

FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT TI1e Family Education Rights ancl P1ivacy Act (FERPA) and provisions of tl1e California Eclucation Code set out require­ ments designed to govern tl1e acce1-s to, and relea,;e of, educa­ tional reconls, to ,.,; the 1ight of students to inspect and review their reconls, ancl to provicle guidelines for tl1e correc­ tion of inaccuralt'. or nii.,leacling clata 1]11ough infonnal and for­ mal heatings. Stuclents also have the 1igh1 to file complaints with the FERPA Oflice (U.S. Dept. of Education) concerning alleged faihu·,.,; by Biola to comply with provi.\ions ofFERPA. Binla Unive1si1y has acloprecl policies and procedures concerning implementation ofFERPA on campm. Copies of the policy are availahle in the Regislrar's Office. TRANSCRIPT REQUEST One 11.insctipl nfa sluclent 's record is lilmished free . I. For each aclclitinnal 11.inscripl alier tl1at, a $6 charge will be a.ssessecl for an offi cial copy ancl a $3 fee will be charged for an unofficial copy. Transc1ip1 orders of 9 or more are g1.in1ecl a reclucecl rate of $:i per ollicial or $2 per nnoflic:ial cnpy ($1 nff each r.npy). 111e student or alumm1~ may mp1est a 11.inscripl in person or by mail. Tt:lephone, ekc:lrnnic mail or FAX n,cp1ests will 11ot be accepted. Eveiy transcript request should include the name the student attended uncler, Binla slnclenl 1.D.#, date ofbirtl1, social secu­ rity nmnlw.r, sem,.,;ler of all enclance al Biola, any degrees earnecl al Biola, name ancl aclclre1-s where tl1e transcript is to be sent , the appropriate lee paid in or check, made payable lo Binla Unive1~iry, ancl the signature of tl1e student 2. For msh U.insctipt se1vice (nonnally 24-hour process­ ing) thne will he an aclclitional fee of $3 per transcript aclclecl In the total . A transcript cannot he released if the student owes mnney lo the University or if a payment is outstanding on any loans nbtainecl through the University. A 1ecp1est for a tra11sc:1ipt must bear the signature of tl1e incliviclnal whose pennanenl n,cnnl is involved. If the name i.s typecl nr p1intecl, rhe request will not be honored. This policy is in rnmplianc:e with the Family Educational Rights and P1ivac:y Ac:1 nf l!l74 (Buckley AnK'.ndment) . NAME CHANGES All name d1a11ge requests by maniage, divorce or court onler 111ml be accompaniecl hy a c:opy of the legal action which d1a11g,.,; the incliviclual's na1rn,, only if the name change occurs chuini-; enmllm.,nl. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All i-;rnups or inclivicluals who represent the Universiry musl manifest salisfac1n1y cooperation, spiritual life and sd1nla.stic allainment (the nve1.ill g1.icle pnint average mmt be 2.(X)), a11cl must be approved by the faculty .

CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS A student's classiticalion is clelt'.nninecl at the beginning of each semeslt'.r accorcling to the folkming plan: Undergraduate Freshman 2!i uni ls or less completed Sophomore 27-:i!i units complelt'.cl Junior :i7~7 units completecl Senior 88 units or 1nore completed Graduate (Talbol, SICS and SAS) Graduate I 28 units or kss complt'.lecl Graduate 2 29-f>4 units complt1ecl Graduate 3 (i:i units or more cnmplt'.lecl Graduate 4 Ma.stt,r ofTheolngy/ JCS lnlt'.rnship Graduate :i D0<:tor ofMinist1y Graduate G Doctor ofEclucation (Roumoad) Gradualt'.) 30 units or lt:ss complt'.led Graduate 2 (i0 units or le.-.., cnmplt'.led Graduate :I 90 units or kss complt'.led Graclualt'. 4 120 units or le1-s cnmplt'.led Gracluate :i I :1:1 uni ls nr le1-s cnmplelt'.d lntenuhip Graduate (i 1:14 units or more complt'.led Di.iJr.r1alio11 NUMBERING OF COURSES Course., numbeml I00 to 299 are )cr,yer division (p1imar­ ily for fre.shmt'.n and sophomore.,) . Comse., numberecl :100 to 499 are upper clivision (p1ima1ily forjunim~ and senirn~) . Courses numlw.recl :i00 and al)(Ne are g1.iduate levd. The com~e numbe1ing ~ystem is clesii-;n..,cl to indicalt'. lht'. rt:lative ar.1clemic: level ofc:rnu~t'.s in this mannn: I00-499 Und..,11,1.iduatt'., baccalamt'.alt'. levd cmust'.s :i00-7(XJ Graduate level , normally inclicalini-; tirsl through rhircl year lw.yond liacralaurt'.alt'..


Poslgracluale level, inclicarini-; fourth yt'.ar beyond ban:alaureale.

In, odcl-munberecl comses are given in the fall and even-numbered courses are offered in the spring . Courses encling in zero mually are oflerecl each semester or either senK'.ster. Not all com~s are ofkred eve1y year. TI1e units of creclit are indic:att'.cl hy the n111nher in paren­ after each course title. TI1e Unive1sity 1=1w.s the 1ii-;h1 In wilhchaw any m111ses fi,r which there i.s iI1sufficienl rq,<i.sU.ilion or lack of fuculty l't.,;(lltn:t:'S. SPECIAL NOTE Biola Unive1siry 1=1v,.,; the 1ight tn d1ange any arnl all sin­ dent chargt"S, modify ils St'.JVic:t:'S, or d1ange its nuiicuhun or pn ► grams of sntcly shoukl economic conclitio11s, rnnirnlar revi.si1ijJS, or national enK'.1gency make it nec:t"S.saiy or cbi1ahle to ell so.

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