

TODD PICKETT As.,istant Proks.,or of EnglL,h, I!~l6 B.A., Stanford University; M.Lit. , Trinity College; Ph.D., University of l~tlifi,rnia, ltvint'. RONALD W. PIERCE Prolt's.sor ofBihliral Studies and Tht'ology, 1!17f, B.A.,John Brown University; M.Div. , Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Fuller Theolo1;ical Seminary. PATRICIA L. PIKE A.,.. ,riate Profe~,r ofP,ychology, 1983 Dean, Roseme-ad Selim! of P,ychology; Editor,Journal of P,ychology and ll1eology B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University ofl-I.iwaii. !'AULL. P<lELSTRA Profes.S<•r of P,yrl1ology, J!l(i'.{ A,.. ,riate D,·an of Ad111i11is1ratio11, Rosemead B.A., Biola Colle)le; M.A., Ph.D.,

WILLIAM 1\1. MC<,llfEEN,.JR Prolt's.sor of P,yrhology, 1 1 178 B.S., M.A. , Ph.D., University of So111l1 Carolina. PETE MENJARES Iustrnrtor ofEd11!:a1ion, 1!19:, B.S., Southern C1lili,rnia Collei-:e, Costa Mes;1; M.A., G1lifi,rnia S1;11e U11i­ versi1y, Do111in!(lleZ Hills. (;ARYA. MILLER Vire l'rovosl fi,r Under!(raduate Edura1ion, 1'1% ll.A., Sprin!( Arbor C,,llege; M.S., Ct'1ttral Mid1iga11 Uniwrsity; Ph.D., University o!Neln.iska. JAMES I'. MORELAND Prolt-s.,or of Chris1ia11111011!(!11 , 1 111)() B.S., l111iversi1yofML,,.>11ri; MA., University of l~lifomia, Riverside; 111.M , D,1Ih, llwologiral St·minary; 1'11.D., Uuiver.;ity ofS0111l1ern C1lilim1i,L

KEVIN LAWSON A,soriale Proft-s.,or of Christian Edura1ion, ]!)%

JOHN A. INGRAM Aw>eiate Profe!&•r of P,ycl1ology, I !J!)] BA., Oklahoma Baptist University; M.A., Ea,1 Carolina University; Ph.D., University of South Carolina. Kl).US ISSLER Profei.....-,r of Q1ristian Educa1ion, 1991; Director, D,,clor of Education · Program BA., California State University, Long Beach; 111.M., Dallas Theological Seminary; MA. , University of California, Riverside; Ph.D., Michigan State University. DA \/ID C. JOHNSON Instructor ofCJ1emistry, l!JCJ2 B.S., Wheaton C,,Ilege; M.S., Michi!l"an State University. REX E.JOHNSON A.w,ciate Profes1;or of Chris1ia11 Min­ istry and Leadership, ]!)7G; Director of Pastoral Care and Counseling programs, Director of Lifelong Learning Program BA., University of California, L,s Angeles; M.R.E., Talbot Theological Seminary; MA., Biola College. JOAN W. JONES A°"",ciate Profei..<;<,r of P,ycl1ology, I !1.):, A.°"",ciate Dean ofGraduate S1uden1s, A.~,ciate Director ofBiola Counseling Center BA, Westmont College; M.R.E., Bibi~ cal Seminary in New York; M.A., P,y.D., Rosemead Schml ofP,ychology. JOHN E. KELLEY Aw,ciate Prcifessor of P,ychology, 1!1/l0 Director ofBiola Crnmseling r~nter BA, MA, Ph.D., University ofArizona. MARGUERITE G. KRAFT Professor ofinterodtural Studies, 1973 B.S., Wheaton College; MA., Hartford Seminary Foundation; D.Miss., Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. BARRY KRAMMES A.°"",ciate Profei.....-,r ofArt , 1983 B.FA., University ofWi.,consin­ Eau Qaire; M.FA., University of Wisconsin-Madison. PAULKULD A.~,ciate Professor ofBiological Science, I !lG!l BA. , M.A., California Stale University, Long Beach. FRAN A. LAMPMAN Inslmctor of Education, I !1.)() BA, Riola University; M.S., California State University, Fullerton.

B.S., Houghton College; M.A., Trinity Evangeliral Divinity Sd1ool; Ed.D., University of Maine C1.idua1,• Srl100I. KEVIN LEWIS As.,is1an1 Proft-s.,or of'Bihliral Studies, J<rn; B.A., Califi,rnia S1a1e University, Long Beach; M.D.iv., Th.M., Tall,01 Sd1ool ofTheolo~y. TODD LEWIS Proft-s.,or of Comm1mira1ion, I !174 BA, Biola Collt'l{e; M.A. ,Ohio S1a1e Un~ versiiy-, Ph.D., LouL~iana S1;1lr Univmi1y. RICHARDJ LE\DA As.,is1an1 Proft',.-sor ofChris1ian Edurnlion, ]!18 1 1 B.A., Unil't'rsi1y orTi-xas; M.Div., Ed.D., Tallk>I Theologirnl Semina1y. BARRY LIESCH Profes.,or ofM1Lsir, 1!174 B.M., Unive1,i1y ofBri1ish Cohnnhia; M.A., S1a1e Ui1ive1si1y of New York, Bini-:hamlon; 1'11.D , U11iversi1y of Gdifornia, San Diei-:o. ALBERT CHIH-SHION UN Assoriale Proks.,or of Biological Srienre, 1!177 B.P., Taipei Medical Collei-:e; Ph.D., S1.11e Unive1sity of New York, Buffalo. MARYANN LIND A.,soriale Prob.,.,r of History, 1!~11 BA. , MA, Col111,1do State Colle)lt\ Ph.D., UniVt'tsity of Color,1do. JUDITH E. LINCENFELTER A.,soriale l'rofes.,or of Studies, !!Ill:{ BA. Wheaton College; M.L.S., State University of New York at (;eneseo; Ph.D., University of Pi11shmi-:l1. SHERWOOD LINGENFELTER Prolt-,.,;,11· oflnterrnl111ral Studies, l!IR:{ Provost and Senior Vire l'rt'sideut BA., Wlw,11011 College; l'h.D., University of Pi11sh1111:h. WILW,MLOCK Proft-ssor onfo,ir, 1%4 A.R.C.T., Royal C,mst·tVJloty ol M1Lsir; B.M., M.M., MarPh;1il O,llege ofMusir; D.M.A., University of

S. BRUCE NARRAMORE Disti1t!(ltished Prolt·s.,or of l\yrhology, 1 1170

Claremont Craduate Sdrwl. KATHERINE B. PURGASON

B.A., Wes11110111 Collei-:e; M.A., l'ep11enline College; M.A., Fiiller Th,·ologiral Seminary; l'h.D., U11iversity ofKen11wky. TH< >MAS L. NASH l'roft•s.sor of Co1111111111iratio11, 1 1 177 B.S.,Jol111 Brown U11iversit)~M.A., l'h.D., Mirhi[Jn S1;11e University. E LEROYNEAL A.,soriate Prolt-ssor of Phr.<irnl Eduratiou, 1!188 A.B., Onidt'utal College; M.A., Sa11 Diei-:o Slate University. EDWARD H. NORMAN l'rolt-s.,or of Plrysiral Educat ion, I%~ D,·an ol Sd1rn,I of Contin11ing Studies B.S., Spri11i-:lield Collep;e; M.A., Ball Slate Univn,ity; Ed.D., llniversi1y of Southern California. MATTHEW C. ORR A,s,K·iale Prolt-s.,or ol Phr.<iral Ed11ra1io11, l'l7:~ B.A., Biola College; M.A., Ctlilornia S1a1e lluiver.;ity, Fullerton. MARLIN <>WEN A,soriate Proft,,.,.,r ofMusir, 1 1 182 B.S., Mankato State University; M.A., University ofl~tlili,rnia, Sau Dit'go. RAPHAEL PAYNE l'rofes.,or orBiolop;iral Srienre, 1 1170 B.A., Wes1111on1 Collt·!(,,; M.S., Pl1.D., University ofNeln«ska. C. DAVID PETER~ l'roft's.sor of Politiral Srieure, !%Ii B.A., M.A., 1'11.D., University of Oklahoma.

A,S<>riate Professor ofTESOL, l!m B.A., O1,erlin College; M.A., University of Pi11slmr!(h. Ph.D. , Uniwrsit.y of

l ~1lifi,rnia, Los Altp;t'les. HERBERT C. PURNELL Prolt-s.S<•r ofTESOL. 19!ll

A.B., Wheaton Colle)le; M.A., Hartford Seminary; Ph.D., Cornell University. SCOTTB. RAE A,..Kiate Profes. . ,r of Biblical Studies - Christian Ethics, 1!18!1 B.A., Southern Methodist Uuiver.;ity, 111.M., DJ!h, ll1eological Seminaiy, Ph.D., University of Southern Califi,mia. ELIZABETH RAMBO A.,S<Kiate Profes.S<>r ofEnf(lish, ]!~JO B.A. , St. A11drt'Ws Presbyterian College; M.A., llnivt>rsity ofMis.,ouri, (A>lumbia; Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. JOHN MARK REYNOLDS A."istanl Profes.,;,,r nf Philost,phy, I 996 Director ofTorrey Honor.; Institute B.A., Roberts Wesley-Ju C'A>llege; M.A. , Ph.D., University of Rochester. VICTOR RHEE A"istant Profe.,S<,r of New Testament Language and Literature, I !~)4 B.S., University of Maryland; M.Div., C1pital Bible Seminary; Th.M., Tallx,t Scl1ool of Theology. LUCILE RICHARDSON As.S<>riate Professor of Education, l!~J3 B.S., Clalliu Uuivmity; M.A., L,yola Ma1ym011111 University; Ed.D., Pepper­ dine ll11ive1,i1y.

Southern Califi,rnia. CARYL. MCINTOSH

As.,oriale Profes.,or of Christian Min­ istry and Leadership, 1 11,%; Din·rtor, Donor of Mi11is11y proi-:1;>1n B.A., Rock1110111 Collt'ge; 1\1.Div., Western CrnLsetvatiVt' BaptLSI Seminary; D.Min.. Fuller 111eol1 '!\ir;tl Se111 inary.

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