ACADEMIC & BEHA Vl □ RAL :§ lruulcvul~,
APPEALS Appeal, must be submiuecl in w1iting to the Registrar's Office and must include explanation ofwhy minimum acade mic requirement, were not met and why an exception is war ranted. Appeal, must be received within thret: week., of noti fication that tht: studt:nt is on acadt:mic probation or has failed to meet academic probationa1y requirt:ments. Appeals which cannot be resolvt:d with tht: Rt:gistrar's Oflict: will bt: rt:ferred to tht: Acadt:mic Standards Commillt:t: or tht: appropriate gra<luatt: faculty commillt:t:. FINANCIAL AID Failure to complete the rt:<tuirt:d units or maintain a GPA as outlined in the Statt:ment of Satisfacto1y Academic Progrt:ss will result in financial aid probationa1y stallL,. For additional information on Satisfacto1y Acadt:mic Progres., Policy see Financial Information Section. FINANCIAL AID APPEALS Appeals must bt: submi11ed in writing tn 1!1e Financial Aid Offict: and must include t:xplanalinn of why minimum aid requirt:ment, wt:re not met and why an exci,ption i., war ranted. Appeab must bt: reci,ived within thrt:t: week., of noti fication that tl1t: studt:nt is on financial aid pmliation nr has failt:d to mt:t:t lina.ncial aid probationa1y recp1irements. ATHLETICS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Studt:nt, not making sati.,factniy progrt:ss will llt'. rnnsicl ered ineligiblt: for athletic competition and extrarnnicular activities. The student on academic probation may be allowed to compete or participate upon rt:View by the Acade mic Standards Committee. Extrncunicular activitit"s include: student government, fort:nsic team,, gospel teams, band, chorale, intercollegiate atl1letic, and other farnlty sponsored organizations. For appeal prrn:edures, see the apjlt'al pnx:e dure outlined under appeals section above. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY A, a Christian institution, Biola Univt:rsity is especially conct:med tl1at sound mar.ii values are practiced in all area., of university lift:. Hont'sty in academic work is t'ssi,ntial for personal growtl1 and an ethical lilt'. plea.,ing to God . Acadt:mic disl10nt'.,ty is considt:red a se1inus olfrnse, arnl will be handled by individual faculty in v.11iom ways indml ing lowert:d gradt:S or pos.,ible loss of course credil. The fac ulty mt:mber will work with the Dt'.an for Student Allain; to consider furtl1t:r disciplinaiy action, including di.,mis.sal. A full statemt:nl concerning academic di.,hont'.,ty can lie found in tl1e Undergraduate Student HandlM'lok. COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS 1l1e Univt:rsity has chosen to set a standard of lid1avior for all studt:nt,, faculty and staff In addition to tl1ose liel1av iors and attitude., which the Scriptures specifically praise or condt:mn, tl1t: Boai·cl of Trnstees has adopted the li11lowing statemt:nt of community agreements wl1irl1 are a recp1ire n1t:nl for membt:rship in the Biota conmmnity. Biola University haJ lonl TUOJ;11iud a valw: in mai11taininl cmain behavioral JtandardJ that ro11tri/,utr, lo till! at11wJfdum on
camfiw, JoJter JelloWJhip with a wide ranl(ll of Chri.stiani and, in many initanr~, aJsiJt in Jlrtmgli11!11inl our Oiri.stian 1'-Jlimony to our community. In thiJ light, Bio/a UniverJity aJks bolh its students and empluyui to be suppartive ofth= behavioral JlandardJ. 17ti.l imtitulion ii Jor mrnest 01ri.ltiaru wlw m? li/7!.litive to till! many fnina~ if 01ri.ltia11 liui11g that are Jrund in tl1t Bwle. 171t irutituti011 al:,o ita~ cmain ipr,cijic guideli= Jor t/11! c,mduci of tl1t Board of T TU.1/m, JaruJJy, itaffa11d lludenl.!. A/JJ~1 iud1 rer:uJations are nol tl1t ixl.1il of our ita1uli111; in C/, and are nol a TIW!lMll) ransequma of it, t/111'/ ran be ktvfaial to till! lifa and lellimorry if bolh ti1t individual and ti~ irlllituJion. To tlti.l end, Bida ,xp,.ru ti1t Bomrl of T TUJirel, Jarulty, llaffand itude111l to rrfmin from till! ILlt ofalrolulir lfcuerllf,'!S and tobaao mul from 1;amUin1;. Ai.lo, Bio/a da!S rut alla,, iaial dnnrinl at univer iit-j-relaJl'll or iponwrl'd artiuitiei (tiiat ii, at arry a;tivity tliat in~ any ide11tijiabk univmity ~oup, ii publiciud 011 camfnJJ, and/or has tl1t app,nrana of bei111; univmity relaJui, whether !1tltl on or off campw). Fw1l1tr, till! &arr/ of T 11L\UJ/':l, facuhy, llaff and lludent:. are txpected to exerriie diicm11111!1U so ai to abllain from all activitiLs that tend lo be morally d,,~rulint· tiiii inrludr.. Ina ii na limili!d to i11dividunl deruioru rq;11rru111; 11IOlli&. mu/ tdeuiiio,, prrwami vie,,.-d mu/ otl1tr t11Jerlainmenl, 11mali1mal mu/ lOlial 1Utiuitiei. Bio/a llnivmity tire, mi preiwll! to l,e a cr.mo1i111; llf,rmcy for all arliviJu,:,; it IWl'l, ha,wer, e:..tJea tangille evidena if 1111J1wi11l Uui.ititm amvirliom a,ul diiremi11lJukn1imt. Biol.a r'-JtmJt:J till! ri1<ht to diJ11UJJ a Jludent, who, in itJ judg- 1111mt doeJ 1101 co11for111 either to till! Jtated re~ationJ 1;1mm1inl stu d,mt conrlud or to the exf1rwed fni11nj1!eJ , f1oliaei , firo~amJ and "-1•ertationi of till! UniverJity. T!ll!Je Jland,mli afiply to the Jludent whi/R. enrolkd in any of ti1t Jc/wol.i or f1roJ;1·amJ of the Univenity 011 cam/111.J and off campw. Fwtill!T, th= JlandardJ af11ly to the Board of Trwlll.l , faculty and JlafJ while part of till! Bio/a community. In addition, 111t11iberJ of the Bio/a community will obJerVe Sun day aJ ti1t Lord's Day and give primary atle11ticm to worship, mt, ChriJtian JellowJhip and recreation, and :.mna. 1l1e U11dl'.q.;1~d11a1t: Stucknt Hanclbook ancl tht: Srudt:nl Hanclln,k., of t".. u:h school of rh i, Un i1't'.1si ty d~:1i!Jt:S tht: m.~jor a.~s11n1ptions, liililical p1inciples ancl );l'.nt'.1~1 p1inciples upon which tl1i, Cmuuunity Agrt'.t'.nlt'nts art'. hased. Out of tltt:St: al'O conll'. s1K:l1 day to day i.s.,ut'); as apprnpriatt: dress for tltt: cla,s num In a1llitin11 to 1bnibing activiti.-s, servic.-s and tl1t: Un~ ve1si~••s spiritual lilt'. gnals, the hancllxx,k., are alo;,'l a 1=11rct: for mnu111mity artiviti.-s and se1vi<:.-s. G,pi.-s of tl1e Umkrgracluatt: Stmknt Hanclk,ok are availahk on l't:<Jllt'SI limn the OHict: of rl1e Dean of Student Affairs. G1~cl11ate students may obtain mpi.-s of tl1eir hamlbook.~ linm tl1eir n-spn:tive gradualt: school~.
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