

DEAN'S LIST Student, achieving a semt'.~ler GPA of or helter while enrolled in 12 or more uniL, will1 a cumulative GPA of3.2 or belier, will k placed on the semt'.~ter Dean's List AUDITORS Stuclenls wi.,hing to audit m1t,t pursue standard applica­ tion and regisl1a1inn proceclmes. Auditing students cannot registcr for a course until after 1!1e second week of the semes­ ter. (See Financial lnfonnation for fees .) Acourse taken for awlit cannot be repeated for credit al a later date. Talbot stwlenls nm,t lit'. college gr.iduales and must pay the appro­ priate per unit lee. Auditors must receive permi.,sion from both the Regist1ar's Oliice and the i11su11c1nr of the course. ACADEMIC LOAD 1l1e minimum full-time k>ad i., I2 units al the umkrgraduate kvd. As11uk11t whn i., on acackmic probation may be liinite<I to 12 unit, nr lt'S.s clepencling upon hi., b'la<k point average. A min~ mum often unit, mml he taken by ll1ose living on campus. The 1ni11im11111 full-time lnacl is eight units for those in f;ra<luate clegrtt program,. Those canying less than the full­ time load hut IINlre than :I units are rousiderecl part-lime slu­ clenls. G1acluale students ca11yi11g :I units or lt";<s are normally rnusiclerecl bs than part time. ATalbot student i., normally pennillecl to cany a maximum nf 17 units each semester. l11e nonnal full-tii1lt' hul liir a Rnsrnwacl stwknt i.s 12 In Hi hums per senlt'sler, but 1101 !t'S., than nine ho111~. Without ll1e advi.,or's , a student may not cany over lfi units in any senlt'Sler. ParHinlt' regisuatinn of kss than nine units is pennil­ le<I only after a s111clt'.11l ha., IJttn adrnilled to candidacy. Rose- 111!.'id cl, Jt"S not admit par1-1ii1w snulenls lo its degree pmgram,. A unit of credit is generally considered to consist of one rla.,, hour (:,0 nli1111lt";<) a Wet'.k for a sernt";<ter. In physical ed11- catin11 activiti,~, lahn1atnry sessin1t, am! in a few other ii1stances, a unit ofcredit may involve llKlre than one cla.s., pe1i<xl a week. Gene1ally a11 1111cle11,'1aduate snuknt i., limited lo 17 units of da.'<Smom wr"-k a semester. Alier 1!1e fo~t senlt'Sler a stwkut with a gra,k pninl average nf ;l.(} may petition the Rtcgisllar's oflice to mny 19-20 uuiL,. In 110 will a student he pemlit1e<l to cany mire than 20 units t-.ad1 senlt'Sler. Atotal of six ((i) uniL,, may be taken by a stuclenl in inclepenclent slu<ly, and/ or ananged m111J;t'Wn1k cl111111g the stmlent's <kj:;ree pr~ram. ,\J)f.(-ial Not,: Full-time tnrollmenl (c.orr1j,letin1; 12 unilJ each !.lmie.11,tr) iJ n,quirf.d of tlie f ollowin1; underr:raduate JtudtnJJ: /nJer- 11ntio11aL1 , VeterrmJ rueiin.111; full bcnefitJ, JludenlJ recei11in1; Jocial Jec.u1-ity /,rn,jitJ, rmd all Jlude11IJ rr.cei11i.n1; financial aid of any ki11d. \t7um droj1/1in1; dmJeJ, Jlw/,mlJ mwt /,e aware that tliey nre TP.IJuirnd lo com/1/~te 12 u11ill of credit. Full~ime mrollmml (romj1lrlin1; nine u11iJJ each .wme.Jler) is required of t/w follnwi111; f;1adu11te Jl11dn11J: /uJmlllti.mwl.i, Vet,~a11.1 rwi11i.ngfull le114il.l, JJudt11JJ wmi11in1; JOfUJI JP.1.wily /Jl{lU'fUJ, and all Jlu.tiemJ retim~ i11gfi11a11rial md of a11y kind. \t7um drof1/ii111; cla.oo, JJwiml.\ l,e mmm tlllli tlury are requirnd In comjib,t,: ni11e urulJ of credit.

Acredit "CR" indicates the completion of cou1se wnrk with academic performance e<Jtial to or higher than the "satisfac­ tory" standard for the <l~ree program (normally "C" 2.00 for undergraduate program, and "B" 3.00 for graduate pn~1:111Ls.) A "W" indicates an ollicial withdrawal (within tl1e third to eighth week) from a courNe ancl cloes not allect the student's grade point average. A ''UW' in<licalt'.s an unofficial withdrawal. Students who regislt'.r for cow-ses but do not attend classes are given 1l1e giacle of "UW' which will influence the GPA the same a, an '·F." A temporary mark of "RD" (report delayed) will be issued in special cases when approved by the clean of sdwnl of arts and sciences (undergradualt'. stmlenL,) and the cleans of the re.,pective schoob (graduate students). l11e grade point avernge of a student i., obtained liy divid­ ing the total number of units auemptecl at Binla University into the total number of grade points nbtainecl at Biola. ( This calculation doe.s not include c.ourm Irani/med from another institution and JlarlJ a11tw/or graduate /1ror:ra1m.) To graduate will1 a baccalaureate degree, a stuclent nm,1 have at least twice a, many grade points a., units in total credit value of all courses undertaken at Binla (2.00 GPA) and a 2.00 GPA in ll1e major field. Higher stanclanl, are required for graduate degree.,, a, stakcl elsewhere in this catal, t· REPEATED COURSES Astudent will be pennittecl tn rept' a WIIIJ;t' in which either a Dor an F gracle t~1.mecl. C:0111= in which gradt";< e;uned were eill1er Cor B, may be rept·..ited only with hnm ll1e ~slrar's office. Only co111= taken at Binla Unive1sity will lie tLo;ed to change course grades. In aclclition, the st11clen1 m1t,1 nOlify the Rt:gi,11ar'sOffice, II 1e senlt'Ster a m\llJ;t' i., rep,·.atecl. When a course is repeated when, a s1u,knt ha., received a D or F g1ade ll1e hrst time, the better g1acle i., die on~•,me 1tsecl i11 computing ll1e cumulative GPA, am! the units an, countecl only once. Both grades are shown on the stuclent 's pe1mane111 record. When a cow~ i.s repeated wl1ere a sllKlent l1a., received a C or B grade ll1e first time, bnll1 the first and the second grad~ figure into ll1e total cunmlative GPA rnmp11lalion and boll1 grades are shown on ll1e student 's pennanent ren ,nl. GRADE REPORTS Gracie reports will be i.ssuecl at ll1e encl of .-..irh tenn liy the ~,trar's Office. A.J.1y discrepancy between tl1i., reprn1 and the student's personal reconl nntsl be hmught to the attention nf ll1e R~i.,uar's Office before the encl of the followi11f; senlt'sler. GRADE CHANGES It is the student's responsihility In b1inf; any error 111 gra<lt'$ to ll1e attention of the i11st111rtnr within one semester following the i.,suecl grade. Gracie changes are only allnwal,le for computational or recording errors and must k cnnertecl no later than the clay of cla.,ses of ll1e next full tenn semester.

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