit'ld. includ ing lan­ )\ll"Ke in stK·iety. Material from E11glisl1 and a v;i1ie1y of other lanh11iages LS llsed to provide a hrmd per,1Jt'ctive. PrH-rtJ- 11 i,itr fur grnd,wte courm in Apt,lied

ration of pri11riples a11d data of st1rial Ol'K'llliz;llioll IO mis.si1111 S1i;1tegy. CL 721 Crosscultural Education (3) Explo1:11 i1111 of st1ri1K·11l1111;il fartors 1l1al alfrr1 lt',1<'11i11)( and learning str.1te!(ies iu ecl11<;11io11 lx11h here and almrnl. CL 722 Spiritual Conflicts in Crosscul­ tural Context (3) Rl'vitws 1h,, l1is1111i,;d ;111d m111e111p111:11y worldvit·w belie[, i11 1l1 t' t·xislt'llre a11d artivity of SJ>i1i111,d JK,i11gs or lillTt'S olit'II e11rn11111e1t1.I hy the 1To~yuJ1111:1! worker. A thmlogy of spirits is dewloped In help t-s1ahlisl1 1l1mrt·tiral awl p1:1ni«tl g11idt'­ li11l's fi,r approprialt' 1111ders1a11di11K of ,md rt'sJmllst' 111 spiritual belief's a11d p111,·111ial rn11llins e11<·1111111ned i11 v;1ri- 01Ls no,,,.·11!1111:1! st·11i11g. SCL 725 Culture Change (3) The s111dy of h'"v rnltures rh,111Ke, 1l1t' dy11a111irs a11d prnrt'sses of rhall)(t' , th,· plare of rhallKt' agt'11ls and 1!1t' speed and i1 ilt' IISi1y of rl1,111ge. l111pli­ ra1io11s ol surh p111resst's are exa111- i11,·d i11 sor ial, poli1iral. t·rn1111111ir and 1t•ligio11s ;Lspt·c·ts ol sorit'I)'. CL 732 Church Planting Models and Strategies (3) A s111vey a11d a11;dysis of' the s1re11g1hs and w,, akllt' SSt'S of various rl1mrl1 pla111i11g s1ra1egi,,s ust'd arou11d 1!1e world . ld,·111ifit·s kt')' f'anors whirl1 the rl1urrl1 plalllt'I' (',Ill i111plt'lllt'lll ill a rn111t·x1 sperifir. pl1ase-11111 orieult' d rl1111 rl, pla 111i11KSIi ;llt'gy. CL 742 The History of Christianity in Missiological Perspective (3) A l't' l'it·W of 111 is.,iologi cd li1e1;1111re 1h,11 1r,1n·s lht· sp1t·,1<I a11d dt'vel np111e111 of Clt1is1ia11i1y ;1s a world 111ove111e111. 1111111 1't·111,·ros1 111 1!1e 11111dt'l'll era . Spt·c ·i,d ;111e 111io11 is givt· 111 1J1t, kind (s) of Chris1ia11il)' 1!1t' spread; 1!1t' pron·ss (,·s) hy wl1irl1 ii sprt,ad: 1!1t' ,·rJ,,rt Ch ri s1 ia 11i1y lwl 1111 the soric> rnl1111:d/ poli1iral e11vin111111e111 (s): ;md tht' d'lerl t·11vir1111111e111 l1a<l 011 Chris- 1ia11i1y a11d is suhse<jllt'lll clevelop111e111. CL 751 Theology or Mission (3) A11 ,·x a111 i11ati 1111 of 1l1e tht' oiof(iral l11111ula1i1111s of 111is.,io11 dt"riwd fro111 a s111<ly ol th,· histol)' of s.1ll',llio11 . This wili t' lll'<IIIIJ"'s.' a study of the 111is.,io11 givl'11 111 lsi;1t·I and 111 the Cl1urrl1 i11rh1<li11g s11111e i111,·1:1r1i1111 wi1!1 rn11- lt·11qior,11y iht·nloKies of 111is.,io11. CL 765 Crosscultural Leadership (3) C111ss-r11!111ral s1udy of' leadt, rsl1ip i11dudi11g divetst' pallel'lls of a111hor­ i1y. kf(ili111;,ry. p11hlir support , le,1tlt'r­ ship rt·n 11i1111t·111, a11d 11·ai11i11K ,LS they ,dren rn1111111111ir,11io11. d111rrh growth a11d dt•velop111e111 worldwide .

I T-31

Li11~11i.,tic. fur f11vgram 11mjor... AL 535 Introduction to Bible Translation (2-3)

Au i11tnKl11nio11 to the priuciplt's and prohlems of rros.'i-laugnap;e and cros.'i­ nil1111;d rn111m11niration with special wi11J spe!'ial t'i11p l1asis 011 translating the llihle into i11dige1101Ls lanl\ltap;e:;. AL 655 Practicum in Language and Culture Learning (3) Appl)'ill~ the therny and prnclirt' of the LA~!!' 111e1hod in a field situation in order 10 lt'arn 10 speak another lan­ )(lla)(t' in its rnl1111;il rn111ex1. Fet': $12:1 . Fur 1ul,/itio1111l cmme, ,ee The Sd1uul of fotm:11/Juml St,ulie,,.

Recp1ired of M.Div. students. CL 556 World Religions (2-3)

The distinctive ft'alltrt'S of tht' histori­ cal ethnic rt'ligions, witl1 spt'rial emphasis on thdr comparison and encounter with CJ1ris1ia11i1y and tht'ir lx-arings up<•n missionary stralt'git's. CL 560 Urban Research and Ministry (3) 11,e IL'<t' of N111·ial srit'lll't' lt'rhuicptt's to learn about tht' pt'ople , nt'eds and oppornmitits h,r evaugt'!Lsm in tht' rit y.

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