Professional Growth and Training At the heart of an effective training program in professional psychology is the opportunity to develop the personal insights and skills necessary for emphatic and effective interaction in a wide range of settings. In order to meet this need, Rosemead has developed a sequence of experiences designed to promote personal growth and compe tency in interpersonal relationships as well as specific clinical skills. Beginning in their first year of study, students participate in a variety of activities designed to promote pro fessional awareness and personal growth. The first year activities include active training in empathy skills and on-<:ampus prepracticum experience. The prepracticum course consists of exercises to assess and facilitate inter personal skills, and the initial opportu nity for the student to work with a vol unteer college client in a helping role. During the second year, all stu dents participate in group training therapy. As group members, students personally experience some of the growth-producing aspects of group counseling. In addition to group ther apy, students begin their formal practicum and psychotherapy lab courses in the second year. Students are placed in such professional facili ties as outpatient clinics, hospitals, co~ lege counseling centers, public schools and community health organizations on the basis of their individual readi ness, needs and interests. These practicum experiences are supervised both by Rosemead's faculty and qual~ fied professionals working in the practicum agencies. In the psychother apy lab courses, students receive both instruction and supervised experience, offering clinical services from the theo retical orientation of the course. Stu dents elect lab courses from offerings such as Psychotherapy with Adoles cents, Marriage and Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Biofeedback, and PsychotJ1erapy with Chi ldren. During the third year most doc toral students take two or three psy chotherapy lab courses, continue their practicum placements, and begin indi vidual training therapy. This therapy is designed to give the student first-hand experience in the role of a client and is considered an opportunity for both personal growth and for the learning of therapeutic principles and techniques. Aminimum of 50 hours of individual
training are required. Such issues as timing, choice of therapist and specific goals are determined by students in conjunction with their advisors and the Professional Training Committee. When doctoral students reach their fourth year, most of their time is spent in independent study, electives and practicum experiences. This step-by-step progression in professiona l training experiences gives the student personal experience with a wide range of person alities in a variety of settings and provides the necessary preparation for a full-time internship during the fifth year of study. The internship is planned as an intensive clinical experience to help stu dents integrate the varied elements of their preparation in psychology into a congment professional role. All intern ships must be faculty approved in order to ensure a high level of professional experience for the student Placement in practicum agencies is made by the director of clinical training and internships are obtained by the student consonant with the internship guidelines of the school. Christian Activities As members of a Christian university community, Rosemead's faculty believe the relating of one's faith to an acade mic discipline goes beyond the theoreti cal and cognitive. Opportunities for fel lowship, dialogue and worship are seen as vital parts of the total educational process. Consequently, all students are expected to participate in Rosemead's weekly chapel as well as a one year-long fellowship group. The fellowship groups
believes there is a great deal to be gained by an interdisciplinary study of the nature of persons. Consequently, all students take a series of theology courses and seminars designed to study the relationship of psychological and theological conceptions of human func tioning. This series of courses length ens Rosemead's doctoral program by approximately one year beyond most four-year clinical programs. While recognizing that the disci plines of psychology and theology have some very different data and method ologies, their overlapping content, goals and principles provides a rich resource for interdisciplinary study. Issues grow ing out of these overlapping concerns cover a range of topics relating to research, theory and clinical practice. By encouraging this study Rosemead is attempting to train psychologists witJ1 a broad view of human nature that includes a sensitivity to the religious dimension of life. Through its interac tion with members of the Christian community, Rosemead is also commit ted to demonstrating to the church the potentially significant contributions an understanding of tJ1e data and methods of psychology can make to the Church 's role of ministering to the whole person. Psy.D. students desiring to focus their professional practice on children, couples or families may take an empha sis in Fami ly-Child Psychology. This emphasis requires completion of the following elective courses in addition to the regular doctoral requirements: Advan<ed Assessment of Ou1d rmsteod of Meosurement ond Assessment Ill: Projedives) Family Psychology ond Psychopothology Morriage and Family Therapy Iand II Psychotherapy with Clu1dren Psychotherapy with the Adolescent Cogritive/Behavioral Therapy with Oildren Students emphasizing in Fami ly Child Psychology also write their dis sertations or doctoral research papers in a fami ly-<:hild area, spend their year long outpatient practicum in a setting where at least one-half of their work is with chi ldren, couples or families, and complete an internship in a setting where at least one third of their work is with a family-<:hild population. They may also elect other family related courses such as Development of Reli gious Understanding in Children and Ado lescents, Human Sexuality and Community Mental Health: Psychoed ucational and Preventive Models.
begin in the first year of the student's program. These activities provide an opportunity for students and their spouses to flesh out the personal impli cations of their faith and integrative study. They also provide opportunity for informal, out of class interaction with faculty spouses and other members of the Rosemead community. Students are also encouraged to become involved in one of the many local churches in the Southern California area. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The major M.A., Psy.D. and Ph.D. degree requirements are summarized below. Since all students take a set of basic courses in scientific psychology as well as in clinical psychology and theol ogy, the first three years of the Psy.D. and Ph.D. tracks are very similar.
Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology
Although Rosemead does not offer a terminal Master 's program, a Master of Arts in clinical psychology will be granted after the completion of the first two years of either the Ph.D. or Psy.D. curriculum, including: A Aminimum of 45 semester hours* in psychology (including practicum and psychotherapy lab courses), B. Aminimum of nine semester hours in theology, and C. Aminimum of one year of resi dent graduate work. (The final semester must be in residence.) *"Hours" and "units" are inter- changeable throughout this section.
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