SCL 895 D.Miss. Research Seminar (1-3) In-depth mvestigation of a topic under the guidance of the lntercultural Studies department using standard research proce dures. Topic selection and course enrol~ ment is bydepartment approral. Elective. SCL 896 Ed.D. Research Seminar (1·3) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the lntercultural Stud ies department using standard research proce dures. Topic selection and course enrol~ ment is bydepartment approral. Elective. Dissertation Research and Writing SCL 880 D.Miss. Dissertation (1·8) Normally a student must take a minimum of two units for up to a maximum of 4 semesters to be considered fulooe. SCL 882 D.Miss. Continuous Enrollment (0) Normally a student must take a minimum of 3 units per semester to be considered full time. A student is considered full time for four semesters while taking this dissertation class. Fee: $100. SCL 890 Ed.D. Dissertation Field Research (1 ·6) Normally a student must take a mini mum of 3 units per semester to be con sidered full time. A student is consid ered full-time for four semesters while taking this dissertation class. SCL 892 Ed.D. Continuous Research (0) Students who need extra time to work on first or final draft of the dissertation are required to register for this course to maintain degree status. Astudent is con sidered less than half-time status while taking this class. Fee: SIOO. SCL 893 Leave of Absence (0) For students who have been granted an official leave of absence from the pro gram. Fee: $100.
Practicum SCL 690 Practicum (1 ·6)
and social life for all major cultures. Focuses on forming a professional response for ministry in the city. SCL 568 The Logos of World Civilization (3) Explores the unfolding meaning of global civilization from historical, bibli cal , cultural and strategic perspectives taking into account spiritual dynamics and world view issues. SCL 573 Urban Social Change (3) Explores the literature and contempo ral)' case studies of urban social changes and urban change agents. Attention is giren to the analysis of social transforma tion through the creation of committed communities including urban churches. SCL 577 Counseling and Development in a Multicultural Context (3) Designed to equip students working in urban ministries with problem solring skills as theyengage in the basic lay/ pas toral counseling of multi-ethnic and crosscultural residents of the city. Stu dents will become familiar with both the practice and theory of 1-arious schools of thought in counseling with a special emphasis on crosscultural elements. SCL 578 Worldvlew Foundations for Ministry (3) Designed to train the student to analyze and articulate his/ her own presupposi tions, norms, and 1-alues from a Judeo Christian framework in order to prmide an e1-aluatire base of other world1iew sys tems and proposals. SCL 581 Nature of the Non-Western World(3) Explores the ancient rituals, traditions, and modem ideas by which two-thirds of the world's people now lire. The stu dent will become familiar with and equipped for interaction with the assumptions, belief systems, and cultural \\-ays that have }ielded profoundly differ ent societies in the non-western world. SCL 582 Urban Leadership Development (3) Examines various models, definitions, and case studies of urban leadership styles. The different roles and character formation of the leader are presented. Special focus is given to the theory and methods of mentoring as essential for the multiplication of strategicall y minded leaders in the city. SCL 583 Poverty and the City (3) Examines contemporary concerns of inhabitants in the city for justice, employ ment, housing and education. Special emphasis is given to developing strategies to empower residents of the city.
Management Strategies in Crosscultural Health Care. Preparation for sen•ing organizations involved in planning and implementing health care systems at the district and village level. Intercultural Clinical Practicum. Super vised crosscultural clinical health care experience. Prerequisites: SCL 520, 622, 675 (may be taken concurrently). RN licensure or consent of instructor. SCL 571 Topics in Technology and Missions (3) SCL 667 Technology in Community Development (3) Examines the worldwide economic pres sures of popu lation growth and food shortages, and focuses on appropriate development projects for Christian holistic ministry. Crosscultural and Multicultural Education SCL 575 Multicultural Education (3) Experiential approach to crosscultural differences in the classroom as they affect teaching and learning. Focus of attention is primari ly the United States. SCL 721 Crosscultural Education (3) Exploration of socio-<:ultural factors that affect teaching and learning strategies in education both here and abroad. SCL 861 Alternative Delivery Systems in Education (3) Contemporary technologies and travel ease offer new possibilities for training nationals. This course will examine such systems as theological education by extension, in-sen-ice short courses and distance education to e1-aluate their suit ability and effectiveness. SCL 867 Comparative Educational Systems (3) An analytical comparison of selected national educational systems emphasiz ing the cultural 1-alue base for decisions regarding access to education, choice of curriculum, educational finance , professional and status issues and other matters of educational theory and practice utilizing comparative method ological approach. Urban Studies SCL 559 Topics in Urban Studies (3) May be repeated with different focus. Topics include: Juvenile Delinquency, De1iant Behavior, Social Problems, Alco hol and Substance Abuse. SCL 560 Urban Research and Ministry (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about the people, needs and opportunities for e1-angelism in the city. SCL 567 Exegeting the City (3) An introductol)' study of the city as the center of religion , economics, politics
May be done in Church Planting Urban Studies, Women 's Ministries or other approved church / mission programs. Designed for M.A students. SCL 760 Urban Practicum Internship (3, 6) SCL 791-792 Field Internship (2, 2) Integration of all the disciplines of min istry and seminal)' education. It pro vides supervised experience in various phases of Christian minisll)'. One hun dred hours of fie ld experience each semester are evaluated in classroom interaction . Required of M.Div. (mis sions) students. Prerequisites: PT 602 ; Completion of 64 hours of the M.Div. program for PT 791, PT 792. SCL 860 Practicum (1-6) May be done in Church Planting Urban Studies, Women 's Ministries or other approved church / mission programs. Designed for donoral students. Seminars and Independent Studies SCL 691 Tutorial (1-3) May be repeated with different topics such as intercultural studies, Bible trans lation , missiology , • crosscultural theology, crosscultural educat ion, and crosscultural health care. Designed for M.A. students. SCL 694 Seminars (1-3) May be repeated with different topics including church planting, erangelism, anthropology, intercultural communica tion , linguistics, crosscultural education, sociolinguistics, crosscultural theology, theology of mission, history of missions, mission strategy, bible trans lation. Designed for M.A. students. SCL 793-794 Independent Study (1-4, 1-4) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the faculty, using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment by ad1isor's approral. SCL 873 Tutorial (1-3) May be repeated with different topics such as intercultural studies, Bible trans lation, missiology, crosscultural theol ogy, crosscultural education, and cross cultural health care. Designed for doc toral students only. SCL 874 Seminars (1-3) May be repeated with different topics including church planting, e\-angelism, anthropology, intercultural communica tion, linguistics, crosscultural education , sociolinguistics, crosscultural theology, theology of mission, history of missions, mission strategy, bible translation. Designed for doctoral students only.
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