172 180 212 :I 112 :l(j 897 Men 14 2fi 439 (i4 80 (i2:I
4(i:I 4:10 522 4 20() 5(j 218:1
291 2:>0 ,110 I
Sopho100res Juniors Seniors Special Students Adult Degree Program English Language Institute Total,
Fu/I-Time Undergraduate Students Sa1isfac1my academic progress toward a baccalaureate degree a., a full-time undergraduate student is obtained by comple1i11g 12 or more units per semester or 24 or more 1111i1s [l<'.r academic year while maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Repealed courses previously passed cannot be counted toward minimum satisfactory academic progress rec1uirements. The student must complete the degree recp1ireme11ts wirJ1in the petiod of time required when pro gres.,ing at the minimum full-time rate. For example, in a program recpriting 1:10 units progre.s.,ing at 12 units, a stu dent would have I I semestet, lo complete the program. Full-Time Graduate Students Sa1isfac1111y .JL:acit't1uc pn'l);res., tnw·.ml a graduate degree as a full-time g1.idua1e student is nhrained by completing eight or IIN)l't'. unils per St'.lllt'Ster or ](i or more unit, per arndemic year while mai.t11ai11i11g cl1e nii11im111n n111111lative GPA specified by rite pm,; reljuirements in which rhe srudent is enrolled. Repeated comsi,,; pn,vi,m,ly pa.s.secl cannot be counted toward 11u11it1111111 satisfac1n1y acadernic prog1-ess m1ui1-emen1s. The stu dent mmt complete the degree t't'.<pri.t·emenls within die petiod of lime rec1uired when progres.,ing at the minimum full-time tale. For example, in a pn)!,'l.1111 mp1i1ing 9(i units progressing al eif;hl uuils, a student would have 12 St'.nlt'Stet, to complete cl1e pn ~.;1;u11. sl11clen1., a1-e considet't'.<l lirll time for a maxi n111111 of two yeais in rlw dis.se11ation of rl1eir program. Part-Time Students Sa1isfac101y academic pmgress toward a degree for a parl-time student is ohtained Ly completing six or more units fl<'.r semester and maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 li>r rite undergrnduare, and fom or more units per semes ter and maintain cl1e mi11in111111 program reljuirement for the g1.iduate s1mle111. Repeated cnm,es previomly passed can not he counted toward minimum salisfactory academic progress recp1ireme11ts. The sludenl must complete the dq;ree re<p1iremenls wirhin a maximum of three years Leyoncl 1ha1 recprired for a lirll-time student Exceptions Exceptions 111 lhese slandanls are discussed under any
88 20 12H(i
Graduate Programs Clauifirotion
Total 54 75
Women 40 49 1:17 711 94 :l9()
School ofArts & Sdences Special (Credential) Talbot SICS Rosemead Total,
57!i* 143 174
Grand Total
•not including 69 in Dortor ofMiniJl1) fnowam. SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY GRADUATING CLASS
1995-96 ACADEMIC YEAR Undergraduate Programs Bachelor of Arts Degree
281 I7:>
Bachelor of Science Degree Bachelor of Mmic Degree
Graduate Programs Talbot School of Theology Ma.,ter ofAns
58 41
Ma.,ter of Divinity Ma.,rer ofTheolo!,'Y Doctor of Mi11is11y Doctor of Education
School of Arts and Sciences
Ma.,ter ofAris in Educarion
School ol lnlercullural Studies
Ma.,rer ofAns in ! S1111lies Ma.,ter ofAl'ls in Tead1i11g English In Speakers of Or her Lmguai;es
Doctor of Education Doctor of Missiolo!,'Y
2 2
Rosemead School of Psychology Ma.,ter ofAns
28 I4
applicable clef;ree pm:.;1.1111. ACADEMIC PROBATION
Doctor ofP~ycholoh'Y Doctor of Philosophy
, Total
Any slndenl failing lo mainlain the minimum grade poinl average as ou1li11ed in the Stalemenl of Satisfactory Academic Progress will he placed on academic probation. Should the student not meel tl1e minimum cumulative GPA at the end of two consecurive St'.mesters of arnclemic proba tion , the apprnptiate faculty co111111illee will consider cl1e slu dent fi,r aca,lemic discp1alifo:ali11n. Any undergraduate stu denl 1aki111, six senwsler l1011rs or more who receives less rhau a 1.0 rn1Te111 GPA will he cnnsiclered for academic dis '111alilica1iu11. G1.id11ale s111denls canying six semester hours or 11111n, whn receive a 2.0 n11Te111 GPA or less will Le consid ered li,r academic dis,p1alifica1io11 .
Gt.incl Total
GRADUATION RATE DISCLOSURE Of the foll-tinw, degree-seeking, !it,1-rime fre.,!1111en who entered Biola U11ive1,ity in Fall I()90, 59.(i '½, g1.11!11akd or contin ued cl1eir enmllmenl the I!1%-% academic TI1is enn,ll menl pet,islence and g1;1d11ation 1;11e is 1Lsed tu <'>' limale rite number of g1.iduali,,; from lite inrnniin:.; fresl1111en rla.s., who may complele lhei.t· degr=. Some of our und<cq.;1ad11a1e major progra.m,, which conlain our lat).;t"-<I s111den1 enrollnwnls, are longer p1ng1am, 1ha11my take live or 11111re )'<'lU, lo rn111ple1e.
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