Graduate Grant. Available in limited amount~ to studenls who demonsllale financial need. Requires a FAFSA filed by fall deadline. Stwlent Ministries Inc. Pmvides a means for family and friend, IO make lax-t".xempt con11ibu1ions lo a student while in senlinary, if student i.s engaged in 8 or more hours ofweekly mini.~try. TallJOI Dean's Sclw/,anhip. Av.i.ilahle lo Talbot student's on basis of n=l. Aw.i.nbl by Tallx11 School nfTI1eology. GENERAL FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION The following apply lo Loth undergraduate and graduate aid applicants. Entitlement Aid Bioia Unive1sity is anthrnized a, an in., ti1u1ion to grant hen~ lits lo velerarn ancl ckpendenls, social security benefits and assi.-+ lance from 1l1e C.alifomia Rehabilitation Program Student~ u11ereslt,el in thi., 1)1>e ofaid should cnnlacl the Registrar's Office. Student Loans Binla will notify all aill applicants of their eligibility lo hmrnw through tl1e Federal Family Eclucational Loan Pro gr.un, including tl1e Stalforcl Loan. Biola will send a Stalford Application In every eligible applicant and a list of recom mendecl lemle1~. If an applicant chooser~ a lender that is nol listed on the lender list, he shoulcl contacl that lender for an application. Student Aid Grants A., hmcl, are av.i.ilable, Stuclenl Aid Grant~ are made to neecly stuclenls from the Stuclenl Aid Fund. TI1is fund is maintainecl hy gift, from hiencls of the University. Student~ are 1101 rec1uirecl lo repay the Unive1~ity, but ii i., hoped that recipient, will contrilnlle In the funcl when they have com pleted school in order lo provide for othec~ who are in need. International Students International applicants nm,1 eslahli.,h the degree of tl1eir ahility lo meet the cost, of an education al Biola University. Each inlemational applicant mml suLmil a signed slatement of financial re.,pnnsihility a, well a., signed statement~ from any agencies or inclivicluals who have taken the re.,ponsibility of unclenvritini; tl1e student's expenses. These slalements m1t,1 indncle the exact amount of the cnnunilment Canadian Grants Canadian rilizens whn receive al lease two tl1inl, of !heir collegt'. funding from Canadian snmces are eligible for the Tnitinn al Par (TAP) C:1an1 for the Fall and Spring semes ters. The TAP cove1s the clitlerence between U.S. and Canadian dollars a., cakulatecl al the beginning of each seme.,ter. The grant i., calrnlated after the student's ocher university aicl is consiclerecl. Student Employment The Unive1~ity r11ain1ains an employment ollice for the henefil of sluclenls needing part-time work lo defray eXpt'.nses. Wl1ile this ollic:e clnes nol gua1anlee employment , ii ch,s make an dforl lo place eve1y sluclent desi1ing work.
Staffon! Loans may be obtained from tlie Financial Aicl O!lice. TI1e student may cider payment until six nKmtiL, alier g1.xlua tion. !nleresl i., v.i.1iable up lo 8.2!i% (La.,ed on the 91-day T-Bill plus 3.10%). TI1e student ha, up lo 10yea1s lo repay tl1e loan. Federal UnsubJidiud Stafford LoanJ. Graduate scudenls and independent sludenls may borrow from $4,000 to $10,000 annually at a v,uiaLle interest race, up lo 8.2!i%. Repayment may be ddeITed while the student is enrolled in six or mon: units. Interest continues to accrue dming tl1is time. Federal Parrnt Loan for Underr;raduau Studenl.s (PLU!lJ. Paren Is may boITOW up to tl1e co;t of education nlimt, financial aid al a variable interest r,lle up to 9%. Repayment begi,t, inunediately. State Aid to Students Cal Grant A's are made available lo lumdrecl, of Califor nia resident, each year. Eligibility is La.sec! on G.P.A. and financial need. In addition, many students from low income fanlilies receive funcl, tlunugh the Grant BPn~ram. Students allending Biola are not eligible to receive timcl, tl1rough the Cal Grant C program. FAFSA form mnst he filed by March 2 deadline ancl cunenl nmHecipients musl file a Cal Grant G.P.A. ve1ifica1ion fonn hy March 2. GRADUATE FINANCIAL AID Before applying, applicants slwul<l make realistic assess ment of their re.sources for financing graduate study in view of tl1e gr.i.cluale tuition and lee sd1eclule and the cost of liv ing in Southern California. The following lede1al aid prng1am, are availahle en g1ad uate students. Please refer 10 the appropriate section ahove for additional infrnmation. Federal Perkins Loan. Up tu $1 ,000 per Limitt,el av.i.ilah1li1y. Federal Stafford Loa11J. Up lo maximum $8,!i{XJ per year. Federal UnmbJidiud Stafford Loam. Up 10 $1 O,(XXJ. In addition, tl1e following aid programs are availahle specifically for graduate study. California Stale Graduau Fe/kwJhi/iJ. Av.iilahle lo slate residents who are planning to leach al the college level ; recp1ires a financial slalemenl, digihility application ancl GRE or 01l1er approp1ia1e test score., . Church Matd1i11{{ Scholanhi/i. Up In $!i00 from Biola. Biola will match one award per year up lo $!i00 for a ti1ll-1ime stu dent demonstrating neecl . The match is prmated liir part time and Doctor of Ministries students. Nol av.iilahle to ELI student,. FAFSA recp1ired. TI1e C'Jn1rd1's aware! m1t,1 be suhmillt,el in hill within 1l1e fi11;1 four week., of tl1e semester, and m11,1 he accompanit,el hy tl1e Omrch Matching Sd1olarship Application signt,el hy the [n'" tor or Oum:h Memher. Fall senlt'Sler ck--..idline i., Oct I. Spring semester ckadline (for sp1ing enuanL, only) i., Man:h 1. Rruerrzead (Graduate) AJJiJla11tshipJ. Av.i.ilahle In sehtecl secnncl year students ancl ahove; digihility recp1imnen1., ancl me nf hmcls i., established tlimui-;h Roseme.acl faculty cnmnullees. Rruemead Faw./Jy [>iJrretirmmy SdwlarJhi/1. A,,.i.ilahle lo qualiliecl Ro;en=cl sn1clenls on the ha.sis ofnet,Cl. Recpiin-s FAFSA linm,.
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