A student must be in good standing in the· current m~jor/degree program kfore mp1esting a change. A stu• dent is not allowed to change progra.11L< while 011 probation in their current prog1,un. TI1ey nm,t clear their pn·senl aca demic stalll< before daanging to a new degree progrnm. Double Degree StudenL, seeking a second baccalaureate degree must complete a minimum of 30 distinct units in a second area of major studies. Aminimum of }(i() total units are rec1uired for graduation with a double degree. All prerequisites, support• ing courses and departmental requirements for each m~jnr mllst lie completed. TI1e student mtL<I confer with 1l1e depar~ menL, in which lie will major and wi1l1 the Regi.,11,u ' s Ollice. Double Major Astudent may be graduated with two ma~m;. 111" li>llr~v ing infonnation is for tl1ose pursuing two 111ajms: All prerec1uisites, supporting co111si,s and di,pal'1111i,11tal requirements for each major mtL<I he compldi,cl. The second m~jor mtL<I have ' minimum' of )8 upper divi sion units unique to that m~jor (i.e., minimum of 48 mar1r units and 148 total units required - set' individual major requirements). The studi,nt must confer with thi, di,part menl, in wl1id1 he will major and with thi, Rq;istrar's Ollici,. Minors Although Biola U11ive1si~• dOt'.s not nc<111ire thi, slucb11 lo have a minor for g1aduatio11, tl1ere are a 11111uber of i1L<la11ri,s in which a student may wi.,h lo taki, a minor, especially in plan ning for a career in teaching. By d1t'l:ki11g thi, v.uintl< 1kpa11- me11L, in the r.atalog, a studi,nt may ddenuini, if a minor i., offered. Aminor mually rt'lttaires a 'mininnun' of 18 units, 12 of which should be upper divi.,inn and six of thi,se should J,., unique to the minor, i.e ., not counlt'.d toward any oal1i,r requirements. A minimum of six uppi,r division units mmt },e taken in residency. 1l1i, studi,nl should rnnkrwith 1)1i, 1kpa11- ments in which he will minor and with tilt' Ri,gistra,'s Oflici,. Writing Competency Requirement Before graduation from Biola, t'Vt'IY studi,nl must hallill the W1iting Compdi,ncy Ri,c1uim1lt'nl with a passini-; scn1t TI1i., requirement tests a stmknt 's ahility to writi, ckar and correct English prnsi,. This ri,c111iri,mi,11t will not I,., i-;iwn separately from the standard curriculum. lnsti,acl, i,ad1 department ha., d.-.,igni,d iL, requirements to suit the panin~ Jar demancl, of its own discipline. Studi,nts with mnri, than one major mmt folfill thi, rec111imni,11t in each m~jor. TI1e W1iting C.ompetency Rt'l1uire11lt'.11t should he md dur ing tl1e junior yea.1·. Strnlents with junior slalm should enroll in al least one of tl1e W1iti11g 01mpetency courses oflered hy their department. Most departments identify their Writing Comp,,. tency cou1ses in the Schi,dule of Cla.s.w.s. Several depa111nenls offer more tl1a11 one W1ili11g Competency cnu,se. If a slmlenl enrolls i.a1 more than one Writing C.oi111lt'.le11cy rnu1se, that stu dent may choose lhe course in which he or slit' will allempl lo fulfill the W1iti11g C.ompetency Requirement. Some depal'1111ents rec111ire a sluclenl lo sulnnil a ponfi~ lio of the student's w1itte11 work from several up1>er-<livi.,io11
courses. Students should find out from their department aboul its rec111irements. Students who do not pass the Writing Competency Re1111iremenl on their first attempt mll<I re-attempt to pa.o;s it du1ing a subsequent sem.-.,ter. After their second failure , students mtL<I take English 210, W1iting for Competency. A gr.icle of Ct or higher in this cnmi;e will satisfy the Writing Competency Requirement. Stuclents may not enroll in Eng lish 2IO unle.,s they have failed their department's require ments twice. Delaying the fulfillment of tl1e W1iting Compe tency Rec111iremen1 may_jeopanlize the student's graduation. A 1101a1in11 will be macle on the student's transcript once the Writing C,1mpete11ry Requirement ha., been pa.o;sed. h is strnnp;ly recommended that students plan to fulfill the Writing Cnmpelency Recp1irenlt'nl hy the time they tum in their Senior Petition. Students will fine! it helpful lo take their papers to the Biola University Writing Center in Sutherland Hall 213 before submitting them to 1l1eir departments. GRADUATION PETITION Graduating seniors musl file a "Senior Petition" fom1 with the Registrar 's Oflice and suhmit any departmental checklists m1e }'"ar prior tn graduation. S1udents filing late will ),e charged a !ale i-;1.iduation petition fee . A late petition is ddined as any g1.idua1in11 peritinn received after classes hei-;in in the stuclent's g1.iduati11g semester. REQUIREMENTS FOR All BACCALAUREATE DEGREES 1. All baccalaureate degrees require a minimum ofl30 degree applicable units for i;rnduation. Each major consists of a minimum of ,l() units nf which 24 must lie upper divi sion. The Bad1dnr of Music degree recp1ires 142 units. A degree in hinlogical science requires 1:l:i units ancl mming recp1ires 141 units. For specific major requirements plea.,e see indicalecl major Ii.slings. 2. Cnmplerinn of all academic requirements and approval nf the student 's g1.idua1ion petition by tl1e major advisor ancl the Rei-;i.,'s Office a year before graduation. To ensure rn111pletio11 of degree rec1uirements, the normal academic loacl, durini-; th" la.,1 year, for a student anlicipal· ing i-;1adua1io11 is 18 units. Those stuclenls who wish to take more are expected In notify their graduation counselor. Approval for the addi1io11al units beyond the norm will be made through tl1e's nHice. 1 A minimum of :lO units must be taken at Biola Uni ve11;ity, at l:i units (upper divi.,ion level) in the major fidd . Extension credit or credit hy examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residence rec1uirement of 30 semester units. See pa1ag1.iph for infonnation on minors. 4. A minimum "'C"' average (or a 2.00 grade point aver• ai-;e) i.~ ri,cp1iml on work taken al Biola Unive11;ity and within 111os1 of the 111ajor fields . (Nole: GPA rec1uirements are higl1er in some majo11; . See d.,pal'lnlt'nlal requirements.) !'i All correspondence cmui;e work m1t,1 be completed ancl an otlicial transrripl receiwd by tl1e Registrar's Otlice hdi,re the senior year, two se111este1s prior to gradual ion.
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