

LELAND E WJLSHJRE Profossi,r of History, l !J79

MARCIA .'iTROlTI' As.soriatt' Prores.si1r of P,yrltology, El 1 KJ BA. Whe;tton College; M.S., Ed.S., l11dia11a University; Ph.D., Young University. DONALD SUNUKJIAN Proles.sor ofCl tristian Mi11L11ry a111I uadmhip, I!l!Mi BA., University of Southern California; 171.M., Th.D., Dallas lltrologiral Serni- 11a1y; Ph.D., Univt'rsity of California, Los A111;rlrs. JUDYE. TEN EL~HOF A\.SLstant Prolt',r or Cltristia11 Edura1i1111, 1 1l8!l BA, (~1lili1mia Statt' Univt'r,ity, Fulkr- 1011; M.A., T,ilt,111 School 111Tltt'l•l11gy. EDWARDTHllRllER l',r 11fMa1lw111;11iral Srienres, l!l71 Dirertor ofAcadernir Computing B.S., Prinreton University; M.A., Ph.D., Uniwrsity of St,111hern Caliti,rnia. LAVERNE TOLBERT As.sistant Proft's.si1r of Christian Ednra1i1111, l 1l1 l4 B.A.. Huntn College; M.A.. Ed.D, Tall,01 Srhml orTlteology. RICHARD UNFREID i'roft'ssor or Mnsir , I'KiO B.M. , M.M., University of Soutltt'rn (~tlifi,mia. ELISHA B. VAN DEllSEN A,si x·ia te l'roft'ssor of Biological S<·ienre, ] 91',f, BA, Houghton College; M.A. , Ph.D.. Indiana University. C\'NTI-IlA L. WE!ITCOTT As.six· i;tte Proft'ssor of Nursing, l!l77 B.S., State U11iversi1y Tt'arhers College, Pla11sliuq;. N"v York; M.N.. University of California, Los Angeles. LOREN CLENN WIEBE Pn1lt'ssiir11fMttsir, !!Ki:, B.M.F.d ., M.M.Ed., Willatnt'lle University. MICHAELJ. WILKINS Proks.si1r of New Teslalltt'III Lnt!!,ltage and Li1ern1ure, l!lR:{ Dean of the Family, Tallx,t Srhml orTI,eoli'l,')' B.A., Biola llniversity; M.Div., Tall,111 Theological Serni11a1y and Srhool or Titeolo)\y; Ph.D.. Fuller llteolo1;iral Seminary. WESLEYWILLMER l'roft'sS11r of B1Lsi11t'ss Ad111i11is11,11io11, 1!)8!) Vire Presidt'III, U11ivnsi1y Adv.rnre111e11t BA, M.Ed ., Seattle Parilir llniwrsity; Plt.D., State U11iversi1y or Nt'II• \\,rk.

RICHARD 0. RIGSBY Professor of Old Testament and Semitics, 1974

VIRGIL SMITH Ass,x·iatt' Prnfrs.~or of Busintss Ad111i11istrJtio11, I!l!l4 B.S., M.BA, Portland Statt' U11iw1sity; Ph.D., TexasTerh llniversity. WONNE !l'MITH Ass1x·iate Prolt'ssor of B1Lsines.s AdministrJtion, l!~l:, BA., Northwestern College; M.B.A., Ph.D., TexasTerh University. RANDYL. SORENSON AwHfate Prnli-s.sor of Psydtology, l 1l!ll B.A., Earlham College; M.A., Gordon C',mwell T11eologiral St·111i11ary; Ph .D.. Fuller Gr.1duatt' Sri tool of Psyrltology; P,y.D., lnstimtt ofC011lt'H1porary Psyrltoa11al)~is ROGER G. SOULE Prolt'ssor of Physiral Edura tion, I !l7!l B.S., S1;11e University of New York , Cortland; ~I.S., lluiversity of'Illinois; Ph.D., Wa.sl1i11g1on St;tte University. WALTER STANGL Ass1x·iate Professor of Mathematirs, l!l84; Dean of Srienres BA.. M.S., Ph.D.. Lehiglt llniversity; M.Div., Denver Se t11i11 ,11y. TOM~EFFEN A,six·iate Professor of lnterrnltmal Studies, l!l!ll B.S., Dali.Ls Bil,le College; M.A., D.Mis.s., Biola University. PATRICIA !ITEINER Assistant Proks.sor of Nursing, l!l!Xi B.S., Rhode Island (',illege; M.S.N., (~1lifornia State Univnsi ty, Dominguez Hills. CHERRY G. !ITEINMEIER A,.,.wiate Professor of P,yrltolo).\y, 1914 BA. Nonhem llli1111Ls Univnsity;M.A., l\y.D., Rose11w,1d Sr!11w1I orP,yrl1ology. DANIEL C. ,qEVENS A"'"xiatr Pr11lrs.,11r or Clui.,tian Ed111.1tio11, l!l 1 l() Dirt'rtor of Pro).\t:1111 Otvt'lopnlt'nt, Sdtml of Co111i1111i11g Snulws B.A, Ct'l~uvillt' O,lli-gt'; 111.M.. DJlh~ TI1eolo~iral Seminary, Ph.D., Ohio S1at1· Uniwrsity LARRYD. 5IRAND Asscx·iate l'rokssor ofB1Lsi11ess Adrni11is11,11io11, ]98(i Arting Dt'.tll, Sd1ml or BtlSillt''-" B.S., M.B.A., U11iversi1y or Southern Calili>mia. GARY H. !ITRAUSS A,,... iate Profes.sor or l'syrhology, I!174 B.E<l., Ctlili,mia Sratt' U11ive1~1y, Fresno; MA., University ofN11rtht'111 low,t; Ed.I>.. Nonht'm Illinois U11ive1~ty.

B.A., Whi1wonh College; B.D.. Th.M., Fuller Tht'ological Seminary; Ph.D., University or Soutl1em California. JENNIE KUK-YING WONG>r of Music, 1964 LR.SM., Royal Schools ofMtLsir; F.T.C.L, L.T.C.L., Trinity College of ~fa,ir; L.T.S.C. ,Tonic Sol-Fa

Director of Talbot/Israel Pnwam; Talbot/Greece/furkey Program BA.,John B. Stetson University; M.Div., Golden Gate Baptist Theolog~ cal Seminary; Ph.D., Southern Baptisr TI1eological Seminary. JEANNE ROBISON A1;.-;c,ciate Professor of M1Lsic, 1!~l:1 .!!J B.M., M.M., Kent State Universiry; D.MA., University of Ci11cin11a1i. WALTER B. RUSSELL A1;.socia1e Professor of Nt'W Testamenr

Collefie of Music KENMANWONG

A,-.,.,ciate Profe,-.,.,r ofB1L<int!SS, 1989 B.S., Biola University; M.B.A., University ofWashington; Ph.D., University of Southern Cali ii ,rnia. PETER YAM-POON WOO A,sil(·iare Proft'ssi,r of Mathematirs/ Cornpnlt'r Srience, 1988 BA., U11ive1~ity or Hong Kong; M.A., Ph.D., University of Sornhem C.alifornia. PHJLIP WOODWARD Ass,,ciate,r of B1Lsines.s, E)C)(J B.S., University of So11thern Califor­ nia; M.B.A., California State Univer­ sity, Fullerton; M.B.T., University of Southt'm Califi,rnia. J WILLIAM WORDEN Prolt'ssi,r of P,ychology, 198.'i BA, Pomona CAillege; B.D. , Eastt'm Seminary, Ed.M., Harvard Univt'rsity; Ph.D., Boston University; A.B.P.P. PART-TIME FACULTY The Biola University farnlty each semester include.,, in addition to the regular farnlty memliers listed alx,ve, approximately 81 pt'rsons teaching 011 a part-time basis t'quivalent to about '.{0 full-timt' equivalent farnlty posi- 1ions. TI1ese persons l.Jrinl( to their usks a rich variety of academic and other profe.s.sional expertise, and tlms se1ve to enrich Ute curricular offer­ ings of the University, partirnlar in some of the more spt'cialized areas. SPECIAL APPOINTMENT FACII.TY JEANNE BACK A,si,ciate Direclor, Career Services, 198'.1 BA. . San Diego State University; MA., Azusa Pacific University. JOHN BACK,ciate Dean, S111den1 Affairs, J!JS(j B.A. , Taylor University; M.A., Azusa l'acilir University. LINDA C. FORD Director, C.a reer Services, I!~l3 BA. llnivt'rsity of the Pacific; M.E<l., Az1L-.1 Parifir University.

Language and Literature, Hl!l0 B.S., University ofMissouri; M.A., St. Mary's Seminary; TI,.M., Dallas TI1eological Seminary; Ph.D., Westminster Theological Se111i11a1y. JAMESRYND Professor of CJ1emistry, I !l70 Diploma, Moody Bible lnstilllle; B.S., University of Illinois; Ph.D., University of California, Riverside . CONNIE SARVER Associate Profe.ssor of Physical Education, HJC>B BA., Biola College; M.A., Calili1rni,1 State University, Long Beach; Ph.D. , Texas Woman's University; Ph.D., United States International Univen,ity. ROBERT L SAUC'Y Distinguished Professor of Systematir TI1eology, 1%1 BA., Westmont College; Tlt.M., TI1.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. JACK SCHWARZ Profe.w,r of Music, I %5 BA., Biola College;M.M., D.MA., University of Southern California. ROBERT SEITZ Assistant Professor of Math and Computer Science, l!J8!J B.S., Biola University; M.S., Calili,rnia

State University, Fullerton. C. DIANE SHANEBECK

Assc,ciate Professor of Communication, l!Xi4 BA., Asbury College; M.A., California State University, L,ng Beach. ClAIRE SIBOLD Ass1,ciate Professor of Education, l!l87 BA., MA., University ofWashington; Ph.D., Arizona State University. LYLE H. SMITH.JR. Associate Professor ofEngli.lh, 1978 BA, MA, Ph.D.,Uniwrsity ofMinnesot,L

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