DEGREES OFFERED School ofArts and Sciences
vice ollered In students; however each student i., responsible for choosing comses and fulfilling g1ad11a1ion n:quirement,. Students must plan freshman or sophomore programs which will pennit them to enter or take advanced comses in tiekl, they may want lo pmsut. TI1ey should be sure to hlt,>in or complete requirement, such as matl1ematic,, chemis11y or a for• eii;n language t".J..Jiy in their academic carttrs. Student, antic~ paling g1ad11ale or proti:.,sional stmly should exerci.,e special care in plannini; undergraduate program, and seek faculty cnmLseling in tl1e fidd of interest Advance examination of tl1e pnssiliilities of !,'laduate or pmlt"SSional stmly will be helpful to st1Klenls who have cbir educational and vocational o~jectives. Undecided Majors Students who are uncertain about their primaiy educa linnal or vocat ional goals may enroll a., undecided m~jors. However, they shnnld select tl1e department that most closely rdlecl their gene1al interests and consult that deparllnent' s ollice for academic a.o;.sistance . Dming their freshmai1 and sophomore years, such student, should explore their inter· t'.sls am! potential by enrolling in a set of courses recom• nlt'.11<led hy the department's advisor. Planning aMajor Program When s111den1s have selected a major lield, rl1ey should study all the re<)lliremenls which are specified in this catalog under their d1nsen dq;ree prng1am. They should make a lenlalive semester by semestn plan for completing the re<111iremenl incl11di11~ prere<111isites and ,liscuss this plan with an advi.,nr in the ma~,r. In addition lo CO\ll"St'.~ in the major department, related comses in other lields and supporting co111ses i11 ha.sic skills may also be m111ired. These should be included in tl1e ten· talive se1llt'.sler hy senlt'.sler plan. Some departments re<111ire an application to the depart· menl am! acceptance; and or placement tests p1ior lo admis sion lo da.,ses. The times am! places for the tests are deter· ntined by the department. Students should contact depart, nlt'.nls for lt'.slin~ times. Change of Major or Degree To change a 1mjor nr de~ree a student must: Undergraduate ■ 0li1ai11 the fonn from tl1e Regis11ar's 0tlice and ohrain the si~natnres from your cmTe11l and new m~jo1-s, or ■ If d1angin~ a dq,ree pmg1am in a1101her school, submit a lirll application. Graduate ■ ff d1an1-,>in~ a clq;1tt pn'!,'lam al the same ckgitt level within a sdu•-il, snlintit a letter lo tl1e 0llice ofAd111i.o;.sio11,, or ■ If d1an~in~ a degree program i11 another school, submit a hill application. Majnr rl1anf;eS are dlective the followin~ semt'.sler after th e rereivin~ and proressinf; nf the student request by the Re~isl1~11.'s 0llire. Astudent 111ay not avoid a re<)ltiremenl nf A,lrnissinn hya d1a11f;e in stains. Whenever a student cl1an~es major or de~ree , th ey follow the catalog for the academi c year in whirl1 they make the d1anf;e.
TI1e Bachelur of Arts degree. 0llered with m~jors in art, communication, English, histrny, lnuna.nities, liberal studit'.,, music, philosophy, social science and sociology. TI1e &chelur of Mu.sic degree. 0llered with empha.,is in composition, music education, and perfonnance. TI1e Bachewr of Sciena degree. Ottered with majors in art, biochemistry, biological science, bminess administration, com puter science, human biology, mathematical science, nmsing, physical education and spor1s sciences, and physical science. TI1e Master ofArlJ degree in Education. School of lntercultural Studies TI1e Backwr ofArts degree in the intt:rcuhnral sluelit'.,. TI1e Master ofArts degree in intercuhmal studies, applied linguistics and TESOL. TI1e Doctur of MiJJiolofa aml tl1e Doctur ofEducation degree. Talbot School of Theology The Bachelor of Arts degree in biblical studies and O1ri.,tian education. TI1e Master ofA rlJ degree with emphasis in Bible t'.Xpositinn, New Testament, Oki Testament, theology, phih;nphy of rd~ gion and etl1ics and biblical and studies-<live1sified. TI1e Master ofArlJ degree in Cl11is1ian education. TI1e Maller ofArts degree in Christian Minist1y and Lead• ership witl1 emphasis in pa.,toral care and counseling, spe cialized ministries, and women 's mini.,t1ies. 1l1e MllJler of Am dt1,>Tt:t: in nm1i.,11y with, in rnsto1al, C'Juistian education, rnmiage and family mini.,11ies, aml 111N<~11Lo;. Talbot aiso otle1s the Mailer ofI>i11inity degn,e, the MaJter ofTkolofa degree, the I>octur of MiniJtry degree and the Doctor ofEducation degree. Rosemead School of Psychology TI1e Backwr ofArts degree in P-'Ycholngy. TI1e Mailer ofArll, the Doctor ofAyclwWfa and the Doctor of PhiwJoplry degree in clinical )ll-ydinlogy. School of Continuing Studies TI1e Backwr ofSiiena degree in organizational leadership. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Choosing an Undergraduate Major Every student should choose a m~jor by the beginning of the sophomore/ junior year so that he or she may complele the m~jor requirement, in an orderly way. To help student,, tl1e University ha., available a 1111111llt'.r of useful resources: cuniculum charts on n~~)JS availalile fillln dlt'.'s 0llice; Unive1sity Lile comlncted the tiisl semeslt'.r ofentrance; a va1iety of cm111,ding and lt:sling services pmvi,bl by the Career Development center; bmd111res and manuals from schools and department offices descriliing tllt'.ir prr•,;1am,. TI1e task of selecting a major (and nfien a niin<ll" or other complimentaJy specializatinns) l>t'.comes one of crystallizin~ ideas on tl1e ba.,i., of t'.X)lt'.Jiences in specific rn111ses, disn1o;.sions with other students, staff and faculty. Faculty advi.,in~ is a se1s
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