

Double Emphases Amiuimum of 12 uniLs nmsl be taken thal are unique to the secoud emphasi.s. (i.e., Tallx1t a minimum of78 units for two in the M.A. and a minimum of 110 units for two iu tht: M.Div. dt:gn:.::). All prt:rec1ui.si1es, sup­ porting coum:s, aud departmental requirt:menls for both of the emphases nm,t be completed prior lo the single com­ ntenc:emt:nt llte studt:nl m1Lsl receive the approval of both the clepartmenls and approval of tht: Registrar's Office. Second Master's Degree Students seeking a second master's degree must com­ plete a minimum of 24 dist.incl units in a second area of major study, taken al Biola Unive1,ity (i .e., Talbot: a mini­ mum of()() units for two M.A.s , and a min imum of 122 units for an M.Div. and an M.A. are recp1in:d for graduation with a second maslt:r's degree) . All prerec1uisiles, supporting courses and deparlmenlal recp1iremenls for each degree must be c:nmpleted p1ior lo graclualinn. The student must receive approval from lx,lh the academic: departments and die Rq;i.,11ar's Ollic:e. The student may c:hoost: lo graduate with both degrees al one commencement or clitlerenl com­ ntencemenls. A student may pelilion tire Regi.slrar and the sc:lrnol fac:ulty lo sunender the tir,I c:enilicalt: or master's de!;ree In avoid the required t:Xl1a 24 unils. GRADUATION HONORS - GRADUATE PROGRAMS Honor, al gradual.inn for master's program recipients are liased on overall performance, Clrristian values, and a minim11111 24-unil resiclenc:y. Hono1, are not au1omalically grantee!. They are g1anled liy the faculty and may be wi1h­ hdd or modified. The unive"ity honcm have been ddined 1,y the Academic: S1andarcls C,.1mnullee a.,: Honn" GPA 3.5(}.3.!i9 High Honn" GPA 3.7!}-3.89 Hi!;hesl Honor, GPA 3.9<}.4.00 H1morJ recogriiud in ti~ graduation ceremlllly may be chan~d haJed 011 the /1rocmi11g of fi11al gradeJ. Graduate students slunrlcl c:hec:k their program sec:linn in the catalog for honors qualitic:alion ancl honor society recoi.;nition. COMMENCEMENT All degree recp1iremen1., mml lie co111ple1ecl before the s111clenl may partic:ipale in c:ommencemenl c:en:monies . Thoje Jtud,mtJ wmj1leti11f! all t/v,ir couner,im-k durinf! interterm or mmmer JllJjia,i must coruact their graduation cou.melor to be cleared for ,:mduation. In suc:h nn 111i1.inn is c:l1aq;ecl. h is expec:led 1l1al all grach1aling students will be present al c:nn111renc:e111enl ceremonies exc:epl iu cases of extreme emergeuc:y or other similarly clitlic:uh cin:umslam:es. Pennis­ sinu lo g1achralt'. in ahsenlia 1111Lst he secured from lht: Regi.s­ uar' s Offret: wdl in SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY ENROLLMENT FALL SEMESTER 1996

6. All course work chuing the final semester which will be applied toward graduation requirtmtnLs must ht taktn al Riola University. 7. All studenls who have entered the Univnsity in Litt fall 1986 or later and who will be graduating in I.he spring 1990 or later must pass tht W1iting Competency Exam. special Note: All waduation requirements may be met within four school years l,y carrying approximale~ 16 or 17 units eadi :.en/Li­ ter. A student may still be graduated within four years if he wislies to talce a lighur load and enroll in Su11mier SesJion and/or lnterterm. GRADUATION HONOOS - UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Honors at graduation for baccalaureate recipitnls are ba.'led on overall perlorrnanct, Christian values, and a mini­ mum f>O-unit residtncy. Honors are not automalic:ally granted. Titey are granted by Lite faculty aml may he with­ held or modified. The university honors have been cldinecl by Lite Academic Standanl, Conun.illee a.,: Cum Laude GPA :l.:x}.:l!i!I Magna Cum Laude GPA :1 .70-:1.8() Summa Cum Lamie GPA Honon recognized in the graduation me1111my may be changr.d based on the processing offinal grades. Graduate and BOLD slu­ denls should check witlt their program sect.ion in lite catalog for honors qualilicalion. HONOR SOCIETY A select group of graduating seniors are chosen hy the faculty each year lo memher,l1ip in E11silon Kappa Epsilon, Lite baccalaureate honor society of Biola Unive"ity. Eligibil­ ity is based on invitation from the deans' ollic:e. S1uclen1s receiving an invitation nmsl complete the application fomt and return it to the Dean of Aris and Sciences. Final sder­ tion is ba.sed upon scholastic: perfonnam:e, Chrisliau wi111ess and contributions to Lire Biola community. Memhe"hip is limited to no more Llran 5% of llrt gr.ulualing class. To be eligible for membership, a student m1Lsl have a c:u11mla1ive GPA of 3.f> or higher and must havt c:omplelecl 80 credit units at Biola prior to the stmesler of gradua1.io11. BOLD silt­ dents should check Llreir prugram for a Ji.,1i11i; of hono1, . GRADUATE PROGRAMS Requirements for All Graduate Degrees See individual degree programs for specific n:cp1iremenls for graduation. I. Completion of all acaclt:mic: recp1iremenls and approval of Lire student's graclualion pe1i1ion hy tht major advi.sor and the Rtgi.strar's Ollice a year before graclnalinu. 2. All course work dmiug the final sem.-_sler which will be applied toward graduation requirements musl he taken al Riola University. 3. Amiuimum of IWtnty-four (24) units mml he 1ake11 al Biola Unive1,ity in the degree pmi;1am. 4. A minimum of twenty-four (24) cli.,1.incl units 1111Lsl l,e complelecl al Biola in any aclcli1io11al graclualt: clei;n:e al the same level. Thi., applies lo Ll1e sec:oucl (or aclcli1innal) dt:!;rtt_, and double degrees taken al Biola for all graduate prn!;ram,.


Undergraduate Programs (1ajjijicatio11


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