

CONCENTRATIONS Classroom Instruction (I) California Professional Clear Credential Option A

b. ABiola University rnnrent.ra­ tion program, or c. An approvt'd personalized conct'nlration program. 3. One of two capstone t'Xpt>riences (1 graduate unit of:,!~)) . a. A1-unit research pr<~t'cl that integrates advanred educa­ tional thought with the prac­ tirt' of sd1<K>I education, or b. A I-unit ins1rnc1ional develo1>- 111e111 pn~erl or thesis that se1ws lo inlt'!ll.llt' advJnrt'd eduralional thought with the prJrtire of sd1<K>I education. 4. Four professional devdop111e111 modult's dirertly related 10 the Ilse of lt'cl111olo!,'Y in the rla.,s­ r<K>JII (I grJduale u11i1 of!',%). :,. As111dt'11l m1Lsl have al lea.,, a mm GPA or:rn (011 a 4.0 sc·alt') lo graduate. A minimum of :l:1 u11i1., of gradu­ ate coursework is recp1ired for the Master of Ans in Education degree. Cm1re111ratio11 op1ions m,1y recp1ire a greater 111111ilwr of units. A minimum of 24 graduate units mtLsl be rnmpleted in the M,tster ofAns in Education program al Biola Univer­ ,-i1y. S111de111s enrollt'<l in lht' Rt'St'arch Institute for Christian Education (RI.GE.) Program in Hong Kong art' ft'C!'lired lo complete a minimum of 20 1mi1s 011 the Biola, La Mirada CamptL'i. MASTER OF ARTS CORE COURSES The I!', units of Core Courses required in all M.A. rn11ren11atio11sare: !'>◊l Philosc,phy and Values i11 Scl1<K>ls and S<K·iety ............ .. .('.{) f,02 Advanred Educational P,ycl1ology .............................. (:{) !',0:1 Educational Rt'searcl1 and S1a1is1irs .......................... (:\) !',04 Ed11ra1io11al Currirnh1111 a11d Teaching.... .. ......... (:\) An approved r:r.1d11att'-lt'Vel Bibliral studit's or theology elertive from the followi111; ralt')(ories ........................ ('.{) ■ Biblir,11 Exposition ■ CJ1ris1ia11 Thought - Historical 111eology ■ 01ris1ia11 TIJ011gh1 - Philosc,phy of Religion ■ CJiristian Thought - Tht'olo1,iy.

Association of Christian Schools International The Biola University Classroom Instrnction M.A. conce11lra1io11 meets tl1e recp1ireme111s for the A~K·iation of 01ristia11 Schmb In1e1mtional (AC$!) Certificate (Identical lo the Calili,rnia Prdiminary Credential program , except that BBST 4(i5 lntegration Seminar: ClirLstian Philosophy of Edu­ ration or ASED !',OJ Philosophy and Values in Sd1mls and Society mtLsl also be complt'ted). Application informa­ tion may be obtained in the Depart­ ment ofEducation ollire. ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS All M.A. applicants must hold a baccalaureate dt')(rt'e from an arrred­ ited ins1i1111io11 and must h,1ve a 100 (on a 4.00 srale) grade point awr,1ge. 1110St' 1101 meeting the C.P.A. recp1irt'­ menl , if arrepted, will lw placed on special s111de111 s1 ,1111s. Applications m1Lsl Ix- suhmilled 1hro11gl1 the Grad- 1iate Admissions Ollire. fflANSFER OF CREDITS/UNITS Students transferring from ;1 11 arrreditt'd graduate prn!(ram may transfer a maxim11111 of six (fi) unit hour when the co11rses 1ra11skm·d are t'fjUivJlent and haw direr! applicability to the students' program design. Ouly rnurses with a grade of "B • (10) or higllt'r will l>t' rnnsidt'rt'd li1r 11,msfi.r tm"ard tilt' M.A. dt'!lrt'e. Units lx-ing rou,-idt'rt'd for 11·,msti.r 1111Lsl havt' i>t't'll l,lkt'II no mort' than livt' ye,11-s previrnLs lo lht' 1i111e of ;1 d111L,'>io11 . No 11,mslt'r 1111i1 ran bt' granted for romsework IL-;('U for a dt')(rt't' aw-Jrded hy another i11s1i1u1io11. All rnre rnurses must lw taken al Biola U11iver,-i1y. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Evt'1y Master of Ans iu Eduralion Degree program al Biol.1 University rn111;1ins fom dis1i11r1 elements: 1. Arnmmon rnre of graduate studies 111;11 provides ;1 dis1i11rlil't' foundation for proft'ssional pt>rforma1u·e in srl1<•1I education (15 g1~1d1tllt' units). 2. Arn11re1111,11io11 of profes.sional studit's (mi11i11111111=!8 gradmte units). Options inrlude: a. A pla1111t'd rnurse of study related lo ft'CjUiremt'IIIS estahlisllt'd hy the (~ilifornia Commis.,ion 011 Tt'arher Credentialing,

pleting the recpiirement, for rertitira­ tion. This program is selectiVt' and is reseived for candidates who are espt'­ cially mature and have met the follow­ ing requirement, prior lo the issuanct' of a certificate to enter the classr<K>m: 1. Completed a bachelor's degret'. 2. Demonstrate subject mailer competence: A completion of an approVt'd multiple or single subject matter program; OR, B. passing scores on IJ1e appro• priate PRAXIS/ SSAT St'ries examination. 3. Submit passing scores on Califor­ nia Ba,ic Edut-a tional Skills Test (CBESI). 4. Minimum 3.0 GPA 5. Certificate of Clearance (FBI/DOJ Fingerprinting) 6. Verification of prior experit'Il!'es working with children within past five years. 7. Currently have a full-time tt'ach­ ing position with sch<K>l distrirl contracted wi th Biola University (documentati'on recptired). Required Courses for the University Internship Program 570 Introduction to Internship ..... (2) f,7J Smdent Motivation and Classrmm Management Seminar .. .. .......... .. (2) 572 Elementary Curriculum Planning .... ................. .............. (3) r,73 Secondary Curriculum Planning .................................. (:\) r,74 Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Seminar .................. (2) r,75 Elementary Reading/ Language Arts .............. .. ........ .(:\) r,76 Secondary Content and Reading MetJ1ods and Materials .. .... .... .. ('.{) 580 Elementary Internship Fieldwork I ...... ...... ...... .... .... .... .(fi) :>81 Elementary Internship Fieldwork II ............ .... .:.. ...... .. .. (fi) 582 Secondary Internship Fieldwork I ............................... (fi) :>83 Secondary Internship Fieldwork II .. ............................ (fi) Elective(s) All Internship candidates must have completed one of tht' following: Introduction to P,-ychology, Adoles­ cent P,-ychology, Human Growth and Development, P,-ychological Fotmda­ tions; or may chcK>se one of tl1e follow­ ing: ASED 522 Current Issues, INCS 475 Multicultural Education, HIST 403 California History, or BBST 4fi5 ChrLstian Philosophy ofEduration.

Specifically designed for individuals in the Professional Teacher Prepara­ tion Program at Biola University, which providt'S strong undergraduate i11~truc­ tio11, including IJ1e univer..ity's general education sequence, approved subject mailer program, course requirements for tht' California Teaching Credential (including CLAD certification, •if elected). and Biola 's 30-unit biblical studies program. Biola student, alsc, may complete the graduate courst' 50!',/!',()(i Elementary/Seconda1y Cur­ rirnlum in conjunction with their teacher preparation program (may not be used for both undergraduate and graduate dt'!lfees). Individuals who have completed teacher preparation programs at other institutions may need additional coursework to complete required foundational studies prior to or dur­ ing the M.A. program. This concentration normally recp1ires 40 graduate uniLs for gradua­ tion, and includes the follc'-l'ing courses: Preliminary Credential Courses (16 Units) r,05/!',06 Elementary/Secondary Curriculum................... (4) r,12/514 Elementary/ Secondary Student Teaching ........ (6) 5I3/51 r, Elementary/Secondary Student Teaching ........ (6) Prolessional Clear Credential Courses (7 Units) 510 Health Education for Teacher.- ................... ..... ......... (2) 511 Computer.. in the Clawoom ... (2) 521 Education in the Lea~t Restric- tive Environment .............. .... . (3) (2) California Professional Clear Cr,riential Optirm B Specifically designed for individu­ als who have earned a bachelors degn:,e at an accredited college or uni­ ver..ity, but have not participated in a teacher preparation program. Pa.,~ing scores on the rnESf exam­ ination, and satLsfactnry completion of an approved single or multiple subject matter program or examination are neces.sary prior to application for stu­ dent teaching. Acourse or examination that covers the United States Constitu­ tion is also a prere<JULsite. The number of graduate units for graduation in this concentration varies


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