
ACADEMIC & BEHA Vl □ RAL :§ lruulcvul~,

APPEALS Appeal, must be submiuecl in w1iting to the Registrar's Office and must include explanation ofwhy minimum acade­ mic requirement, were not met and why an exception is war­ ranted. Appeal, must be received within thret: week., of noti­ fication that tht: studt:nt is on acadt:mic probation or has failed to meet academic probationa1y requirt:ments. Appeals which cannot be resolvt:d with tht: Rt:gistrar's Oflict: will bt: rt:ferred to tht: Acadt:mic Standards Commillt:t: or tht: appropriate gra<luatt: faculty commillt:t:. FINANCIAL AID Failure to complete the rt:<tuirt:d units or maintain a GPA as outlined in the Statt:ment of Satisfacto1y Academic Progrt:ss will result in financial aid probationa1y stallL,. For additional information on Satisfacto1y Acadt:mic Progres., Policy see Financial Information Section. FINANCIAL AID APPEALS Appeals must bt: submi11ed in writing tn 1!1e Financial Aid Offict: and must include t:xplanalinn of why minimum aid requirt:ment, wt:re not met and why an exci,ption i., war­ ranted. Appeab must bt: reci,ived within thrt:t: week., of noti­ fication that tl1t: studt:nt is on financial aid pmliation nr has failt:d to mt:t:t lina.ncial aid probationa1y recp1irements. ATHLETICS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Studt:nt, not making sati.,factniy progrt:ss will llt'. rnnsicl­ ered ineligiblt: for athletic competition and extrarnnicular activities. The student on academic probation may be allowed to compete or participate upon rt:View by the Acade­ mic Standards Committee. Extrncunicular activitit"s include: student government, fort:nsic team,, gospel teams, band, chorale, intercollegiate atl1letic, and other farnlty sponsored organizations. For appeal prrn:edures, see the apjlt'al pnx:e­ dure outlined under appeals section above. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY A, a Christian institution, Biola Univt:rsity is especially conct:med tl1at sound mar.ii values are practiced in all area., of university lift:. Hont'sty in academic work is t'ssi,ntial for personal growtl1 and an ethical lilt'. plea.,ing to God . Acadt:mic disl10nt'.,ty is considt:red a se1inus olfrnse, arnl will be handled by individual faculty in v.11iom ways indml­ ing lowert:d gradt:S or pos.,ible loss of course credil. The fac­ ulty mt:mber will work with the Dt'.an for Student Allain; to consider furtl1t:r disciplinaiy action, including di.,mis.sal. A full statemt:nl concerning academic di.,hont'.,ty can lie found in tl1e Undergraduate Student HandlM'lok. COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS 1l1e Univt:rsity has chosen to set a standard of lid1avior for all studt:nt,, faculty and staff In addition to tl1ose liel1av­ iors and attitude., which the Scriptures specifically praise or condt:mn, tl1t: Boai·cl of Trnstees has adopted the li11lowing statemt:nt of community agreements wl1irl1 are a recp1ire­ n1t:nl for membt:rship in the Biota conmmnity. Biola University haJ lonl TUOJ;11iud a valw: in mai11taininl cmain behavioral JtandardJ that ro11tri/,utr, lo till! at11wJfdum on

camfiw, JoJter JelloWJhip with a wide ranl(ll of Chri.stiani and, in many initanr~, aJsiJt in Jlrtmgli11!11inl our Oiri.stian 1'-Jlimony to our community. In thiJ light, Bio/a UniverJity aJks bolh its students and empluyui to be suppartive ofth= behavioral JlandardJ. 17ti.l imtitulion ii Jor mrnest 01ri.ltiaru wlw m? li/7!.litive to till! many fnina~ if 01ri.ltia11 liui11g that are Jrund in tl1t Bwle. 171t irutituti011 al:,o ita~ cmain ipr,cijic guideli= Jor t/11! c,mduci of tl1t Board of T TU.1/m, JaruJJy, itaffa11d lludenl.!. A/JJ~1 iud1 rer:uJations are nol tl1t ixl.1il of our ita1uli111; in C/, and are nol a TIW!lMll) ransequma of it, t/111'/ ran be ktvfaial to till! lifa and lellimorry if bolh ti1t individual and ti~ irlllituJion. To tlti.l end, Bida ,xp,.ru ti1t Bomrl of T TUJirel, Jarulty, llaffand itude111l to rrfmin from till! ILlt ofalrolulir lfcuerllf,'!S and tobaao mul from 1;amUin1;. Ai.lo, Bio/a da!S rut alla,, iaial dnnrinl at univer­ iit-j-relaJl'll or iponwrl'd artiuitiei (tiiat ii, at arry a;tivity tliat in~ any ide11tijiabk univmity ~oup, ii publiciud 011 camfnJJ, and/or has tl1t app,nrana of bei111; univmity relaJui, whether !1tltl on or off campw). Fw1l1tr, till! &arr/ of T 11L\UJ/':l, facuhy, llaff and lludent:. are txpected to exerriie diicm11111!1U so ai to abllain from all activitiLs that tend lo be morally d,,~rulint· tiiii inrludr.. Ina ii na limili!d to i11dividunl deruioru rq;11rru111; 11IOlli&. mu/ tdeuiiio,, prrwami vie,,.-d mu/ otl1tr t11Jerlainmenl, 11mali1mal mu/ lOlial 1Utiuitiei. Bio/a llnivmity tire, mi preiwll! to l,e a cr.mo1i111; llf,rmcy for all arliviJu,:,; it IWl'l, ha,wer, e:..tJea tangille evidena if 1111J1wi11l Uui.ititm amvirliom a,ul diiremi11lJukn1imt. Biol.a r'-JtmJt:J till! ri1<ht to diJ11UJJ a Jludent, who, in itJ judg- 1111mt doeJ 1101 co11for111 either to till! Jtated re~ationJ 1;1mm1inl stu­ d,mt conrlud or to the exf1rwed fni11nj1!eJ , f1oliaei , firo~amJ and "-1•ertationi of till! UniverJity. T!ll!Je Jland,mli afiply to the Jludent whi/R. enrolkd in any of ti1t Jc/wol.i or f1roJ;1·amJ of the Univenity 011 cam/111.J and off campw. Fwtill!T, th= JlandardJ af11ly to the Board of Trwlll.l , faculty and JlafJ while part of till! Bio/a community. In addition, 111t11iberJ of the Bio/a community will obJerVe Sun­ day aJ ti1t Lord's Day and give primary atle11ticm to worship, mt, ChriJtian JellowJhip and recreation, and :.mna. 1l1e U11dl'.q.;1~d11a1t: Stucknt Hanclbook ancl tht: Srudt:nl Hanclln,k., of t".. u:h school of rh i, Un i1't'.1si ty d~:1i!Jt:S tht: m.~jor a.~s11n1ptions, liililical p1inciples ancl );l'.nt'.1~1 p1inciples upon which tl1i, Cmuuunity Agrt'.t'.nlt'nts art'. hased. Out of tltt:St: al'O conll'. s1K:l1 day to day i.s.,ut'); as apprnpriatt: dress for tltt: cla,s­ num In a1llitin11 to 1bnibing activiti.-s, servic.-s and tl1t: Un~ ve1si~••s spiritual lilt'. gnals, the hancllxx,k., are alo;,'l a 1=11rct: for mnu111mity artiviti.-s and se1vi<:.-s. G,pi.-s of tl1e Umkrgracluatt: Stmknt Hanclk,ok are availahk on l't:<Jllt'SI limn the OHict: of rl1e Dean of Student Affairs. G1~cl11ate students may obtain mpi.-s of tl1eir hamlbook.~ linm tl1eir n-spn:tive gradualt: school~.


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