or has a master's degree which does not contain the background necessary for the D.Miss. program, the total program 11111 be longer than 34 units, and this will be determined with the director of the program. A faculty adl'isor will guide each student in planning a program of courses to serve his or her ministry needs. Each student will select a mentor from the graduate faculty to guide his or her dissertation research. Admission into the graduate pro gram of the School of lntercultural Stud ies does not guarantee completion of the doctoral degree. The core requirements are as follows: 9 units: SCL 550, 540, or 661 , 742. 6 units: Missiology or intercultural stud ies electives 10 be determined in consuhation 111th the ad1isor. 6 units: Biblical/theological studies, consisting of SCL 722 and three units of elective. 13 units: Dissertation research and writing, consisting of: SCL 803, 879, 880. (2) Time limit for Degree Completion All course and academic require ments for the D.Miss. degree must be comple ted 11ithin IO years, beginning on the date of the student 's first registra tion. Petitions for extension beyond IO years will be considered on a case by case basis for students who may need extensil'e field experience or field research requirements. (3) Withdrawal and Readmission Procedures A student who must drop out of school or is plallning to return to field senice must go through the formal 1111h drawal process. To return to acti1·e status the student should con tac t the program director and file a readmission form 111th the admissions office. (4) Oral Interview and Admission to Ooctora I Study All srudents will hal'e an inteniew 111th a faculty committee 10 evaluate their progress and potential for successful com pletion of the doctoral program. The inter- 1iew is scheduled after one semester in resi dence and the completion of at least one significant piece of writLen work demon strating the student's skill in research writ ing. The results of this interview are reported to the faculty, which votes either to admit, admit with conditions, or not Lo
nation of electives most suitable for their career goals. Students may also choose to focus electives in areas of specialization such as anthropology, mi ssiology, cross cultural education, Bible transla tion, linguistics, TE.SOL, church planting, crosscultural health care, urban ministries, etc Students who have not pre viously taken a course in cul tural anthropology will be required to take SCL 507 as a
1. 16 units of JCS core consisting of: SCL 500, 503, 520, 562, 622,
These exams are given once a year in April and sen·e as a major means of evaluating a student's suitability to con tinue studies toward the doctorate.
and 765.
2. 8 units ofBible/ theology
including: SCL 550, SCL 755 or TTPH 624 and 2additional units of electives.
(6) Field Ministry and Language Requirement
All students must complete a mini mum of three continuous years of practi cal missionary experience in a crosscul tural (or cross-subcultural) setting. IL is assumed that the student will acquire . fluency in a second language learned during this missionary service and that this language will be the language of field research. (7) Admission to Candidacy Official candidacy for the doctorate signifies an adranced stage in the stu dent's progress and is characterized by self-directed research and preparation of a dissertation under the direction of a faculty advisor. In order to be admitled to candidacy the student must have: a. Successfully completed the Preliminary Faculty lnteniew b. Passed the comprehensive examination c. Completed the field minist11• requirement d. Received approral of the dissertation proposal by the Doctoral Commitlee Upon reaching candidacy a student must register for a total of eight disserta tion units prior to graduation. With the consent of the doctoral ad1isor, a student mav take more or less dissertation units.. If the doctoral candidate has not defended the dissertation by the time the eight dissertation units are completed, h·e or she must continue to be enrolled - each semester until graduation. This may be done under SCL 882 D.Miss. Con tinuous Enrollment Research. This enrollment carries no credit, but keeps the student's registration current. (8) Dissertation The doctoral dissertation will be based upon research conducted in the field of ministry, usual~•over a period of six months to one year. The dissertation must demon strate high a1tainment in scholarship related to professional missiology. The dis serta tion topic and proposal must be approved by the candidate's ad1iso11· com mittee prior to beginning of the student's field research. Three weeks prior to expected graduation the candidate must submit to the School of lntem~tural Stud ies the original and ~1·0 copies of his disser tation signed by the dissertation committee. (9) Final Oral Examination The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the docwral commit1ee and other inl'ited professionals.
3. 18 units of International
Business courses including: BUSN 510,511 , 512,513, 514, 610,611,615. International Business Courses BUS'.\ 510 Int'! Economics (2) BUS'.\ 511 Int '!Accounting (2) BUS'.\ 512 Int 'IFinance (2) BUS'.\ 513 Int'! Management (2) BUS:O.: 514 Int'! Marketing (2) Bl'S'.'< 610/ 611 Area A.nalj~is (2/ 2) BUS:-.: 615 Field Study (4) BUSINESS FOUNDATIONS COURSEWORK Students without a business degree back ground may be required to take the Jo/lawing additional 4 units of introductory business /eve/ courses: BUSN 501 Principles ofAccounting (I) BUSN 503 Principles of Finance (I) BUSN 505 Principles of Management (I) BUSN 507 Principles of Marketing (I) For a full description of the courses, see the graduate course listing in the School ofBusiness. Summer Institute of Linguistics I.n cooperation with the Summer Insti tute of Linguistics Biola offers a number of linguistics courses which can prmide a con centration for students planning for mi!'r sion work in language analysis/ Bible tran!'r lation. This 21-unit program combines five linguistics courses (SAL 520 or 646, 521, 523 or 622 , 525 or 624, 654) and two anthropology courses (SCL 520. and 640) (For full details on these courses see the course descriptions in the lntercultural Studies and TESOL & Applied Linguistics sections of this catalog.) International Urban Institute In cooperation with the Interna tional Urban Institute Biola offers an M.A. in lntercultural Studies with an emphasis in urban ministries. Students who complete all 20 units of this program as part of their electives 11111 also receil'e a certificate in Urban Studies from the International Urban Institute. Doctor of Missiology (1) Residence and Course Work The program requires a minimum of 34 units past the appropriate master's degree, with 26 semester hours of coursework and 8 semester hours of di!'r sertation research. If a student has grad uate coursework but no master's degree,
required elective.
Students who are not profi cient in a second language will also be required to take SCL 510 or 511 as a required electil'e. (Proficiency standards for a sec ond language will be deter mined by the MA advisor in consultation with intercultural studies faculty. See student handbook for standards.) B. Successfully pass a comprehensive examination over coursework. C. Maintain a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. M.A. in lntercu/tural Studies - International Business Studies The M.A. in lnlercultural Studies with an International Business emphasis is a 42-unil program. Students entering the program are expected to possess the academic skills to do graduate studies in the three areas of Biblical and theologi cal studies, intercultural studies, and business. In addition Lo the 42 units Stu· dents may, therefore, be required to take foundational courses as follows : Students who have not previously taken a course in cultural anthropology will be required to take SCL 507. Students who are not proficient in a second language will also be required to take SCL 510 or 511. (Proficiency stan dards for a second language will be determined by the MA ad1isor in consul tation with intercultural studies faculty. See student handbook for standards.) Students without a business degree background mar be required to take an additional 4 units of introductory busi ness and accounting courses. Students with little or no academic preparation for graduate studies in bibli cal and theological areas may be required, at the discretion of the acade mic ad1isor and in consultation 111th the student, to take additional Biblical and theological classes. In order to graduate the student must do the following: A. Complete the required courses listed below:
admit the student to doctoral study. (5) Comprehensive Examinations
All students must pass comprehensive
exams COl'ering the follm,ing areas: a. lntercultural studies b. History and theology of mission c. Society, technology and missions d. The student's specialization.
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