Quality of Progress - "Good Academic Standing" Students re<jllesling aid must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA as follows: Unclergracluales - 2.0 Gracluales - 2.5 ■ C:PA's are reviewed at die encl of each semester. ■ S1nclenls who fail lo maintain tl1e minimum GPA will be given one semester of "Aid Probation" in which they mml earn the above GPA (for that semester) or they will be stLspenclecl from the aid pror;ram,. ■ Once you have been on probation, you must continue achieving a 2.0/ 2.5 GPA or aid will be suspended. ■ Fitsl-time freshmen with GPA's less than 2.0 will he given one probation semester with aid. Transfer s111- dents will, GPA's less than 2.0 are ineligible for aid. Quantity of Progress- "Unit Completion Requirement" S111clenls recp1eslinr; aid musl make progress toward a clei;ree as follows : Unclerg1.icluales Full-lime: 24 uni ls per year C:1acluales Full-lime: 18 uni ls per year Unil completion i.s reviewed al lhe encl of each academic year in June . Summer is consiclerecl part of the Sprinr; semester for prngre..'i.s purposes. ll1e following grades are considered to clemonsl1.ile sa1i., facto1-y comse completion: A, B, C, D, and CR. These grades cln not demonsll.ile comse completion: F, lnrnmplele, With ch.iwal, Unnflicial Wi1hch.iwal, a11cl Report Delayed. Repealecl courses for which a salisfac101y gracle has been i;iven may he cmmted only once for die purpose of ac:.t demic proi;ress. Re111e1lial comse work may he ro1tsiclere1I if 1l1e comsework is specifically presnihe<I Ly the student's academic advisor. Studm/J who fail to com/1/,,.te the required number of uni/J per ll(ademicyear will ht 1w/11mded from financial aid until the deficit unilJ are made u/1. Deficit units can be made up eitl1er in the summer ancl/ or by petitioning for a semester of "Aid Probation" by submilling a Leiter of Petition to Financial Aicl Ollice. St11- clenls whose cumulative GPA i.s than 2.0/ 2.5 m1Lsl malce up clelicil unils BEFORE the probation semester. Duration of Progress- "Maximum Time Frame" S111clenls recp1esli11g aicl are expected In complete an aca clemic prni;ram within a reasonable time frame (inclucling 11.insl" r units) as lc,llmvs: Uncleri-;1.iduales Full-lime: I1 serneslets Part-lime: 17 semeslets C:racluales Full-time: 11 semesleJS Part-lime: 17 semeslets Tinlt'. frame i., reviewecl at the encl of eac:11 academic year. Studm/J may aJ11eal for extended time by 1ubmitti71{; a letter of petiti1m to Fi11a11cial Aid Offiu.
Jobi are available both on and off carnptLs, acconling lo sit~ dent's ability, capacity to handk the added burden of employ ment and financial need. Nonnally, a student can expect lo work 15-20 hr.i./wk. when can-ying a foll cla.._, schedule. Previ OILS work experience and homs av-.iilable for employment will result in better rates of pay than the minimum wage. Student, who find it necessa1-y lo wrnk for the entire ammu11 of their living expenses shoukl plan to extend the tinlt'. re11uired !or their COW1ie ofstmly and to re1luce lhe academic Ina,!. APPLICATION FOR AID Students may apply for financial aid Ly filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid - FAFSA - arnl a Uni versity Aid Application. Biola University and the sd10ol code should be included on the approp1ia1e sections. For FAFSA, Biola's code number is 001122. All undergradnale California t't'Siclenls are t'Xpe<:le1l 10 apply !or one of die Cal Grant pn~ram,, using die FAFSA aml GPA Verification li::mn Pell Grants may he applied for Ly completing the FAFSA. Departmental applications for schnla1ships (for music, a1l1- lt:tics and forensics) are available from deparlmenls only. for example, write to the chairman, mwic dejiartmnll Biolll univer lilJ. In addition, a FAFSA will need lo Le filed unless a sl11- dent can demonslrale di.,qualilicalion for need-based aid. Note: New financial aid aJplimtiom need to ht fil,,.d for each ll(.ademic year. WHEN TO FILE The following deadlines have Leen eslahlished for the
various aid programs: Cal Grant Programs New Applicants
March 2 March 2
University Aid All Applicants
March 2* *March 2 is the deadline fnr Cal Granls and lhe full need-based aid and univer.iity awank However, slmlenls are encouraged to apply a, soon as possible after Janua1-y 1 111 order lo receive the optimum aid package. FINANCIAL AID DISBURSEMENTS All financial aid i.s awarded for lhe academir year; one half i., applied to a student 's school account each semeslt'r (unless stated . Stndents enrolled for 1111ly 11ne semt"-Slt:r are entitled to only that semt'.s. ter's aware! afler ii is aclj1Lsled to a one-semester expense budget Nn1 av-Jilahle for interterm or summer school, excepl somces 1l1al are man dated by federal regulations. SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS POLICY SttKlents altending Biola Unive1sity wh11 lo n,ceive finan cial aicL in all fonns incl1Klinr; !e<le1al, slale, Vele1am henelils, Social Secmity benefits, elc., in addition In meeting other di;,~hil ity cri1e11a, must be in good acackmic standing and maki11i; satis fuclory academic pmgre~~ in d1eir degree< ,r ce11ilicale pn ~.;ram.
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