The program gives the student the opportunity to experi ence the British lectun, and tutorial ~ystem first-hand, as wdl as enjoy the unique historical and cuhural environment nf London and the British Isles. Student, are given an mienta tion at Roehampton lit-Jore starting their tenn of study. The faculty member dt'.,ignated by Biola will mentor tl1e students while at Roehamptnn , providing counsel and guidance tl1rougho111 the semester. The students who parti cipate in the program are expected to abide by tl1e rnlt"., and regulations of Rod1amp ton Institute; in addition , they are expected to maintain Biola's code of conduct a, they would on the La Mirada cam pus. At tl1e encl of the semt'.,ter Rod1ampton Institute will forward tl1e student's transcript to Biola where it will be interpreted in light ofour Ame1ican grading ~ystem. Anyone wishing aclclitional inlimnation should apply to the Coordinator of the Roehamptnn Institute Year Ahmad Program in the Department nfEnglisl1. AU SABLE INSTIME OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (ASI) Biola Univeri;ity is a participating men1J..,r ofAu Sahle Insti tute, a Clui,tian environmental stewanl,hip institute, whose mission is to b1ing llt"..iling and wholen..,_, to the biosphen, and the whole of creation. In a setting of northern Michigan forests, wetlamls, lakes and 1ive11', students take rn111ses, gain lid<l expe1ience, and devdop p1actical tmls for envil'll111nental stewanl,hip. Several cmui;es ollenxl in tl1e s111mner and inter1• e1m may be ttsed for upper clivi.,ion elective units in the hiol<'h'Y major. Financial assistance is available from Au Sable . Interested students should obtain i11fi111nati1m and lium, from Dr. Rafe Payne, Department ofBinlogical Sciences. CHRISTIAN COLLEGE COALITION - OFF CAMPUS STUDY PROGRAMS The Coalition for Christian Collq;e.s and llnivtcrsities , a Washington, D.C.. based association of 110 rnlkges and uni versitit'., rooted in the arts and sciences, i., Nnrtl1 America's primary organization devoted specifically to serving and strengthening Cluist-{:entered higher education. TI1e Coali tion 's main limctions are to promote cooperation ancl inter action among colleges; provide opportunities for personal and proks.,ional grnwth for admini.,1rato1s, farnlty and stu dent,; monitor government and lq;al issues; and prnmote the.se institutions In the public. Beca1tse Binla University is a nwmllt'r of tl1e Coalition, th~ ses clive1i;e off-camp1t, study pl'llg1ams an, avJilable to juniws and seniors with a minimum G.P.A. of2.7!'i . For f'urthn inti,r mation regarding academic requirements, tinanrial anange ment, and sd1ed11le planning see the p111:.;ram director. American Studies Program (ASP) TI1e American Stuclies Program (ASP) i., a semester-long internship/ seminar pl'llgrarn for upper divi.,ion students in most majo11, . Located in Wa.,hington, D.C., the pm:.;ran1 offers a non-traditional , inler-disriplina1y, issue-oriented learning experience. Students gain on-the'.job experience through an internship in the tid,l of their d1oire an,I study cmrent nalional and international i.,sues in seminars lecl by
Washington policy expert,. ASP serve., a, Biola University's Wa,l1ington can1pm and students may eam up to 16 semes ter lm1111, of credit Iowa.rel their degree. By exploring public policy issues in the light of biblical trutl1 and working in internships which hdp prepare them for a future in tl1e mar ketplace, students gain insight and experience that can strengthen their ability to live and work in a biblically faithful way iu society and in their chosen tidd. For additional infor mation see tl1e Political Science section , or make inquiry with Dr. David Pete1i; in the Department of Political Science. Com/1011en1J Recommended credits Foundation for Public Involvement and Policy Analysi., 2 Dnmt'.,tic Policy* 3 International Policy* 3 Internship/ Practicum §. 16 *One unit of Jtudy welt JemeJler look.i al an economic im.u in titlu~ dcmll!Jlic /Jr international />tilicy. Latin American Studies Program (LAS) San Jose, Costa Rica is the selling for tl1e Coalition's Latin American Sluclies Proi;1am (LASP) . This semester abroad prog1an1 i., designed for students who are seeking to integrate their faith with knowledge and expe1ience in a third world context. LASP participants typically earn Hi credits toward their degree. Students live with Cent1al American families, engage in language das.,es and seminar comses, work on rnral service pmj<ccts am! uavd in C.enllal Ame1ica.. Each sp1ing semester LASP also offers a specialized track for science majn1s entitled 'Tinpical Science and S1t,tainability/ Environ- 111ental Studies." Pa11icipants na1111al science students branch off front the main LAS!' IK•ly for six weeks to ears six of tl1eir cn,dits iu natural sciences. Likewi.se, each fall the LASP offers a specialized flack for the SIIHlents majoring in b1t,iness. Entt tlecl "International BtLsiness: Management & Marketing" tl1i.~ program ditle1~ from tl1e core pmg1am by olli::1ing six credit~ strnrttued specifically !i)r business students. For additional infonnatinn and application, see Dr. David Dickson in the Department of Modem Languages, at least two semesters prior to your anticipated participation. Ccm1Jwnen/J Reccm1me11ded credits Spanish language fi Seminar I Cenllal American Histmy 3 Seminar II Faith & Practice in Latin America 3 Servin, pmjects/ Cenll~tl American Travel 1. lfi Fall: Business T1ack Seminar II lntematinnal Bminess: Management & Marketing 4 Internship 2 C:enllal American T1avd Spring: Nat111al Science T1ark Seminar II Tropical Science & Cl, 1hal Smtainability 4 Fidel Research 2 Cenual American uavd
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