ment Recognizing that a Oui,tian univt'.rsity is nor ext'.mpl from crimt: and danger, students are a.,ked to use common sense and caution in t'.Vety a.,pect of their activities. C'Jime stali..'i tics are available upon re<p1est at the Ollice nf C.1111p1t, Safety. Plea.,e rder to lht'. Camp1t, Safety Handbook for hirlllt'.r Information or call (:xi2) 903-4877. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES Riola believes 1hat students from varinm cuhures con tribute significanlly to the university com1111111ity. The diver sity that comes from their expetit'.UCt'., enhances our t'.UVirnn menl of faith and lt'.aming. Riola, for its parl, prnvidt'., ser vices that will help 1!1t intemalional studt'.nl lo acdimale Lo the university envirnnmtnt. Co111ac1 tht lnlt'.malinnal S1u den1 Division in Students Affairs for fur1l1er in!i1nna1ion. DISABLED SERVICES Wt1hin 1!1e Divi..,ion of S1udtnl Alfait~, 1l1e depar1111ents of Di..sahility Services and u-.aming Assi.,1anre work I< >);ell lt'.r lo p11>· vide personal a.,si.,lanct lo snulenls in netd nf their st1vices. 1l1i., as.,i.,tance may indtKle appt11Vtd ai::cnnunodali<HLS dfo:1ing cuniculum, transpm1alion, hmt,it1g aml reh,is1ral~111. For ing Di.,ahility Sup(X>r1, St'.t'. Ix.. 1111ing A,si.,1anre sec1i, 111. COUNSELING SERVICES Personal comt,dit1g ~rvices are av.i.ilaHe In it11m~lt'.d gr,11h~ alt and muleri,>Ja(lualt sn1clent, for a mndt'St ai:hninisuative lee. Imliwlual cou1tseling, gmup cmmseling, p1"<><'.ngagenw.111, pre marilal and 111ari1al co1111seling are available chuing lhe sd1ml year and sunmlt'.r 1110111lt, Gnmps fiij· special net'.lls, wmk.sholll< and seminai~ aie hdd 1lnougl111111 the y<"".ir. lnquit·ies may l1e mai:le it1 pttson al lhe lliola C,Mutseliug (:.Cnlt'.r or by pho11<' al t'.Xlension 4800. E.nw.ti;tncy servirt dming u, •n-dinic lu 1111~ ran be obtained tlunugh tl1e on call rn111tsek1r al (:,(i'./) <)(J¾~(Xl. CAREER SERVICES Are you concerned alrn11 your choice of major' Do you know how lo oh1ai11 a job or p111~ue g1ad11a1e sd1cx,l after you graduale? The amwer lo 1!1t".se <111es1ions can l)t'. found in Career Se1vices. Can:er Se1vices iurhuli-:s lhe following: Career Planning ■ Career lA>nnsding ■ Carter Tt'.sling (let recp1iml) ■ Carter Resnun:t Lil11aiy ■ Undecided Major A.ssistanrt ■ Career aml Lite Planning ■ Academic Advi.,ing Part-time Jobs, Internships and Experiential Education ■ Stucltnt tmploi~ni-:nt for ntl:.:ampusjohs ■ Jobs, internships or oll1tr expt'.tienre 1datecl to acaclemic major Fu/I-time Job Assistance ■ On-Campm Cuter Fair ti,llowed by mrnilJni-:nl forjobs and internships
■ Position announcemtnts, workshops,job and internship search a.,si.,tance
■ lnttrnt'.I links forjoh search Graduate School Assistance
■ Stniina1y, G1acl11ate ancl Ptukssional School Fair ■ lnti1r111ation nu mnsl gracluate prngr.u11, in 1!1e U.S. and Canada ■ G1adualt'. School Enllance Exam Preparation ■ GMAT, GRE, L.'iAT aiHI NCLEX txan1 prepaiation software ■ G1aduatt School ancl E111plo~11e111 Placemt:nt File Service WRITING CENTER The Writing (:t:nter i., a plact where students of all disci plini-:s and writing aliilities can cliscuss their writing with a IJainecl writing cnnsuhanl. Compultt,, computer programs (inducling out that leaches typing), and a la.ser printer are availalik ti,r slnclt'.111 1t,e in tl1e Wriling Ctnler, Sutherland Hall 21:l . Hdp is also availahli-: on BUBRS in the Writing Cenltr Confrri-:nct and liy li-:lephone: (5(i2) 903-4826. These se1victs are frte tn all Biola studtnts. LEARNING ASSISTANCE SERVICES I Col.Ii,~ Study Skill.i Clai;r.s I Tuloring Pml(lmm ■ ('nm/1uler Assistance ■ btdi11idw1l Academic Counseling and Adviiing I LeamingDiial,ility Suf1101t Proi;ram Ltarning Assistance Servicts pnwidts programs which a.s.sisl slll<lenls in litrnnung dkc1iw ancl inttntional leame1~ it1 order to n1eel the acadtniic de111ai1<ls of 1!1e University. Pre> g1~1m, olk1ecl lo thi-: undngraclualt population include: ■ Co/Ii,~ Study SkilJ.1 rnu,~e wi1h a foctt, primarily for newly acl1nittt:cl stuclt'.llts who would like to strengthen aradnnir skills. ■ Tutmiug /n·ogmm.1 pniviclecl for most Gene1al Eclucation rn111~i-:s and seb:lt'.cl Major emphasi., co111,es (a minimal let may hi-: 1ec111iml). ■ J\1,uintwh rom/1uter ti>r typing papet>. We also provide pro g1a111s to aicl in dtveloping typing skill, and improving w.icling skills. ■ Individual r1n.1web·ng and adviiing ■ A Su/1/1ort Pro/;fam Jar studmts with Learning Disabilities, inrlucling Colltge S1ucly Skills, counseling, advocacy, acronun<Klations ancl cai·etr a!.St'.s.s111ents. Note: Stud,mts with u,arning disa/,ilities which require s1JT1111 tldjustnumt in t/u,ir amrlcm,r firo/;'am, must /1rovide af,propriate dorunu,ntation 1~1;11rding that di.wbility so /1rovisions can be mntk to assist , a/1/1ro/niate accomnwdaticms. APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES Detailecl iuti,nualion n:ganling gritvances and appeal,, whtther in regard to schnla,~hips, acaclt111ic lite, lecleral leg i.,lation nr stucltnt c:nnclurl art ti11111cl in tht Student Hand lxx,k oftarl1 sd1nol. (',ipies are availablt upon rtqutst.
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