

given to detennine which course(s) (English 102, 103, 105, 107 or HY.)), if any, they must take. The course(s) 1111L,I be taken during the student's first semester until the student has successfully passed the BEPE. There will be a late make­ up fee of $15 when placemen I exam, are not taken on the dates indicated in the student's acceptance letter. Since admissioi1 Lo the University is based on the undet" standing that the student will succt'•._,folly complete the ESL · course, students will not be allowed to graduate or continue al Biola if they do not complete their ESL requirement. For undergraduate studenL,, a "pa.._,ing" score on the BEPE must be achieved before taking English 100, 110 A or B or before credit from other school, can be granted. StudenL, who wish lo take the TOEFL should obtain the TOEFL Bulletin of Information. The bulletin and regist1a­ tion form may be obtained outside the United Statt'S al Anx,r­ ican emba.,sies and consulates, ollices of the United States Information Setvice (USIS), United Stales educational cnm­ mi.._,ions and foundations abroad, and binatinnal centet~. Students who cannot locally obtain a TOEFL Bulletin nf Information and registration form should writ e several months in advance to: Test of Eni-;li.,h as a Forei~n Lan~ua~e, Box 61.'>4, Princeton, New Jmey, USA 08541 (Phone: (iW- 771-7100; Website: h11p: // Since the TOEFL is administered only al cenain limes, the candidate should imptin: about testing dates well in advance of the date of anlicipaled school term in tht'. U.S. Application Guidelines I. An application for admi.._,ion, recent photo and a $:l!',.00 non-refundable application lee. 2. Official Transcripts: Undergrnduate SltKlent, - Undt'.t~t:i,:luale s1tu!t'.t11s are rec111ired Lo have completed the ec1uivalen1 nf 12 )'t' ,US nf e<h~ cation. Trarn;c1ip1s limn all seconcluy sdwob and pcisl•St'.t' ondaiy irL,1i1utio1L, nm,1 be senl din't:I~• liom Ute sdux,l In Biola's Office of Achni.ssiotL' in order In bt'. considered olli­ cial. All t1.insnipL, m1L,I !lt'. official and accompanied hy a certified Engli.,h b.itL,lation that documents C:OlllSt'.\Vork aml examination, talcen, indicate gt.icb receive<!, idt'.ntify lll'-sini-; and maximmn marks and she 1,v evi<knce nf St'.t:omlaty gi:i,:h~ ation. International students m1L,I have suc:ct<Ss!i1lly cnm­ pleted rollege preparatOJy corn= in their home co1mlty. If you have allended univet~ity in your home cou1111y and would like,fer credit, ynu nm,t have your II.imnipl t'.\l"j~ ualed by a prokssional credential agency. Umler~1.idua1e ban.,fer international snHknt, 111ml have rnmple!e<I sa1i.,fac­ t01y com~ wotk with a 2.5 ac:a<kmic GPA. lnlinmalion i., av-JilaUe in the Ollic:e ofAdni.i~~iom or 1l1e R~i.,'s Ollice. Gt:i,:luale S11Klents - Official U.JIL';<:tipt, of all collegt'S, \UlM::tsitit'S or se111i11a1it-s allended nm,1 !lt'. senIdirect I)' lin111 Ute school to Biola's Office of Ad11ii.._,i<1tL, In llt'. ollicial. All lrarn;cripl~ mu,t be ac:cnmpanied l>y a cettiliecl English 11:uts­ lation that documents cmuSt'.IVOtk aml examina1in11s 1ake11, inclicalt'S gi-ades receive<!, identities pa.._,ing a11d maxinm111 m1rks, and evidenct'S compktinn of a Bad1d<M' sd~1tt. 3. A completed Allidavil of Support limn that cnlilies the student ha., suflicienl funcl, lo study in the U.S. nnL,I llt'.

on tile ptior lo acceptance and issuance of the 1-20. The AJ!idavil of Support mLL,t be notarized and accompanied by supporting batik statements or lax return fonns. 4. Relerence fotm, - Underg1.iduate sllKlent, are rt:c1uired Lo provide one rekre11ce limn a pa.,tor/ minister and anoUter from a school adni.ini.,u.itor, l.t'.acher, and/ or employer who ha., known the applicant for al lea.,1. one ye-.JI. Refen:nce finm, are pmvided by U1e U11ivet~ity a11d are i11duded with U1e appli<:alion. G1.iduate sltKlenl, an, m1uired Lo provide rdi-.re11Ct'S appmpri.ate to U1eir !\. ATOEFL score of 500 or an SAT I lest for undergrndu­ ales. Gt.iduale vaty 1ml start with a minimum srnre of TOEFL !\50. Studt'n t, will Le referred to tl1e E11glish Language Studies Program for preparatory com~es i11 Engli.,h if score., are below requirements. Application Deadlines Biola Univet~ity accepts intemalional applicatio11s only for 1l1e fall semester. Sp1i11g aclmi.,sion is only open lo cur­ rent F-1 students 11.111s!e1Ti11g from a1101l1er college/ univer­ sit y in the United States . The application deadline for e11t1.111ce into lh t'. fall semester is June I . Sp1i11g semester applications should he filed prior tn Decemher I. The appli­ <:alion proct'Ss may take ~i months. Applir.anls are encour­ ai-;ed lo apply well before the deadli11es . Applicants inler­ t'Sled in li11a11cial aid should apply sever.ii mo111hs before the slated deadlines . Late applicant., will assume expenses for d()(:umenls needing express postal ddive1y to and from the Univet~ity. See EL.W section for progrnm de.adlines. Financial Responsibility of International Students Tiw sll11lenl nnL,I supply infonnation allesting lo ability to provide United Stales dollars in the minimum amount n,quin,d In sup(~ll"t the cnsls of tuition and mom at1d board, in exrt"Ss of the ct>SI of a round-trip fare fmm hi., 11a1ive coun11y. Applicants who dn 1101 have the finances 10 pay all of th eir expenses must come umler the sponsorship of an approved af;ency. Sponsorship must include f"mancial responsibility toward the sponsored studenl. Enrollment Requirements lnlemalional students admilled lo the United Slates on a s1ude111 visa are required Ly law lo be registered a., full-time students (underf;t.iduale s1ude11ls: a minimum of 12 credit units; i-;1.iduale sludenls: a minimum of!) units) . Employment No ol1'.ca111p11s employmenl is permill ed for i111 erna- 1io11al s111de111s without wrillen pennission of the United Stales l111111i~1.11io11 aulhnrilit'.s. VETERANS Biola U11ive1>ity is appm1't'.<I a., a dq,'ltt-j.,'I.UIIUI~ UL~titution for lh t'. all endanre ot"vele1.111s under Tille :\8, United States C.Kk. TI1i., itichKlt-s U1e pmgram, covered i11 chaplet~ '.10, 31, 35 olT11le :lll, tdati11i-; also In tl1e e<lucalion ,{ disa!Jkd vele1:ms atHI 01pham, and Hio:i otT11k 10. TI1e (',·, for Ptivate Pcis~ scrn111la1y aml VrK.ili<111al EchK:atinn ha., al,n aulhotize<I tl1e U11~ w.tsity liM· the alle111lam:e ofvelt'.t.JtL, and' dependents.

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