

ment Recognizing that a Oui,tian univt'.rsity is nor ext'.mpl from crimt: and danger, students are a.,ked to use common sense and caution in t'.Vety a.,pect of their activities. C'Jime stali..'i­ tics are available upon re<p1est at the Ollice nf C.1111p1t, Safety. Plea.,e rder to lht'. Camp1t, Safety Handbook for hirlllt'.r Information or call (:xi2) 903-4877. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES Riola believes 1hat students from varinm cuhures con­ tribute significanlly to the university com1111111ity. The diver­ sity that comes from their expetit'.UCt'., enhances our t'.UVirnn­ menl of faith and lt'.aming. Riola, for its parl, prnvidt'., ser­ vices that will help 1!1t intemalional studt'.nl lo acdimale Lo the university envirnnmtnt. Co111ac1 tht lnlt'.malinnal S1u­ den1 Division in Students Affairs for fur1l1er in!i1nna1ion. DISABLED SERVICES Wt1hin 1!1e Divi..,ion of S1udtnl Alfait~, 1l1e depar1111ents of Di..sahility Services and u-.aming Assi.,1anre work I< >);ell lt'.r lo p11>· vide personal a.,si.,lanct lo snulenls in netd nf their st1vices. 1l1i., as.,i.,tance may indtKle appt11Vtd ai::cnnunodali<HLS dfo:1ing cuniculum, transpm1alion, hmt,it1g aml reh,is1ral~111. For­ ing Di.,ahility Sup(X>r1, St'.t'. Ix.. 1111ing A,si.,1anre sec1i, 111. COUNSELING SERVICES Personal comt,dit1g ~rvices are av.i.ilaHe In it11m~lt'.d gr,11h~ alt and muleri,>Ja(lualt sn1clent, for a mndt'St ai:hninisuative lee. Imliwlual cou1tseling, gmup cmmseling, p1"<><'.ngagenw.111, pre­ marilal and 111ari1al co1111seling are available chuing lhe sd1ml year and sunmlt'.r 1110111lt, Gnmps fiij· special net'.lls, wmk.sholll< and seminai~ aie hdd 1lnougl111111 the y<"".ir. lnquit·ies may l1e mai:le it1 pttson al lhe lliola C,Mutseliug (:.Cnlt'.r or by pho11<' al t'.Xlension 4800. E.nw.ti;tncy servirt dming u, •n-dinic lu 1111~ ran be obtained tlunugh tl1e on call rn111tsek1r al (:,(i'./) <)(J¾~(Xl. CAREER SERVICES Are you concerned alrn11 your choice of major' Do you know how lo oh1ai11 a job or p111~ue g1ad11a1e sd1cx,l after you graduale? The amwer lo 1!1t".se <111es1ions can l)t'. found in Career Se1vices. Can:er Se1vices iurhuli-:s lhe following: Career Planning ■ Career lA>nnsding ■ Carter Tt'.sling (let recp1iml) ■ Carter Resnun:t Lil11aiy ■ Undecided Major A.ssistanrt ■ Career aml Lite Planning ■ Academic Advi.,ing Part-time Jobs, Internships and Experiential Education ■ Stucltnt tmploi~ni-:nt for ntl:.:ampusjohs ■ Jobs, internships or oll1tr expt'.tienre 1datecl to acaclemic major Fu/I-time Job Assistance ■ On-Campm Cuter Fair ti,llowed by mrnilJni-:nl forjobs and internships

■ Position announcemtnts, workshops,job and internship search a.,si.,tance

■ lnttrnt'.I links forjoh search Graduate School Assistance

■ Stniina1y, G1acl11ate ancl Ptukssional School Fair ■ lnti1r111ation nu mnsl gracluate prngr.u11, in 1!1e U.S. and Canada ■ G1adualt'. School Enllance Exam Preparation ■ GMAT, GRE, L.'iAT aiHI NCLEX txan1 prepaiation software ■ G1aduatt School ancl E111plo~11e111 Placemt:nt File Service WRITING CENTER The Writing (:t:nter i., a plact where students of all disci­ plini-:s and writing aliilities can cliscuss their writing with a IJainecl writing cnnsuhanl. Compultt,, computer programs (inducling out that leaches typing), and a la.ser printer are availalik ti,r slnclt'.111 1t,e in tl1e Wriling Ctnler, Sutherland Hall 21:l . Hdp is also availahli-: on BUBRS in the Writing Cenltr Confrri-:nct and liy li-:lephone: (5(i2) 903-4826. These se1victs are frte tn all Biola studtnts. LEARNING ASSISTANCE SERVICES I Col.Ii,~ Study Skill.i Clai;r.s I Tuloring Pml(lmm ■ ('nm/1uler Assistance ■ btdi11idw1l Academic Counseling and Adviiing I LeamingDiial,ility Suf1101t Proi;ram Ltarning Assistance Servicts pnwidts programs which a.s.sisl slll<lenls in litrnnung dkc1iw ancl inttntional leame1~ it1 order to n1eel the acadtniic de111ai1<ls of 1!1e University. Pre> g1~1m, olk1ecl lo thi-: undngraclualt population include: ■ Co/Ii,~ Study SkilJ.1 rnu,~e wi1h a foctt, primarily for newly acl1nittt:cl stuclt'.llts who would like to strengthen aradnnir skills. ■ Tutmiug /n·ogmm.1 pniviclecl for most Gene1al Eclucation rn111~i-:s and seb:lt'.cl Major emphasi., co111,es (a minimal let may hi-: 1ec111iml). ■ J\1,uintwh rom/1uter ti>r typing papet>. We also provide pro­ g1a111s to aicl in dtveloping typing skill, and improving w.icling skills. ■ Individual r1n.1web·ng and adviiing ■ A Su/1/1ort Pro/;fam Jar studmts with Learning Disabilities, inrlucling Colltge S1ucly Skills, counseling, advocacy, acronun<Klations ancl cai·etr a!.St'.s.s111ents. Note: Stud,mts with u,arning disa/,ilities which require s1JT1111 tldjustnumt in t/u,ir amrlcm,r firo/;'am, must /1rovide af,propriate dorunu,ntation 1~1;11rding that di.wbility so /1rovisions can be mntk to assist , a/1/1ro/niate accomnwdaticms. APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES Detailecl iuti,nualion n:ganling gritvances and appeal,, whtther in regard to schnla,~hips, acaclt111ic lite, lecleral leg­ i.,lation nr stucltnt c:nnclurl art ti11111cl in tht Student Hand­ lxx,k oftarl1 sd1nol. (',ipies are availablt upon rtqutst.


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