

CHRISTOPHER R. GRACE Assi,ciate Professor of P,ychology, l!l88 B.S., University of Northern (',o!orado; M.S., Colorado Sratt' University; Ph.D., Colorado State University. DELBERT J. HANSON l'roresS11r or Philosi,phy, I!XiG BA., M.A., Wheaton C,11lege; MA. , Ph.D., Univeniity of Srnuhem C.a!ifornia. LESHA.RMAN A.ssocia1e Professor of B1Lsines,s Ad111inis1rntion ; l!J!l2 B.S., S;m Diego Statt' llnivenity; M.S.BA., S;m Frai1cis<·o State Unive11ity. DOUGLAS HAYWARD A.-..six·iate Prolt'SS<>r of!n1errnl111ral S111dies, 198!l B.A. ,Westmont C,,l!egt'; MA. , Fuller Theologirnl St-111ina1y; M.A., University ofCalili,mia, Santa BarharJ; Ph .D., Uni\'e1si1y or California. DORCAS HENRY As.six·iate Professi,r or Physical Ed11ca1ion, 1!)71 B.S., Marion C,,llege; M.A., Ball Statt' Uniwrsity. DOROTHYJUNE HETZEL lnstrnc1ororEd11rntion, l!l!Xi B.A., Biola University; M.A., Calili,rnia St:lle University, Fullerton. SHELTON HILL lnst111ctor of (.,mm11nication, 1!~)4 BA, Point Loma Nazarene (.,llege. HENRYW. HOLLOMAN Profes,s<1r of Systematic 111eology, 1974 A.B., So111hwt'stern College of Memphis; Th.M., Th.D., Dalla., Theological Seminary. DAVID G. HOLMQUIST Proft'ssi,r of Physical Education, 1!)78; Athletic Director B.S., Biola (.,llege; M.S., California State University, Fullerton; Ph.D., Uniwrsity of So11them California. CLIFTON HULLING lnstrnctor or M1tsic, l!J!l:i B.A., (~1lifornia Stale Univmi1y, Fullerton. JOHN C. HUTCHISON Assixiale Prores,s<1r ofBiblt' Exposition, 1 !~)() B.S., Washington State University; M.Div., 111.M., Weslem Baptist Theologiral Seminary; Th.D., Dalla., Theologiral St-minary. BRIAN INCRA.FFIA A-..s,x'i;1te Professi1r of English, 1!~)3 BA., U11iw1siry ,~T tXas, A11s1in; MA, Ph.D., Univt1sity ofG1lili1111ia, livine.

R< >BERT FELLER A-..sistant Proft's," ,r onfo,ir, 1!l!)l B.M., llnivt'rsity of So11tl1ern Calili,rnia; M.M., Ea.,tman Sdux,J ofMtLsir. THOMA~]. FINLEY Proltcs.s<>r of Old Test.aint'nt and Semitics, l!l71i BA, BioJ.1 C,illt').(t'; M.Div.,Tai hot 111eolo!(iral .~111i 11ary; M.A., Ph.D., llniwrsi1y of Cdirornia, L,s Angeles. REBEKAH FLEEC:ER A,;,six·iatt' Prolt'SS<>r ol N11rsing, 1%!) RN.,JK'k.,.,n Mt'111orial Hospi1al; B.S., Florida Statt' Univnsi1y;M.N., Uniw1sity olClilif111uia, LisAl1!(t'les; Pl1.D, Clart'­ mon1 C:1.ith~11eSd11K1I. RICHARD FLORY Assistanl Prolt>s,s<1r of S,.-iology, 1!l!l~ BA., Biola Uniw1sity; M.A., C1lili1111ia Stalt' Uniw1sity, Fullt'rton; Ph.D., Uniwr· siry ofChi,.igo. WA\NE S. FLORY A-..s,x·iatt' l'ror1•ssi1r of Bililiral S111dies and Tl1t'ology, 1!)72 B.A., Wt'sl11111111 Collt'ge; B.D., (:rare Tht'ologiral .'it'111inaq•; 1l1.M., Talho1 Tht'ologiral S..·111i11a1y; M.A. , C1liforni,1 Statt' Univl'rsi1y, L,sAngt'lt's; Ph .D., U11iwrsi1y of So11tl1t'ru Cilili,rnia. .JANET FREEMAN l11st111r1or ofNmsi11g, l!)!)(i B.S.N., Biola Univt'rsity. KENNETH R. CARLAND A-..s,x·iate Prolt>ssi1r or Ed11ra1ion, 1!lRli BA, Biola University; M.R.E., Ed.D., Tallx,t Srhml or Theology. R. DOllC:LA~ CE!VETT A,;,si,·i.1\t' Prolt'S.s<lf or Christian ll1011ght, l!~l:1 B.S., M11h110111al1 Sl·hml oftlw Bihlt'; M.A., n,11a,·n111~1~ic,I S..-111im1y; M.A. , C:onz;,ga Univt'1si~·; l'h.D., Uniw1sity of Sl~1tl1e111 C1lilirn~1. A.NNEL. C:EWE A,~i.·ialt' l'rolt'SSl>r or N11rsing, 1!)7!) RN., uisA.i1gt'I(,; Ct'nt'1;1I Ho'iJital Sl·hml 1fN1usin~; B.S., Bio~1 O,llt')\t'; M.S.N., C1lilirnia Sl:11,· Un iw1siiy,uisA.i1gt'h A.LAN W. C:OMES A-..six·iatt' l'rolt>ssi1r of Historic,! 171t'ology, 1!)87 BA, U11ivnsi1y of (~dili,rnia, Sanra Barl<11,1; M.Div., Tl1.M., Tallx11 11,.,ologiral .'it'111ina1y; Ph.D., F11llt'r

GLENN DILL Ao;s,x·iate Prolt'SS<>r of B1Lsinesi; Ad111inistr.1tion, 1!)!)0 B.S., M.B.A., Peppt'rdine University. DENNIS H. DIRKS Professor ofClnistian Ednration, l!l7<i Dean, Tallx1t Sd1rn1l of111eology B.A., Calili,rnia Slate Universi1y, Fresno; M.A., Tallx1t TI1eologictl Semi11a1y; Pl1.D., Claret11011t C1~ul11ate Sdux,J.

JOHN COE Ao;sociate Profes.<;(1r of Philosophy and Theology, 1!)89 BA., Biola University; MA., Talbot School of111eology; MA, Western Kentucky University; MA., Univt'fsity of California, Irvine; Ph.D., University of California, Irvine. PATI COLE Ao;sistant Professor of TESOL and ELI , l!l'Jl B.S., University of S0111ht'rn C.alifi,rnia; MA, William Carey lnterna1ioual University.

VIRCINIA M. DOLAND Prolt>ssor of English, l!l!i:l

B.S., BohJoues U11iwrsity; M.A., C1lili>1• nia State Unive1sity, LisA.i1gt'b; !'11.D., Uniw1sity ofS011tht'ru Calili,rnia. HAROLD DOLLAR Prolt'l\<;(>r of'lnlerrnlt11ral St11dit's, !!~~:{ B.B.E., Coh1111hi,1 Bihlt' Collt')\t'; M.Div., Crart' 111eologic1l .'it'111ina1y; D.ML,~.. Ph.D., F11llerTlwologirnl Se111ina1y. DONALD E. DOUCLAS Prolt>sS11r of St1uli,·s, 1!)8!); De.i11, Srhool of l111errnl111ral S111dit's A.B., Waynt' St,lle U11iwrsi1y; M .'\., Ph.D., llniwrsil)' of Mirhiga11 . CHERYLL. llllERKSEN A-..sis1a11 t Pn ,ks,sor of P,yrl 1ology, 1!l!rl BA, NorthWt'SI Collt'ge; ~I.A., l't'p· pmlint' U11iwrsity; Pl1.D., (~tlili,rnia Sd11x1I of Professional P,yrl1olo1-,,y. DAVID DUNBAR A-..s,x·i,lle Prolt>ssi1r of Foreig11 Laug11al{e, 1!~~!l BA, S.111]<1S<· S1a1e lluiwrsity; M.A., Uniwrsity ofOrt')\011; Ph.D., ll11ivnsi1y of A.i·izo11a. NANCY S. DUVALL A'i.s<x·i,,tt' P10ks,s<1r orl\yrl1ology, 1!)7:, B.A., Agnt's Sro1t Coll~t\ MAT., D11k<' Uniwrsi1y; l'h.ll ., ll11iwrsi1y or

QYDECOOK President, 1982

Profes,<;(>r lntercultural Studies, I !lS2; Director and Profesi;or oflnten:ultu1~11 St11dies, l!lG7-79; Atl1letir Dirertor, 1!!57-60 BA., Biola College; M.Div., Th.M., Talbot Theological Semiua1y; D.Miss. , Fuller Theological Semiua1y. PAUL COX Ao;sociate Professor of Bihliral S111dit's, 1!)!)4 B.A., University of Missouri; M.A., University of Southern California; M.Div., Trinity Evangeliral Divini1y Scl1cK1I; Ph.D., University of So111hern C.alifornia. JANET COZAD Ao;sistant Profes,<;(1r of Nursing, l!l!l2 B.S.N., California State University, Fullerton; M.S.N., California State University, Long Beach. CHERYL Z. CREAR Ao;sociate Professor of Nursing, !!lit\ B.S.N ., M.S.N., California State University, Long Beach, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate Schrn1I. MICHELLE CUNNINGHAM Ao;sLstant Profes,<;(,r of Ch1is1ian Education, 1!)89 B.A. Wheaton C~illege; M.A., Ed.D, Talbot Schcx1I of Theology. EDWARD M. UJRTIS Profel(-;(1r of Bihlit'al Studies and 111eology, 1978 B.S., Baylor University, M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity Schrn,I; Ph.D., University of Penmylvania. CHARLES DICKENS A-..sistant Proft'l(';(>r of P,yrhology, 1!)% B.S., Texas Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., Southern Methodis1 Univt'rsity. DAVID DICKSON A-..sociate Professor of Foreign Languages, I!)8'2 B.A., Univmity of California, Los Angeles; M.A., Ph.D., University of Southern C.alili,rnia.

North (~1roli11a. RUTH EBEUN<:

Ao;sista11t l'rolt's.s<II' of Biology, 1!h~7 B.S., Biola Unil'l'rsity; M.S., Ctlili,rnia S1att' Long Bt'arh. KEITH]. EDWARDS Prolt's,s<1r orP,yrholo1-,')', 1!17:{ B.Ed., Uniwrsi1y ofWisi·onsin; M.A., Ph.D., Nt'w M<"xirn Sia It' llnivt'1siry; Ph.D., llniv1·rsi1yofS0111l1t'ru C1lili1rui,1. K<\THLEEN EVERETT A-..sis1;111t Prort•s.s<1r of N11rsing, I!)% B.S.N., (~tlifornia S1alt' l111ivt'rsity, Fnllenon; M.N., ll11iwrsi1y of Calilor• nia, L,s A.i1gt'it-s. ROCER FEL!l~L<\N A-..six·iatt' Pn1lt>sS11r of Al't, l !18!1 BA, Univt'rsity of Washington; M.F.A., Cl,ll"t'lllont C1,1d11att' Sd100I.

Tl1t'ologiral S..·111ina1y. ~UC:J-{AEL (;<JNZALES A,;,si,·ialt• Prolt'SSl>I' ol (:.11111n1111iratio11, !!~)!

B.A., l111111arnbtt' Ht'art Collt'gt'; M.A., L,yola M,11y111111111t Univnsity; M.P.W., Uniwrsity of So11tht'ru (~11ifornia.

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