BIOLA BAJA MARINE STUDIES (BAJA) Biola-Baja is a three-week lnte11e1m tide! trip to B~ja Cali fornia, Mexico, lo slmly the nalmal hi.,10Jy of the Baja penin sula. The prog1:im 1L,es the Vennilion Sea Field Station in Bahia de Los Alli;des on the Sea of Co11t-.z a, a ba,e of oper.} tions. S1uclenls receive three unit, of either general education science creclil (Bins 120 Cum:111 Topic~ - Plant ancl Animal Studies) or uppn division biology elective credit (Bios 333 Na1u1:il Hi.,101y of Baja California) Ly s1mlyi11i; the ,ystematics, di.,11ibu1ion, behavior and ecoklb'Y of common plant, and ani mals in a tide! sellini;. All empha,is i., placed on c!t-se1t eco~. Ob'Y, bird and whale mii;rations and na1111-.il r.-source managt>- 111e11L Enrollm.,nt is limited lo 20 s1ude111s who mmt be in good health and physical concli1io11. The trip lee cover.; tl1e cost of frxxl, campini;, boat me, field station rental and trarn1- por1a1io11. Fm additional i11fonna1io11 atul an application see Dr. Rafe Payne, Deparllllt'.111 of Biological Sciences. BIOLA IN CHINA (BC) Biola in China is an l11lerlen11 eclucalional program designed lo give Biola sluclenls a comprehensive introduc- 1io11 lo llkHlem Chinese socit'.IY, Parlicipanls 11:ivel lo China, usually via Honi; Kong , for a three-Wet'.k lour to histo1ic, archaeological and scenic sites. Lectures and cliscussions concemiug China's hi.,101ic development and emeri;ence a., a ualinn in the m,xlern world art'. an-.ini;ecl utilizini; Chinese proles."m a, lec1ure1~. Biola credit i., otlerecl for completion of the cnm,e recp1iremenls a,socialecl with the study tour. Pre-lom prepa1-.i1in11 sessions are held in the fall semester for participanls in il1e prni;i-.im. Second semester sophomore slamling and a preJ't'.<p1isi1e cou,~e in Asian hi.,1ory or C'J1i- 11ese society i., no1111ally required. for additional inlillmalion a11d applicatinm on the pmgrJrn see Dr. Donald E. Dougla,, Dean, Sd1n, ~ ofl111en:11h111:il Sn1di~. BIOLA ENGLAND SEMESTER (BES) Biola, in nx11x,1;i1ion with Rodiamplo11 lnslilule London olle1s il1e opprn11111ity for a fall se111t"Sler of snuly in the United Ki11gdo111. Roel1a111plo11 !11s1i1u1e i., cnm1x1sed of knir college_, - Digby S1ua11 (',illege, Froebe! l1L,titult' College, Sou1hlamL, Oilltcge , Whi1ela11cL, Colltcge - and i, atliliatecl with the Univer sity of Sumy Ii i., healed i11 Wimbledon, six nub southwest of tl1e ceult'.r of L,mlo11. Application and payment of tuition and Jl'xlln and 1,ianl are ma,k 1!11nugh Biola. The applicant 1111L,t he a _junior or senior slll(lenl with a :l .OGPA and musl be apprnved hy 1lw depa11nlt'.nl oflhe student's major, tl1e coonli nalor of ilw prog1~un, aml R, ,ehampion lnslilllte. S11ult'.11ls who are arrepled live in Rnd1amplou lnslilule l1ousing ancl lake :l or 4 rn1mes in the regular univei,ity cur rirnlnm. An additional rn111~e will )it, 1aui;h1 by a faculty 111e111her cbignalecl hy Binla and will be clesignecl for the Biola students. TI1<1St'. s1m!t'.111s majoring in hihlical studies, English, am! hi.,101y will tine! prog1-.ims which are mosl rde v.ml lo Biola 's llt'.ecls; however, cmmes could al,o he taken i11 olht'.r cliscipli11es. Because of 1l1e nalme of B1i1ish higher ed11ca1ion, sluclenl., are eX(lt'Clt'.cl lo lake il1eir courses in 110 mort'. 1ha11 two dq1ar1111e111s.
Initials in parenthtji.s represent tramcri/it cotUJ. BIOLA ISRAEL (IS)
Biola lsrad is designed for the seriom stmleul, crn1miittecl to 01rist and to building meaninghil relationships with oth ers. Students are not limitecl by academic major, personal background or professional goals. The program includes seven units of undergraduate credit. Study begins with a cam pus-based class during the spring semester, involving guest lecturers, special field llips, and a weekend work.,hnp. This is done in prepar.ition for the abroad tide! studies "nu-site" in the Holy Land during the tirsl session of summer school. With this combination, the Bible a, well a, the morning news paper comes alive a, one tJ.ic~ the roules of hihlical chat.ic ters in conjunction with modern events. While 11.iveling the length and breadth of the cou1111y, stuclents actually meet the people who live today around the ancient sites of Capnnau111, the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Joppa, Jericl10, Jerusalem, Ma,ada, the Dead Se.a, Beersheba, the place ofls1-.iel' s wilder ness wande1ings, Eilat, the Red St"..1 aucl many more. Co<lirected by biblical slmli~ profrssrn~ Ron Pierce ancl John Hutchison, this unique t1-.ivel-s1mly opponunity provides a thoroughly integrated learning expe1ience. In tlw rnm~e of stmly the central topic of '1s1:iel" is approached fm111 the varying perspectives of biblical s111<1ies, his101ical geog1-.iphy, intercultural studies, histmy (ancient and Uk1de111) and politi cal science. You will even sharpen your skills in in1erpe1~onal relationships (small group dynamics) ancl, al the same time, get into shape physically for some challenging l1ikes. With this in mind, the following combined sp1ing-su111111er nuTicn lum package was designed , wl1ich may he counted toward gr.iduation rec1uirenlt'nts in all clq.,•Tee pmg1am,. spring Seme.ster BB~T 4fi5 IS lnteg. Seminar: ls1-.iel/Midclle Ea.,1 :l units An apprcwed Physical Education da,s or individual conditioning pmgram First Summer Swian BB~T 311 IS Biblical Backgrouucl :l units PEED 110 IS PE Skills/ Tech: Coucli1ioniug 1 unit TI1ough seeking to keep costs a., low a, possihle, flt'1'nnal safety and quality eclucalion are our p1ima1y considerations. Becall~e tuition, fees , room, hoard, air am! land ex1x,nses are all included in a prog1.im package, it costs li11le more lo study abroad than taking the samt'. uni ls while living on cam pus during the regular sun1111er session. An infr>nnation brochure , a preliminary i1inera1y and application !i,1111 are available in the Biola-ls1:id otlice in Feinberg Hall. Applica tions are accepted, along with a clefk)sil, },egiuuiug Septem ber l.1 in the fall semester prior lo prerq;i.,11-.i1io11 for spring cla,ses. Acceptance is on a lii~l-n1111e ba,i., a, far a, the maxi mum cla,s size of 25 slucleuts allows. For forlher infonua tion, contact Dr. John Hutchison, Dr. Ron Pierre or the Bih lical Studies Deparlmenl.
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