eskcl slmlt'.nls. l11e Middle East S1udies Program encourages evani;dical Chrislians to relate to the Muslim world in an infonuecl and constrnctive manner. Fnr additional infonna linn and application, sei:, Dr. Marguerile Kraft, or make ill<p1i1y 1hmugh !ht'. Deparlment oflnlen:uhm-.il S1uclies. CumJl(numlJ Rec<mmumded mdit.i Ai.ihic Language 4 Semina1s: !'t'.opks and Cuhures of 1he Midcllt'. Easl 4 Islam in 1!1 t'. Modem World 4 Conllic1 and Cl1angt'. in 1he Middle Easl 1 lf, Russian Studies Program (RSP) S1udenls allending lht'. Russian S1udit'.s Proi.;1.im (RSP) spend a semesler s1uclying language, cuhure and hislmy of R11s.,ia as wdl as ClllTt'.111 political and economic i.,sues. In addi1ion lht'.y inlnacl wi1h !t'.aders in lht'. communi1y lo clt'.vdnp a l>eller undt'.1s1amling of conlempnra1y R11,sian soci t'.'Y and l1 r1,v, as Weslt'.lllt'.IS, lht'.y cai1 fi,sler more iuleraclion wi1h lht'. counuy. Two Wt'.dc, are spenl in Moscow and 10 weeks in Nizl111i Novgornd (fimnerly Go1ly) . The final lhree week., in Sr. 1't'.le1shuri; allnw s111dt'.nls lo live wilh a Russian family an<l lo t'Jqwrit'.ncr. Rmsian cuhurt'. tiis1-hand. Ase1vice projt'.cl during 1his st'.g111tcnl oflht'. pmg1.im givt'.s slll<lenls lhe npporluniry lo have a p1.ir1ical "ha1Hl, on" work ex1w1ience alongside Russian nalionals in a wide 1.ingt'. nf professional sellini;s. Inli>nnalion am! applicalious are av.iilable from Dr. Cl11is C:1-.ire in !he Rosemead Sd1ml of P~yd1olo1-,,y. ComJio111mlJ Rer<mm1e11Md mdilJ Russian language (i Semina1x Russian His101y and Cuhure 4 Pos1-Co111n1unisl Rmsian T1.insi1inn 4 Se1vin, Pn ,jr.cl 1 ](i OVERSEAS STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM The Inlnnalional S111dt'.nl Exchange Pmi.;1-.im provides Biola sludt'.nls wi1h 1he op1x)l'I\U1iry to slll(ly al a Cl11is1ian uni vr.1siry in Japan or Krn1ea. Presenlly, sludenls can slll<ly in Eng li.,h al Tokyo Cl11is1ian Unive1siry in Japan and al Ym1,ei Uni ve1siry am! Han Nam Unive1siry, or !hey can sll1Cly in Korean al .Jmn Ju Unive1siry or Seoul Wnmt'.n's Unive1siry, in Korea. S111<lenls can i;o for one nr two semt"..slr.1s if 1hr.y have fini.,hecl 1!1t'.ir tiisl year al Biola wi1!1 a GPA oflO or l1igher. For addi1ional inlimnalion and an applir.alion, conlacl lhe Dq1arl111t'.nl of!nkrnalional S111denl Educalinn. OTHER STUDY TOURS Along wi1h lhr.se rt'.gulady sd1r.ch1bl pmg1-.im,, 1here ari:, of'len oilier op1xll'lllni1ies for sin<½' alHI 11-.ivd. For iuslance, chning lht'. pasl kw yea1s Biola ha., s1x>11scm-,d a sununer Slll(ly lour in 1he li>mwr Sovie! Union. Also , Biola ,x:casionally 0Hi:1s s111denls the d1anre lo allend fi111eig11 unive1si1ies a., t'Xcl1ange sludenls. On <Kca.,ion, Slll(lr.nls ran apply for t'Xrhange pm· !,'l'JIILS al Y<>nsei Univt'.1si1y, Han Nam Univr.1siry,Jenn Ju Univer-
Los Angeles Film Studies Center (LAF) TI1e Los Angles Film Studies Center (lAFSC) has a senies ter-long internship/seminar program for upper division stu dent, who are intert'skcl in an introduction to the work and workings of the mainstream Hollywood film industry. Altl1ough not intended a, a substitute for film sd1ool, the IAFSC cuniculum is designed to t'-Xpose sl\Klenls lo !he ind1Ls, try, to tl1e many academic disciplines thal mighl be appmp1iale to it, and to cri tical tl1inking and rdleclion on whal ii nlt'.ans In be a Christian in tl1is field of endeavor. A, such, 1he cunin~ !um is balanced between courses of a tl1eort'.lical nalure all(! courses tl1at offer stu<lenls a HK)rt: applied intmduclinn to the world of film. Pa:rticipaling stuclenls may earn Hi semesler hours of credit which may be applied 10 a v.iriery of s111<len1 progran1S tluuugh co11,uha1inn wi1h an acaclemir advisor. For additional information and applicalion see Dr. Tom Nash, or make inquiiy through tl1e Depanmenl ofCnmmuniralinn. Cmnp1111n11J Reco"mumd,,d mdit.i Inside Hollywood: The Work and Working of tl1e Film Inch1,1ry :l Introduction to Filmmakini; :l Film in Culture: Explo1i11g a Chri.,1ia11 Perspeclive on lhe Nalure and inlluenre ofFilm 4 Inlemship (i Hi Oxford Summer School Program TI1e Oxford Sunnner Sdwol Program is a muhi-di.,ripl~ nary slucly of the hi.,1rny am! devdopmenl of Renai.s.sanre and Refonnation through exaniinalion of lhe philosophy, al'I, li1e1- a1ure, science, m11,ic, politic, and religion of 1hi., e1a. S1ude111s have tl1e opportuniry to study wi1h 1he faculry of ll1e Cenlre fi>r Medieval and Renaissance S1udies and lhe ll 11iversi 1y of Oxford. Lectures are nnnnally hdcl nn weekly mominh~, lea\' ing the aliemoon free for seminars, p1iv.i1e s111dy and expl<> ralion. Fidel llips lo places of11i.,1oriral in1pol'lanre s11rl1 as SI. Aug11,1ine's Abbey Ca111erln11y n11ht'.d1al, S11.11fonl-on-Avo11 , and Hampton Court provide an up-dose np1x>rl\111i1y lo exper~ ence tl1e cuhur.il 1idmess nf England. Unlik" !ht'. Crnli1io11- sponsored program.,, creclils al lhe Oxfil('(l Sum111er Sd1nol Program are generaled clirt'.t:lly al !he llnive11,iry nfOx!i,nl. umip1111n11.1 /v.c<mmumMd mdit.i Lecture course :l Seminar ~i (,-<) (The Oxford Summer School iJ II Co11litio11-11ffili11tr.d, not C.oalition-Jponj()rd prO?Jam.) Middle East Studies Program (MES) TI1e Middle East S1udi"s Pmg1.im (MESP) in Caim, Eh')'pl, provides sludenL, wi1h the opporluniry In sin<~' lhe rnhmt'.s, religions and conllicls wi1hin 1hi., diverse and slralegir region . Studenls from Chiislian colkgt'-' parliripale in inlnclisripli naiy seminar classt'-', receive Ai-.ihir languagt'. inslrnrlion and serve a, inlems wilh vaiim1, organizalinns in Cairo. Parlir~ panl, spend two weeks lr.ivding In Is1-.id, including 1i111t'. in the We.~t Bank. Adcli1innal lidd 11ips are availahle for inler-
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