


2. A minimum GPA requirement 3.0 for Non-Degree Seeking • Gradu­ ate Special Student and M.A. in Education Degree Program. 3. Completion of an approved sul>­

which may be obtained from the Depart­ ment of Education Ollice. U. S. Cl>tLst~ uction rec1uirement !>l!e Mr:twn l.duw. All l:andidates for the Preliminacy Mulriple or Sini;I" Teaching Creden­ tial must compll'te the following undergraduate education courses: LEDU 300, 330, 420/ 42:i, 430/ 43:i and 440/ 442 or 4:i0/ 4:,2. Scudt!nLs who pla11 lo participate in student teaching the seml'Ster following graduation should ·1ake 430/ 43:, (Ele­ mentary/ Secondaiy Currirnlum) in the undl'rgrad11ate program unle,,s they art' p"lanning to continue in a graduate education prc'!(ram. A scudt'nl who plans to continue in a graduate pro­ gram should mmplele ASED :.0:i/ :,(l(i (Ell'ml'ntacy/ Sernndary C11rrirnl 11111) in thl' la.,t ~,mester prior to gradmtio11. All t!ducation and compet enry rnurses must ht' complt'ttd with a gr.idt' of "C" or higher with the l'XCt'j>­ timc of Student Tt'achin!( LEDll 440/ 442 and 4:i0/ 4:,2 which must be rnmplt'lt'd with a grade of "B-" or higher li>r the candidate to [Jt' rernm­ lllt'ndt'd li,r a teadcing nedt'tllial. U.S. Constitution Requirement The Californi a Commission 011 Tt'adcer Credentialing requires that a tt'adcing credential c-andidate 1111Lst haw completed a minimum 2 unit course that rnYers the U.S. Omsti1111io11 or ful­ fill the rt'<p1ire111e11t liy examination. Biola University scudt'IIIS (.Ill romplelt! thLs rl'<p1irl'111e111 hy 1aki11g HJ:,T 10:i U. S. HLsto1yor POSC 20:, S111vry ofAmni­ ran Governmt!nl. Transfn s111dt'11ls 1111cs1 l'ithn show pr(K}fofll. S. Constitu­ tion in a 1t:11Lsli-rrt1l rnmse or will nt't"d to rnmpletl' POSC 480 lJ. S. 0111still>- 1io11 (I) liy arrangl't11e111 with lhe HLstrny Department (set' History Dl'partmen1 fi>r inlimnation and exam dt'taib). Professional Clear Teaching Credential Requirements In order to <ptilify li,r a Prolt"l>-.;ional Clear Tt'arhing Crt'dt'ntial, a student m1cs1 s.IIL<lyall of tl1t' rt1111irl'ments for a Prl'liminacy Tead1ing Credential. In addition lo till' rnurst>.s in1t"!i1a1t'<l with lht appropriate Biola M;1stt"r of Arts in E<luc11io11 and rrl'<ll'ntiali11g progr.1111s, the li,llowi11g re<ptireml'nts related to lht' Profl"l>~ional Clear C.rt!<len tial apply: I. Post-degrl'l' s111dents must be alwptl'd into the Graduatl' Sdt(K}l of Arts and Srietirt's a.s a Gradualt' Sjlt'rial student or a.s aMaster ofAns in Education Sltkll'nt (Sl't' Grad1tllt! Sdt(K}I ;Kl111t~on rl'<jltirements) .

The relationships with university farnlry, sdux,l administrators, ma.seer ll'ad1l'rs, and peers ro111ribu1e to pro­ ft's.sional growth and enhances a wide ra ngl' of personal growth outromt's: ■!ssion of knowlt'dgt! ade<piait!


Qiair: Lucile Richardson, Ed.D.


ject matter program or passing scores on the appropriate Praxis/ SSAT exaininations. 4. Pa.ssing scores on the California Basic Educational Skill Test (CBEST). :i . 30 units of coursework past the L>achelor's degree in a pre­ l!:!.. approved program. The course-­ work must be completed within livl' years of receipt of the Prelimi­ nary Credential . G. Completion of the following:

Ao;sc,ciate Profe..-.;i,rs: Menjares,

in specific educational St'lti ngs.

Richardson, Sibold

■ AL>ility to link theocy with prartirl' in cla.ssnxmc cirrnmsl.inres. ■!ssion of Christian a1ti1udes rnnducive to thl' dt'vdopment of

Instructors: Hetzel


In concert with the mission and vision of Biola University, the Depart• ment of Education provides quality instruction and guided experience in

professional t'Xrl'lll'tire.

■ Commitment ·to lifelong learning, professional growth, and mutual

a distinctively Q1ristian developmen· exhortation. ta! context so that individuals may elli■ Ability to work crn>pt'ralively and ciently acquire the knowledge, atti· coll abora1ivl'ly in s111dent-rl'n­ tered activities. tudes, and skills required for specific ■ roles in education. Ability lo solw prohll'ms individn­ ally and in team St'ltings. Faculty members of the Depart• ■ AL>ili1y lo be llexihlt- am! lTl'atiVt' in ment of Education promote academic the fare of rnnll'Xllla! hi11d r.111rt's. rigor, scholarly research, and pedagog­ AnrnHraditilMtal romse sd1ed11le of ical excellence a~ they collaborate wi1h evening and Saturday rourses provides program participant~, who are cort~id­ tl rxibility for students , 1ead1ers, and ered fellow professionals achieving admi11istr.1101~. A rirh sucmner lalemlar higher levels of academic excellence. The Department of Education

BIOS '.~00 Health Science or ASED :,JO Hea lt h Education for Teachers; LEDU 470 or ASED :, I I Computers in the Classroom; LEDU 410 Mainstreaming or ASED :,21 Education in the Lea.~t Rt!strictive Environment. 7. Verification of training in car­ diopulmonary resuscitation - infant through adult (CPR) which uwets the standards in either the American Heart Association Bor C level course or the American Red Cross Community CPR course. CLAO and BCLAO Certification ll1e Department of Education and the Dl'parunent ofTESOL and Applied Liuguislics have designed coursework whirh mt'ets the recp1ireme11ts for tlce certificate iu Cros.srnlturaJ, Language and Aradt!mic Development (CJ.AD) , providing teachers witl1 tlce km1,11ledge, skills and altitudes needed to effectively leach and guide students from cultur­ ally, linguistically and Sl>eio~conomi­ cally diverse backgrounds. Bilingual Cros.s Cultural, Language and Acade­ mic Development (BCLAD) certifica­ tion is also supported . In many cases, CLAD certificate and BCLAD exam prt'paration can be included in M.A. concentrations. Contact the Education Department for details. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE TO CERTIFICATION University Internship Program Th e University Internship Pro­ gram is an alternate route to certifica­ tion and is a non-<legree seeking pro­ !(ram. It allows candidates who have 1101 completed a Professional Prepara­ tion Program to be employed with a dt'signaled school district while com-

amM11111lxla1es hx-al studenl.1 and partiri­ pa11L1 from 011t1idr the s~lle ofCalifi,mia. The graduate program in t'dura­ tion is dl'signl'd lo larili1;11t" tht' dt'Vd­ opmenl of external programs in the region and olht'r rountrit's. Master's program options dt'signl'd for profes­ sional ronren1ratio11 are easily adapt­ able to i111erna1ional studt'nt nel'<ls.

contributes to and benefit~ from iL~ position in a national university , simultanecm~ly nourishing and being nourished through collaboration with the multiple schools of Biola Univer­ sity. These relationships strengthen concentration options. (Students GIii enrich their knowledge in Bible, the­ ology, p,-ychology and intercultural studies at Talbot School of llceology, Rosemead Sch<Kll of P,-ychology and the SchcK>! of lntercultural Studies.) The graduate progr ams art· designed for Christians who serve in both public and private schools. Trnth revealed in God 's Word is honored a.s the basis for sound rea'K>11ing, moral intention, and ethical behavior in pro­ fessional teaching.


California Commission on Teacher


Rl'<1uirl'ml'nls for vario1Ls lTt'dtn- 1ials and renilirnles are inrhtdt'd in thl' dt'~ignalt'd degrl'l' rnnrentrations. Spt'­ cifir rt1p1irements of the Calili,rnia Pre­ liminaty and Profe~~ional (Jt",Ir nt'<ll'n­ tials a.s wdl a.s otht'r Stall' !ilt'cializa1io11 crt'dt'ntials and cntilicatt's may he obtained from the Biol a llnivl'rsiry Departml'nt of Edm:ation. Thtst! requiremt'nts art' suli_jl'rt to rhangl'. Thereforl' , studt'nts should kl'l'P in contact with thl' l'<lll(ation dt'panmenl.


The graduate programs in the Department of Education are based upon specific credential and certifi­ cate requiremenL~ established by the

Preliminary Teaching Credential

State of California and Biola UniverRequirements sity. Biola University is an approved Students who WLsh to rnmplell' the educational institution that recomu11dergrJd1t1lt' tmrlll'r prepar.11ion pn>­ mends individuals to the Commission gram must apply for admission to the on Teacher Credentialing as having t1hK·atio11 pn'!,rr,1111 dmi111; thl' l11trod1K·­ fulfilled all standards for California tion to Tead1i11g rn1tr.,t- (l..FI>ll :\()()). A certificates and credentials. 111i11i111m11 2.7:i GPA Ls rt11uirl'<l . 01l1n The coordination of degrees with dt'parllnl'll~11rt11uirl'llll'nls and rnmpe­ certificate and credential req1tireme111s tl'IICies are statt'd in the Guide fiir Sn>­ result~ in efficient educational progrnms. dt'nts E111eri111( tht' Tt-;1rhi11g Prolt"l>-.;ion,

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