


■ t;i :ca•ua tt ii=iliE»

INDEPENDENT (jjij,u:(j (ITS)

RL 711 Elements or Ecclesiastical LaUn (3) Ba.sic grammar, ,yntax and vorahula1y of the Latin lang11agt' with a vit'W toward reading erclesia,;i.ical texts. Elt'ctiVt'. RL 712 Selected Readings In Ecclesiastical Lalin (2) Rt'presentative selections from Latin ecclesiastical lt'Xts, inrludin~ litm~i­ cal, didactic and rnnft'xsional wririu!is­ Samples will be drawn from patristir, medieval and Rt'naissanre/ Rd"or111.1- tio11 Latin writers. Prereciuisites: RL 711 or permission of the insrrnrtor. RG 721 Elements olTheological German (2) Basic grammar, ,yntax and v,x~ilrnlary of the Gennan langiJ;Jgt' with a vit'w trn1md reading tht1,lo¢ral texts. EhtiVt'. RG 722 Selected Readings in Theological Gennan (3) Rt'ading of represt'ntatiVt' st'it'l"lions from theological texts. Prerec1uisite: RG 721 or permission of the i1LslnH"tor.

TS 502 Conquest and Settlement (2) joh71_J. Daui.s, Th.D. A s111dy of the conquest and set1le­ mt'nl period in Israel's history from the perspt'rtive of archaeology, theo­ logiral 1ru1lrs a11d history. The l.>rn,ks inrl11ded are: Joshua, J11dges and R111lr. Special consideration of Late Bronze Agt' materials from Palestine wl1irh providt' insight into the cultural l.>ack!iro11nd for IIris era. TS 503 The United Monarchy (2) Jolmf. D,wi.s, Th.D. An historical, arclraeological and the­ olo!iiral analysis of tire period of the United Monarchy in Israel. Arrhaeo­ lot(iral dis,.·overies from the Iron Age I pt'riod rilt'd to illnstrate important rnlrnral trends of tlris era. Panirnlar alle1J1io11 !(iVt'n lo rite book.~ of I and II Sa11111el, 1l1e first ten clraptt'rs of I . Kin !(s, and the parallel passages in Clinmirles and Psalms. TS 504 The Divided Monarchy (2) .fo/111 <:. Whitcom.J,,Jr., Th.D. Tire lrisrory of Israel from the L>egi11- 11in!( of Solo111on 's aposta,y (I Kings 11) ahoJJI %0 ll.C. to tl1e Babylonian Cap1ivi1y (II Kings~:,) in :,8G B.C. Sperial empl1asis given to the miracle minisrries of Elijah and Elisha. Paral­ lel JM<sages from tJre Chronicles and the prnpheri c books scrutinized, as well as evidence from contemporary sernlar lristrny.

TI1ese i11d1·pe11dt'1JI s111dy n>11rses offt'r ler11m·s 011 r;l<St'llt' 1;1pt's by 0111- s1a11di11).\ i>ii>liral sc·holars. ITS rn11rses may be 1;1kt'11 al Tai hot only for gt~Hlll· ale lt'vel nedir row;ird elenives, prt'­ ft'<Jllisire nedit or 1111resolvai>lt' sc·hed- 11li11).\ proi>le111s as f111lows: M11.1tn ,fl!i11i11ity (i elertive 1111irs or 1111 resolvahlt' srl1echrli11g problem Ml/.1/rr,fA,1., 4 1·l1·nin· 1111i1s or 111m·solvai>lt' sc-lit·d11li11 ).\ proi>le111 J\Jn.,1,-,- uf A,t., 11·rl11wl (AJJy llfasrer of Arr., rt'chirt'd J>l"l>!il,1111) ~ t'lt•.-riw 1111 its or 1111resolv;1hk sc-Jit·d1ili11!( proi>lt'm C1111rses inrhule a pri111ed syll;d,11s wlrirlr providl's a i>r11;1d 11111li11,· 11f tile ler111n·s, revil'W <Jllt'Sli1111s .111d ;i i>ihli­ o!ir"J>liy. R,·q11irt· 111e11rs for nedir i1u-llrdt· ll'Xfi)l><>k ;1ssi).\1J l111·1 11s, rnllat­ er;il readin!(, rese;1rrlr i' " i'"rs ;111d t' X;1111i11;11i1111s, ;ill of wl1irl1 are 0111- li11,·d in ;1 1ir11gr;1111111t·d ,yll;d>1is . ll1t· regui;ir 111i1i1111 f,·es art· rl1aq\t1I for t'<lril n>lllSl' lli(anlil'S.S of lilt· llllllil>t"r of 1111i1s lc,r wlrirl1 ;1 s111dl'11I is alrc·;Hly 1·11rolled aud i11rl11dt' rnsrs fell" tapes aud prn).\ra111111t·d syll.1h11s. T.1pes IJJIL<I ht· 11nl1·red tlrn>llf(lr 1l1e Tallx,1 D,~111 ofFar- 11ltyoflirt'. ITS r011rses m;iy 110111on11ally ,~- list~! i11 I it'll of rt1111irt1I n>IIISt'S. S111d1·111s wl111 cit-sin· W;«h1;1tt' rn-·dit t,,r ITS rn11rsc·s 1111lsl 111ee1 111,· 11orn1al n·1p1in·111t'111S for ad111is.,io11 10 Tall>1>I ;111C! rl'gisrer lc,r 1111' rn111>t·s 1lrn>11!(h 1l1t' i\d111i~,i1111s ;111d Rt·!(isu;ir 's ( ll1ires. F11 n l1n de1;1ils 111ay i>t' oi>1 ai 11t'd f10 111 1lr1· T;illx,t l>t<u, 11f Farnl~•()flirt'. COURSES

Tlwre are two rnusenllive tlu·sis seminars for ma111·r's-level student., eler1- i11!i to write a rlwsis (Tiwsis First Drafl and 1lresis F111al D1~u·1). Tirese seminar~ are t;1ke11 ch11i11g tire s1ude111 's hsr year. During tire tlrird se111ester before· !il~«lu.1- 1io11, tlit' s1ude111 11m,1 , wi1l1 tire .1ppro11tl of a m;~or advisor, selerl a tlwsis suhj1·r1, do researrlr, ;111d d,wlop ;111 uurli111· ;111d bihlio)\r,1plry. Dt11i11).\ rlre li11;1l y1•;1r . tire 1l1esLs ra11 he w1it1e11 i11 rn11ju11r1iu11 wirl1 rlrese rwu rnursc·s. St-e tire Talh111 s1udt·111 it ;11ull"'"k and lilir;11y lr ;1 11dl><,ok f11 r cLir,·s, d'";1d­ li111·s and recp1ire11w111s. HE 793 Thesis first Drall/M.A. (0) Recptirt'd for ~I.A. (ll.E. , N.T., O.T.. T.H., and ur rs) Sl\l(l('IIIS. Ft·t·: $l00. HE 794 Thesis final DralVM.A. (0) R1·q uired for M.A. (ll.E., N.T., o T., T.H, and ll/TS) s1udl"11ls. Fee: $WO. HE 795 Thesis First DralVM .A.C.E . (2) Requ ired lc,r M.A.C.l:.. stud,·uts. Tl1is rnurse will l>t' lak,· 11 ;11 rlt,· rn111pl<-1io11 11f :i~ u11i1s . Nei1l1n 1l1 is n,msc· 11or HE 7% is applir;1hl1· 111w;i rd !-\r;id11;i- 1i1111 unless 1>11111 li;11•e i>eell rn111p le1 ,·d . HE 796 Thesis final DralVM.A.C.E. (2) Re<jllirt·d for M.A.C.E. s1udt·t11S. Tlris rnmst· will ht' t;ik,· 11 al 1l1e rn111ple1i1111 of 48 units. N,·i1l1,·r 1l1is rn11rsc· 1111r HE 7% is applic1hle tow;ird f(r;1du;i- • lion unless i>olil l1;1w l>t·t·n rn111plt·ll'd. HE 797 Thesis First DralVM.Div. (2) Recp1ired fc,r ~I.Div. s111d,·111s ell'rlill!i lo wrire " 1l1esis. Tl1is rnmsc· will lw 1;1k1·u alh·r 1111· rn111pl"1i11u of(i-! 1111irs. Neit lre r rlris rn11rse 1111 r !IE 7'18 is applir;1hle 111wa1d ).\1";1d11;11io11 unl<-ss lx,rlr it;11•1· l,1·,·11 rn111pi<-1,·d. HE 798 Thesis Final DralVM.Div. (2) Required 1111 ~l.llir. s111d,·111s 1·lt-.-ri11g to wri11· ;i tlll'si s. This rn11rs,.• will i>,· 1ake11 ;11 1l1 e rn111pl1· 1i1111 or 80 1111i1s. N1·i1l1er 1l1is rnmse uor IIE 7(17 is applir;1i>l1· 111w;i1 d ).\r;1d11;11i,111 1111lt-ss IM>lh lr;1\'(• het'II rn111plelt·d. HE 799 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) S111d1·111s wlro Jll'nl 1·x1r;1 1i111e 111 w11rk 011 firsl or liu;il d1:d1 or lirl' 1l1esis ;1n· rt'q11in-·d 111 n·gisr,·r r11r 1l1is rn11rsc· 111 111;ii111;1 i11 dt·!(n·e Sf;IIIIS. Ft•(·:$!()() _ HE 891 Thesis First DralVTH.M. (3) R1'1p1i1ed r11r;ill Tl1.~I. s111d,·111s. HE 892 Thesis Final DralVTH.M. (3) Rl'<Jllirl'd ror ;111 Tl1.~I. s111d,·111.,. HE 899 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) S111d,·111s wlro 11,·ed t'Xlr;i .1 i111t· 111 w11rk 011 first 11r fi11;il draf"r of 111<· lilt'sis .1re rt'q11ired 111 n·).\isrn f11r 1l1is rn11rs,.· 10 mai111;1i11 dt·!(lt't' s1;111L,. F,·,·: $100.

TS 505 The Book ol Psalms (2) Bmce K. Wa/Lke, Th.D., Ph.D.

Au introdnrtion lo the brn,k of Psalms wirlr emphasis 011 the principles involved in rite exegesis of lrymnir lir­ t'J,llllre as Wt"II as applicarion of titeSt' pri11riplt's 10 St'lerted portions. TS 506 Understanding the Old Testament (3) Br110· K. Wa/1ke, Th.D., Ph.D. A stuvey of the his101y of salvJtion in litt' Old Testament espt'cially as it J't'lares 10 the universal of Old Tt'sta­ mt'llt tht'ology, i. e. tire rule of God or rlre es1al.>lislrmen1 of God's kingdom upon tire eanlr. Aworking knowledge of Hebrew considered to lie helpful

Old Testament Studies

(:uur.11·.1 li .,t,-r/ 1111rl1·r 1/11 .1 J,, ,,,,li11g which lwtll' 1•x1-w•1iwl w11/r11I (11111/ 1/111.1 lm,gungt J,n.,.,·,,ui.\ilr.\) an: .\ /Jrr:ifi cally irln1t1ji1rl; utltrr CU1lJ'.v., ,m: t:.,Jm.,itim1nl i11 11nf11r,• mu/ ro11lr11/. TS 501 The Pentateuch (2) H. L,,;,.,/ ll111ri.,. /'/, D. A ni1i,-;il i111n,d11.-ri1111 111 1111' lirsl fivl' h1111ks 11f 1l1e llii>II'. Ex.1111i11;11i1111 11f s11rlr s11i>jer1s ;cs 1l1e prol,l,·111s of Cl'II· ,·sis 1-11, titl' lli!(lll'r Cririrism of 1!1e ! 1 1' 1Jlaf1•11rlr, 1l1t' rl1 ro11oln).\iral iss11es, ;111d 1l1t· ;irrJ1;1e11l11t(ir;1I aud rnl111r.1l l,;1rk!(1111111d of rite l'e111;11t'11rl1.

i>ur 1101 required for this co11r.<e. TS 507 The Book ol Proverbs ( 4) Bnu.e K. WalLke, Th.D., Ph.D.

An exeget ic;il study of the Book of Prol't'rils in both its cult11ral and histor­ iral st"lling and ir., li1e1~11y setting wirh illlt'lllion to its critical and hen11ene111i­ ral problems. To get the fiill hent'fit 0111 of tire romse, a knowledge of Hehrew is l"t'<Jllired ii,r seminary uedit.

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