SAMPLE PROGRAM: Psy.O. Track First Year
Fourth Year
Fifth Year
Third Year
Second Year
Fall Advanced Statistics
Clinical Supervision/ Consultation•••
Internship 0
3 3 3 4
Histo'1' and S)'Stems of Psychology
3 3 3 3 4
Measurement and Assessment II
3 3 3 2
Practicum Ill
or Psychology Elective
2 3 3 5 3
Measurement and Assessment I Introduction to Psychopathology Introduction to Psychotherap)'
Practicum I
Practicum V
Psychotheran Lab Elective Integration ectives
PsychotheraEI Lab**
Psychotherar,r Lab Elective Psycholm Eec:tives Doaoral esearch Seminar I
Na ture and ope or Srstems of Integration
Theology I
Theology Ill
lnterterm Prepracticum I Psychology Elective
Psychology Elective
Cross-Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology*
2 3
Spring .!!J
Internship 0
3 3 3 3
Neuropsychology• or
Clinical Supervision/Consultation•••
Research Design
Ethical & Professional Issues Measurement and Assessment Ill
or Psychology Elective
2 3 3 3 2 2
Leaming, Cognition & Affect
Clinical ~chopharmacology
3 3 6
Psychology Elective
Personality Development & Psychopathology 3
Practicum II
Practicum VI
Prepracticum II
Psychothe;v'y Lab Elective
Psychotherarr, Lab Electives
.1 16
Psychotherapy and Re ligion
Integration ecuve
P:J'.chotherapy Lab Elective A vanced lnte~tion Elective Doaoral Researc Seminar I I
Theology II
15 Note: • For student with undergraduate coursework in social and physiological psychology. Students without undergraduate social psychology will take SPY608, Social Psychology, instead of SPY625 Cross Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology. Students without undergraduate physiological psychology will take SPY607, Psychophysiological Processes instead of SPY 670 Neuropsycho/ogy or SPY 705 Clinical Psychopharmacology. These alternati11e courses will generally be taken during the spring of the second or thfrd year. • 'Second )•ear students elect one of the following psychotherapy lab courses, SLB613 Psychotherapy with Adolescents , SLB642 Psychotherapy with Children, SLB643 Behavior Modification with Chi ldren and Parents, or SLB71 7 Gestalt Psychotherapy. •••All students are required to complete at least 2 units of coursework in clinical supervision and/or consultation. This requirement may be met by taking SLB 702 Principles and Practices in Case Supervision to receive credit for supervision with assessment, lab or prepracticum courses. The requirement may also be met by taking SPY 71 J Clinical Supervision and C.Onsultation during the student's fourth year.
Psy.D. In Cllnlcal Psychology
These examinations are given twice annually and serve as the major
(S) Professional Qualifying Examination
theological and psychological concepts
All Psy.D. students must success
in research, theory and practice.
(1) Residence and Course Work
means of evaluating a student 's suitfully complete an examination that
Dissertation &search: Students in Rosemead's Psy. D. track may fulfill the research component of their program either by writing a dissertation or by successfully completing a research
Nonnally, four years of residency are required unless transfer of credit is brought in and advanced standing granted. While the doctorate is not awarded simply for completion of stated
ability to continue studies toward the doctorate. The examinations may be taken any time after completion of 75% of the course work and must be successfully completed prior to the Professional Qualifying Examination.
evaluates the student 's readiness for a full-time internship. It may be taken any time after the comprehensive examinations have been passed and must be completed prior to accep tance of an internship. The examin
course work, there are basic unit require-consumership sequence (5 units)
men ts for the degree ( 133 semester
which includes a year-long doctoral
Only one retake of the examinaing committee may require the stu tion is allowed. The dates of the Comdent to complete additional course
hours) . Each student is assigned a facresearch seminar, a critical review of
ulty advisor who assists in the planning of each semester's schedttle of courses and supervises the student's progress in the
research literature on a clinical topic
prehensive Examinations are specified and a proficiency examination for conwork, practicum, or oth_er professional
in the Academic Calendar.
sumers of cl inical research .
growth experiences prior to beginning the internship. See the Professional Qualifying Examination Guidelines in
program. For transfer credit, see Gen(4) Admission lo Candidacy
(2) Preliminary Oral Interview
eral Academic Information.
Official candidacy for the doctorate
All students have an oral inten~ew with a faculty committee to evaluate
Psychology: Psy.D. students must complete a minimum of 76 semester hours of psychology. These 76 units must include 43 required psychology units, 18 units of practicum and 15 units of elective psychology courses. Students may apply up to six units of graduate coursework from the School of Intercultural Studies toward the total psychology hours requirement. PsyclwtJ1£raf!Y Laborawry: Students in the Psy.D. track must complete 21 units selected from psychotherapy lab courses. ll1ese are taken in the second, third and
signifies an advanced stage in the stustudent handbook for further detail.
dent's progress and is accompanied by
their progress and potential for success(6) Internship a redefinition of full-time enrollment
ful completion of the doctoral program. This interview is scheduled after the
All students are required to com plete a on1:1ear, fulkime clinical intern
which enables the student to place greater emphasis on his practicum
completion of three semesters in resiship prior to graduation. All internships experience, internship and dissenation,
dence, including at least one practicum assignment The results of this interview are reported to faculty which votes to allow the student either (I) to continue, nary Oral Interview review the following year, or (3) not to allow the student to continue in the doctoral program.
are to be approved in advance by the
and less emphasis on formal courseClinical Training Committee. For fur
work. In order to be admitted to candi
ther details, refer to the Internship Guidelines in student handbook. Intern
dacy the student must have: ■ Successfully completed the
(2) to continue studies with a Prelimiship fees are listed in the psychology Preliminary Oral Interview
course section (SIN 73 I Internship).
■ Passed the Comprehensive
(7) Completion of Training Therapy
All students must receive certifica
■ Received approval of dissertation
fourth years.
(3) Comprehensive Examinations
proposal by the Doctoral Committion of completion of training therapy
Thmlbgy: All students must complete a minor in theology which includes a
All students must pass a set of doctee or completed the two-semester,
from the director of clinical training.
toral-level comprehensive examinafive-credit Doctoral Research SemiAminimum of 50 hours of group ther
minimum of I7semester units.
apy plus 50 hours of individual therapy is required. See Training Therapy
nar and comprehensive proficiency
Integration Seminars: All students partions covering the following areas: I)
psychological intervention and 2) psyresearch examination
ticipate in a series of seminars (14 units) devoted to the integration of a variety of
■ Completed training therapy
chology and theology.
Guidelines for further details.
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