LELAND E WJLSHJRE Profossi,r of History, l !J79
MARCIA .'iTROlTI' As.soriatt' Prores.si1r of P,yrltology, El 1 KJ BA. Whe;tton College; M.S., Ed.S., l11dia11a University; Ph.D., Young University. DONALD SUNUKJIAN Proles.sor ofCl tristian Mi11L11ry a111I uadmhip, I!l!Mi BA., University of Southern California; 171.M., Th.D., Dallas lltrologiral Serni- 11a1y; Ph.D., Univt'rsity of California, Los A111;rlrs. JUDYE. TEN EL~HOF A\.SLstant Prolt',r or Cltristia11 Edura1i1111, 1 1l8!l BA, (~1lili1mia Statt' Univt'r,ity, Fulkr- 1011; M.A., T,ilt,111 School 111Tltt'l•l11gy. EDWARDTHllRllER l',r 11fMa1lw111;11iral Srienres, l!l71 Dirertor ofAcadernir Computing B.S., Prinreton University; M.A., Ph.D., Uniwrsity of St,111hern Caliti,rnia. LAVERNE TOLBERT As.sistant Proft's.si1r of Christian Ednra1i1111, l 1l1 l4 B.A.. Huntn College; M.A.. Ed.D, Tall,01 Srhml orTlteology. RICHARD UNFREID i'roft'ssor or Mnsir , I'KiO B.M. , M.M., University of Soutltt'rn (~tlifi,mia. ELISHA B. VAN DEllSEN A,si x·ia te l'roft'ssor of Biological S<·ienre, ] 91',f, BA, Houghton College; M.A. , Ph.D.. Indiana University. C\'NTI-IlA L. WE!ITCOTT As.six· i;tte Proft'ssor of Nursing, l!l77 B.S., State U11iversi1y Tt'arhers College, Pla11sliuq;. N"v York; M.N.. University of California, Los Angeles. LOREN CLENN WIEBE Pn1lt'ssiir11fMttsir, !!Ki:, B.M.F.d ., M.M.Ed., Willatnt'lle University. MICHAELJ. WILKINS Proks.si1r of New Teslalltt'III Lnt!!,ltage and Li1ern1ure, l!lR:{ Dean of the Family, Tallx,t Srhml orTI,eoli'l,')' B.A., Biola llniversity; M.Div., Tall,111 Theological Serni11a1y and Srhool or Titeolo)\y; Ph.D.. Fuller llteolo1;iral Seminary. WESLEYWILLMER l'roft'sS11r of B1Lsi11t'ss Ad111i11is11,11io11, 1!)8!) Vire Presidt'III, U11ivnsi1y Adv.rnre111e11t BA, M.Ed ., Seattle Parilir llniwrsity; Plt.D., State U11iversi1y or Nt'II• \\,rk.
RICHARD 0. RIGSBY Professor of Old Testament and Semitics, 1974
VIRGIL SMITH Ass,x·iatt' Prnfrs.~or of Busintss Ad111i11istrJtio11, I!l!l4 B.S., M.BA, Portland Statt' U11iw1sity; Ph.D., TexasTerh llniversity. WONNE !l'MITH Ass1x·iate Prolt'ssor of B1Lsines.s AdministrJtion, l!~l:, BA., Northwestern College; M.B.A., Ph.D., TexasTerh University. RANDYL. SORENSON AwHfate Prnli-s.sor of Psydtology, l 1l!ll B.A., Earlham College; M.A., Gordon C',mwell T11eologiral St·111i11ary; Ph .D.. Fuller Gr.1duatt' Sri tool of Psyrltology; P,y.D., lnstimtt ofC011lt'H1porary Psyrltoa11al)~is ROGER G. SOULE Prolt'ssor of Physiral Edura tion, I !l7!l B.S., S1;11e University of New York , Cortland; ~I.S., lluiversity of'Illinois; Ph.D., Wa.sl1i11g1on St;tte University. WALTER STANGL Ass1x·iate Professor of Mathematirs, l!l84; Dean of Srienres BA.. M.S., Ph.D.. Lehiglt llniversity; M.Div., Denver Se t11i11 ,11y. TOM~EFFEN A,six·iate Professor of lnterrnltmal Studies, l!l!ll B.S., Dali.Ls Bil,le College; M.A., D.Mis.s., Biola University. PATRICIA !ITEINER Assistant Proks.sor of Nursing, l!l!Xi B.S., Rhode Island (',illege; M.S.N., (~1lifornia State Univnsi ty, Dominguez Hills. CHERRY G. !ITEINMEIER A,.,.wiate Professor of P,yrltolo).\y, 1914 BA. Nonhem llli1111Ls Univnsity;M.A., l\y.D., Rose11w,1d Sr!11w1I orP,yrl1ology. DANIEL C. ,qEVENS A"'"xiatr Pr11lrs.,11r or Clui.,tian Ed111.1tio11, l!l 1 l() Dirt'rtor of Pro).\t:1111 Otvt'lopnlt'nt, Sdtml of Co111i1111i11g Snulws B.A, Ct'l~uvillt' O,lli-gt'; 111.M.. DJlh~ TI1eolo~iral Seminary, Ph.D., Ohio S1at1· Uniwrsity LARRYD. 5IRAND Asscx·iate l'rokssor ofB1Lsi11ess Adrni11is11,11io11, ]98(i Arting Dt'.tll, Sd1ml or BtlSillt''-" B.S., M.B.A., U11iversi1y or Southern Calili>mia. GARY H. !ITRAUSS A,,... iate Profes.sor or l'syrhology, I!174 B.E<l., Ctlili,mia Sratt' U11ive1~1y, Fresno; MA., University ofN11rtht'111 low,t; Ed.I>.. Nonht'm Illinois U11ive1~ty.
B.A., Whi1wonh College; B.D.. Th.M., Fuller Tht'ological Seminary; Ph.D., University or Soutl1em California. JENNIE KUK-YING WONG>r of Music, 1964 LR.SM., Royal Schools ofMtLsir; F.T.C.L, L.T.C.L., Trinity College of ~fa,ir; L.T.S.C. ,Tonic Sol-Fa
Director of Talbot/Israel Pnwam; Talbot/Greece/furkey Program BA.,John B. Stetson University; M.Div., Golden Gate Baptist Theolog~ cal Seminary; Ph.D., Southern Baptisr TI1eological Seminary. JEANNE ROBISON A1;.-;c,ciate Professor of M1Lsic, 1!~l:1 .!!J B.M., M.M., Kent State Universiry; D.MA., University of Ci11cin11a1i. WALTER B. RUSSELL A1;.socia1e Professor of Nt'W Testamenr
Collefie of Music KENMANWONG
A,-.,.,ciate Profe,-.,.,r ofB1L<int!SS, 1989 B.S., Biola University; M.B.A., University ofWashington; Ph.D., University of Southern Cali ii ,rnia. PETER YAM-POON WOO A,sil(·iare Proft'ssi,r of Mathematirs/ Cornpnlt'r Srience, 1988 BA., U11ive1~ity or Hong Kong; M.A., Ph.D., University of Sornhem C.alifornia. PHJLIP WOODWARD Ass,,ciate,r of B1Lsines.s, E)C)(J B.S., University of So11thern Califor nia; M.B.A., California State Univer sity, Fullerton; M.B.T., University of Southt'm Califi,rnia. J WILLIAM WORDEN Prolt'ssi,r of P,ychology, 198.'i BA, Pomona CAillege; B.D. , Eastt'm Seminary, Ed.M., Harvard Univt'rsity; Ph.D., Boston University; A.B.P.P. PART-TIME FACULTY The Biola University farnlty each semester include.,, in addition to the regular farnlty memliers listed alx,ve, approximately 81 pt'rsons teaching 011 a part-time basis t'quivalent to about '.{0 full-timt' equivalent farnlty posi- 1ions. TI1ese persons l.Jrinl( to their usks a rich variety of academic and other profe.s.sional expertise, and tlms se1ve to enrich Ute curricular offer ings of the University, partirnlar in some of the more spt'cialized areas. SPECIAL APPOINTMENT FACII.TY JEANNE BACK A,si,ciate Direclor, Career Services, 198'.1 BA. . San Diego State University; MA., Azusa Pacific University. JOHN BACK,ciate Dean, S111den1 Affairs, J!JS(j B.A. , Taylor University; M.A., Azusa l'acilir University. LINDA C. FORD Director, C.a reer Services, I!~l3 BA. llnivt'rsity of the Pacific; M.E<l., Az1L-.1 Parifir University.
Language and Literature, Hl!l0 B.S., University ofMissouri; M.A., St. Mary's Seminary; TI,.M., Dallas TI1eological Seminary; Ph.D., Westminster Theological Se111i11a1y. JAMESRYND Professor of CJ1emistry, I !l70 Diploma, Moody Bible lnstilllle; B.S., University of Illinois; Ph.D., University of California, Riverside . CONNIE SARVER Associate Profe.ssor of Physical Education, HJC>B BA., Biola College; M.A., Calili1rni,1 State University, Long Beach; Ph.D. , Texas Woman's University; Ph.D., United States International Univen,ity. ROBERT L SAUC'Y Distinguished Professor of Systematir TI1eology, 1%1 BA., Westmont College; Tlt.M., TI1.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. JACK SCHWARZ Profe.w,r of Music, I %5 BA., Biola College;M.M., D.MA., University of Southern California. ROBERT SEITZ Assistant Professor of Math and Computer Science, l!J8!J B.S., Biola University; M.S., Calili,rnia
State University, Fullerton. C. DIANE SHANEBECK
Assc,ciate Professor of Communication, l!Xi4 BA., Asbury College; M.A., California State University, L,ng Beach. ClAIRE SIBOLD Ass1,ciate Professor of Education, l!l87 BA., MA., University ofWashington; Ph.D., Arizona State University. LYLE H. SMITH.JR. Associate Professor ofEngli.lh, 1978 BA, MA, Ph.D.,Uniwrsity ofMinnesot,L
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