■ t;i :ca•ua tt ii=iliE»
INDEPENDENT (jjij,u:(j (ITS)
RL 711 Elements or Ecclesiastical LaUn (3) Ba.sic grammar, ,yntax and vorahula1y of the Latin lang11agt' with a vit'W toward reading erclesia,;i.ical texts. Elt'ctiVt'. RL 712 Selected Readings In Ecclesiastical Lalin (2) Rt'presentative selections from Latin ecclesiastical lt'Xts, inrludin~ litm~i cal, didactic and rnnft'xsional wririu!is Samples will be drawn from patristir, medieval and Rt'naissanre/ Rd"or111.1- tio11 Latin writers. Prereciuisites: RL 711 or permission of the insrrnrtor. RG 721 Elements olTheological German (2) Basic grammar, ,yntax and v,x~ilrnlary of the Gennan langiJ;Jgt' with a vit'w trn1md reading tht1,lo¢ral texts. EhtiVt'. RG 722 Selected Readings in Theological Gennan (3) Rt'ading of represt'ntatiVt' st'it'l"lions from theological texts. Prerec1uisite: RG 721 or permission of the i1LslnH"tor.
TS 502 Conquest and Settlement (2) joh71_J. Daui.s, Th.D. A s111dy of the conquest and set1le mt'nl period in Israel's history from the perspt'rtive of archaeology, theo logiral 1ru1lrs a11d history. The l.>rn,ks inrl11ded are: Joshua, J11dges and R111lr. Special consideration of Late Bronze Agt' materials from Palestine wl1irh providt' insight into the cultural l.>ack!iro11nd for IIris era. TS 503 The United Monarchy (2) Jolmf. D,wi.s, Th.D. An historical, arclraeological and the olo!iiral analysis of tire period of the United Monarchy in Israel. Arrhaeo lot(iral dis,.·overies from the Iron Age I pt'riod rilt'd to illnstrate important rnlrnral trends of tlris era. Panirnlar alle1J1io11 !(iVt'n lo rite book.~ of I and II Sa11111el, 1l1e first ten clraptt'rs of I . Kin !(s, and the parallel passages in Clinmirles and Psalms. TS 504 The Divided Monarchy (2) .fo/111 <:. Whitcom.J,,Jr., Th.D. Tire lrisrory of Israel from the L>egi11- 11in!( of Solo111on 's aposta,y (I Kings 11) ahoJJI %0 ll.C. to tl1e Babylonian Cap1ivi1y (II Kings~:,) in :,8G B.C. Sperial empl1asis given to the miracle minisrries of Elijah and Elisha. Paral lel JM<sages from tJre Chronicles and the prnpheri c books scrutinized, as well as evidence from contemporary sernlar lristrny.
TI1ese i11d1·pe11dt'1JI s111dy n>11rses offt'r ler11m·s 011 r;l<St'llt' 1;1pt's by 0111- s1a11di11).\ i>ii>liral sc·holars. ITS rn11rses may be 1;1kt'11 al Tai hot only for gt~Hlll· ale lt'vel nedir row;ird elenives, prt' ft'<Jllisire nedit or 1111resolvai>lt' sc·hed- 11li11).\ proi>le111s as f111lows: M11.1tn ,fl!i11i11ity (i elertive 1111irs or 1111 resolvahlt' srl1echrli11g problem Ml/.1/rr,fA,1., 4 1·l1·nin· 1111i1s or 111m·solvai>lt' sc-lit·d11li11 ).\ proi>le111 J\Jn.,1,-,- uf A,t., 11·rl11wl (AJJy llfasrer of Arr., rt'chirt'd J>l"l>!il,1111) ~ t'lt•.-riw 1111 its or 1111resolv;1hk sc-Jit·d1ili11!( proi>lt'm C1111rses inrhule a pri111ed syll;d,11s wlrirlr providl's a i>r11;1d 11111li11,· 11f tile ler111n·s, revil'W <Jllt'Sli1111s .111d ;i i>ihli o!ir"J>liy. R,·q11irt· 111e11rs for nedir i1u-llrdt· ll'Xfi)l><>k ;1ssi).\1J l111·1 11s, rnllat er;il readin!(, rese;1rrlr i' " i'"rs ;111d t' X;1111i11;11i1111s, ;ill of wl1irl1 are 0111- li11,·d in ;1 1ir11gr;1111111t·d ,yll;d>1is . ll1t· regui;ir 111i1i1111 f,·es art· rl1aq\t1I for t'<lril n>lllSl' lli(anlil'S.S of lilt· llllllil>t"r of 1111i1s lc,r wlrirl1 ;1 s111dl'11I is alrc·;Hly 1·11rolled aud i11rl11dt' rnsrs fell" tapes aud prn).\ra111111t·d syll.1h11s. T.1pes IJJIL<I ht· 11nl1·red tlrn>llf(lr 1l1e Tallx,1 D,~111 ofFar- 11ltyoflirt'. ITS r011rses m;iy 110111on11ally ,~- list~! i11 I it'll of rt1111irt1I n>IIISt'S. S111d1·111s wl111 cit-sin· W;«h1;1tt' rn-·dit t,,r ITS rn11rsc·s 1111lsl 111ee1 111,· 11orn1al n·1p1in·111t'111S for ad111is.,io11 10 Tall>1>I ;111C! rl'gisrer lc,r 1111' rn111>t·s 1lrn>11!(h 1l1t' i\d111i~,i1111s ;111d Rt·!(isu;ir 's ( ll1ires. F11 n l1n de1;1ils 111ay i>t' oi>1 ai 11t'd f10 111 1lr1· T;illx,t l>t<u, 11f Farnl~•()flirt'. COURSES
Tlwre are two rnusenllive tlu·sis seminars for ma111·r's-level student., eler1- i11!i to write a rlwsis (Tiwsis First Drafl and 1lresis F111al D1~u·1). Tirese seminar~ are t;1ke11 ch11i11g tire s1ude111 's hsr year. During tire tlrird se111ester before· !il~«lu.1- 1io11, tlit' s1ude111 11m,1 , wi1l1 tire .1ppro11tl of a m;~or advisor, selerl a tlwsis suhj1·r1, do researrlr, ;111d d,wlop ;111 uurli111· ;111d bihlio)\r,1plry. Dt11i11).\ rlre li11;1l y1•;1r . tire 1l1esLs ra11 he w1it1e11 i11 rn11ju11r1iu11 wirl1 rlrese rwu rnursc·s. St-e tire Talh111 s1udt·111 it ;11ull"'"k and lilir;11y lr ;1 11dl><,ok f11 r cLir,·s, d'";1d li111·s and recp1ire11w111s. HE 793 Thesis first Drall/M.A. (0) Recptirt'd for ~I.A. (ll.E. , N.T., O.T.. T.H., and ur rs) Sl\l(l('IIIS. Ft·t·: $l00. HE 794 Thesis final DralVM.A. (0) R1·q uired for M.A. (ll.E., N.T., o T., T.H, and ll/TS) s1udl"11ls. Fee: $WO. HE 795 Thesis First DralVM .A.C.E . (2) Requ ired lc,r M.A.C.l:.. stud,·uts. Tl1is rnurse will l>t' lak,· 11 ;11 rlt,· rn111pl<-1io11 11f :i~ u11i1s . Nei1l1n 1l1 is n,msc· 11or HE 7% is applir;1hl1· 111w;i rd !-\r;id11;i- 1i1111 unless 1>11111 li;11•e i>eell rn111p le1 ,·d . HE 796 Thesis final DralVM.A.C.E. (2) Re<jllirt·d for M.A.C.E. s1udt·t11S. Tlris rnmst· will ht' t;ik,· 11 al 1l1e rn111ple1i1111 of 48 units. N,·i1l1,·r 1l1is rn11rsc· 1111r HE 7% is applic1hle tow;ird f(r;1du;i- • lion unless i>olil l1;1w l>t·t·n rn111plt·ll'd. HE 797 Thesis First DralVM.Div. (2) Recp1ired fc,r ~I.Div. s111d,·111s ell'rlill!i lo wrire " 1l1esis. Tl1is rnmsc· will lw 1;1k1·u alh·r 1111· rn111pl"1i11u of(i-! 1111irs. Neit lre r rlris rn11rse 1111 r !IE 7'18 is applir;1hle 111wa1d ).\1";1d11;11io11 unl<-ss lx,rlr it;11•1· l,1·,·11 rn111pi<-1,·d. HE 798 Thesis Final DralVM.Div. (2) Required 1111 ~l.llir. s111d,·111s 1·lt-.-ri11g to wri11· ;i tlll'si s. This rn11rs,.• will i>,· 1ake11 ;11 1l1 e rn111pl1· 1i1111 or 80 1111i1s. N1·i1l1er 1l1is rnmse uor IIE 7(17 is applir;1i>l1· 111w;i1 d ).\r;1d11;11i,111 1111lt-ss IM>lh lr;1\'(• het'II rn111plelt·d. HE 799 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) S111d1·111s wlro Jll'nl 1·x1r;1 1i111e 111 w11rk 011 firsl or liu;il d1:d1 or lirl' 1l1esis ;1n· rt'q11in-·d 111 n·gisr,·r r11r 1l1is rn11rsc· 111 111;ii111;1 i11 dt·!(n·e Sf;IIIIS. Ft•(·:$!()() _ HE 891 Thesis First DralVTH.M. (3) R1'1p1i1ed r11r;ill Tl1.~I. s111d,·111s. HE 892 Thesis Final DralVTH.M. (3) Rl'<Jllirl'd ror ;111 Tl1.~I. s111d,·111.,. HE 899 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) S111d,·111s wlro 11,·ed t'Xlr;i .1 i111t· 111 w11rk 011 first 11r fi11;il draf"r of 111<· lilt'sis .1re rt'q11ired 111 n·).\isrn f11r 1l1is rn11rs,.· 10 mai111;1i11 dt·!(lt't' s1;111L,. F,·,·: $100.
TS 505 The Book ol Psalms (2) Bmce K. Wa/Lke, Th.D., Ph.D.
Au introdnrtion lo the brn,k of Psalms wirlr emphasis 011 the principles involved in rite exegesis of lrymnir lir t'J,llllre as Wt"II as applicarion of titeSt' pri11riplt's 10 St'lerted portions. TS 506 Understanding the Old Testament (3) Br110· K. Wa/1ke, Th.D., Ph.D. A stuvey of the his101y of salvJtion in litt' Old Testament espt'cially as it J't'lares 10 the universal of Old Tt'sta mt'llt tht'ology, i. e. tire rule of God or rlre es1al.>lislrmen1 of God's kingdom upon tire eanlr. Aworking knowledge of Hebrew considered to lie helpful
Old Testament Studies
(:uur.11·.1 li .,t,-r/ 1111rl1·r 1/11 .1 J,, ,,,,li11g which lwtll' 1•x1-w•1iwl w11/r11I (11111/ 1/111.1 lm,gungt J,n.,.,·,,ui.\ilr.\) an: .\ /Jrr:ifi cally irln1t1ji1rl; utltrr CU1lJ'.v., ,m: t:.,Jm.,itim1nl i11 11nf11r,• mu/ ro11lr11/. TS 501 The Pentateuch (2) H. L,,;,.,/ ll111ri.,. /'/, D. A ni1i,-;il i111n,d11.-ri1111 111 1111' lirsl fivl' h1111ks 11f 1l1e llii>II'. Ex.1111i11;11i1111 11f s11rlr s11i>jer1s ;cs 1l1e prol,l,·111s of Cl'II· ,·sis 1-11, titl' lli!(lll'r Cririrism of 1!1e ! 1 1' 1Jlaf1•11rlr, 1l1t' rl1 ro11oln).\iral iss11es, ;111d 1l1t· ;irrJ1;1e11l11t(ir;1I aud rnl111r.1l l,;1rk!(1111111d of rite l'e111;11t'11rl1.
i>ur 1101 required for this co11r.<e. TS 507 The Book ol Proverbs ( 4) Bnu.e K. WalLke, Th.D., Ph.D.
An exeget ic;il study of the Book of Prol't'rils in both its cult11ral and histor iral st"lling and ir., li1e1~11y setting wirh illlt'lllion to its critical and hen11ene111i ral problems. To get the fiill hent'fit 0111 of tire romse, a knowledge of Hehrew is l"t'<Jllired ii,r seminary uedit.
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