are handled through the Student Affairs Division and the Department ofAuxiliary Se1vices. FOOD SERVICE Riola provides an excellent flxxl se1vice for aU snulenls. A wide variety ofentrees, sanclwidrt'S, soups, liesh liuit,, lm-..1cl, l1t'.Y erages, and ch.<ierts is offered. TI re food se1vit:e staffwill wo1k out individual programs for students with special dietaiy rec1uin, irenl'i or weight reduction prctr,un. pr~:iibed ½' a phr,ician. A variety of meal plans are av-.iilablt'.. All undergraduate students living in the residence halls art required In choose either a 10., 12-, 15- or 20-rneal plan; or a IO-, 12-, I.'>- or 20- 0ex-rneal plan. (Tire numbers indicated are meals per week.) A "flex" plan is 10, 12, 15 or 20 meals per week al Cale Biola, our dining room, plus "llex points" lo purchase acldirional meal, either at Cafe Biola, the Eagles' Nest, our on-campus coffee shop, or Common Grounds, our cotlee lumse. TI1ere is a 5-meal plai1 and a !>-llex-meal plan which are provided only for graduate students, commuter students, nr students who reside in the Binla apartments. Students who sign a meal-plan conlr.icl mwt infonn Aux iliary Seroic~ if they wish to caned their meal plan. They will be charged up lo the end of the week in which Auxiliaiy Ser vices is notified of the cancellation. DUPLICATING CENTER 1111: Biola Duplicating Center, located nn the McNally Carnplls, is av-.iilable lo students, stall; faculty and 1l1e puhlic. Tire duplicating center ha., high-speed duplicating e<p1ipme111 and can do a vaiiety, inducling tlrennal hincling, tahs, covelli, color copying, etc. Our prict'.s are generally hver than off-campus duplicating stores. There is also an aher-liours drop box located outside of tlie cluplicating center. BOOKSTORE TI1e Biola Bookstore is opm Mumby tl11rn11;li Saturday for the convenience of the students, faculty, staff aiul puhlic:. All required textbook.,, a, well as general lx:iok., and supplii-s, are available. Tire has a large selet:tion of (l11i,1ia11 lxx,k.s and offi:lli Bibles in a v-aritty of styb all(I bi11cli111,<s al suhstantial discounts. Biola insignia clothing and a Luge sehtion of g1ttl· ing canls, scl1ool supplii-s, don11-1nnm forninire/ acct>S.sorii-s, gili items and music. TI1e lx1okstnre wdcnnlt'S spe<:ial order~ via its ). mMY-BIOlA phone line. For a foe, Fax n=sagi-s may he sent or received at the and a quick-tumannrnd phnro development service is pruvitled. Aconvenience store (l<x:ate<I inside the contains a generous selection of soft drink.,, juices, yog1111.s, ice cream, snack., and cairdies. Dming school break., and vacations tl1e Bmk.,tnre ha., shn11ene<l hours. Plt2.'lt call (562) 00-1-4&'1:l for information. Computer Store Located within tl1e Bnol:.stnre, tire Binla C,111rpukr Store exists lo aitl sllKlenls with tlreir a<:ackmic pr<>!-,'1-aIILS. Tire Com puter Store offe1~ exceptional pricing on Apple Marintosli pnxl uct, thruugh a spe<:ial agreement with Apple Co111p11le1>, Inc. Designed lo llltt'.l tl1e academic co11u111111iry's nee<ls ti,r rnn1p111-
ers, software and acc~-sories, tire slmknt wiU find most of their computing need, conveniently met, al very competitive prices. Through agreements with Microsoft, Aldus, Adobe, Lotus, WonlPerlecl and orl1e1s, some soliware <:an be pun:ha.sed al one:, half In 011e:,-tl1inl the 11011-ai:ademic rate. Many titles ai-e kept in st,x:k. Feel litt In contact tL, alX1tll your software n=ls. Tire C',0111puler Store keeps clillerenl hon,~ than the, call alreacl (!'>li2) !I0~884 ai1d check nur hmu~. STUDENT HEALTH CENTER TI1e Student Health Center provides health se1vices for all 1-egi.ste1-ed students. Tire facility i., located directly aero~ from the library. Consultation witl1 a physician or a nurse are free, lut,\lever Iher-e i., a fte for medications or spe<:ilic treatments. Paym,mt i.i required at the time of tad, visit by caJh, dieck 11r credit mrd. SpotLSt>S ofenmUecl students are digihle lo tLse the Healtl1 c,,nkr liir a $20.!XJ foe, phLs additional costs for mdications or 1rea1111en1s. No clnltlnm mn he :.nm ur treated at tlie Hell/JI, (nuer. Otlice hmm ai·e a., follows: Monday rlmmgh F1iclay; 8:00 A.M. In !i:(XJ P.M. with nn lunch closing. Appointments are prele1Ted, hut walk-ins are wdcomecl. Summer sessions and lntertenn ollice hn111, are reduced . Please consult Health (:t,111er staff for specific hnm~ ofoperatinn. All students who take 7 units or more or those who live in a univer~iry facility are required In have c111Te111 health insur ance. Biola oiler~ a calastmphic acciden I and illness policy for those whn do not have an insurance plan. (',)sl of insur ance is subject In change. S111denls eurolled in intercolle:, giale s1k>rls will be charged a mandatory $1:,0.(X) premium r..1rh year, reganlless of nrher insurance cover.ige. O1l1er health re<p1iremenls include: Underf;Tadwi/cJ - Physical t'.Xam cn111plete<I all(I on tile at tl1e Heal1h Center ti,r all stucknts taking 7 units or n~11-e. Athletes 1111Lsl have a yt"..1rly pl1ysi1:al exa111 and EKG completed and on file al the Ht"..1hlr Ct'.nler prior lo slar1ing the sea.son or practice. Gradtlllk:J - No physical exam i.s required. A healtl1 hi.'1- lory must be ro111ple1ed. The form., are available through Graduate Admis.sinns or the Student Health C.enler. Plt"..1se check with the Health (:t,111er staff for other specific inlinmalion (!,(i2-!)0~H4 I) . CAMPUS SAFETY Binla's Depart111enl of Sakry has a genuine concern for the safrty ofindiviclual s111clenls a., well a., tl1e community as a wl1ole. Campus Safety's primary responsibility i., to protect all those inclividuals associaled with Binla University and their property, as wdl as tl1e property of the University itself Trainee! ollicers are nn clury 24 hmm a clay. TI re CamptLs Safety De1urt11lt'.nl ntlet~ special se1vices such a., a c:amptls esrnl1 service, a r.ipe prevention pmgram, bicycle 1-egis1tatio11 service and Operation ldentilication (e11g1aving of pe1,011al property li,r lk>sitive identifo:ation in case of theft) 1hrn11gho11t rlie year. Vdrick regi.,uarion , lratlic conlrnl, builcl ing senuiry, a.,sistann-: in medi,:al emergencies and unive1~ity ,wilrlrhoanl are additional se1vices lianclled hy this depart-
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