Th i: Ch11rlc.1 £,., Fr.i11lmg Award - To 1l1t' senior who hesl exe111plilies 1l1e i111age 11f a student ;11 Talhot Sd1ool 11fTheology. Th e William W. Ba,i Me111orial Sclwlanhip Award - To a st'rond or 1l1ird )'t'ar student who has <lt'111on s11;11t'<l a keen intert'sl in Phil11s11phy orR,· ligi11n and / or Th,·ology. Tiu· htl'l. (:u,wlr11 Mr11w1ial Schoillr ihip Aw11nl - To a St'tninary s111denl with li11anrial need . T/,,, Cordo11 jul111.1u11 Scholar.,hij, Aw,ml - To a se111ina1y srudenl per lon11i11g well aracl,·111irally i11 <lil t' 11f tht' Bihl<· rela1,·d li t' lds. Tiu· Wi1/krr Srlw/11nhij1 Au111rd - T11 a s<·llli11ary s1udt' nl with spt'rial i111t'rt'sl a11d ahili1y in tl1e ;1rea of 0111- n·ad1, t'St,il1lisht'd hy 1l1t' lntt'rtWlirnral Fisla-nuan's duh. Th,· Bill B_y,111111 Mn1101ial Schoillr .,hij, A,mml- T11 1l1e D1K·1or of Eci11ra- 1io11 s1ud1· 111 wl10 does exelllplary w,11 k in iltt' study a11cl prartire of Christian Edur,11io11. T/11· lfokrr Book Awn rd i 11 !:/11i.1ti1111 Ed11rnliu11 - To 111 ,· g1.1<h1a1e wl10 l1as
T/, e Robert N. O/i ,,,.,. Awilrd i11 Sy.,1t,i111tic Tlwoloj!y - T11 1l1t' stu<lt'nl wi1l1 tht' !Jt'st w11rk l111 1l1t' yt'.11 in Sys lt'matir Tht'ol11gy. The Awnrd i11 Ho111 ilctio - An annual award 111 two stn<lt'nls in tht' st'n1ina1y who distinguish tht'111st'IVt's in prearhing. Tiu: Ke,,wtl, D. Arrl,i1111/ A11111nl i11 C/11i,tim1 EtluwJi,111 - A.11 ;111nual award to tht' 11\llstan<ling sernnd y<'ar in th<' Dt'part1nt't1I of U11is1i ,11 1Ed11r.11i11n . TIU' Award i11 Nr.w Tt:.\lt11w11I - T11 tht' s111<lt'nl wl111 h,L, <l11n,· rnllstanding work in NewTt'St,1111<·n1 s11 1d i,·s 1l1rllltf(h lllll lht' st·rninary pn')(I :11 11 . T/,e Rm & Mn . lJm,irl Dunk.,,.,, Au,ml i11 Mi."iu11.1 - To il1e studt'nl in tht· st·n1ina1y wlu I do,-s lht' ht-sl work for lht'yt'.ir in lht' Ot'partn1en1 ofMi~,ions. Thr. M llrg·e Ni11111•11, A 11111rrl i11 Bil,lc fapu.1iliu11 - A.ii an1111;tl award lo tht' sllldt'nl in tht' st·111ina1y who has dont· 0111s1anding work in th<' Dt'part lllt'nl of Bihlt' Exposition i11 the final yt'ar of n;1ininf(. Tiu· Ah111111i 1\i11111d - To a rnn1in- 11ing student in 11 1<· Sl'111inary hy 1l1t' Alnrnni A,soriation.
The awards that follow are prt' sente<l annually to qualifit'<l students on the basis of criteria in<licatt'<l: The Lcuis T. TalLot Award - To a student in the seminary whose ron cern and zeal, in theory and practice, are outstanding in the area of tht' evangelization of the Jews. The Audrey Talbot Award i1i Bible Exfxi;ilion- To the slll<lent in the sem~ nary who does the l>est work for tht' yt'ar in the Department ofBihlt' Exposition. 11u William W. Brul Award- To a student in the seminary whose nm cern and zeal, tJ1eoretically and prarti cally, are exemplary in the intt'rt'st of the evangelization of tht' jt'Ws. 11u john and Jennie Solomon Awnrd in Old Ttltnnunl - To the stn<lt'nl in the seminary who does the I.it's! work for the year in the Departmt'nl of Semitics and Old Testament. The Library Award - To the stu dent completing a thesis or tht'sis pm jert who, in the opinion of the Lihrnr ian , has made the most i111t'lligt't1I and dTective use of the Li!Jr.uy <luring the year of his or her graduation.
distinguisht'd himself or herself in the study of Christian Education. T/,e North American Professors of Chri,tia11 Education Award - To a grnduate student in Christian edUGl· tion for 0111s1an<ling ara<lemic and s.fo,larship arhit'vement. Tiu: Anuoican Bible Society Award - T11 lht' student who ha., distinguished hi111self in llleaningful and interpre- tive public reading of the Scriptures. Tiu Loui, T. Talbot Memorial Schol,m,1,ip Award - To a continuing s1uden1 preparing li1r the rninisuy who has dt'lllons1ra1t'd academ ic excel lenre, exreptional Christian commit rntnl a11d Zt'al li1r practical minisuy. The Rot my (;/11/1 Scholanhip Award - To a rnn1im1ing stu<lt'nt who is mu standing in Christian character and spiritual lt'adt'I"ship. The Baker Book Award - To tht' g1~1duatt' who has distinguished work in lht' s111dy of lht'oi<'h'Y· The Rolin, Fi11l,y M,mwrial Award in .Mi.\.\io11.1 - 10 a rnntinuing student preparing lo serw on the mission field.
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