

lime ai1d D0<:tor of Minist1ies s111cle111., . BOLD and ELI stu­ dents are not eligible. TI1e Clnm:h's awanl nmsl Ix. suh111i11ecl in full witl1in tl1e litst four weeks of the semt-i;ler, and mtLsl Ix. accompanied by tl1e Clmn:h Matching Sd1nlusl1ip Application signed by tl1e pa.,;­ lor or Clmn:h Boan! Memher. Fa.II semt-i;ler ck·.,ulline i.s Oct 1. Sp1ing se111t-i;lt'r clt"..iclline (for sp1ing enllanls only) i., Man:h 1. FAFSA llllL<I be filed. President's Award. (80% n1i1ion) Senior slaiJCling at Biola witl1 intention to g1ad11a1e at the encl of tl1e sc:hool yeai· rt'.l"1uired, along with a minimum 3.(i(J GPA, a.llemlanc:e al Biola for at lea~t two a., well a., personal qua.litica.lion.s. One aw.ire! per year. Music Auxmis. Mack by tl1e nm,ic clepartmenl to music majo1s with higl1-pe1fo11uance a11cl scholaslic capahilitit-i;. TI1e scholu 0 ship nmsl be tLsetl for the an·.a in which tl1e applieat1I a1Kli1ionecl &t:ipienls may also Ix. lt<Jllired lo pa1ticipale in an e1tsembk. Two specially clesignalecl sd1ola.1ships ai·e open lo organ and rnmposilinn majo1s on an annual competition ha.sis. TI1ese prestigious awa.rcL, , e<1ual In lhe highest mmic scholai·­ sl1ip gianlt'.cl, are The Rayner Brown Sd10la1ship for Compo­ sition, aiHI TI1e Ti11101liy Howard Schnla.1ship for Organ. Athletic Scholanhij1s. Ollem:l 10 stuclent, who demonstrate out­ stancling ahiliry and achievement in a particular sport. Awanlecl by the Athletic Depanmenl Fure11JicJ ScholarJhij1J. Offered lo pa.rlic:ipanls on the school's c:nmpe1i1ive speec:li team. Sluclenls a.warded this sc:hola1ship are nnl necessarily c:nmnnmic:alinn majrns. Federal Aid To Students Federal Pell Grant Program. A lecle1al program designed to stuclenls witli linanrial nttcl. TI1e maximum grant i., $2,700. Federal Su/1,/enumtary Educational OJ1/1orlunity Grant (P.;EOG) Pror;ram. Ca.mpus-ha.,ecl leclera.l aicl, is for neecliest under­ i:;1acl11ale sluclenls. Musi he eligible for Pell Grant. Federal Work Slwiy. Uncler tl1is pmg1am le<letal funcl, pay 7:i% of a snl!lent 's W;JJ.;t-i;, while ll1e Univmity pays tl1e remaining 25%. Wagt:S 1xii<I lo slucknts in tl1e work sn1cly program acconl­ ini; In tl1e sluclent's qualilicatio1Ls a.ncl duties pe1fonned. TI1e Unive1~iry cannot gua1anltt a -~•b for eve1y sltKlenL A limited atlk>UJJI of conu111111ity se1vice}>b opprn11111ilit-i; available. Federal Perki11.1 uxm. TI1e PerkiILs Loan is 0He1t<l to early linaiu:ial aid applicant,. $1,<XXJ In Biola, 5% interest rate. Repaymrnl of Perkins Loan begins rune nmuilis al"ttr graclualion or wi1luhawal from sc:l1ml. If the tntal amount i., paicl within nine mnnllis of graclualinn , interest will not accrne. Paynlt'.nls may be extended over a IO-year pe1iCMI at 5% interest on the unpaicl balance. Memlx,1s of the armed forces on active cluty a.ncl sluclenls who transfer 10 other schools to complete unclergracluale or graduate work, may cider payment atHI inlert-i;I aJHI exlencl the repayment pe1iod. Fr.demi Slnjfurd loanJ. Availal,le tlimugh kxal batik.,, credit w1ions awl savings and loan a.s. .xialK)JL<. Prdenrtl lencler li.,1 availal>le. TI1e prng1am allows sluclenls lo honow up to s2 ,o2., a., fresli111en, $:l,:,(XJ as sc,phonK11·t-i; ancl up lo $5,5(Xl a.~ junims aJJCI se11in1s. S1ucle111s cknkllL<IJaling financial nttcl may qualify ti,r an inlen·_,1 subsidy, by wliid1 the gnvernnlt'.111 pays the i111e1° esl while the stuclenl i., in school. Applications for Federal

demonstrated need, especially tl1ose who, without such aid, would not be able to attend Biola. TI1e Financial Aid Ollice providt's counseling and a.,sis­ tance to student, and tl1eir families in su11ct111ing the most appropriate package of financial aicl . The Universiry is conunil­ ted to locating sufficient financial aid to pe1mit enmllment of every student wishing to altencl. TI1is commiunent is ba.secl on a partnership which includes student ancl family support; lt'd­ eral and state grant, and Joan,; and financial aid from Biola. Biola Universiry does not di.,c1iminate on the basi., of sex, race, color or national and erlmic orib,in in admini.,trarion of

it, scholarship and loan programs. UNDERGRADUATE FINANCIAL AID

Institutional Aid All stuclent, receiving me1it awarcls and/ or neecl-ba.,ed aid are required to file a FAFSA, or select self cli.,cp1alifica1ion for need-ba.sed aid by submitting page one of !he I CJ% I 040 tax form showing an adjusred gross income in exress of $75,000. (Student, reet:iving neecl-ba.,ed aid musl submit entire 1040 inclucling schedules.) Biola Need (',rant ur Univenity Award. The University will pro­ vide a Biola Need Grant or University Awa.rel up lo $4,H(X) 10 student, witl1 exceptional neecl ancl limilecl resources. Uni­ versity Award is pa.rlially on GPA. M1Lsl tile FAFSA and University Aid Application fonn.,. Amdemic SdiolaTJhips. ($3,150-$5,(i(J(J) Aw-.mbl I< 1 !lie I< •p 15% of incoming freshmen and uamler snl!knls. Ba.sed un higli sd1ml and college GPA and SAT/ ACT scot't'S. S11Klenls an, noliti,,d of award at time of acceptmce. &new-.wle if GPA requirenlt'.nl i.s met as outlined in scholuship policy. SURGE Award. ($2,400-$2 ,500) Awarded to unclempresentecl student, not eligible for academic sd1ola.1ships. M1Lsl have :1.0 GPA Requires participation in Cuhural Encounlt'.1s pnii;ram. Awarding by committee begins Ma.rcli 15. Community Seruia ScholaTJhip. ($2,100-$2,:,00) Awarded lo freshmen and transfer stuclenls who have clemonslrared out­ standing spiritual leadership ancl se1vices in their conu111111ity. Awarding by committee IX'.gi1Ls Man:!1 151)1. Renewable with demonstrated leade1ship involvement ancl se1vices a.I Biola. Mtt,t file FAFSA ancl a sepaialt' application. All fosl year lt-.. Hl­ ership and award recipients an, requirecl to rq;isler for IM>lh semesters ofGN~T 105 Leade1ship Menlotship Pnii;ra.m. lkpnul.ent Schdarships. ($1,(XX}.$1,2(XJ) All ckpeJ1Clent d1ilchn of ~tors, mionaries or Ch1-r.tian work1s (p1ima1y family inn>nlt'. mtL,t be through a chun:h, mission or Cl11istia11 non-pmfit agency) will be awarded a scholuship t"ach }t'a.r of alleJ1Clu1ce. Dependent chiklren of pa.,t01s/ mi.s.sionaiit-i;/ CJ11i,1ia.n wor-ke1s mtt~I file FAFSA and the appmp1ia1e application (av.iilahle in ll1e Fmancial Aid Ollice) lo 11::n,ive this sc:hnla1sliip. Bi,~a emp]CJytt dependent schola1ship nxipient, are 1101 eli!,<ihle. Church Matching ScholarJhip. (Up lo $:,00 from Biola) Binla will match one aware! per year up 10 $:,(XJ for a foll-1i111e stu­ dent demonstrating neecl . The match is pmratecl for part-

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