4il•l•iHi• SER VI c ES Riola recognizt-s that education clot".., not take place exch1- sively in tl1e cla.._,,D<nn; rJtlier, the inclividual student is viewed as a ''whole pe1son ." We are com111ittecl to cnn11ib111ing to s111- dent development in tl1e social, pe1sonal, pl1ysical ancl spi,'i tual areas of life, a., well a., tl1at of the intellect. Toward that end, a numbtr of department, ancl progmm, are devoted to student development. The Student Alfai,s Divi.,ion is rt-spon sible for program., and activitit".. S both in the r<"..,iclence halls and tl1roughout the c:amp1L, community. Also, it i., resp<llL'~ hie for such area., a., career planning, di.,cipline, Chaplain's Office and Student Mini.suit.,, advi.,ement to student Oitaniza tions, new student 01ientation, leamini; skills development , student, with disabilitie.,, ethnic and international student relations ancl campm safety. The Auxilia,y &,vices Depart ment i., responsible for the L1Lsiness management of Ihe rt'S~ dence facilitit"..,, frK>d se1vices, health se1viet·..,, the hookslore , the duplicating center, and the sc:l1ednlini; nf facilities ti,r Riola's vaiio1L, non-academic pmgmm,. RESIDENCE LIFE 1l1e rt-sidence halls are nK>re tl1an a place ti,r slndenls lo sleep ai1<l stucly. We al,o see the l1all, a., a place for a person In develop in all arr..1., ofli!e. Fnr 1l1i., w..1.-;cm pmg,am, all(] staff ai-e av.iilable to pmvide an envirnm1it,nl !i>r such i;rowtl1 . We see tl1e resiclence l1alls a., an exciting, d1allen).;in!,; place lo live. Resident Di1-ecto1s ancl Resiclenl A._,islants are a,,.iibble in .-.ad1 hall to se1ve a., a rt•.. -;c1111re ti1r stuclenls. THE RESIDENCE HALLS Most room., acconunodate two students and are ecp1ipped with individual stucly desk.,, sin).;le heel,, incliviclual closets and a che..,t of drawers. Each residence hall has la11ncl1y r1101ns equipped with metered wa.,hing mac:l1i11t'S ancl chye11,. Students are expected to supply their <AVn linens (sheets, pillowcases, towels , hlankets, pillows ancl llt'.dspreads) and electric irons. No cmkini; ecp1ipmenl is allowed in the resi
RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS All unmanied freshmen, sophomores and juniors under 21 yea11, nf age ancl not livini, wi1h their parent, ai·e expected to live in the residence hall, if they are enrolled for 10 units or more. &nin11, ancl posti,rJcluate student, may live in resi dence halls or apartments on a space-available basis . Rec111esls for t'.Xceptions are to Le directed in writing to tl1e Resiclence Exception Committee care of Auxilia,y Services. All stucleuls living in undergraduate residence halls are required to participate in the food se1vice prob,ram All university unclergracluate residence halls will be closecl over the CJ11ist111a., holiday. International studenL, or oilier students with extreme cin:mmtauce., requiring tl1em to remain in residence clurini, this period may obtain sign-up infonnalion al the S111clenl Se,vices Builcling front cbk after Thank.,giving. HOUSING RESERVATION All acceplecl applicant., who indicate 1hat tl1ey want how;,. ing will Le senl a l1ousing infonnation c:anl Ly the Oflice of A,hni.,sions along with their notice of acceptance. Thi., card nnLst I"' !illecl nul ancl retumecl lo 1]1e O!lice of Aclmi.,sions with a $100 ]1<11Lsini; cJ.,posil ancl 1he recp1irecl $100 enroll ment deposit. No mom can Le reservecl without these dt'.posits. Applicants who have paid the $1 (X) mom 1tse1VJtion ckposit ancl are unable to Jivt'. in lht'. residence hall, may recp1est a 1tfmul of tl1Ls dt'.1x~it if the Hou,ini, Manager ha., been notified in writing. 1l1e Housing Manager nm,t 1tceive this notification p1ior to July 15 for 111" fall semt'Ster or p1ior to December l.1 lor the sp1ing senit,Sler. Failu1t to notify the Ho1Lsu1g Manager by tl1" clt'Sih'llated clatt'S will 1tsult iii forfeit mt of the deposiL The $l00 will he kepi on clepnsit hy the University to hold a space in on-<:amp1L, lunLsing until such a time a., the student withclraws, g1;ic]uates or 1tcp1ests a rdi111cl ,Ls cit.scribed above. CONTINUING STUDENTS: PROCEDURE FDR RESERVING CAMPUS HOUSING Continuing on-<:amp1Ls stuclent., desiring to reserve on can 1p1L, l1<msing for the fall musl sign up for the room of 1lwir choice acc:onling lo the rese1va1ion schedule in tl1e spring. Cnnunutn sluclenls clesi,ing 10 live on cainpus need lo ron lacl the Hnmin!,; Manager. COMMUTER STUDENTS Students who live off campus are an important part of 0111· u11ive11,ity community. Becalm: it may take more effort for rnmmuter s1uclen1., to fi,d a pan of a university commu nity, c:omnmler stuclenls are stmngly encnuragecl to interact with those students living in residence halls ancl to partici pale in sluclent life on campus . Involvement in clubs and leacle11,hip opportunities i., strongly,ecl. For uncler gr.uluale stmlent.,, the Stuclent Senate ancl the Student Rela tions Board have clesiguatecl pnsi1inns which provide repre senlalional slalus for commulers. lnfonnation and se1vices for rnnnnuler sluclenls , including crnnmuler hostel hollsing,
dence hall rooms except in kitchen facilities. GRADUATE/NON-TRADITIONAL HOUSING
Single- and double-on:upancy rnnms are availahle for graduate students ancl for non-t,~ulitional (24 y.-.a11, ancl older) undergraduate students in snilMtyle moms in Stewart Hall. Re..,idents of gi.ulnale/ nnn-11acli1innal hrnLsing may <K:rnpy tl1eir rooms year rouncl. No meal plan is recp1irecl. Fom kitchens ai ·e available for tl1e exc:l1Lsive lL<e of this comnmniry. ON-CAMPUS APARTMENTS Two on-campus apartment hnildings are available for occupancy by Riola students. Two-llt'.dl'IK>m apartnit,nls may be renled by sini;le stnclrnts 21 yea11, of a!,;e or olcler. Ead1 apartmenl will be orrupiecl hy fom pe11,ons , rwn per htccl room. One-hedmon1 apartments designed ti,r <KTHpancy up to three persons , are available primarily !or marriecl stu dent,. Information on deposits and rental 1ales may I"' obtained from the Auxilia,y Se,vices O!lire.
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