



RE-ADMISSION A sludenl who ha., attended Biola University and has tkopPt'-11 0111 forone semesteror longer will be required to file an application for re-ad111i,-~ion ($15 ftt) . A pa.slor's reference will Le rt'.l1ui1t:1l iftl1e sllKlenl's leave ofaLe;ence exceeds two year.;. ADMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS English Proficiency Jr is ~,;enlial dial 11011-natiw. English speakers be able to under­ sla11<Ikcllll't'S in English and also he ahlt'. lo express their thoughL~ clearly in writtt'.n and spoken English. Admission to tl1e UniVt'.rsity is luSt"Cl on student, who eilher already have or are making progrt'~ in tllt'se skill,. In orcler In dert:nnine die applicant's pmfi­ cienry in English, appliran ts who are not natiw. English speakers 1111Lsl lake die T t'SI of English a, a Foreign Language (TOEFL) a~ administered hy tl1e Educational Tesling Semce. Hc,,vever, s1mlt:111s withoul TOEFL score., may enter most Biola degree programs if tl1ey have mel all the olher require-­ men ls for admission rhrough tl1e succe.s.,ful completion of the Binla English Languagt'. Studies (EL'IP). There is no financial aid or sclwlarships availaLle for studenL~ enrolled foll-lime in EL'iP. Upon admission lo Binla withoul rhe TOEFL exam, the sltl!lenl is m1uired to lake tl1e Binla Engli.,h Placement Exam (BEPE). According to the results of the test, student.~ will take English da.s.,t'., before starting their academic courses. TOEFL/ELSP Requirements The TOEFL/ ELW requimnenls for specific programs are lisled Ldow: Undergraduate Programs The minimum TOEFL score for admission is a total of !iOO for the undergraduate sludenl. (TESOL minors must have a score nf !i:iO.) A sludent may submit an SAT I score for admission inslead of aTOEFL score. Graduate Programs The minimum TOEFL score for admission lo Biola's Graduale Schools is a total of !i!iO (wirh a score of 55 or alwwe for each of the three test sections). Some graduale program., have difkrenl requiremenls: ■ MA TESOL and Cerrificale in TESOL (Teaching Engli.,h a., a Secnnd Language) mp1ires aTOEFL score off,00. ■ Ma.sin nfTheolngy (111.M.) requires a score of !iOO for acceplanc:e i1110 rhe Th.M. pmgram through lhe Riola Univmity English Language Srudies Program (ELSP) . TI1e 111.M. pmg1am rt'.l111ires TOEFL scores lo be suLmiued hefore an applicarion is COJ tsidered for acct'.plance. ■ Ecl.D requires a score of !i7!i and :i:i or aLove for each of lhe lhree lest seclinns. ■ All nlher progra1m recp1ire a TOEFL score of !i!iO. S111cle111s wirh a TOEFL of WO or higher are best prepared lo do wdl in tl1eir doctoral sludie., . No doc­ loral sludenls are ac:cepled lhrnugh rhe ELW program. English Placement For rhnse srudenls who have passed rhe TOEFL exam, an English Placemen! Exam (BEPE) al Biola Unive11;ity will be

Admission to Biola University is on a selective basis ancl only those are aclmitted who are most likely to prolil from Biola University's educalional program and irs clistinclively Christian emphasis. Because ii is the purpose of Binla Uni­ versity to train Clui,tian young people, rhe applicanl shoulcl have been a Clui,rian for at least one year. Biota University ha, a stmngly evangelical C'Jui,tian conunit­ ment and nx1uirts that lo be accepted, the applicant m1t,1 be an evangelical believer. However, Biola does not discriminate rn1 the basis of race, color, national 01igin, sex, age or disaLility in the admission of sludent,, employment, and the educational programs or activities it conducl'I. TI1e University also pmhiLit, sexual haras.,ment. lnqui1ies reganling this nondi.sc1imination policy and tl1e policy prohiLiting sexual har.issment may be direcled to die Office of die Dean of Srudent Affai1s in the Sn1- dent SeIVices Builcling for fi11tl1er infonnation ancl pmcedures. Studenls who are interested in allencling Binla Unive1sity should request application fomt, from the Ollice of Aclmi.,­ sions. Became enrollment i., limited ancl admis.sion i., 011 a selective La,is, applications should be made as early as pnssi­ Lle. Deci.,ions are made only on completed applicalinns. Visit, to die camp1t, are encouraged. Ir is advi.,alile tn write or phone in advance to an-.inge an appointnlt'.nl. Each semester, Biola hnsls visilation weekends (Unive11;ity Days, Biola Bound, and Focus Days) thal help acc1uaint prc~perlive students wirh tl1e program, on campus. The date., for lhese days are li.,ted on I he academic calendar. Admission to the University does nol ~arantu ad11u·ssion to the business administration, education, music, nuni111; and /1Jycholl>/;) frrwams, nor to cm-campus housin[(. AJ11licatio11 forms for these


frrwa11u are availa/,le jiom till tkj1arlmn1t offices. UNDERGRADUATE/GRADUATE PROGRAMS

See the specific program for addirinnal admi.s.,inn , regis­ tration and graduation n:quiremenls in the appmpriale undergraduate/ graduale sec lions of the caralog. ENROLLMENT DEPOSIT Applicants Applicanls who have been granlt'.11 acceptance are 1t:1111irt'.ll to remit an enm!ITTlt'.nt ckpnsit TI1e tkposit i., 11011-refimclahk if tl1e student does not enmll in die lt'.m1 fi,r which d1t1' Deposils will not be hdcl over if d1ere i, a lapse in e11111ll111ent. Accepled applir.anls,whelher or 1101 d1t1•are preregis1e1t:1l , nntsl info1m Binla of any change in their plaa, r~anling enmlh11tCnl. Enrolled Students When enrolled slmlent, ollicially willHlraw, tl1eir enrnll­ ment deposit will be applit'.11 to any Lalance crwed al rite linlt'. of departure, or will be rdimcbl if rheir acrnunl is paid in foll . As a studenl conrinues his enrollment al Binla , rhe enrollment deposil i., retained a., a conrinuing preregislra­ tion deposit to a.,sure lhe enrolled sludenl of a place in 1l1e student Lody. S1t1!lenls who di.sco11timu rheir enrollmenl al Biola and fail In oflicially wirhdraw al lhe Regislrar's Office (Ly December :II for rhe sp1ing semeslt'.r, nr hy Ju~• :II fi11 the fall semt'.sler) will fo1fri1 lhe enmllmenl cleposil.

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