

ATTENDANCE Regular class auendance is expt,cted of all students. Classes are conducted in a manner 1ha1 will encomage academic excel­ lence and rhe gn""Mth of 011i,1ian cl1arncler. 1l1e final authority for allendance and any ellect 1ha1 it might have upon grades re.sis wirh rite individual faculty member. TI1is is due to the u·emendmL, v.11iety of class size and purpose, and die specific rec1uiremenls in atlendance. VL,ilrn, and CUITent stu<lenL~ may vi.sir a da.,, for a maximum of nne week. Alier one week, regi.,. uari, 111 in credil or audir slal.lLs for !he com,e(s) is GRADES Quality of com,e work is gr.1ded on the following scale, witl1 a ~ystem of grade points used to determine a student's general g1-ade poi.111 average or slanding: Graduate studenlJ shouul, su the appropria~ sedion of the Cllta­ Wf;for furlher r;rade information. Grade Quality Grade Points A Highesl Passing C:1-acle 4.00 A3.67 B+ 3.33 B Grn,d 3.00 B2.67 C+ 2.33 C Sa1isfac1rny 2 00 (~ l.G7 D+ 1.33 D 1.00 D- Lowes! Pa.ssing G1-acle O.G7 (for unclergraduale crnmes) F Failme 0.00 lf W Unnflicial Wirliclrawal 0.00 Bio/a '5 /10/iry requim that when am1putinK the GPA, the GPA is rewrrld at the third decimal /10int without roundinK up. 1l1e foll, ~ving h'l~1des a1~ al,n lLsed wirh special signitic.ance in ce1tai11 p1ng1ams and a1~ nol \Lse(I in compuling the GPA: CR Cmli1 1 0.00 NC No Credir'I s Sa1isfac1my 1 0.00 us lJ nsa IisfacI OJ i 0.00 RG Regisrered in co111i;e2 R Researcl1 1 0.00 IP lnlemship in Progress 1 0.00 w Wirlulrawal 'I AUD Audir 'I 0.00 NR Nor reporlecl by facu]ty 'I ,I No gradt' points / Crrdit givt"n ~ No gradt" points :I No gradt' points / No crt(lif giw-n Special Notations on Course Titles CPL Credit for P1inr Leaming PTT Prnfossional and Technical Training The lwo nn1a1in11s alxwe apply 10 rhe BOLD program. CPL and YIT arc not conJiriered mident units. SLC Se1vice Leaming C,emt,-acl This type of cmn,e involves !he sludenl in a minist1y off campus in !lie cn1mn1111ity.

Vetera1L, or dept'.ndt'.nls of Vttt'.raJIS who plm to e1iroll in tht' UniVtrsity are urgt'.d to conlact the velt:ran 's C<K1rdina1or in !ht' Registrar's office wdl in adv,mre of registration so rl1a1 tl1e nern+­ sary arrangemenL, may he made wirh rlw Ve1era1Ls aclministralion. PRE-REGISfflATION Pre-regisU-alion for the fall semt'.slt'.r is hdd during !ht'. months of April and May, and for the spring st'.mt'.sler in October and November. All sludt'.nls are re<jllired lo prt'.rt'.g· ister if tl1ey plan to relum to school tl1e next semester. Fail­ ure to preregiskr will require a $45 non-pre-registration fee to be paid at the time of registr.1tion should the student decide to enroll for tl1e next semester. RECISTRATION Students are to register in pt,rson d111ing the sd1eduled registration days. Lite registration will Ix, allowed through rhe eighth day of class and rt'.quires a fee nf$45.(XJ. Rq;ist1a1inn is completed when srudenls have paid !he required tuilion down paymenl. S1uden1., will receive cre1li1 for cmu,es nHi­ cially enrolled through the OHice of rhe Regisllar. Registration is manclarmy for Rosemead slll{lenls in all pl1a.,;ei; oftl1e prq,'lam i11d1Kli11g slmlenls in inle1mhip and rlur;e who haVt completed all requiren'k'.nt, t'Xcepl !lie clL,se1tatin11. CHANCE OF REGISTRATION Course reb.-islralion changt'., an, made by suhmilling an add/ drop fonn to !he Regislrar's Otlice. 1l1e ke is $5.00 for each transaction. Courses may be added In the sluclenr's schedule dming !he fiI,I IWo weeks of !he semesler. Cours~ may Ix, dropped unril !he encl of die eighlh week of the semeskr. A sludenl who slops atlell(ling a cla.,s 1ml does not submil an add/ drop fo1m will nnl be clmpped from the class and will ren,ive a grade of Unoflicial W11h1hawal li,r tl1e course. Courses dropped during !he fo,1 eighr weeks of die semeslerwill nnl he recorded nn !he sruclenl's pennanenl record. Ccm1,~ dropped !JtlWeen !he ninlh and the ell(! of the semester will be recorded wirh a g1ade of"UW." WITHDRAWAL Official Withdrawal from enrollmenl tn the Unive1,ity is made by submilling a completed Deparlme Can! to the Reg­ istrar's Office. S!ll{lenls may oflicially wi1h1h-aw until die end of the eighth Wt'.t'.k of the senw.,ter. Stll(lents who drop from enrollmenl at any time du1i11g the semesler but cln not sub­ mit a Departure Can!, or wirhdraw from enrollmenl chuing the ninrh through !he 151h week of !he semester, are consi1J. ered Unoflicially Wirhch-awn. Unotlicially wirhdrawn slu­ <lenL, will 1101 receive a refund of any porlinn of 1ui1ion or fees and will receive gi-acb of "lJW' or "F" for !heir crnmes. Stu<lenls < the U11ive1,ity for longer lhan one year will be required to follow the c111Tenl calalog al !he 1i111e of their readmission. S!ll{lenls may pelilion fi,r an exceplion. STUDENT'S RECORDS Enrollees are a1lvised thal !he llniversiry mainrains school and sludenl records for nn longer rhan a five-year pe1iod kyond the s1ucle111's final knn of enrollmenl , wirh the exceplion of the 11a11snip1s and !he academic record.


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