


Th i: Ch11rlc.1 £,., Fr.i11lmg Award - To 1l1t' senior who hesl exe111plilies 1l1e i111age 11f a student ;11 Talhot Sd1ool 11fTheology. Th e William W. Ba,i Me111orial Sclwlanhip Award - To a st'rond or 1l1ird )'t'ar student who has <lt'111on­ s11;11t'<l a keen intert'sl in Phil11s11phy orR,· ligi11n and / or Th,·ology. Tiu· htl'l. (:u,wlr11 Mr11w1ial Schoillr­ ihip Aw11nl - To a St'tninary s111denl with li11anrial need . T/,,, Cordo11 jul111.1u11 Scholar.,hij, Aw,ml - To a se111ina1y srudenl per­ lon11i11g well aracl,·111irally i11 <lil t' 11f tht' Bihl<· rela1,·d li t' lds. Tiu· Wi1/krr Srlw/11nhij1 Au111rd - T11 a s<·llli11ary s1udt' nl with spt'rial i111t'rt'sl a11d ahili1y in tl1e ;1rea of 0111- n·ad1, t'St,il1lisht'd hy 1l1t' lntt'rtWlirnral Fisla-nuan's duh. Th,· Bill B_y,111111 Mn1101ial Schoillr­ .,hij, A,mml- T11 1l1e D1K·1or of Eci11ra- 1io11 s1ud1· 111 wl10 does exelllplary w,11 k in iltt' study a11cl prartire of Christian Edur,11io11. T/11· lfokrr Book Awn rd i 11 !:/11i.1ti1111 Ed11rnliu11 - To 111 ,· g1.1<h1a1e wl10 l1as

T/, e Robert N. O/i ,,,.,. Awilrd i11 Sy.,1t,i111tic Tlwoloj!y - T11 1l1t' stu<lt'nl wi1l1 tht' !Jt'st w11rk l111 1l1t' yt'.11 in Sys­ lt'matir Tht'ol11gy. The Awnrd i11 Ho111 ilctio - An annual award 111 two stn<lt'nls in tht' st'n1ina1y who distinguish tht'111st'IVt's in prearhing. Tiu: Ke,,wtl, D. Arrl,i1111/ A11111nl i11 C/11i,tim1 EtluwJi,111 - A.11 ;111nual award to tht' 11\llstan<ling sernnd y<'ar in th<' Dt'part1nt't1I of U11is1i ,11 1Ed11r.11i11n . TIU' Award i11 Nr.w Tt:.\lt11w11I - T11 tht' s111<lt'nl wl111 h,L, <l11n,· rnllstanding work in NewTt'St,1111<·n1 s11 1d i,·s 1l1rllltf(h­ lllll lht' st·rninary pn')(I :11 11 . T/,e Rm & Mn . lJm,irl Dunk.,,.,, Au,ml i11 Mi."iu11.1 - To il1e studt'nl in tht· st·n1ina1y wlu I do,-s lht' ht-sl work for lht'yt'.ir in lht' Ot'partn1en1 ofMi~,ions. Thr. M llrg·e Ni11111•11, A 11111rrl i11 Bil,lc fapu.1iliu11 - A.ii an1111;tl award lo tht' sllldt'nl in tht' st·111ina1y who has dont· 0111s1anding work in th<' Dt'part­ lllt'nl of Bihlt' Exposition i11 the final yt'ar of n;1ininf(. Tiu· Ah111111i 1\i11111d - To a rnn1in- 11ing student in 11 1<· Sl'111inary hy 1l1t' Alnrnni A,soriation.

The awards that follow are prt'­ sente<l annually to qualifit'<l students on the basis of criteria in<licatt'<l: The Lcuis T. TalLot Award - To a student in the seminary whose ron­ cern and zeal, in theory and practice, are outstanding in the area of tht' evangelization of the Jews. The Audrey Talbot Award i1i Bible Exfxi;ilion- To the slll<lent in the sem~ nary who does the l>est work for tht' yt'ar in the Department ofBihlt' Exposition. 11u William W. Brul Award- To a student in the seminary whose nm­ cern and zeal, tJ1eoretically and prarti­ cally, are exemplary in the intt'rt'st of the evangelization of tht' jt'Ws. 11u john and Jennie Solomon Awnrd in Old Ttltnnunl - To the stn<lt'nl in the seminary who does the's! work for the year in the Departmt'nl of Semitics and Old Testament. The Library Award - To the stu­ dent completing a thesis or tht'sis pm­ jert who, in the opinion of the Lihrnr­ ian , has made the most i111t'lligt't1I and dTective use of the Li! <luring the year of his or her graduation.

distinguisht'd himself or herself in the study of Christian Education. T/,e North American Professors of Chri,tia11 Education Award - To a grnduate student in Christian edUGl· tion for 0111s1an<ling ara<lemic and,larship arhit'vement. Tiu: Anuoican Bible Society Award - T11 lht' student who ha., distinguished hi111self in llleaningful and interpre- tive public reading of the Scriptures. Tiu Loui, T. Talbot Memorial Schol,m,1,ip Award - To a continuing s1uden1 preparing li1r the rninisuy who has dt'lllons1ra1t'd academ ic excel­ lenre, exreptional Christian commit­ rntnl a11d Zt'al li1r practical minisuy. The Rot my (;/11/1 Scholanhip Award - To a rnn1im1ing stu<lt'nt who is mu­ standing in Christian character and spiritual lt'adt'I"ship. The Baker Book Award - To tht' g1~1duatt' who has distinguished work in lht' s111dy of lht'oi<'h'Y· The Rolin, Fi11l,y M,mwrial Award in .Mi.\.\io11.1 - 10 a rnntinuing student preparing lo serw on the mission field.

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