

TS 583 Urban Mission and Ministry (2) Ro.~u S. /:mw111/y, Th.I!. A ,·otll'St' 11ta1 fi,nt...-s on 011is1ian Mis­ si,111s a11d 1ni11is11y in 1l1t' world's p;rnw­ i11g rilit's. Tltt Bihli«tl basis fi1r urlJa11 mi11is1ty is presented a11d ra...- st11dit's of ef!.-rtive urlia11 slt,tle!(ies worldwidt· art t'Xamiued. Allt'ntio11 is !(ive to urban i.,~11es surh as 111i11 is1ty to the pmr and l10111eles.s, pastoring and 1;iisi11g a family i11 1l1e ri1y, a11d pla111i11g urban rl111rd1t's. TS 584 Missionary Encounter with World Religions (3) Hmvi,· M. l.'01111, Th.fl'! .. Li11.D. A11 i111rod11r1io11 lo IIH' lltt'olo)\)' of rt-li)(io11s A hil>lir;1I 1h1·ology of rt'li­ )\io11s is dt-Vt'loped agains1 1l1e i>ark­ gro1111d of t'Xit'IISil'I' study of l'lllTelll 111od1·ls of apprn;1rl 1. Us i11 !( major reli­ )\io11s ,ys1t111s as 1•x;1111pl,-s. five ri1arnr­ lt'l'is1irs of all rtli)\ io11s art' sktlrhtd. S.1111t' pr;1niral Sll!(!(t'Slio11s fiir t'Yall)(e­ lis1ir approarl1 are propoS<'d . TS 585 Theologies ol Liberation (2) K,·11111ih B. M11/lwllm11/, D.Th.P. A s1nwy of lihe1,11ion tht'o!ogies with panirnlar a111·n1io11 10 tltt'ir ltLstoriral dt·\' t'lop1111·11t a11d 1lw111a1ir ,-lahora- 1it1n in 1111· sori;tl a11d religious rnn1ex1 of' Li1i11 A111nir;1. TS 586 AHistory ol lhe Church in China Since 1949 (3) .Jm111t /11m U11w, l'!t.IJ. This rn111~· lrt-als i11t· his1,11 y of l'rn1es- 1;1111 Cl11isti;1nil)' in .'-.,rialist U1i11a sinre l!H!I am! 0111li11,--,; 1ltis pt·1iod in Ii ser­ tions ddin!( wi1l1 1l1e d1a11gi11g poli1iral 1111Nt'l11t·n1s ;111d illt'ir i111par1 011 reli)\ious 1~ ,li,y; the rL't' of 1l1t' 1l1ret· S,.,lf l';1trio1ir Movt'111e11t (TSPM); Christian ,11ffrri11g during the rnl1111 ,1I n·voh11io11; and 1l1t' 1·111t·rgrnre a11d )\l'OWll1 of 1h,- 1hrivi11)(

hrntse churches. Detailed development of the house church evangelistic and leadership training mel110ds is wrified wilh ilhtstra1io1ts from field experienre. Philosophy of Religion and Ethics TS 591 Exploring Approaches to Apologetics (3) Gorr/mi R Lewis, Ph.D. 111e rnurse rnmpares biblical, hL~loriral and rerent approaches to defending fai11t in Crixl, Chn~t and Scripture. It empha­ sizes the rnntrast between Peter's metl11xl of reasoning among the Jews in Jtrusalem (Aris 2) and Paul 's among the Gentiles iu Athens (Ac1s I7) . It rnmpares lite s1ill influenlial approaches of Auf,TU.1- tint' and Aquinas. Htr.vever. the bulk of 1he rnurse examines six approarhes of apologi.s1.1 who led in the resul)(ence of e1rn1)\elic:ilism during tl1e 1a~, half of 1he iOlh cen 1111y. Ead Iapprmd I u,;es difler­ e 111 s1ar1i11g points all(! forms of argu­ n1rn1 : tmpiriral/i111lur1ive, ratioual/ dedur1iw. selfoutl1en1icating presupposi- 1io11s. selfou1l1e11 liG1ti11g 111ys1iral experi­ ences and hypo1hesis/ verification. S1u­ den1s are enrnurnged 10 in1egrJte tl1e s1reng11L~ of the VJ1ied approarhes. 111e las1 three lenures, exhibiti ng the ler- 111rer's sy111hesis. are en1i1led: "Why I Be li fve in C.xl,' "Why I Believt' in Jesus Clnist "and "Why I Believe tlte Bible.' TS 592 Christian Ethics: ABiblical Theology ol Morality (3) .J,mw. M. Crier, Th.D. An t'Xamination of the tla·ories of ohlig­ a1ion and 1he theories of val11e from a pl1ilosophica l perspeuive. A Biblical tl1eology of ohliga1io11 and a Bihliral theology of value are prese111ed along wi1h tht'ir i111plira1ions fi,r detision-mak­ ing in personal lik and d11m:h life.

ral aud philosophiral disrnurse, wt· begin wi1l1 a brief philosophiral ovetvit·Wof 1lw 1najor dt·l'elop1nen1s in Wt·slern philosopl1y prior lo Ht·w·I. Dis­ rnssion 1h e11 !urns direr1ly 10 1-lt-)\el whose influenre ex1t•11<ls thro11)\lto111 tltt modtrn petiod. Kierkep;aard n·pre­ senls 1101 ouly a reaC'lion to He!(el , IJ111 is also the firs! of tl1e exis1e11ti;,iis1 ori­ ented ll1rolo!(ians we rnnsider. Afln Kierkegaard, lite rourse 1ums lo B;1r1l1. Bultmann. all(! Till id 1. l'a1.illt·l to 1lws.· develop1ne111s iu lilt'ology was lite dtwl­ opn1enl of a11aly1ir philosopl1 y. Our emplusis will ht· philosophy of 1!11· t·a r­ lier a11d ~tier Wi11gens1ein. Tl1e rnurse rnli11i11alt·s in 1lu- (;\Ji/ i, JJmr/ 1711,i/,'Ki" ofl'aul Va11 Bun·n ;111d Tiio111;cs A11iz1·r. Missions Studies TS 581 Introduction lo World Christian Missions (2) Wi//i,,111 I! . Tailor, /'/,.LJ. An i111roduriot)' s111v,-y of lht' lhtol­ of,ry, l1is1ory, rnl111rr. poli1irs, ;ind lllt'lhods of lltt' Chris1i;111 mission. wi1h sperial t1npl1;tsis 011 rere111 dt-n·l­ opn1en1s. r rnrial issues and 1'11111rt lrt·nds, end in)\ wi1h a s1udy of 1ni s­ sions i11 1l1e !oral rl111rrl1. TS 582 The History ol Missions (3) .f. H,·r/-,1 K,111,·. L.HD. Tl1 is rnurS<' 11~1n·s lite hislorir d,-v,· l01>- 111,-111 of lite Cltris1i;1n n1i ssio11 i11 ri1rn11olo)(iral seq11e11rt' front l'1•11it'­ rnsl to William C;1rey (17!1:,). The 11uxlt'rn }lt'rilMI is dtwlop11! alolt!( )\t'<>­ )(1,ljllti,,tl lint-,;: Asia. 1l1t' Middlt· fa,1. Afrir;1, L11i11 A111t'rir;1 ,111d Emope. 1l1t' rnllrS<' rloS<'s wi1lt au ;11 11·111p1 lo ev,1lualt' 1h,- ;1rl1ii-ve1111·11 1s of 1l1t' pasl and l!te prnsp1·1·1s of' 1l1t' f'11111re .

TS 573 Relorrnation Chun:h History (3) W. Robert Godfrry, Ph.D. Astudy of the devdopmeul of lht' lht'­ ology, the piety and tht' d1mrl1t's of the Refnnnatiou against the lmrkdrnp of the social, political and i11lt'llt'rl11;il character of the Hith Ct'Illttry. TS 574 The History ol the Church Since 111e co11n.e is designed to provide 1l1t' studt'nt witlt a basic i111rod11r1io11 111 the development of the Chris1ia11 church since the timt' of tht' !'rn1t's- 1ant Reformation to the preS<'III day. TS 575 The History ol Christianity in America (3) JolmD. Hannah, 771.D. , Ph.D. A st11dy of the Prolt'.stanl rl111rri1es in America from ro!ouial ht'gi1111i11gs 10 the present with emphasis 011 1he munerotts infl11e11res that l1ave foq!td the rnrrent religiotts scene. TS 576 The Theology ol Jonathan Edwards (3) John H. Gmtmr, Ph, .D. the Relormation (3) Garth M. Rosell, PhD. An examination of the lht'oloh'Y of Jonathan Edwards in detail. Taking a topical approach, the ('()IIJ'Se rnvers Edwards' tearhiugs reganiiug all 1i1t' major points of Syste111a1ir Th,-olog)' with partirular emphasis 011 Edward's unicp1e l11eol11i::ical co11trib111io11s. TS 577 The Theology ol Martin Luther (3) Ro/JCrt Koll,,, Ph.D. T1ie 17leCU!f!J of Martin Lutlu:r revit'WS !he presentation of bibliral dortrint' according to topics in his1oriral rou­ teXL The presi1ppositio11s of his tht'ol­ ogy are St't fonh in his distinniou of the two kinds of righteottsnt'ss and tht' theology of the cross. Againsl this backgro1111d L11ther's trt'a1t11e11t of rt'll­ tral Christian doc1ri11t's, panirnlariy jttstification in the faith and 1he 111«111s of grace , are expiort'd. Sig11ilira111 treatme111 is given to hLs 1111dnsta11di11)( of life in human rnllure and s..-it'I)' . TS 578 The Radical Relorrnation (3) AbrahamFriesm, Ph.D. This ('()ltfSe examines tht' hislot)' of lite Radical Reformal ion. I I Ii 11lows a topical, chronological, and his1oriral progression, covering tht' genesis of the movement, its relation 10 the Renais.sance and the Reforma1io11, i1., various manifestations and lite eve11- t11al development of tht' moveme111. TS 579 Contemporary Theology (3) john S. Feinl,erg, Ph.D. 111 tltLI course we shall a11emp1 10 exam­ iue some of tl1e major !rends in rn111Pm­ porary thought. Ju order 10 sel lite background for c·o111empo1~11)' lheolo)(i-

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