504 Educational Curriculum and Teaching (3)
540 Lanhritage and Linguislirs ..... ('.-\) r,43 Lanh'llli!(e Development and Anp1isi1ion ... .............. .......... ... ('.-1) r,GO Chicano/Hispanir Cultures ... (:-1) 5fil Methodology for Prima1y Lanwwlie ................................. (3) Additional Ba.AD recp1irement, apply.
This rnncentralion 11or111ally requires 35 gradttate units for g1~1d11a- 1io11, including an approvnl personal
according to previm1~ course work, 0111 m11,t include the following courses: Prellrnlnary Cnldential Couraes (22 Units) 522 Curren I h~ues in Education ...................... (3) 530 Reading Proce.~ and Approaches.................... (3) f,05/5()(j Elementary/Secondary Cuniculum .................... (4) r, I 2/f, 14 Elementary/Secondaty Student Teaching ......... (6) 513/f>lf, Elementary/ Secondary Student Teaching ......... (fi) Prolenlonal Claar Credential Couraas (7 Units) 510 Health Education for Teachers ....... ......... ..... ....... .. .. (2) 51 I Computers in the CJa~rmm .. (2) 521 Education in the Least Restric tive Environment... Instructional Leadership (I) Prescribtd Program A degree program focused upon excellence in teaching for individuals who either hold a teaching credential or who do not rec1uire Calili,rnia cri:, dentialing (out-of-state employment or private institution). Completion of remaining credential recp1imnents is also pos.sible in this program. Electives can be drawn from courst'S in the Deparunent of Education, a.AD or Ba.AD cenificate rec1uirement:;, and courses in other departments and school, at Biola University. This concentration normally require., 3f, graduate un its for gradua tion, and includes the following courses: Concentration Requirements (9 Units) 522 Current Is.sues in Education .. ('.-\) f,23 Behavior and Qa,srmm Management ..... ..... .. ............. .(3) 524 Research in Culture and Cultural Diversity ................... (3) Approved Electives or Credential Couraes (9 Units) (2) Pmonaliur:I Program Adegree program that can be cus tom designed in consultation with a faculty adviser. Specifically designed for individuals who either hold a Prto liminary or Professional Teachin!( Credential or who do not rec1uire Cali fornia credentialing (out-of-state employment or private institution). Concentrations can be creatt'.d from courses in the Department of Education, CLAD or BCLAD certifi cate recp1irements , and courses in other departments and schools at Biola University.
Historical, philosophical and social linmdations of rnrrirnlum. Examina tion of rnrrirnlum research related to a.s.sessing, developinl(, and organuing educational strategies. 505 Elementary Curriculum ( 4) l111roductio11 to the scope and secp1ence of the curriculum in mathe matics, science, social studies, and lan- !l;lla1;e arts; emphasis on teaching, inle!(t.1lion across content areas, class- room mai1a1;eme11t, and re.,;ources. A minim 11111 of 60 hours of o~ervation/ participation in schools is rec1uired.
ized program of 18 units. Reading/Language Arts
(1) Reading/La11g11ag, Arn Sp,ciafut Credenlial- Non-Degree Program This credential-only program is designed for randid;1tes who have completed al least ,me su...-es.,htl year of leaching. Bera11se this mnre111ra- 1io11 is for a credential only, it may be co111plelt'd apart from the alw,ve M.A. requirements. However, by C11ifornia Co111mis.sion on Tearher Creden1i;1l ing rec1uire111e111, it is the b;1.sLs li,r 1l1e M.A. program that follows. The Reading Lan!(llage Arts Cre dential requires a 111ini111u111 of 24 units of coursework and supetvised field experienre as follows: f,24 Researd1 in Culture and Cu l111rnl Diversity ................... (:l) r,:·10 Read in!( Prores., and Approaches ............................ (:l) r,:-11 Writi11ii Pnns., and Approarhes ... ......................... (3) f,41 Methods ol"Tearhin!( Lin!(uisti- cally Diverse S111de111., ............ (:-\) f,42 Lan)llta!(e Assess111en1 and Evalua1ion .. (:l) 5f,O Liternt11re Study in the C'Ja,srmm.. ..... . .... (:l) 55I Prac1irn111 in L111!{1t.1iie and Lite1,Ky.......... (:l) r,r,2 S11pe1vision in L111w1af(e and Literary .. (:l) (2) Remli11g/Lm1g,wf!,l' Art., <:mumtial- Ma.,t,:n l!i~•,r.,, Prngrnm. The Readin!( Lmf(lla!(e Ans M.A. recp1ires the alw,ve sperialis1 rreden1ial secp1em:e of courses, prarlinun and supervised field experience and one additional course: r,:-1'.l Diagnosis a11d Re111edia1io11 ofReadin)l Dillirnilies. This roncentration normally re cp1ires 44 grnduale units 1<,r graduation. CLAD rertifiration may he ro111- pleted in conjunrtion with the Read in!( Lan!(uage Arts M.A. with two addi tional rourses: r,40 Langmge and Liniiuistirs...... (:l) :,43 L1nguaiie Develop111e111 and Anp1isi1i,,n ................. ............ (:l) Additional CLAD re'111iremen1s apply. CLAD cer1if"ira1e and BCLAD exam preparation may he ro111pleted in ronjunrtion with the Readin!( Lan gua1;e Arts M.A. with limr additional nnirses:
SPECIAL CERTIFICATES Christian School Specialist
This certificate is awarded to any individ1tal who rompk1es a Master of Arts program in the Biola University Department of Eduralion and who has co111ple1e<l, al any arrredi1ed insti n11ion of hi)lher edurati1111 (re!(ional or AABC) 24 semester units of under )lrad ual e or !:, units of )lraduale rourses in Bible and theology. Christian School Master Teacher ll1is rertifirale may be co11sidered li,r any individual who has ro111ple1e<l a ~fa,1er of Ans progtalll in the lliola Un~ versi1y Department of Eduralion, ha., achieved ;1 prolt'>.~ional rrt'<lenlial (or its t'<!lliv,lienl) in a11y sl;He or ro1111uy, who 1p1.ililies li,r 1l1e U1ris1ia11 Sd1ml Spe..-ial ist (:t-nilirale, a11d who has n>1nple1ed the t'<p1ivJlen1 of live yea,~ of full-1i111e ch,,,nw,111 ins1rnc1ion. Ch1is1ian Sd1ml M,Lsler Tead1er Cenilit.11es are a11mde<l hy 111~jo1ity vote of the conu-arle<l (h1ll and part-time) larnlty of the Depart ment of Education upon presentation of an-eptahle d1K·u111en1a1ion and the rer on11nemla1ion of a qualified supe1vi,or. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 501 Philosophy and Values in Schools and Society (3) As.,is1s Christi;111 tearl1ers and ad111i11Ls- 1ra1ors to fulfill their roles as rl1aniie af(enls. Fornses upon hLstoriral, rnl1t1rJI, and i~xial analyses of sd1mls and iuiety from a bihliral persperlive to help e<lu ca101~ selerl pedagogical methods lhal harmonize with t'<hK·ational aims. 502 Advanced Educational Psychology (3) Consideration of theories and prol> le111s of learni111; and learnin!I;, lhe nature and develop111en1 of l'O!(llilion, individual differences and 111oliVJlio11, and the application of this knowlediie lo ed11ra1io11al prJrtice. 503 Educational Research and Statistics (3) Principles and pnKedures of researd1 desi!l;n applied lo ed11ra1ional issues; ln,ic slatLslics with e111ph,1,Ls on 1mrl1er rnnducted research i11 the rlas.sna,m. Prert'<!ULsile: basir rnmp111er litetary.
I i:. i!:;,. 1
Prerequisite: ronsent. Fee: $20. 506 Secondary Curriculum (4)
Currirnlum, cla,snw,111 management, teaching methods, use of media and educational skills in content area,. A 111inim11111 of fiO hours of o~ervation/ participation in schools is required. Prerecp1isite: consent. Fee: $20. 510 Health Education lor Teachers (2) The nature and scope of Health Edu catiou. Disn1s.sion of tobacco, alcohol, narcotirs, nu trition, and other health related is.sues. Teacher planning of preve111ion programs. For Professional Clear rredemial students only. 511 Computers In the Classroom (2) Knowled11e and skills of computer use in educational settings; computer applicalions in curriculum, instrur lion, cla.,snK>m materials, and record keepin!( for appropriate grade levels and subject areas. For Professional Clear credential studenL, only. Admis sion by rnnsent. 512 Elementary Student Teaching I (6) 513 Elementary Student Teaching II (6) 514 Secondary Student Teaching I (6) 515 Secondary Student Teaching II (6) Full-1i111e laboratory experience in schrn1l clas.,nK1ms under the direction of qualified supervising ma.~ter teach ers and university supervisors. Weekly seminar recp1ire<l. Prerecp1isite: appli cation and consent. Student, doing student leachinl( are limited to a max imum of If, unit, tl1a1 semester. 521 Education in the Least Restrictive Environment (3) Compe1e11ries for meeting the needs of exrep1ional s111den1s; special auention 10 tlt'eds of minority students, cultural and elhnir differences, and develop- 111en1 of moral/spiritual values. For Pm lts.,ional Clear lTedential requirement.
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